The best masks for the care of men's skin - 6 popular cosmetics

Despite the popular belief that a man should not take care of his skin, new cosmetics are appearing on the market. They allow you to cleanse the skin, get rid of rashes, tighten facial wrinkles, and provide comprehensive care. Due to the production of the male hormone testosterone, the aging process is slightly slowed down. An unhealthy lifestyle, specific working conditions, and non-compliance with diet can worsen the condition of the skin. The beauty industry offers different options for cosmetic face masks. They take into account the individual characteristics of the consumer.

What are the benefits of face masks for men?

According to dermatologists, the mask is an effective means of self-care. A face mask is a great way to help facial cells quickly recover, eliminate flaking, itching, and cleanse problem areas. The best pharmaceutical masks are collected here.

Depending on the purpose, masks for men are classified according to the specifics of use:

  • nutritious , designed to provide additional nutrition to skin cells;
  • cleansers that promote effective cleaning;
  • anti-aging , helping to restore cells and increase turgor;
  • tightening , improving the contour of the face, eye area, forehead, eliminating facial wrinkles;
  • relaxing relaxing effects on the skin and muscles;
  • carers as complex masks depending on skin type.

The most common forms of release:

  • fabric (the template is made of thin material, impregnated with nutrients, packed in sealed packaging, used one time);
  • gel-like (composition similar to jelly);
  • thick emulsion (available in a tube);
  • creamy (packed in a wide-mouth jar).

Masks to preserve youth

A modern man is often concerned with the question of how to rejuvenate his face? Recipes for homemade products.

From clay

One of the most effective masks is clay.

  • To prepare it you need cosmetic clay. It is dissolved in water, egg yolk, aloe juice, and honey are added to the solution.

The mixture is applied to the face with massage movements, but without strong pressure. You need to work especially carefully with the chin and those places where expression wrinkles accumulate. The mask is washed off with cold water. Half an hour of silence will help consolidate the rejuvenating effect - after washing off the product, you must not talk for 30 minutes.

From herbs

Rejuvenation of the area around the eyes is achieved by using a mask prepared specifically for this area.

  • An infusion of herbs is prepared - sage, rosea radiola, oak bark. All components are taken in the same quantity - half a teaspoon. The mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water. The solution is infused overnight. In the morning, finely grated cucumber is added to the infusion.

Everything mixes well. Soak cotton pads in the solution and apply them to the skin under the eyes and on the upper eyelids. After 15 minutes they are removed.

After the first use, you can notice that puffiness disappears, and after regular use of the mask, small wrinkles will smooth out, and the skin around the eyes will brighten. Gradually the epidermis will become elastic.

Composition of men's masks

As a rule, the composition includes natural ingredients with healing properties: clay, sea salt, crushed nut shells, seeds of fruit trees (grapes, apricots, peach). For nutrition – extract from exotic fruits. For moisturizing purposes, manufacturers often use extracts from aloe vera leaves and kelp; vitamins A, C, and E are suitable as antioxidants. Thickeners are natural gelling agents, starch, enriched with essential oils. Try the clay masks collected in this material.

Mechanism of action

It is based on the effect of the components on the surface layer of the epidermis, penetrating into the subcutaneous tissue, restoring metabolic processes and the pH environment. Depending on the expected result, face masks help the nutrition process.

If you do not comply with the conditions recommended by the manufacturer, you can expect allergic reactions, strong adhesion of the mask to your face, and experience difficulty in removing it.

Contraindications for cosmetic procedures with a mask

There are times when you should refrain from undergoing a cosmetic procedure. If a man feels unwell, if his body temperature has risen or weakness occurs, he should not use a mask. The same applies to situations such as the presence of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin or deep wounds in the affected area. Hot masks do not need to be done if you have any diseases of the cardiovascular system, bleeding disorders, diabetes mellitus and other serious diseases of an acute or chronic nature.

Rules of application

As a cosmetic product, applying a mask requires knowledge of the basics, the observance of which guarantees the expected effect:

  • if you have acne, a compress from a steamed towel will help open the pores;
  • the composition of the mask is applied along massage lines, avoiding areas around the eyes and mouth;
  • during the procedure you cannot talk or react emotionally to anything;
  • remove the mask using sponges or napkins, pre-moistened with green tea, still mineral water;
  • After the treatment session, you should not immediately go outside.

All masks have features determined by the typical structure of skin cells:

  1. A larger number of sebaceous glands, wider pores, increased sweating are the leading features of male skin.
  2. The composition should not contain components that accelerate hair growth.
  3. The mask is applied for no more than 20 minutes. Otherwise there may be complications.
  4. Do not constantly change cosmetology products; it is enough to choose one or two masks.

Find out how to properly apply a mask to your face in this article.

Apply the mask only with clean hands to avoid infection.

Features of the structure of male skin

Men have a much thicker layer of epidermis (the top layer of skin that performs protective functions) than women. In addition, men's skin has approximately 20% more collagen .

Thanks to this structure, men's skin is denser and more elastic. It is less susceptible to the negative effects of wind, frost and ultraviolet radiation. In addition, the hormone testosterone , which is synthesized in large quantities in the male body, inhibits the aging process .

