Acne in the intimate area in men symptoms - All about acne

Causes of acne in intimate places.

As practice shows, both women and men quite often face such a problem as acne in the intimate area. Most often in women they appear in the labia area, and in men in the pubic area and testicles. Unfortunately, most people treat the appearance of acne as a cosmetic problem, so they don’t even try to get rid of it, but simply wait for everything to disappear on its own.

In fact, acne in this place can be a symptom of quite serious diseases that require maximum attention. Our article will tell you what diseases can trigger the appearance of acne in the intimate area.

Can there be colds, internal pimples on intimate places and lips in women and men?

Causes of acne in the intimate area due to a cold
Most people associate the appearance of acne in the intimate area with sexually transmitted diseases. Yes, if a person does not lead a completely correct lifestyle, then it is better for him to play it safe and visit a venereologist.

If you have one sexual partner and do not visit public baths and saunas, then the cause of the problem may be viruses and bacteria that provoke a common cold.

A person may not yet suspect that he has caught the flu, but it will covertly attack internal organs. All this will lead to disruptions in metabolic processes in the body and, as a result, this will provoke the appearance of the above-mentioned problem.

Reasons for the appearance of acne in the intimate area due to a cold:

  • A sharp decrease in the body's defenses. As a rule, during a virus attack on the body, the immune system begins to work in an enhanced mode and this leads to the fact that 2-3 days after infection it ceases to cope with its responsibilities. As soon as this happens, foci of inflammation appear in the human body, which provoke the appearance of a rash on the skin and mucous membranes, including the labia.
  • Temperature surges. If a person has a high temperature for a long time, then whether he wants it or not, he has to bring it down with antipyretic drugs. And since it returns to normal quite quickly, this leads to the appearance of a kind of temperature difference, which greatly disrupts blood microcirculation in all tissues. As a result, inflammation of the mucous membranes increases and acne appears.
  • Fatigue . Most often, during an illness, a person sleeps very poorly, which leads to the body being severely depleted. For this reason, it stops fighting all the bacteria that live on the mucous membranes, and this provokes the appearance of an unpleasant problem.
  • Taking medications. In some cases, cold medicines are not suitable for a person, so taking them provokes the appearance of acne in the intimate area. If an unpleasant problem appears to you just a couple of days after starting treatment, then immediately stop taking the medication and consult a doctor.

Non-sexually transmitted diseases

Pimples in the genital area can be a sign of non-communicable diseases. These include the following ailments:

  • Furunculosis . This disease often occurs due to disruption of the endocrine system.
  • Bartholinitis . The disease affects only the female body. It occurs due to inflammation of the gland that produces vaginal lubricant. Caused by infection: chlamydia, staphylococcus, trichomonas. The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of a single large pimple on the labia minora.
  • Fordyce granules . This name is given to white pimples located on the labia minora near the entrance to the vagina. In fact, such rashes are not any disease. After all, these pimples are just hypertrophied sebaceous glands. This is a common cosmetic defect that does not pose a health hazard.

Pimple on an intimate place in women and men: causes

Pimple on an intimate area in women and men: reasons
As you probably already understood, it is undesirable to ignore the appearance of acne in the intimate area, especially if you know for sure that the cause of their appearance was not a cold. That is why it will be better if you listen more carefully to your body and try to recognize other hidden manifestations of diseases that can also provoke this problem.

Other causes of acne in intimate areas:

  • Hormonal disbalance. Although there is an opinion that problems with hormones appear exclusively in women, recently they have appeared quite often in men as well. Most often, a hormonal storm appears during adolescence or if a person has problems with the thyroid gland. In women, hormonal surges occur before menstruation and during pregnancy. These processes have a direct impact on the sebaceous glands, and they begin to not work quite correctly. As a result, this provokes inflammation of the mucous membranes and the appearance of a rash on them.
  • Fatty cysts or wen. This problem appears if there is a blockage of the passage through which excess sebum is removed out. If this passage is closed, then the fat mass has nowhere to go, and it collects in a subcutaneous pouch, which we externally see as a small pimple. When injured, it can become very inflamed and painful.
  • Allergy. Most often, the cause of an allergic reaction is the use of low-quality care products, lubricants and scented pads. All this, when in contact with mucous membranes, provokes very severe inflammation, which most often causes acne. In this case, in order to get rid of the painful tubercle, it will be enough to give up what caused the problem.
  • Genital herpes. Most often it is sexually transmitted and is transmitted to a person from an already infected partner. In this case, acne will be present not only on the labia, but also on the pubis and even in the groin folds. As a rule, in addition to the characteristic rash, this disease also manifests itself with severe itching, soreness and swelling.
  • Molluscum contagiosum. Unlike the previous type of acne, these can appear not only due to sexual contact with an infected partner. Since the pathogenic bacteria that cause this disease are very tenacious, they thrive on absolutely all surfaces. Therefore, you can become infected with this disease even by simply touching a sick person or if you sit in your underwear on his bed or chair. In this case, the pimples will have a cone shape and, when pressed, a white curdled mass will come out of them.

