Does Panthenol help against acne in the form of ointment, cream and facial spray?

  • D Panthenol helps against acne
  • Forms of Panthenol against acne
  • Panthenol acne cream
  • Panthenol acne spray
  • Panthenol ointment for acne
  • How to apply Panthenol products to your face for acne
  • Panthenol for acne reviews

Panthenol is one of the most versatile soldiers in the fight against almost any skin disease. The drug is presented in various forms: in the form of cream, ointment, spray, aimed at treating skin problems associated with burns, calluses, hematitis, acne, wrinkles and many other diseases .

There are still active debates among many experts about the effectiveness and results of using D Panthenol for acne. The main question on the agenda in this article is to answer: Does Panthenol help with acne or is it intended only for the treatment of completely different diseases? But this remedy is also good It has also proven itself as an assistant in the fight against acne.

Pharmacy names of dexpanthenol

The name of the drug depends on the manufacturer producing it. In the pharmacy you can find the following names of the drug:

  • D-Panthenol (Nizhpharm);
  • Panthenol-ratiopharm (Ratiopharm);
  • Dexpanthenol (Vertex);
  • Panthenol (Micropharm);
  • Panthenol ZD (Green oak grove);
  • Panthenol Forte (Libriderm);
  • Pantoderm (AKRIKHIN);
  • Bepantent (Bayer Consumer Care AG).

The composition and release form depend on the pharmaceutical company that produces the drug.

To treat acne, various forms of dexpanthenol can be used in addition to ointment, which, due to its dense consistency, clogs pores and can contribute to the deterioration of the condition of the skin.

Indications and contraindications

The topical drug is recommended in the following cases:

  • For accelerated healing of scratches and wounds;
  • Furunculosis;
  • Treatment of cracked nipples in breastfeeding mothers;
  • Excessive dryness of the skin;
  • Participation in complex therapy of trophic ulcers;
  • Dermatitis of various etiologies;
  • Anal fissure;
  • Protection of sensitive dermis from the sun, cold, wind;
  • Treatment of the skin around drainages, tracheostomy;
  • Diaper dermatitis;
  • Chemical, thermal, sunburn;
  • Prevention of diaper rash;
  • Bedsores;
  • Infected wounds.

In addition, D-Panthenol in the form of cream and ointment is used for the treatment of acne in its pure form or as part of home cosmetics. Panthenol spray helps against acne only when the rash is spot-treated with a solution.

The drug is contraindicated in patients who have hypersensitivity to the main or excipients. Also, cream and ointment are excluded for treating wet surfaces.

Individual intolerance to Panthenol and substances in its composition can provoke the following negative effects:

  • Local hyperthermia;
  • Contact dermatitis;
  • Hives;
  • Burning and itching sensation.


The Russian manufacturer Nizhpharm produces a medicinal product in the form of ointments and creams intended for external use. The ointment has a dense structure due to the content of petroleum jelly. It has a characteristic color (light yellow) and the smell of lanolin.

The cream has a lighter consistency, so it is preferable to use D-panthenol for facial acne in this form of release. It is characterized by white color, specific odor, homogeneity (homogeneity) and rapid absorption (absorbability).

The pharmaceutical company also produces D-Panthenol-Nizhpharm-Plus cream, which, in addition to the main active ingredient, contains chlorhexidine. The latter is known for its antiseptic properties, and is often used as an additional remedy in the treatment of acne. A similar drug is produced by the company Evalar.

Recommendations for effective use

  • During the treatment period, use Panthenol regularly, without frequent breaks for more than 1 - 2 days,
  • When using the drug, stop using your usual skin care product so as not to weigh it down,
  • Before use, be sure to ensure that your skin is clean,
  • You can pre-peel the skin, especially before using masks,
  • Apply the product in a thin layer and distribute evenly on the surface,
  • If there is excess that is not absorbed, you can blot it with a napkin,
  • When additionally using antibacterial agents, it is necessary to use Panthenol at least 30 minutes after their application,
  • The effect of using the product is cumulative. The result becomes obvious after some time, as renewal occurs at the cellular level.


The product is produced by the German pharmaceutical company Ratiopharm in the form of an ointment containing 5% dexpanthenol. It is positioned by the manufacturer as a stimulator of tissue regeneration, which is recommended for use after opening boils to more quickly restore the skin and reduce the risk of scar formation after them.

It is not recommended to apply the drug to immature red inflamed skin elements due to the viscous consistency.

What is the mechanism of drug action

The ointment has 3 main effects. It promotes tissue healing, affects metabolism and relieves inflammation. After contact with the wound area, the active substance interacts with the main proteins, for example, albumin. The active substance is involved in processes such as carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, the formation of hormones, mediators and porphyrins. "Dexpanthenol" has a regenerative effect not only on tissues, but also on mucous membranes. The drug also helps stabilize cellular metabolism and accelerate cell mitosis. Elimination is very fast.


The dermatoprotector from the Vertex company has several release forms intended for local use:

  • ointment;
  • gel;
  • spray;
  • solution.

In addition to the main active substance, the ointment is enriched with almond oil and beeswax. This form of release is not suitable for use with oily skin types. Its use is appropriate in the case of allergic acne and dermis prone to increased dryness.

