Cream Zorka. Instructions for use for people with cracked heels, varicose veins, psoriasis, heel spurs, dermatitis, eczema, hemorrhoids

Various medications are used to treat various skin ailments. One of them is Zorka cream with floralizin. Reviews from doctors indicate the benefits of this product. Moreover, it is used not only for veterinary purposes, but also for cosmetic ones. Many women note the effectiveness of the product for human skin.

The cream is a domestic product with unusual packaging and original composition. The product is released. This product is universal and can be used for different skin types. Initially, it was not produced for people.

Features of the medicinal product

Initially, Zorka cream was intended for the treatment of skin diseases in animals, and was also used for milking cows. It helps well for healing cracks in the udder, bites of various insects, and can be used simply for the purpose of prevention.

After research, evidence was obtained that the product can be used to solve dermatological problems in people.

The cream contains only natural ingredients. This is confirmed by the fact that it is used to facilitate milking of cows, without changing the taste of the milk.

Cream for people

Over several years of testing in the field of veterinary medicine, many learned about the innovative product. People who used it themselves were so amazed by the results that they advertised Zorka cream with Floralizin to everyone. Feedback from doctors observing an improvement in the condition of their patients’ skin was also positive. It became clear that the release of a new product created specifically for people was required.

For this purpose, it was formed on the basis of the Farmaks research and production holding. The products began to be called “Zorka-Zorenka” and no longer meet veterinary, but medical standards. It has been declared and is tested on several indicators, including clinical ones, before implementation.

Herbal extracts and cosmetic oils are added to Floralizin, now the cream has a pleasant smell. The ratio of organic and mineral components of the product is 27/30. For now it is produced for the whole family, but soon it is planned to release men's and children's lines.


Considering the fact that the cream is used for animals whose milk is used for processing and food production, it must meet all safety criteria.

This product contains only natural and safe ingredients:

  • Floralizin derivatives;
  • Vasiline;
  • distilled water;
  • natural emulsifiers;
  • natural preservatives.

The effectiveness of the product is determined by Floralizin, which is part of the cream.

It contains the following components:

  • bioactive substances that are obtained through extracts from mushrooms;
  • components that increase skin turgor, activating collagen production;
  • natural antioxidants - prevent skin aging by binding free radicals;
  • a complex of vitamins that improves the protective properties of the skin, saturating it with essential elements;
  • Additionally, the composition contains a complex of amino acids, microelements, polysaccharides, and phospholipids.


The cream consists of Vaseline emulsified in water with the addition of 10% Floralizin, an innovative product in the field of dietary supplements. It is an aqueous extract from the mycelium of certain mushrooms (F.sambucinum). The extract contains active enzymes involved in the production of collagen, as well as amino acids, vitamins and microelements.

The discovery of Floralizin belongs to Professor L.M. Bragintseva, who, together with a team of scientists from the I.M. Sechenov First Medical Institute, first isolated this drug.
Composition of Floralizin

MicroelementsVitaminsEnzymes Anti-


Other components


K, Mg, ZnB, F, H, D3, carotenoids, folic acidproteases, collagenases, lipasesubiquinone Q10polyenoic acids, phospholipids, polysaccharides - glycans

Tests have proven the ability of Floralizin to be quickly absorbed, improve nutrition and accelerate the synthesis of new cells. It’s no wonder that reviews of the Zorka cream based on it so highly rate the product’s ability to cope with skin problems. Antioxidants prevent premature aging of cells, nutrients provide material for renewal at the cellular level.

Advantages and disadvantages

Zorka cream (instructions for use for people confirmed by dermatologists) determines the advantages of using the substance:

  1. Actively fights dryness and flaking of the skin.
  2. Saturates the epidermis with vitamins and microelements, restores water balance.
  3. Promotes the healing of various skin defects (bruise, crack, laceration or cut wound), and reduces pain.
  4. Restores tissue turgor, thereby helping to smooth out wrinkles, creating a rejuvenating effect.
  5. Can be used to treat acne and other rashes on the face and body.
  6. Activates metabolic processes and blood circulation in the bloodstream.
  7. Improves reparative processes in tissues, thereby reducing the severity of scars.
  8. Reduces the severity of stretch marks on the skin after pregnancy and childbirth (they fade faster and become less noticeable).
  9. Provides fabrics with a protective layer that prevents excess moisture evaporation, but does not prevent the skin from “breathing.”
  10. It has an antipruritic effect, which helps get rid of discomfort caused by insect bites.
  11. It has antiseptic and antibacterial effects in its arsenal.
  12. Gives reliable results in the treatment of diseases such as eczematous dermatitis, varicose veins, psoriasis.
  13. Can be used for preventive purposes in seriously ill patients (prevention of bedsores).
  14. The cream has a lasting rejuvenating effect.

