Taking care of the skin around the eyes: the best anti-wrinkle cream according to FAN

Every woman knows that it is necessary to take care of her skin from a young age. Smooth skin and a healthy complexion decide a lot. Unfortunately, many women neglect products for caring for the area around the eyes, considering it just a marketing ploy. However, this is not at all true. Cosmetologists unanimously recommend not to give up cream against wrinkles around the eyes.

Why this is important and which cream to choose is discussed in this article. At the end you will find a rating of the best remedies for wrinkles around the eyes according to FAN .


Causes of wrinkles around the eyes

The appearance of wrinkles is caused not only by general age-related changes. The main reasons for the deterioration of the quality of the skin around the eyes are:

  • Active facial expressions. We blink, squint, open our eyes wide. Our face is “working” all the time. In fact, you can sit down and rest your legs or lie down to relax your back and lower back. There are many exercises for relaxing your hands and fingers (students who have to write a lot know this very well). But it is quite difficult to relax your face. Hence the expression wrinkles, such as crow's feet. It’s very easy to see them: just smile at yourself in the mirror.
  • Bright sunlight and active UV radiation are harmful to both eye and skin health. That is why it is recommended to wear sunglasses even on clear winter days, when there is no active radiation, but bright light makes us squint and so on.
  • Don't forget about the banal force of gravity. It's no secret that with age, the face literally droops. The tone decreases, elasticity decreases, the facial muscles do not work as actively.
  • Another problem that is familiar to every woman is swelling. The liquid, stagnating in the periorbital zone, stretches the skin. The upper eyelid thus falls over the eye, and those same hated bags under the eyes appear below.

Why take care of your eyes?

The structure of the eyelids contains meibomian glands. They produce fats that perform important functions:

  • Slow down the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  • During sleep, the eyelids are hermetically connected to each other, preventing the mucous membrane from drying out.
  • They create an optical surface for normal image perception.
  • Prevents contamination of tear fluid.

In the absence of hygiene, the eyelid glands become clogged and dirty. Lipid production is disrupted. This leads to rapid evaporation of moisture from the mucous membrane of the eyes and its drying out. Symptoms such as dryness, redness, pain, and a feeling of sand in the eyes occur. The tear film provides less protection against contamination. The concentration of salts in its composition increases, which provokes the development of blepharitis - inflammatory diseases of the eyelids.

Cleansing the eyelids from harmful environmental factors and infectious agents is the prevention of dry eye syndrome and blepharitis. You need to take care of your eyes in order to maintain their health, function and performance for a long time.

Poorly washed off cosmetics cause discomfort and inflammation, resulting in decreased performance. Cleanser may get into your eyes, causing pain, irritation, and photosensitivity. A product that dries out the skin of the eyelids leads to redness, a gritty feeling in the eyes and can also reduce performance.

Dust particles blown by the wind outside can damage the membranes of the eyes. This makes them vulnerable to infectious diseases.

Due to severe dry eye syndrome, workers may be sent on sick leave to recover and at the same time reduce digital eye strain. Reducing work with gadgets not only reduces the strain on vision, but also increases blinking, tear fluid is formed in sufficient quantities, discomfort, pain and dry eyes go away.

Massaging the eyelids will help remove stagnant meibomian gland secretions. Regular massage normalizes the production of lipids by the glands and, as a result, moisturizes the mucous membrane.

Factors influencing the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes

What you should first pay attention to in order to reduce the likelihood of wrinkles under the eyes, improve the quality of the skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles and swelling:

  • Diet: salt and sugar retain liquid well. Therefore, it is better to avoid sweets or salty foods at night. Also, do not drink a lot of water at night. While we sleep, water is not removed from the body, which is easy to see by looking in the mirror in the morning.
  • Sleep pattern: frequent lack of sleep or sleeping in an uncomfortable position also affects the face. You need to sleep in a cool room with adequate ventilation. A good hard mattress and a properly selected pillow will reduce the likelihood of swelling and the “bruised” effect on your face in the morning.
  • Bad habits: do not require much comment. Let us only note that alcohol greatly dehydrates the body. Even when drinking alcohol in moderation, you need to understand that the body will then take the necessary water from the internal organs and skin cells. In the morning there is a feeling of tightness and tension. If you happen to drink alcohol, be in moderation and be sure to drink clean, still water at the same time.
  • Frequent air travel. Those who are constantly on business trips are more familiar with the problem than anyone else. The fact is that the body becomes very dehydrated during the flight, a feeling of dryness, tightness, as well as “bags” under the eyes appears. Therefore, the main recommendation is to drink more water. It is advisable not to load yourself with food during the flight. Be patient a little and, upon landing, you will be able to eat comfortably and profitably. And, of course, you should not drink alcohol before or during the flight. This will only aggravate the stress experienced by the body, in particular the skin.
  • Allergic reactions, infectious and other diseases. Redness around the eyes, dryness, flaking and swelling are not necessarily caused by age and lifestyle alone. Such manifestations may be a sign of an allergy or other disease, which requires consultation with a doctor (generalist, allergist, endocrinologist).


