How to prepare the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, and hands for summer using biorevitalization

The modern cosmetology field has a whole range of methods for eliminating various aesthetic imperfections. Among the most popular procedures that can significantly improve the condition of the skin and achieve a lasting rejuvenation effect are peeling and biorevitalization. Next, we’ll figure out how they work, and whether it’s possible to do this type of facial treatment together.

What is biorevitalization

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that our body produces on its own. It is part of the skin, participating in the processes of its nutrition, hydration and restoration. But with age, the body’s synthesis of hyaluronic acid slows down, the skin becomes flabby, and wrinkles appear.

External factors also negatively affect the process of hyaluronic acid production. Ultraviolet light can stop its synthesis in tissues and accelerate its decay. Artificial injection of hyaluronic acid under the skin can restore beauty and prolong youth.

So, biorevitalization is the process of artificially saturating the skin with hyaluronic acid. There are various methods of administering the drug. Based on this, the following types are distinguished:

  • injection. The drug is injected under the skin with special syringes with very thin needles that leave virtually no traces;
  • laser. The product is applied to prepared skin, and then the surface of the face is treated with a special cosmetic laser;
  • fractional. In this procedure, hyaluronic acid is delivered through multiple injections, but the product itself is simply applied to the skin. Fractional biorevitalization is performed with a special instrument that looks like a thick pen. It has a large number of thin needles, allowing you to make many punctures at a time to a depth of 0.5 m to 2 mm. The depth of drug administration depends on the site of exposure;
  • oxygen. This type of procedure requires the use of special equipment and preparations containing not only hyaluronic acid, but also compounds that slow down its breakdown. Delivery of active substances to the inner layers of the skin is carried out with oxygen supplied under pressure through a special nozzle;
  • iontophoresis. Delivery of low molecular weight hyaluron to the deep layers of the skin is carried out due to the difference in ion charges.

All of the above methods can be divided into two groups: injection and non-injection. In the first case, the drug is injected under the skin using a syringe. This way, hyaluronic acid is delivered to a greater depth, but the skin is injured to a greater extent. Hardware methods are more gentle, but the active substances reach only the surface layers of the skin.

The choice of a specific method depends on various factors, including skin condition, individual characteristics, etc. Exact recommendations can be obtained from a qualified cosmetologist at the VIRTUSCLINIC Center for Aesthetic Cosmetology.

The cosmetology clinic offers you the following procedures:

  • body mesotherapy;
  • biorevitalization of hands;
  • mesotherapy;
  • botulinum therapy;
  • lip shape correction;
  • etc.

Injection biorevitalization

Despite the fact that all of the above methods are in demand, the most popular procedure offered in the clinic is the injection of hyaluronic acid. This can be explained by the following advantages:

1. The rejuvenating cocktail is administered more precisely, that is, the deep layers of the problem area are exposed. With hardware procedures, a larger area is covered, and the drug is not administered so deeply.

2. You can solve several problems at the same time. The face will not only become fresh and rested - after the “beauty injections”, deep expression wrinkles will disappear or become smaller.

3. Long lasting effect. Hardware revitalization methods allow you to see the effect almost immediately after the procedure, but it noticeably weakens after 2–3 weeks. The result of the injections is visible only the next day, but the need for a repeat procedure will arise no earlier than in a month.

4. Speed ​​of execution. The patient will spend about 30 minutes in the doctor’s office, but the process of introducing the nutritional cocktail under the skin will take 10–15 minutes, depending on the desired result. The rest of the time will be required for skin preparation and anesthesia.

The procedure itself does not cause severe pain, but it cannot be called pleasant either. Therefore, before introducing hyaluronic acid, an anesthetic cream is used, which makes the manipulation as comfortable as possible.

Despite a lot of advantages, injection biorevitalization also has a number of disadvantages. These include the need for rehabilitation after the procedure. The cosmetologist uses special syringes with very thin needles, but they still leave microtraumas on the skin. As a result, swelling occurs, bruising and redness may appear. But they will pass very quickly.

Hardware techniques and injections of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is an important element of the extracellular matrix, which ensures the healthy state of the dermis. Hyaluronic acid injections increase the volume of the dermis. Hardware cosmetology methods stimulate the body to produce collagen and elastin. That is, laser technologies provide rejuvenation at the cellular level. The combined effect of the two procedures triggers natural skin lifting. If the skin has become loose, then first you need to tighten the stretched ligaments. Ultrasound and laser technologies do an excellent job of this. And the result already obtained should be corrected with the help of injections.

In some cases, on the contrary, injection therapy is performed first. Before laser procedures, biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is performed. The target for laser action is water, so lifting after the hardware procedure will be more pronounced. Injections also speed up rehabilitation after traumatic techniques, for example, after laser exposure at maximum parameters. Several studies have been conducted that have shown that the effect of comprehensive rejuvenation can be achieved by combining hyaluronic acid injections with RF therapy. It is allowed to carry out two procedures during one visit to a cosmetologist. In one comparative study, participants had their nasolabial folds removed. On one side, an injection was injected into the skin. On the other hand, the skin was first heated with a high-frequency electromagnetic field, and then an injection of hyaluronic acid was administered.

The result is indicative: the folds smoothed out more on the side that received comprehensive rejuvenation. In addition, after two treatments, the treated area of ​​skin became lighter than the skin that received only the injection. The second result means that active neocollagenesis occurred in the dermis, since the collagen fibers are white.

It is also important to consider the area that needs to be adjusted. If you need to remove excess skin in the lower third of the face (chin, neck area), then hardware techniques will help. And if there is a need to add volume to the upper third, devices alone will not do. Correction of the cheekbone area with fillers will be required.