There are also some disadvantages to using the product in humans:

  • the texture of the cream is such that it is quite difficult to wash off with water;
  • persistent unpleasant odor;
  • poorly absorbed.

Consumer opinions about this product

Reviews of people who used the cream:
Zorka has been using the cream (veterinary) since 2005 if she needed to get rid of itching and bright spots of psoriasis. But it has a heavy structure (on Vaseline). Now I’m buying Zorenka body moisturizer, with vegetable oils, light texture, it smells nice and works faster. I wash my hair with the same shampoo. Very effective, by the way.

Inna Shagapova, 50 years old

A neighbor told me about Zorka, and I took some cream for the cows from her. It helps me with exacerbation of psoriasis 100%, the skin is evened out, the peeling stops, the spots lighten and become invisible. If I apply it to irritated skin, the inflammation immediately subsides and the burning stops. I haven’t heard of cosmetics for people, I’ll have to try it.

Elena Suntsova, 33 years old

When using it, I noticed that it was very effective in moisturizing and reducing inflammation. The itching of the skin stops immediately. The burning pain recedes. I used to like the veterinary Zorka, but the modern one, for people, works even better.

Evgenia Muromtseva, 48 years old


The list of factors leading to the prohibition of using the drug is standard for external use:

  • individual intolerance to any component;
  • an allergic reaction to any ingredient;
  • lack of epithelization on the wound;
  • widespread skin lesions, serious injuries;
  • oily skin, especially the face, as pores may become clogged when applying the cream and, as a result, aggravate dermatological problems.

Fighting psoriasis

At the site of psoriasis, the tissue becomes dry and prone to peeling. It is characterized by the appearance of areas of inflammation that are pink or reddish in color. External manifestations include itching and discomfort. The disease is chronic and most often affects young patients. There is no pathogenetic therapy for the disease.

Psoriasis significantly impairs the quality of life.

The article provides detailed instructions for using Zorka cream for psoriasis and other skin diseases.
Zorka cream (instructions for use for people with psoriasis) effectively treats skin diseases:

  1. The thick consistency of the cream helps soften and heal plaques.
  2. Considering the fact that the product is non-toxic, it can be used for a long time.
  3. The cream is applied to the affected areas of the skin, its active components penetrate into all layers of tissue, saturating it with vitamins and microelements.
  4. A protective cover is formed on the surface of the skin, which prevents infection.
  5. Thanks to the properties of the cream, the tissue becomes moisturized, a healthy color returns, and itching and pain go away.
  6. The product can be used both on a regular basis and as a course during exacerbation of the disease.
  7. Before application, it is necessary to clean and dry the skin. Apply 2 - 3 times a day, the frequency depends on the severity of the affected area.
  8. Using it in addition to the main treatment of psoriasis, you can achieve a faster onset of remission and increase the relapse-free period.

Treatment tips

Even given the positive reviews about the cream, it should be used after consultation with a specialist. There may be negative consequences due to self-medication. You can achieve a lasting effect if you follow some rules:

  • stick to a diet;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • exercise;
  • eliminate stress;
  • have healthy sleep and rest.

Only through systemic treatment will it be possible to get rid of skin diseases. And the cream will be an assistant in eliminating such ailments.

For eczema

Eczema is a skin disease characterized by the following symptoms: dry skin prone to flaking, up to the appearance of painful cracks or, conversely, the appearance of itchy blisters with liquid, which, when opened, lead to the formation of a weeping surface. All this is accompanied by itching, irritation and pain.

The causes of this disease can be internal (functional or organic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, a tendency to allergies, endocrine diseases) and external (reaction to household chemicals, cosmetics). Regardless of the cause, eczema significantly reduces the quality of life of patients. People of all ages are susceptible to the disease.

Zorka cream is effectively used to treat eczema:

  1. The components of the cream promote the healing of ulcers and cracks.
  2. If you use it regularly for a long time, you can achieve the return of skin elasticity. This is achieved by improving metabolic processes in all layers of tissue and enhancing microcirculation. As a result, active cell regeneration occurs.
  3. Promotes the complete disappearance of itching and discomfort.
  4. The cream is applied to the affected areas in a thin layer; it is better to apply it at night, since the consistency of the product is quite thick and greasy.
  5. The effect depends on the severity of the pathological process. For minor defects, the positive effect is noticeable after 2 - 3 days of use.