Microneedle patches for dark circles under the eyes BLÓM Dark Circle Eraser

Microneedle patches for dark circles under the eyes BLÓM Dark Circle Eraser Thanks to the microneedles that cover the entire surface of the Dark Circle Eraser patches, hyaluronic and succinic acids penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, which act in several directions at once: they improve skin microcirculation, accelerate metabolism, even out the microrelief, moisturize and strengthen barrier functions. To enhance the effect of the patches, while they are glued to the face (25 minutes), they should be pressed every 3-5 minutes.

How to prevent wrinkles around the eyes

There is no universal remedy here. A whole range of measures will help you avoid wrinkles or improve the quality of your skin.

  • First, review your lifestyle and analyze your diet: drink more water, keep a balance in your diet.
  • Make sure you sleep comfortably. In the morning you should feel fresh and rested.
  • Get into the habit of taking breaks if you work on the computer a lot. Do eye exercises; examples of exercises are easy to find on the Internet.
  • Rule out health problems. You may need to undergo some tests (after consulting your doctor).

Once you are sure that there are no health problems, contact an experienced cosmetologist. He will analyze the condition of your skin and tell you which procedures are recommended for you personally. This could be a facial massage or other cosmetic procedures.

The cosmetologist will also help you choose cosmetics for daily care. And exactly those that work in the eye area.

How do eye wrinkle treatments work?

The area around the eyes has a number of features. The layer of epidermis in this area is thin and delicate. There are few sweat and sebaceous glands, and subcutaneous fat is thin. Due to the reduced amount of collagen and elastin, skin tone decreases faster.

Therefore, you need to choose products that are specially designed for this part of the face and approved, firstly, by dermatologists, and secondly, by ophthalmologists. We emphasize: even the best face cream cannot be used to care for the area around the eyes.

Cosmetics for caring for the area around the eyes can be very different. Gels tend to focus on hydration. They are convenient to use in hot weather. The gel is well absorbed, leaves no residue, and does not make the skin oily.

Serums work specifically, correcting and smoothing out wrinkles. As a rule, the serum is applied under the cream.

Actually, anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes is your main assistant in the fight for beautiful and smooth skin.


The best professional (premium) eye creams

ARAVIA Professional Peptide Complex Cream Care Cream

  • An effective domestic product for professionals
  • Country Russia
  • Price: 690 RUR
  • Age: 35+
  • Rating (2021): 5.5

The Russian manufacturer offers a professional, effective eye skin care product. A rich composition of herbal ingredients of various natures (grape seed oil, shea butter, peach oil), ginseng extract, combined with peptides and collagen gives a quick regenerating effect.

  • Advantages
      Inexpensive product
  • Enriched with a complex of plant-based ingredients
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Disadvantages High price
  • Premium yeux La creme anti-age absolu for eye contour

    • The best professional product
    • Country: France
    • Price: 3202 RUR
    • Age: 35+
    • Rating (2021): 6.8

    An important feature of the product is its effectiveness on problem skin. The combination of biopeptides and hyaluronic acid is an important tandem that increases the activity of the product. Helps well against bruises and bags under the eyes.

    • Advantages
        High efficiency
    • Ease of application
  • Disadvantages High price
  • At what age should you start using eye wrinkle cream?

    Cosmetologists are unanimous in their opinion: it is best to do this from the age of 20–25. The issue of wrinkles at this age is not yet relevant, but in order to prevent their early appearance, it is worth taking care of moisturizing and preventing photoaging (control of UV radiation).

    Starting at the age of 30, you will have to deal with facial wrinkles, dark circles and swelling. At 40 years old, you need lifting, nutrition and definitely hydration. After 50, the skin will need comprehensive protection, prevention and correction.