Dexpanthenol for acne is best used in the form of a gel, which additionally contains glycerin, dimexide and alcohol. Glycerin has a moisturizing effect. Dimexide has analgesic, bactericidal and fibrinolytic (absorbable) properties. Alcohol is known for its antiseptic and drying effect. Due to its features, the dermatoprotector is very effective for painful and multiple rashes, after which spots may remain. Thus, the cream helps reduce pain, stop inflammation, suppress the growth of bacteria and get rid of acne marks characteristic of post-acne periods.

The spray is enriched with sea salt, which has an antiseptic effect. Can be used for acne.

The solution includes 0.5% sodium chloride. Suitable for wiping the skin for minor rashes.

How to use for pregnant women and children

Use in children is no different from adults.

The ointment is approved for use by pregnant and lactating women. For treatment in the breast area around the areola in women during breastfeeding, Dexpanthenol is recommended in the form of compresses. Before starting feeding, it is necessary to remove the remaining ointment with running water, without using soap, which can dry out the treated area.

"Dexpanthenol" is also necessary for restoring the skin from diaper rash in newborns.


Micropharm dermatoprotector is produced in the form of a spray, aerosol and ointment.
The spray includes allantoin and vitamin E (tocopherol). The first component enhances the therapeutic effect of dexpanthenol. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and astringent effects. Allantoin stimulates cell renewal, tightens pores and promotes exfoliation of dead epidermis. The drug is often used to treat various dermatological diseases, including acne. Tocopherol acts as an antioxidant and local immunostimulant. The spray can be used as an effective remedy for acne spots.

When to use

"Dexpanthenol" is most often used to accelerate healing for minor microtraumas. Can be used on mucous membranes in the presence of erosions. The drug helps fight dry and cracked skin and is indicated for burns and minor abrasions. Sometimes the ointment is prescribed to patients with bullous dermatitis, suppuration and trophic ulcers. It is allowed to be used for the treatment and prevention of bedsores in bedridden patients. The ointment is applied to aseptic wounds for transplantations that do not take root well after operations, but constant monitoring by the attending physician is required.

Panthenol Forte

The cream is produced under the brand of the Libriderm series of facial skin care products. It contains a high concentration of dexpanthenol (9%), which is intended for dermis prone to irritation and inflammation. In addition to this component, the product includes vitamin E, aloe leaf extract and almond oil. Vitamin E nourishes the skin and increases local immunity, preventing the appearance of new rashes. Aloe extract has an anti-inflammatory effect, and almond oil has a moisturizing and softening effect.

The cream quickly heals remaining wounds after deep acne and helps prevent scarring.

Application in skin care

Panthenol has established itself as an effective product for skin care of any type. It can be used to solve many problems, thanks to the safe composition and beneficial properties of the active components.

Dexpanthenol is involved in energy metabolism, growth and division of skin cells and accelerates metabolic processes in its tissues.

Therefore, Panthenol is a remedy necessary for the normal functioning of the skin . That is why it is successfully used in the fight against acne.

It is prescribed for problems such as:

  • non-healing wounds, acne scars, cracks;
  • wrinkles and peeling;
  • inflammatory lesions of dry skin;
  • dermatitis and allergic dermatosis.

The effect of Panthenol on the skin of the face:

  • establishing fat and carbohydrate metabolism in tissues;
  • restoration of skin cells;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation;
  • regeneration (renewal) of skin tissue.

Read our article about using ichthyol ointment to get rid of acne.

Masks with Panthenol for acne

For acne, masks based on dexpanthenol with the addition of:

  • camphor oils;
  • tea tree oils;
  • aloe juice and lemon.

To half a teaspoon of cream, it is enough to add two drops of tea tree oil and the same amount of camphor oil or alcohol. The composition is applied to the inflamed areas, leaving to act for 15 minutes. You can make this mask up to 2 times a week.

For another mask recipe, you will need half a teaspoon of cream, the same amount of aloe juice and a few drops of lemon juice. The mixture is applied in a similar way and left to act for 10-15 minutes. The composition helps well against dark and red spots left after acne. Apply every 3-4 days until the problem is completely eliminated.

Varieties by release form

Panthenol is produced by different manufacturers in several versions. It could be:

  • spray;
  • cream;
  • ointment.

All varieties of Panthenol have a similar pharmacological effect, but differ in some properties and composition. They are designed for specific skin types and solve different problems:

  1. Spray . Designed for oily skin types . It is comfortable to use. It has a watery base, is instantly absorbed and does not leave a greasy film on the face. Able to instantly cool the skin and relieve irritation.
  2. Cream. Created for dry and sensitive skin types prone to irritation and redness. It has a delicate texture and emulsion base. The advantage of the cream is that it can be used on almost every area of ​​the skin.
    It is more effective due to the fact that it penetrates into the deep layers of the skin.

    Protects against the negative effects of the external environment and reduces the risk of bacteria forming in the pores.

  3. Ointment . Designed for dry and aging skin. Contains a large amount of pantothenic acid and helps cope with purulent inflammation. But the texture of the ointment is oily, so for oily skin it should be used with caution so as not to clog the pores. It is very effective in combating scars and post-acne.

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