Why does my face swell after sleep? Swelling of the face after sleep: reasons, what to do

Why does my face swell in the morning?

Edema is a symptom, a reaction to some disturbance in the body or a change in the composition of proteins and salts in the vessels, intercellular space and inside cells.

The causes of edema can be completely different: from poor nutrition and water imbalance in the body to serious diseases when the process of eliminating fluid in the body is fundamentally disrupted.

The face can swell due to pathologies of the heart or kidneys, hormonal imbalance, disorders of the lymphatic system, after drinking alcohol or salty foods, during menstruation, due to metabolic disorders and many other reasons.

If this problem has been bothering you for a long time and does not go away, then most likely this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Causes of swelling on the face of systemic origin

Swelling can be caused by:

  • Kidney diseases.
    In this case, the bags under the eyes become quite noticeable, and sometimes it is even difficult to open your eyes, since the upper eyelids become very full. If the swelling is severe, the face becomes moon-shaped and may even change its shape. If swelling appears due to problems with the kidneys, then the tissues become soft and watery. When you press on them, dimples form. The skin color takes on a yellowish or brownish tint. People with kidney problems often experience sudden weight fluctuations. This is due to fluid retention in the body.
  • Endocrine disorders. In this case, the skin and subcutaneous tissue are primarily affected. They become puffy. Sometimes swelling can occur due to a deficiency of thyroid hormones.

Are your child's eyes swollen after sleep?

The causes of swelling of the eyelids in children after sleep are not much different from the causes that cause the problem in adults .

If swelling occurs frequently and can last for several days, it is important to show the child to a specialist.

It is worth noting! The exception is newborn children. Their eyelids may look quite swollen in the first week after birth, but this will normalize over the next month.

Causes of swelling on the face of local origin

In this case, the face swells due to impaired outflow of blood and lymph.

It is the lymphatic system that determines how we will look in the morning: fresh and rested or swollen and with acne.

Lymph moves throughout the body thanks to muscles. If they are in good shape, lymph circulates freely and removes all waste products of cells, fungi, bacteria and toxins from the body. And stagnation of lymph provokes the appearance of edema not only of the face, but also of the body.

The “Flourish” marathon presents the best exercises and lymphatic drainage techniques, as well as a system of nutrition and cleansing of the body, which will help cleanse the lymph and improve lymph flow from the inside.

Allergies as a cause of facial swelling

Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock and other outcomes of an allergic reaction, which are manifested by severe swelling. This is very dangerous and at the first symptoms, medical attention is needed.

Main causes of allergies:

  • The influence of antibiotics, vaccines, painkillers and other medications;
  • Bites from snakes, spiders and insects (most often wasps and bees);
  • Household chemicals;
  • Food (everyone has their own allergen);
  • A different climate zone (in the first days of travel, you may notice that your face does not look as good as always);
  • Plant pollen, poplar fluff (in spring, allergies worsen in many people precisely because of the flowering of plants);
  • Pets (most likely the problem is wool and feathers, but some cannot tolerate animal waste products);
  • Decorative and skincare cosmetics (therefore, it is important to test the product first on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the body, and then use it on the desired area).

A person first encounters allergies in childhood and adolescence, but some people learn about intolerance to certain foods in adulthood. It is in such situations that a person may get scared and not understand what is happening. How to help the victim?

If you are allergic to something, it is better to limit contact with a dangerous product. And when coming into contact with an allergen, you should remember several important points:

  1. Stay calm, even if swelling has already begun. Nervous tension can make the situation worse.
  2. Take any anti-allergy medication (they can make you drowsy. So don't drive).
  3. Call an ambulance. Even if the swelling has begun to subside, consulting a doctor is necessary.

Keep in mind that in such situations, speed and clarity in actions are important. That is why you should not be nervous and fuss.

What other factors can influence facial swelling in the morning?

Sometimes swelling appears after sleep, and then quickly, and most importantly on its own, disappears without a trace.

Alcohol is another catalyst for the appearance of edema. Even in moderate quantities, this is a huge burden on the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system. It literally poisons the body, causing many metabolic processes and vital functions to fail.

