HIV rash
Features of the clinic and treatment of skin lesions in HIV infection
More than 90% of people living with HIV suffer from skin rashes. HIV rash takes shape
The best remedies for dandruff crusts on the head of an adult, medications, hardware, folk methods
05/27/2021 Reading time: 5 min 18198 0 By the end of the first month of life or
Taking off the “gloves”: how to deal with dry skin on your hands?
Why does the skin on my hands dry out? Dry hand skin is a complex phenomenon that can
watery pimples on face
Watery pimples on the body: causes, what to do if they itch, treatment at home
Causes of watery acne on the body The appearance of watery blisters is caused by blockage of the sweat glands. Under
Ial System / Ial System - “Gold standard of biorevitalization”
The first signs of aging are directly related to the decrease in hyaluronic acid in the skin - the main component
Why lips crack: 10 unobvious reasons
Cheilitis is an inflammation of the red border, mucous membrane and skin of the lips. In the common people the disease
Black dots on the labia are comedones
Black dots on the labia - a cosmetic defect or an alarming symptom?
Black dots on the labia are comedones that appear in the intimate area of ​​women
How does pathology manifest itself?
Molluscum contagiosum: diagnosis and treatment
Molluscum contagiosum or contagious molluscum is a viral infection of the skin or mucous membranes. His
From a mole to a tumor - one step, or the first 6 “bad” symptoms
After laser mole removal: how to care for your skin, complications
mole, There are no people in the world who do not have at least one mole on their
We understand the reasons for the appearance of acne on the neck in women
The colloquial expression - acne unites a fairly large group of inflammatory foci of different structures: milia,
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