Product Description

The successful treatment of various types of dermatitis, irritations, and skin rashes with the veterinary remedy Zorka prompted scientists to create a line of cosmetic preparations for people. What assortment do the collection's manufacturers offer:

NamesRelease formsActive ingredientsSelling prices (RUB)
Creams for use on the face:
  • “Nutrition and hydration” (for normal, dry skin);
  • "Lifting and
  • nutrition" (recommended for mature skin);
  • “Balance and hydration” (for oily, combination skin).
tubes with an internal aluminum protective shell.

Volumes from 75 ml to 200 ml.

In each of the products in the Zorka – Zorenka line, the main bioactive natural ingredient is the substance floralizin, which contains:

  • enzymes that enhance the formation of elastin and collagen;
  • antioxidants of natural origin;
  • natural coenzymes that protect the skin from premature aging and destruction;
  • minerals, vitamins that cause tissue regeneration;
  • polysaccharides that activate immune defense;
  • phospholipids that normalize metabolic processes.
190 – 140
For application to the body:
  • “Anti-cellulite intensive action”;
  • "Moisturizing, nutrition."
Additional ingredients - medicinal plant extracts:
  • plantain, calendula;
  • oregano, eucalyptus oil, tea tree;
  • mint;
  • Omega 3 (6).
172 — 115
For hands:
  • "Intense restorative";
  • “Moisturizing” (for the purpose of daily care)
And also wormwood, chamomile,
corn germs,


Aloe, allantoin, vitamin A, algae.

“Softening” (Cream soap).
“Moisturizing soap” (liquid).
350 ml.More:

  • silk proteins;
  • inulin;
  • reishi complex.
To lubricate your feet:
  • “Intensive for heels” (treatment of cracks);
  • “Softening, moisturizing” (for the purpose of daily care).
  • jojoba oils, as well as from cherry pits;
  • clover extract, alpha lipoic and hyaloronic acids.
87 — 97
For hair care shampoo, conditioners:
  • "Balance and freshness";
  • “Volume, strengthening”;
  • “Moisturizing, restoration”;
  • "Color and Shine."
350 mlMore:
  • lanolin;
  • Panthenol.
226 — 180

But, if anyone wants to use Zorka for cows, he has the right to choose.

Prices for veterinary creams:

  • 37 rub. for 70 ml;
  • 58 rub. for 200 ml;
  • 168 rub. for 750 ml.

All products are natural: without silicones, dyes, parabens, hormones.

From heel spurs

The correct diagnosis is inflammation of the plantar fascia. A distinctive symptom of the disease: sharp pain when walking, especially when stepping on the heel of a completely healthy person. They can appear in the morning or after prolonged static load, at the end of physical exercise.

In the language of doctors, this is excess calcium deposits along the lower edge of the heel bone. The disease can develop as an independent pathology, or as a complication of the underlying disease, for example, arthritis. To confirm the diagnosis, an x-ray must be taken.

Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, the cream is actively used to treat heel spurs at home.

It restores blood circulation, metabolism, and skin trophism. You need to apply the product 1-2 times a day to the affected area. Duration of the course: until the pain syndrome completely disappears.

For acne

Acne is an inflammatory change in the sebaceous glands. In this case, blockage of the ducts occurs, which aggravates the inflammatory process, and, as a result, acne occurs. The disease can be episodic, for example, in adolescents. Or it may indicate a serious pathology in the body (hormonal imbalances in women, gastritis, allergies).

Area of ​​localization of rashes: from the face to almost the entire surface of the body (chest, back, head, with the exception of legs and arms). In addition to a cosmetic defect, this problem significantly reduces the patient’s self-esteem and quality of life.

“Zorka” is a simple and inexpensive remedy for fighting acne:

  1. The product is applied to previously cleansed facial skin at night. If necessary, blot off excess cream with a napkin.
  2. A noticeable effect is visible after 3 - 4 days of use, if the disease is mild. For moderate and severe cases, a longer course may be needed.
  3. The cream well moisturizes and protects the skin, providing an anti-inflammatory effect and preventing the occurrence of fresh rashes.

For dermatitis

Dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease that occurs due to the damaging effects of a chemical, physical or biological factor. As a rule, the leading mechanism is an allergic reaction.

The cream has shown its effectiveness against contact, atopic dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis. It activates collagen production, saturates the skin with nutrients, and improves tissue trophism. The product helps reduce the severity of the inflammatory reaction and forms a protective film on the surface of the skin.