Alcohol affects the urinary and vascular systems, disrupts the acid-base balance, ionic balance, and dehydrates. The body reacts to all this with stress accumulation of fluid and swelling.

To get rid of swelling caused by alcohol, you just need to give it up. Swelling disappears 10-12 days after completely quitting alcohol. But if you have been using it for several years, your swollen face may remain forever.

Swelling of the face due to illness

If you have gotten rid of all the visible causes, but your face continues to swell, then you should consult a therapist. Because such manifestations can be signs of serious illnesses.

  • Heart problems
    - developing hypertension and heart failure provoke fluid retention.
  • Kidney diseases
    - it is the kidneys that are responsible for cleansing the body and removing excess moisture from it. If they do not work well, then the person wakes up in the morning with terrible swelling of the face and neck, but over time almost the entire body will swell.
  • Allergy
    - it is with redness and swelling of the skin that an allergic reaction begins.
  • Problems of the digestive system
    - for example, when protein is difficult to digest, tissues retain fluid.

In general, in order to get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of various diseases, you need to take care of your health.

Physiological causes of edema in women

Most often, it is women who experience edema. This is all due to the peculiarities of hormonal metabolism and skin structure. Also, swelling sometimes appears due to aggressive use of cosmetics.

Other reasons include:

  • Pregnancy. During pregnancy, a girl's hormonal levels change and her water-salt metabolism is rearranged. The body requires more fluid because it needs more blood, and it should not be viscous. This is why most pregnant women experience edema. This is especially noticeable in the second half of pregnancy.
    But even in this case, it is better to play it safe and get some tests done to rule out kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, gestational diabetes, and liver pathology.

    Pregnancy puts a lot of stress on the body, all organs and systems. Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose the problem in time and solve it before it affects the fetus.

  • Solarium. Agree, women use it more often than men. The face may also swell due to sunburn. There are several reasons for this: allergies, high blood pressure and just sunburn.
    Allergies can be either to ultraviolet radiation or to sunscreens. Often the swelling is accompanied by redness of the skin and itching.

    Tanning can also increase your blood pressure. This occurs due to the fact that the blood rushes to the head too sharply and strongly. Often, in addition to swelling, headache and dizziness are observed.

    Swelling can occur due to prolonged exposure to the sun, especially during its “active” period. This time is approximately from 12 to 15 hours. Exposure to the sun at this time negatively affects the water balance of the skin. A burn causes fluid to accumulate in the affected area, causing it to swell.

  • Premenstrual or climatic period. Before menstruation, girls often note that their weight has increased by a couple of kilograms and their face has become swollen. All these phenomena are associated with increased work of hormones - estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. In addition to the monthly disposal of an unfertilized egg, hormones can also slow down metabolism, retain excess fluid in the body, provoke spasm and constriction of blood vessels, and worsen the condition of the skin, making it oilier.

When swelling gets out of control: anasarca

The appearance of swelling in the legs at the end of a long working day is unlikely to surprise anyone. And even slight swelling in the morning, as a rule, does not attract attention. But, if swelling becomes more and more noticeable and “spreads” throughout the body, you should not postpone the examination. In severe cases, anasarca occurs - swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, usually combined with the accumulation of fluid in the body cavities. This is a sign of failure of compensatory mechanisms for a number of diseases, most often associated with congestive heart failure.

Edema and kidneys

The most obvious explanation for swelling that can “come to mind,” of course, is renal disorders.

There can be quite a few reasons for this pathology - from overload of the kidneys with “work” (a sharp increase in fluid intake) to serious pathologies (glomerulonephritis, damage to the renal vessels in diabetes, and others).

In the latter case:

  • or the rate of urine formation significantly decreases;
  • or, along with the urine, a protein is “lost”, which “holds” the liquid in the bloodstream, preventing the latter from “leaking” into the tissues.

Swelling, in this case, as a rule, begins from the face, since it is here that the subcutaneous fatty tissue is especially loose and “absorbent.” And, as they progress, they descend on the body and limbs.

You can check the condition of your kidneys using:

  • general urine test
  • and a blood test for glomerular filtration rate.

Edema and heart

Edema of cardiac origin is associated with a weakening of the heart’s ability to “pump” blood and form pulse pressure. And, in this case, venous blood “stagnates” in the vessels and, as a result, its liquid part (plasma) seeps into the tissues.