Features of preparation and conduct

“Beauty injections” with hyaluronic acid are usually recommended for women over 35 years of age. But biorevitalization can also be useful for girls who want to restore their skin after winter. The active substances of the drugs not only fight aging, they stimulate the body’s own production of hyaluronic acid, but also help normalize hydration processes in the dermis.

Contraindications to the procedure are infectious and chronic diseases that have entered the acute phase, as well as violation of the integrity of the skin in the intended area of ​​influence.

Doctors do not advise women who are preparing to become mothers or are breastfeeding to perform biorevitalization. Such limitations are due to the fact that today there is no data on how hyaluronic acid behaves in the body of a woman with altered hormonal levels. In other cases, biorevitalization can be carried out after a short preparatory period.

Approximately two to three days before the procedure, you must stop taking blood thinning medications and do not drink alcohol. You should also not visit a solarium before the procedure.

Biorevitalization is carried out by a cosmetologist with appropriate education in an office setting. The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • skin cleansing. The affected area should be as clean as possible from dirt, cosmetics and makeup. If this stage is not given due attention, then unforeseen complications may arise in the form of inflammatory processes;
  • anesthesia. As mentioned above, injections are carried out using numbing creams. These products are applied to the skin, left for a certain time, and then removed. As a result, the procedure becomes completely painless;
  • administration of the drug. The doctor injects the drug precisely into areas that need restoration;
  • recovery. After injections, procedures are carried out to reduce swelling and redness.

Although biorevitalization is slightly traumatic, the skin still needs to be restored after it. This process lasts about a day, so immediately after the procedure you should not use aggressive cosmetics or apply makeup.

It is necessary to avoid visiting the sauna, solarium and swimming pool.

There are dietary restrictions: you cannot eat spicy, fatty, salty foods or alcohol.

The doctor will definitely give more precise recommendations after the procedure.

Peeling protocol

  1. Cleanse your facial skin with CLEANSER MOUSSE. This is an excellent cleanser for any skin type. The proteolytic enzymes included in its composition have a keratolytic and antibacterial effect, help remove sebum and the stratum corneum from the surface of the skin and thereby facilitate the penetration of the peeling composition into the dermis. 20 seconds after application, rinse off the product with water using light massage movements. Dry the skin.
  2. We degrease the skin with 96% ethyl alcohol.
  3. Apply BLOCK AGE PEEL CREAM retinoic peeling evenly and thoroughly onto the skin of the face, including the eyelids and neck. Rub the peeling composition into the skin for 10 minutes and leave for 8 hours. (The exposure time of the peeling composition varies from 6 to 10 hours: the rougher and less sensitive the skin, the more pronounced hyperkeratosis and signs of aging, the longer the exposure time.) It is necessary to warn the patient that during exposure to the peeling composition, a slight tingling may be subjectively observed, and objectively - slight pastiness/swelling of the skin, increasing pronounced erythema.
  4. After 8 hours, wash off the peeling composition with soap and water (the patient can do this independently) and apply VEGEFARMA CREAM MCP post-peeling cream to the skin. This cream contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (linolenic, oleic, palmitoleic), as well as a set of amino acids (arginine, lysine, glycine, proline). VEGEFARMA CREAM MCP post-peeling cream restores the hydrolipidic barrier.
  5. For 15 days, apply MEDISCREEN SPF 85 MedicControlPeel sunscreen in the morning. As a result of the procedures performed, a decrease in periorbital and perioral wrinkles and a decrease in the severity of age spots are noted. Subjectively, the patient notes skin tightening, general hydration and rejuvenation.

The process of biorevitalization of the skin with hyaluronic acid preparations is a fundamental stage in the fight against chronoaging of the skin, and the combination of this procedure with peeling makes it possible to obtain maximum rejuvenating results in a minimum number of procedures.

What is the difference between biorevitalization and contour plastic surgery?

Hyaluronic acid is included in many “beauty injections”. In addition to biorevitalization, such products are used during contouring and mesotherapy. These procedures have a number of significant differences.

The method of performing contour plastic surgery has much in common with the method of performing biorevitalization. Both of these procedures are injections and are performed in an office setting with preliminary anesthesia.

The main difference between these manipulations is the drugs used, which allows you to achieve different results. For contour plastic surgery, dense fillers with a gel-like structure are used. Their task is to fill voids and gaps under the skin to form a new contour. Biorevitalization is carried out with more liquid preparations that nourish all layers of the dermis and affect internal processes.

Mesotherapy also requires the use of injections, but the indications for this procedure are different. If biorevitalization allows you to restore the skin and improve its hydration process, then mesotherapy is necessary to enrich the skin with vitamins, for example, vitamin C to whiten the skin and stimulate the functioning of its cells.

Indications for biorevitalization are excessive dry skin, the appearance of wrinkles and photoaging. But this procedure can also be used to prevent the development of the problems described above.

Before going to the sea and after returning, you should do 1-2 procedures. The skin will be prepared for exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and it will not be afraid of the negative effects of photoaging.

Results of combined application of techniques

By alternating biorevitalization and peelings in the shortest possible time (compared to monotherapy), you can achieve:

  • Eliminate dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • Increasing skin density, smoothness and elasticity;
  • Elimination of wrinkles and age spots;
  • Improves facial skin color and tone.

These results are achieved by removing dead epidermal cells, improving cellular respiration, creating a favorable environment for fibroblasts and stimulating them to produce new collagen fibers.

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