    Among the active ingredients of anti-wrinkle products in the eye area:

    • Hyaluronic acid and glycerin. The first attracts water molecules and holds them in the skin. Glycerin forms a protective film, preventing dryness.
    • Aloe extract slows down cell destruction and helps produce hyaluronic acid and collagen.
    • Resveratrol is an effective antioxidant found in grape seeds and protects against harmful environmental influences.
    • Vitamins C and E are also antioxidants. Promote the regeneration of skin cells, saturate with oxygen.
    • Beta-carotene protects against UV radiation, prevents excessive pigmentation, and prevents photoaging.
    • Polyphenols are a powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial component.
    • Squalane is an oil that is found both in the human body and in some products (olive oil, rice bran, wheat germ, etc.).

    Skin care at different ages

    We change with age in everything: externally, intellectually, emotionally. And our skin also changes with each age, requiring a completely different approach to self-care. This also applies to creams - it’s not for nothing that they are marked by age, and to cosmetic procedures. A good cosmetologist himself will warn that some procedures should not be done at the age of 20, and some are already useless at 50. With the help of cosmetologist-dermatologist of the Euromed clinic Svetlana Mikhailovna Alexandrova, we figure out at what age which cosmetological procedures are most effective.

    Up to 25 years

    At this wonderful age, the skin is still fresh and young. If there are no specific problems (acne, post-acne, rosacea, etc.), caring for young skin is quite simple. All your actions now, in fact, should be aimed at maximizing the preservation of the existing skin condition and preventing age-related changes.

    The main thing at a young age: proper cleansing, moisturizing and sun protection.

    It is important to cleanse the skin daily: morning and evening, using non-aggressive detergents. Once a week, you can perform more intensive cleansing (peeling, gommage) and make an active cleansing or moisturizing mask according to your skin type.

    If you have skin problems, it is better to solve them as quickly as possible - this way you will not allow complications to develop.

    If you are suffering from acne, consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist - the doctor will select a treatment, perform cleansing and recommend anti-inflammatory, cleansing, and drying agents.

    If you have post-acne, a cosmetologist will help remove marks from the skin by conducting a series of peels or performing laser resurfacing.

    From 25 to 35 years

    Let’s make a reservation right away that this age period is called very arbitrarily. There is no clear boundary, and for some, the first signs of age-related skin changes appear earlier, for others later. But around this period, our skin begins to need more serious care and some effort is already required to maintain its radiant appearance.

    After 25 years, the level of skin moisture decreases, the barrier functions of the epidermis deteriorate, skin turgor and elasticity decrease, and the ability for physiological recovery decreases. The skin becomes more sensitive to stressful moments - if at the age of 18 you could not wash off your makeup, spend the night in a smoky room, and the next morning you were fresh and beautiful, then after 30 years all the night vigils and the lack of regular care are already visible to the naked eye.

    At this age, the skin needs nutrition, hydration and skin stimulation programs, such as mesotherapy and biorevitalization. Mesotherapy with multivitamin cocktails, microelements and hyaluronic acid truly works wonders. These microinjections effectively restore the skin's moisture balance and increase its elasticity. Thanks to the procedure, problems associated with excessive oily skin are solved, the condition of small blood vessels is improved, and atonic, flaccid skin is tightened. Biorevitalization is an injection technique that allows you to restore tone, elasticity and color of the skin. Thanks to this procedure, complexion improves, wrinkles decrease, age spots and spider veins disappear. The essence of the procedure is that low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is introduced, which stimulates self-healing of the skin. The drug forms an elastic mesh in the skin, which attracts moisture and promotes the formation of its own hyaluronic acid.

    Professional care programs will help support the results of biorevitalization: moisturizing, lightening, nutrition, lifting, rejuvenation, treatment of problem skin.

    Also, after 25 years, the first wrinkles usually appear - in the forehead, bridge of the nose, around the eyes and lips. As you know, the best way to combat and prevent wrinkles on the face is botulinum toxin injections. The essence of the drug’s action is that it blocks excessive activity of the facial muscles (while normal facial expressions are preserved), and the skin stops constantly breaking in the same places and can recover. Unfortunately, this method will not help with deep wrinkles - therefore, it is recommended to start injections at the very first appearance of wrinkles.

    A separate category of procedures that it makes sense to start at this age are hardware ones. Hardware cosmetology is modern progressive methods and procedures. In combination, they not only improve the appearance of the skin, but also stimulate blood circulation, enhance lymphatic drainage, and improve cell nutrition. Microcurrents, ultrasonic cleansing, phonophoresis, myostimulation, d'arsonval are well-known procedures that help reduce swelling under the eyes, strengthen the muscular frame of the face, improve blood supply and lymphatic drainage, increase metabolism, and prevent the development of wrinkles.