Cardiac edema most often begins in the legs, since here venous blood moves from bottom to top, and more than other locations it needs the “healthy” pumping function of the heart. And venous diseases are also a contributing factor to edema at this level.

The cause of cardiac “weakness” may be damage to the muscular apparatus of the heart or its valves (congenital defects, past streptococcal and some other infections). And, without attention, the pathology leads to severe breathing problems and pulmonary edema.

And to detect heart failure, a blood test for natriuretic peptide (BNP) and an ultrasound of the organ are indicated.

Edema and liver

It may seem strange, but the liver is the “culprit” of edema no less often than other organs.

The fact is that albumin is synthesized in the liver - a protein that, as already noted, acts as a “buffer” for the liquid part of the blood. A decrease in the production of the latter is observed in hepatitis and cirrhosis.

The hepatic origin of edema can be suspected on the basis of anamnestic data (frequent alcohol consumption, previous or chronic liver diseases), as well as the characteristic “ascitic” abdomen. When edematous fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity, and against the background of normal or reduced body weight, only an enlarged abdomen stands out.

In this case, the liver should be checked for chronic hepatitis (at a minimum, a blood test for ALT, AST, direct bilirubin or the “Basic Liver Examination” complex) and degenerative changes (the “NESH-Fibrotest” blood test).

True, protein deficiency can also be a consequence of deficient nutrition, digestive pathologies that impair nutrient absorption, or accompany oncological processes (“cancerous” depletion).

And the level of albumin and globulins can be assessed using a blood test for protein fractions.

Edema and thyroid gland

Deficiency of T4 and T3 thyroid hormones sharply slows down all types of metabolic processes, and water-salt metabolism is no exception.

The liquid, in this case, accumulates in the subcutaneous fat, creating the impression of “puffiness”.

True, such edema most often does not pose a “deadly” danger. But they still serve as a good reason to check the health of the gland, since they are accompanied by a number of other abnormalities in a number of systems and organs (heart, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, immunity and others).

The terrible consequences of edema

Slow progression of untreated edema syndrome may be a sign of deterioration in the patient's condition due to chronic diseases.

The sudden appearance and rapid increase of edema should cause even greater concern, since it may be a sign of deep vein thrombosis (usually a limb) or an excessive allergic reaction. If such swelling occurs, you should immediately seek help.

Physiological causes of edema in men

Men are less prone to swelling. However, the causes of their occurrence are almost the same as in women, with the exception of pregnancy and the premenstrual period.

Main reasons:

  • Salty food.
  • Drinking too much liquid at night.
  • Alcohol.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Protein deficiency, as it is involved in removing excess fluid from the body. Deficiency can occur due to poor nutrition during grueling training.
  • Taking steroids to increase muscle mass. If testosterone levels are elevated, fluid may be retained in the body. Excess testosterone can even turn into the female hormone estrogen, which causes hormonal imbalance.
  • Excess weight leads to metabolic disorders and fluid excretion.
  • Lack of sleep. If the body does not get enough sleep, then it does not have time to get rid of toxins that have accumulated during the day. This causes swelling and bruising under the eyes.

How to quickly relieve facial swelling in adults

In a good way, in order to remove swelling once and for all, you need to approach this with all seriousness. That is, not just to get rid of symptoms, but to restore metabolic disorders in the body.

Many people think that ice will help quickly remove bags under their eyes in the morning. But that's not true. At first there may indeed be some minimal effect, but low temperatures are stressful for the body. And if you resort to this method often, the opposite effect will occur: blood flow will be disrupted, blood vessels will narrow, spider veins will appear, and swelling will only increase. Constant exposure to cold disrupts the functioning of the sebaceous glands, causing them to reduce the production of their secretions, which are responsible for the water balance and elasticity of the skin.

Ice can be replaced by contrast washing with warm and cool water.

Since swelling often appears due to stagnation of lymph, it must be dispersed in every possible way. It is unlikely that you will go jogging early in the morning, especially if it is too hot or cold outside. But there is one simple exercise - jumping. They will help wake up the body and start blood and lymph flow. But note, these are not ordinary jumps; the toe practically does not leave the floor. Try to jump so that your heels touch the floor, but not too hard so that your neighbors don't come running.