How to cure intimate acne?

You can independently treat acne in the male intimate area only after visiting a dermatologist and eliminating doubts about its benign origin. In all cases of STDs, treatment is specific and occurs as prescribed by a doctor and under his constant supervision. In any case, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene and change your underwear on time to avoid secondary infections that complicate the course of the underlying disease.

Pimples in the groin that are not caused by sexually transmitted infections can be treated with some remedies yourself.

  1. The maturation of boils and ulcers can accelerate the application of iodine to the surface of the pimple.
  2. Acne in the groin area in men can be treated with Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment. To do this, the ointment is applied to the affected areas and covered with gauze. Treatment is carried out until the pimple disappears.
  3. The drug "Levomekol" is applied to inflamed purulent pimples 2 times a day until cured. The ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide has a drying and disinfecting effect. Treat affected areas 1-2 times a day.

Preventive measures that will help avoid many skin problems in the groin area include following basic hygiene rules and avoiding casual sexual intercourse. Only in this case can it be guaranteed to avoid dangerous and unattractive manifestations in intimate places.

Pimple on an intimate place in women and men: signs

Signs about acne in the intimate area
Our ancestors believed that nothing in this world happens for nothing. That is why they perceived even the appearance of a pimple in the intimate area as a warning sign about something. If you also believe in omens, then the information below will probably be of interest to you.


  • If a pimple that has popped up in the intimate area does not bother you at all, then it is quite likely that it is a harbinger of news that will not bring you any benefit, joy or trouble.
  • If the pimple hurts and keeps getting bigger, then you should prepare for the fact that very soon unpleasant events will happen in your life that will bring you a lot of discomfort. It is likely that one of your relatives will get sick or you will be robbed, and this will negatively affect your psycho-emotional state.
  • A pimple that appears in the groin folds is also a harbinger of difficulties. But in this case, you will be able to overcome them very quickly and, most importantly, only you will know about them.
  • If a subcutaneous tubercle appears exactly in the center of the pubis, this will indicate that very soon you will have to make a fateful choice that will greatly change your life. If it is red and painful, then your decision and all further changes will not always bring you only positive things.
  • A pimple that appears all the time in one place is a kind of warning. It is likely that you do something wrong all the time and in this peculiar way you are warned to change your views on life a little.

The main types of safe acne

  • Comedones. Such acne appears due to blockage of the sebaceous duct with fat or dead skin cells. Comedones are not dangerous, but if they appear in large quantities in intimate places, you should consult a dermatologist, because the genital area is not a place for increased activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Pimples with a white head. Such rashes often occur due to insufficient hygiene measures. But they can appear due to metabolic disorders. In this case, such rashes occur not only near the genitals, but also on other parts of the body: back, face, chest.
  • Dense red pimples. Similar rashes are formed in case of inflammation of the sebaceous ducts after infection gets into them. Such pimples should not be squeezed under any circumstances. A little time will pass and the inflammation itself will “ripen” and the resulting pus will come out.
  • Pink pimples. Such rashes often appear due to poor-quality depilation. As a rule, they form after using a razor. In this case, damage to the skin occurs. The situation may worsen if the hair begins to grow into the skin. Never squeeze a pimple like this, as this will lead to increased inflammation and the spread of infection, and in the worst case, sepsis and even death.

Acne in pregnant women: is this normal?

During pregnancy, a woman experiences enormous stress, and the change in hormones alone is worth it. Acne forms on the face, décolleté, back, and genital area. If you maintain daily hygiene, everything will go away on its own. The threat of miscarriage and taking strong medications increases the risk of strange lumps appearing in the delicate area.

The 2nd and 3rd trimester also provokes rashes on the genitals, this is due to the rapidly growing tummy, which prevents the penetration of air to the genitals. It is recommended to choose loose cotton clothing. During gestation, the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands is overloaded several times, so you should rinse more than once so that the pores do not become clogged with dirt. Continue taking vitamins to avoid the risk of vitamin deficiency, and as a result, a decrease in the protective functions of female microflora. By following all these tricks for 9 months, be sure that pimples will not affect the happy course of bearing a child.

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Tests for acne in the perineum

To understand why acne has formed in the perineum, you need to get tested.

With just one examination, the doctor may suspect the origin of the pathological process.

But his guesses must be confirmed in the laboratory.

Because acne often looks the same in different diseases.

Usually a scraping is taken for bacterioscopic examination.

Bacteria and fungi (dermatophytes, candida) can be detected in it.

A culture test is being performed.

The clinical material obtained from the area of ​​the rash is placed on nutrient media.

They are cultivated to obtain colonies of bacteria.

Then they are identified.

This study allows not only to confirm the bacterial etiology of the process.