Zorka cream (instructions for use for people are described below) is actively used in the treatment of various types of dermatitis:

  1. Before use, it is worth conducting a test to exclude individual intolerance to the components of the cream. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the elbow area and wait 1 - 1.5 hours. If during this time there is no redness of the tissue, no itching or discomfort, then the cream can be used.
  2. Apply the product with a special spatula onto cleansed and dry skin.
  3. The cream is applied in a thin layer to the affected area; it should not be rubbed. After 10 minutes, excess product is removed with a napkin.


Similar veterinary creams that can be used in humans:


Burenka . Available in a 100 ml tube, intended for all skin types, also manufactured by Horse Power. Contains phytofloran. Designed to soften rough areas of the body, face, hands, restores smoothness, elasticity, is used in comprehensive anti-aging care, heals wounds, relieves rashes and irritation. It has a lighter consistency than Zorka cream, so it is suitable as a daytime product and under makeup.

Forest Power cream also contains floralisin, sorbic acid, petroleum jelly, and fragrance. Suitable not only for skin care, but also in the treatment of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, dermatological diseases, including allergies, in the treatment of injuries, burns, sprains, hemorrhoids. Promotes rapid healing, prevents irritation and cracks, disinfects, and creates a thin protective film on the treated area.

Zorenka is produced by NPH Pharmax , a domestic company engaged in the development of therapeutic and prophylactic animal care products. Contains floralisin, oak bark extract, viburnum, wax, glycerin, jojoba oil, lactic and salicylic acids, allantoin, tocopherol. Designed for problematic facial skin - improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the water-fat balance, reduces pores, restores soft tissues, removes age spots and signs of post-acne.

Lyubava . A universal cream for the skin of the whole body and face, available in 250 ml jars and 75 ml tubes. Designed not only for daily care, but also for frostbite, chapping, pathological dry skin, for the treatment of bruises, abrasions, thermal and sunburn, cracked heels and hands, in the treatment of dermatitis, eczema.

Tenderness . Veterinary cream without chemicals and fragrances, contains, in addition to floralizin, biopolymers, D-panthenol, aloe vera, calendula extract, oils from the fruits of camelina, coconut, castor oil, vitamin E. can be used on the skin of the whole body for moisturizing, nutrition, protection from the external environment, after chapping.

Dennitsa . Animal milking cream from NPO Likom can also be used on human skin. Contains silver nanoparticles, aloe vera gel, chamomile extract, lactic acid. It has antibacterial activity, softens, suppresses inflammation, heals wounds and burns, enhances metabolism and increases local immunity.

Zlatospas . Regenerating cream with peptides for anti-aging care for aging skin. Also used in the treatment of vascular and joint diseases. Stimulates blood circulation, eliminates swelling, cramps, pain in the arms and legs, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Creams with a similar effect can be found in the Floresan line - here are products for cellulite, for the care of aging skin, and against chapping. Manufacturer Farmak offers animal cream My Sun - contains Omega-3 fatty acids, floralisin and plantain extract. Not only in veterinary practice, but also in dermatology, Yam Ointment is widely used - it is used for acne, herpes, acne, fungus, lichen, psoriasis.

For cracked heels

Algorithm for use when cracked heels appear:

  1. The main effect is obtained due to the components of the cream: Floralizin and Vasilin. They help restore microcirculation, tissue damage and have a softening effect in the area of ​​keratinized areas.
  2. Before applying the product, you need to make a foot bath, for example, with sea salt. Because steamed skin responds better to treatment.
  3. The cream is applied in a small amount to the heels and rubbed in with massage movements. After application, you must wait 10 - 20 minutes, then put on cotton socks to enhance the effect.

  4. It is best to use the product at night.
  5. In the morning you need to take off your socks, take a foot bath again and remove the steamed dead skin. To do this, it is better to use a pumice stone rather than scissors.
  6. On average, the course of treatment takes about a week, but in advanced cases it may take a month.


Using the product is very simple. The main rule is that the skin must be cleansed before applying the cream. The product should be applied in a very thin layer. Its daily use is allowed. The drug has a therapeutic and prophylactic nature, its use is advisable if there are the following indications:

Inflammation, irritation and damage to oily and combination skin. For the purpose of rejuvenation, it is recommended to use another product, since the texture of “Zorka” is dense and greasy, which can result in clogging of pores. Bruises, hematomas, abrasions, scratches. In this case, the cream is used until the skin damage completely disappears. Most often, improvement is observed within a day. Deep cracks on the heels and hands. It is recommended to apply the product before bed, after cleansing the skin. The cream can be used for the purpose of rejuvenation, but only by those women whose skin is dry and aging. Application is indicated twice a day. You should not expect instant results; the effect comes gradually. By normalizing the water balance and activating collagen production, wrinkles begin to gradually smooth out. Dehydration, red spots, peeling, dryness. To eliminate them, the cream should be applied before bed in a thin layer. Overnight, the cream is absorbed, the skin is saturated with valuable substances. Cells begin to rejuvenate and renew themselves. Cracked nipples that appear during breastfeeding. A small amount of cream should be applied after feeding the baby.