    In essence, with proper skin care and a harmonious lifestyle, at 35 you can look the same as you did at 20-25. The first signs of aging, which so easily mark a woman over 30, may not appear on your face for a very, very long time.

    After 35 years

    35 years is such a conditional watershed; it is this age among experts that is considered to be the beginning of the appearance of the first true signs of age: pronounced wrinkles, changes in the oval of the face (gravitational changes), a persistent decrease in skin elasticity, a decrease in the natural ability to retain moisture and produce collagen.

    If you were actively taking care of yourself before this age, then the first signs of aging will appear much later. If earlier it seemed to you that “everything is fine as it is,” then now there is nowhere else to put it off - urgently start working on yourself!

    The most important thing that affects our appearance is our lifestyle.

    In order to look good, it is important to get enough sleep, be less nervous, eat a balanced healthy diet with a sufficient content of vitamins, microelements, fiber, fats (yes, strange as it may sound, but for good skin condition you need to consume at least 15 g of fats per day) . Be sure to take vitamins, omega-3, omega-6 (polyunsaturated fatty acids). Stop smoking (if you still smoke) - now every cigarette provokes wrinkles and folds around the mouth and thinning and dry skin.

    Cosmetic procedures at this age include programs of deep hydration, nutrition, active mineralization, face and body lifting, as well as anti-stress therapy and relaxation.

    After 35 years, it makes sense to actively and regularly visit a cosmetologist and apply programs aimed at combating age-related changes: chemical peels, injection techniques, the use of fillers and contouring, installation of mesothreads, as well as hardware and laser procedures. All this must be combined with regular competent home care, which your cosmetologist will help you choose.

    The most popular procedures aimed at restoring youthful skin

    Fractional photothermolysis

    This laser procedure is the most modern word in rejuvenation.

    It can be performed on any area of ​​the face (including the eyes and lips) and body, with any skin color and is effective at any age. The laser allows you to renew the entire collagen-elastin framework of the skin. As a result of exposure to a fractional laser, a large number of so-called treatment zones are formed in the skin, in which new young tissue is rapidly formed, and cells located near the treatment zones are also involved in this process and are actively renewed. Thus, skin remodeling processes occur both in the superficial and deepest layers, which makes it possible to rejuvenate the skin to its entire thickness. The skin texture is evened out, it acquires a smooth and even appearance, and the newly formed collagen-elastin framework gives the skin density and elasticity.

    During the procedure, the skin is dehydrated, so in order to get a pronounced rejuvenation effect, it is important to properly prepare for the procedure and help the skin recover after: nourish and moisturize as much as possible using injections (biorevitalization, mesotherapy).

    Laser procedures are recommended to be performed in the autumn-winter period, when the sun is least active, since after fractional photothermolysis the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation increases.

    RF lifting

    RF lifting (radio lifting) is based on high frequency currents, which ensure uniform heating of the skin layers without affecting the epidermis. RF lifting involves uniform heating of the layers of the dermis and subcutaneous fat. Due to this, all processes occurring in the skin are stimulated, and most importantly, the active production of collagen and elastin begins. As a result of the procedure, the oval of the face becomes much clearer, the entire lower third of the face is tightened, and nasolabial folds disappear. RF lifting also works very effectively in the area around the eyes: it removes puffiness and fine wrinkles. The procedure is performed on both the face and body. When carrying out an RF body lifting procedure, it is very good to combine it with LPG massage. The latter relieves swelling after radiolifting, improves metabolic processes, promotes lymphatic drainage and gets rid of cellulite and excess weight.

    Subcutaneous injection of threads made of suture material (mesothreads)

    Implantation of threads made from polydioxanone suture material is a minimally invasive rejuvenation technique. The cosmetologist inserts a special flexible needle with thread at the level of zones of maximum mobility of the face and stretch lines of the skin, subcutaneously at the level of fatty tissue, the latter remains in the tissue. Enhanced collagen production begins around the thread, which leads to the creation of a new skin framework and provides a lifting effect, eliminates ptosis (sagging tissue) of the face and body and eliminates fine wrinkles. Mesothreads essentially allow you to create a frame that will not allow the oval to blur, sagging cheeks, eyelids, chin, etc.

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