Be sure to look at the correct technique

You can start dispersing lymph without even getting out of bed. There is a simple exercise for this: “Cockroach”

Eye pads with a relaxing effect will also help quickly remove puffiness in the morning. They contain flax seeds and fragrant lavender flowers. They can be used both before bedtime and after.

How to remove facial swelling after sleep using traditional methods?

Remember, masks only work if the swelling is in no way related to diseases of the internal organs. Otherwise, all folk recipes will be ineffective; to eliminate swelling, you must take medications prescribed by the doctor. Below we present recipes for masks that will help get rid of swelling.

How to remove facial swelling after sleep using traditional methods:

  • Potato. In order to prepare a healing potion, you need to place a pan with potatoes on the fire and boil for 20 minutes. There is no need to peel the root vegetable. It is necessary to crush the vegetable using a masher until it becomes puree. Cool until the temperature of the mixture reaches 40 degrees. Place the warm porridge in the area of ​​swelling, preferably all over the face, not just under the eyes. Leave for 15 minutes, covered with a warm towel. Rinse with warm water and finish with an ice cube.
  • Dill mask . You need to mix a tablespoon of rich sour cream with chopped dill. You can grind it in a blender. The resulting paste must be applied to the surface of the face and left for a quarter of an hour. Remove with a cotton pad soaked in cold water. There is no need to rub the skin too much; there should be a slight layer of fat from the sour cream on it. This additionally nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  • Parsley. This is an herb known for its diuretic properties and also helps relieve swelling. You need to mix two tablespoons of kefir with a small amount of chopped parsley. It is best if there is a lot of green juice. To do this, you can first grind it in a blender. It is necessary that the entire skin turns green. Apply the resulting paste to your face and go to rest for a third of an hour. Rinse off with cold water. If the causes of edema lie in cardiovascular diseases, then it is necessary to take certain medications. Only normalization of blood circulation will help eliminate swelling not only on the face, but also in the lower extremities.

Many interesting articles can be found on our website:

The best diuretics for edema: a list of medications with instructions, herbs, folk remedies, doctor’s recommendations

How to remove puffiness and bags under the eyes: tips. Why swelling and bags appear under the eyes: reasons

Hepatoprotectors: list of the best drugs for the liver with proven effectiveness

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Facial swelling is often observed after sleeping on a very high pillow. In this case, the nerves are pinched, as well as large vessels supplying the head and face. Thus, blood circulation and metabolism deteriorate in this area. Due to this, fluid retention may occur.


What you should do to prevent facial swelling:

  1. Normalize nutrition. Eat less salty foods. You should be especially careful with them after 15:00. This is because salt retains fluid in the body, which is why swelling appears. If you cannot live without salty foods, then try to at least replace sodium salt with potassium salt. This is, for example, soy sauce. It does not have the same effect on swelling.
  2. Drink more water, but not at night! If possible, drink your daily amount of water before 6 p.m. Drinking a lot of water at night is harmful because water cannot leave our body at this time. We do not overload it with active physical activity, we do not sweat, and during sleep the excretory system operates in a calmer mode. This leads to fluid retention and swelling on the face in the morning.
  3. Avoid alcohol.
  4. Choose the right care. Despite the tendency to swelling, any skin needs nutrition and hydration. We recommend trying squalane for nutrition and hydrolate for washing. Squalane contains all the necessary vitamins, acids and other components for skin regeneration. You can also take camellia sasanqua oil, coconut oil or hemp balm Verbena. All natural oils can be applied to the skin around the eyes.

  5. Maintain a sleep schedule.
  6. Make sure that the body receives enough vitamins, microelements and amino acids.
  7. Train yourself to go to bed before 23:00.
  8. Move more, walk, play sports.
  9. Sign up for the “Flourish” marathon. It has a whole block dedicated to cleansing the body, where you can thoroughly and carefully cleanse the lymph from the inside. In addition, the marathon contains blocks with the most effective techniques for self-massage of the face and body exercises. There is also a separate block, thanks to which you will learn how to properly do vacuum massage with cups. Read more about the marathon below.

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