Before feeding and before going to bed, it is important to completely rinse off the product. Frostbite and chapping

In this case, it is recommended to apply Zorka cream twice a day until the skin is completely restored. In order to prevent frostbite and chapping, it is important to apply the cream half an hour before going outside. Cracked lips should be treated in a similar way. Thermal and sunburns. In this case, treat damaged skin several times throughout the day. The cream takes quite a long time to absorb, about 20 minutes. Residues should not be washed off or washed.

For psoriasis, eczema and pathological dryness, Zorka cream is used twice a day. Noticeable improvement occurs after just a few procedures. However, in order to avoid negative consequences from using the product, it is recommended to first consult a doctor.

For varicose veins

Varicose veins are an expansion of the superficial shallow veins of the legs, which is accompanied by incompetence of the valve apparatus and impaired blood flow.

The causes of the disease are prolonged static loads, hereditary predisposition, and excess weight. Patients complain of nagging pain in the legs, often at night, cramps in the calf muscles, swelling of the lower extremities. In severe cases, trophic ulcers may form.

The therapeutic drug helps restore skin turgor, moisturize and nourish it. The elasticity of blood vessels is restored and microcirculation improves. With regular use, you can achieve the disappearance of spider veins and spider veins.

For severe symptoms of the disease, the cream is used in combination with surgical methods.

This approach helps prevent relapse of the disease. Zorka cream is used in the treatment of varicose veins in humans. According to the instructions, apply a thin layer 1 - 2 times a day, rub in until completely absorbed.

For hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectal area. The causes of the disease are similar to vascular disease of the lower extremities. But you can add heavy lifting and a sedentary lifestyle.

Use of the product for hemorrhoids:

  1. The cream is applied to the anus 1 - 2 times a day.
  2. The duration of the course depends on the severity of the pain syndrome and the size of the hemorrhoids. On average it will take from 7 days to 2 - 3 weeks.

Storage rules

The cream should be kept away from children. If it is packaged in jars, then use it with a spatula, preventing microflora from coming into contact with your hands. The cream can be stored in tubes for quite a long time without opening the packaging – 1 year. When the tube is opened, the period is reduced to 2 months.

Temperature is an important factor in safe storage. A room temperature of 12 to 20 degrees is recommended. The storage room must be dry and out of direct sunlight. It should be remembered that the value of the cream lies in its natural ingredients, which are very capricious and easily lose their properties if stored improperly.

For stretch marks

The active components of the cream help prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the chest, abdomen and buttocks.

Application for the prevention of stretch marks:

  1. To do this, it must be applied to problem areas 1 - 2 times a day, after cleansing the skin.
  2. By treating existing defects, it is possible to reduce the redness and severity of skin damage.
  3. Course of use: for preventive purposes - throughout the entire period of pregnancy or weight fluctuations, for treatment - from a month.

For wrinkles

The appearance of wrinkles is determined by a violation of the elasticity of the skin, dryness, and a decrease in the degree of hydration. Zorka cream nourishes and saturates the epidermis with everything it needs, creates a protective layer and restores the water balance of the skin.

Fighting wrinkles:

  1. It is better to apply the product at night; the skin must first be cleansed and dried.
  2. The period of use is unlimited. After just a few uses, the result will be noticeable: the skin will smooth out, wrinkles will become less noticeable, and fine wrinkles will completely disappear.

Reviews from doctors

Many experts confirm the effectiveness of this product, but I doubt the safety:

  • There is a lack of studies proving the safety of using this set of ingredients in the stated dosage in humans.
  • There is no evidence that Floralizin does not contain carcinogens; therefore, one cannot be completely sure that negative consequences for the body will not appear over time.”
  • A significant advantage of the cream is its natural composition. This appeals to consumers who do not agree to be treated with “chemistry.” A single use of the product will not cause harm, but long-term use is questionable.

Zorka cream is an effective and natural remedy that will help solve many skin problems. The instructions for people on its use confirm this. And what is equally important - the product can be purchased at an affordable price.

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