It also makes it possible to determine the exact type of bacteria.

Using the cultural method, it is possible to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to various antibiotics.

Cultures for candidiasis can be done in a similar way.

It allows you to determine the type of fungus and select antifungal therapy.

For differential diagnosis with allergic diseases, a blood test for immunoglobulins E is performed.

If they are present, skin tests are performed after a few weeks to identify allergens.

This is necessary to limit future exposure to allergens, thereby preventing acne.

According to indications, the patient is examined for sexually transmitted infections.

He can take tests for:

  • herpes;
  • syphilis;
  • papillomavirus infection.

If dermatological disease is suspected, a skin biopsy may be required.

Research is being carried out to determine the factors that predispose to the formation of rash elements.

Especially in the case of regular appearance of acne, or when large ulcers form.

An examination is performed to determine the level of glucose and glycated hemoglobin.

This is required to exclude diabetes mellitus.

The state of the immune system is assessed.

Causes of acne in the perineum

All causes can be divided into infectious and non-infectious.

Infections that provoke the formation of inflammatory elements can be specific and nonspecific.

Specific are pathogens of sexually transmitted infections.

Viral diseases most often lead to rashes.

Even more often, acne is the result of nonspecific inflammatory processes.

They are caused by bacteria that are resident flora.

They are normally present in small quantities.

But due to certain circumstances, they can become an etiological factor in the formation of acne in the perineum in men.

After eliminating these circumstances, the pathological process usually regresses.

If they are not eliminated, acne will appear again.

Sometimes fungal flora causes the appearance of inflammatory elements.

Most often in such cases, acne appears along with spots, erosions, and cracks.

Among the non-infectious causes, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • allergy;
  • skin diseases;
  • traumatic injuries.

Pimples in the perineum due to folliculitis

Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicle.

Most often, this disease has a staphylococcal etiology.

It is less commonly called:

  • other bacteria;
  • fungi;
  • viruses;
  • syphilis;
  • parasites.

Staphylococcal folliculitis can be superficial or deep.

Superficial is called ostiofolliculitis.

Deep – sycosis.

These are not only types of the disease, but also its stages.

Initially, staphylococci infect the superficial parts of the follicles.

But if there is no treatment, and the influence of causative factors continues, then the inflammation can become deep.

In the future, it may be complicated by severe purulent processes.

As a rule, inflammation of the follicles is multiple.

Pimples form in the perineum.

They have a pronounced hyperemia and are permeated with hair in the center.

Pus may be released from the elements of the rash.

After it comes out, ulcers and crusts form, and then the rashes disappear, leaving behind temporary pigmentation.

Pimples in the perineum with diaper rash

Diaper rash is an inflammatory process that occurs as a result of prolonged maceration of the skin.

That is, its softening under the influence of moisture.

Conditions for increased sweat production are often created in the perineum.

If there is not enough air ventilation, sweat softens the skin.

She remains in this state for a long time.

Initially, inflammation may be aseptic.

But bacteria and fungi join it.

Diaper rash is often candidiasis.

In any case, inflammatory processes are caused by microflora, which is opportunistic.

It is found on the skin in small quantities.

But in conditions of high humidity and disruption of the skin barrier, it begins to actively multiply, first affecting the epidermis, and then spreading to the deep layers of the dermis.

Spots and papules appear.

With a pronounced inflammatory process, pustular elements are also formed.

Furuncle and furunculosis in the perineum

If a large pimple appears in the perineum, it may be a boil.

It forms against the background of deep folliculitis.

Most often it is of staphylococcal origin.

This pathological process is very dangerous.

It requires mandatory medical attention.

The inflammation is quite deep, it can occur with tissue necrosis.

When multiple boils form, furunculosis is diagnosed.

Large inflammatory foci appear in the perineum.

If they combine, a carbuncle is formed.

It is also possible for an abscess to form.

This is an extensive focus of inflammation, having a capsule and filled with pus with necrotic masses.

Subjectively, severe pain is felt.

Possible pulsation in the area of ​​inflammation.

The problem area of ​​the skin feels hot to the touch.

General symptoms are often observed.

Body temperature rises significantly.

All signs of intoxication syndrome are observed.

The abscess can break into various organs with the formation of fistulas - pathological messages.


To avoid the appearance of acne in the genital area, you should follow these simple rules:

  • do not ignore the rules of personal hygiene: you should wash your intimate area at least twice a day;
  • wear fresh underwear every day;
  • refrain from unprotected sexual intercourse and casual sex;
  • for pubic depilation, use only a sharp and clean razor;
  • do not wear too tight underwear, also try to choose panties made from natural fabrics;
  • You need to give up bad habits and strengthen your immunity.

Following these recommendations will help you avoid any rash on the genitals. But still, if acne appears and you cannot understand the cause of the rash, then consult a doctor immediately. After all, the sooner you begin treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, the easier the therapy will be.

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