Thus, signs of aging should appear on the skin of men later than those of their peers. However, in practice this does not always happen. Skin aging after 40 years and even at an earlier age can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle , including:

  • stress;
  • non-compliance with work and rest schedules;
  • smoking and alcohol;
  • unhealthy diet with a predominance of fatty and spicy foods;
  • incorrect position during sleep (for example, if a man is used to sleeping with his face buried in the pillow);
  • passive lifestyle;
  • improper skin care.

All of the above factors lead to a decrease in the protective function of the epidermis and, as a consequence, to the appearance of wrinkles . Few men will decide to visit a cosmetologist, because society has an opinion that cosmetic procedures are a purely female activity.

To avoid psychological discomfort, you can take care of your skin at home .

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Eisenberg Homme Lifting Mask with a tightening effect

The pricing policy is focused on prices above 4,000 rubles.

Externally it looks like a 75 ml tube. The basis is: retinol (vitamin A), tocopherol (vitamin E), ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Of the natural substances, the leading role is played by the extract from ginseng root.

The composition is creamy, white with inclusions of quickly dissolving pale blue crystals. Pleasant to the smell, gentle to the touch, it is indispensable for increasing cell turgor, maximum hydration and nutrition.

Eisenberg Homme Lifting Mask with a tightening effect is applied to the cheekbones, chin, cheeks, forehead with massage movements. You feel a pleasant coolness that remains after rinsing. For a sustainable lifting effect, the manufacturer recommends using the product 1-2 times every 7 days. The gold masks collected here also have a good sipping effect.

Disadvantage: possible allergic reaction to cold.

How many procedures do you need to perform to get results?

Experts say that the first results are felt immediately after the first cosmetic procedure with a face mask. The dermis looks much healthier, acquires pleasant softness, natural shine, and a natural shade. But such a result from one single procedure will not last long. After 3-4 days, the skin will look worse, and problems that were eliminated after the first session may return.

To get a long-term and more pronounced effect, you need to make masks constantly. For men with more or less normal skin condition, it is enough to carry out procedures 1-2 times a week with a break of 3-6 days. If the condition of the skin leaves much to be desired, you can carry out procedures more often - 2-3 times a week. The course of treatment is from 6 to 8 weeks, after which you need to give the skin time to rest (1-2 weeks), then the course with masks can be repeated. As for recipes, you can alternate them, use only one, or use your own recipe, developed based on the recipes given in our article. You can experiment with the components of the drugs, select combinations to which your skin responds best.

Skinlite Relaxing Face Mask for Men

The price in stores is about 70 rubles.

The product is designed for a relaxation effect. This is a fabric mask based on vitamin E, extracts of pine, ivy, witch hazel, blueberries, and sugar cane. By normalizing metabolic processes, it resists the appearance of acne. Antioxidant effects are aimed at removing toxins. More detox masks are available at the link.

Skinlite Relaxing face mask for men is available in the form of a blister for one-time use. Advantages: the product does not need to be washed off with water.

Apply only after cleansing with foam for washing or scrubbing.

Disadvantage: cannot be used during inflammation, which may intensify under the influence of the components. In case of contact with mucous membranes, wash off immediately. A budget option for “first aid” to the skin to restore complexion, reduce pores and wrinkles.

Removing greasy shine

Men's cosmetic procedures have gone beyond the usual set: shaving and haircuts. What facial manipulations can you do at home?

Due to the increased oiliness of the skin, many representatives of the stronger half suffer from acne even after 30 years. Cleaning mixtures, such as soda, starch and salt, will help solve this problem.

This mixture will relieve inflammation, soften the skin, and get rid of acne.

  1. Take 1 tsp. soda and salt, add 1 tbsp. l. starch.
  2. Dilute the mixture with boiled warm water, bringing it to the consistency of sour cream.
  3. Cover the acne, leave for 25 minutes, wash with baby soap.

Carry out the procedure twice weekly.

Anti-aging care “Men Expert Vitalifting 5”, Loréal Paris

Price tag from 700 to 980 rubles.

The product contains 5 components that help fight natural skin aging in men. Suitable for daily use, contains pro-retinol (nutrition), LHA acids (moisturizing), yeast extracts, ginseng, cocoa. Anti-aging care “Men Expert Vitalifting 5”, L'Oréal Paris Loreal Paris (Loreal Paris) is available in the form of a tube with a cream and a dispenser, which is convenient for use. Due to intensive care, the effect is felt within a month. The contour-lifting formula eliminates dullness and dullness, giving a well-groomed image.

Apply to the cleaned surface using massaging movements, avoiding the mouth and eye area. Absorbs well and leaves no residue after washing.

Disadvantage: suitable only for skin prone to early aging with increased dryness. If this mask does not suit you, then you should try another anti-aging mask.


Here are some simple but effective recipes that men can use to combat wrinkles.


This composition cleanses and tones the skin well. It is very easy to prepare. You need to grind Hercules flakes in a blender or coffee grinder. Then pour three tablespoons of crushed cereal into a cup and pour boiling water over it. If your skin is prone to dryness, you should use hot milk instead of water. Let the mixture stand for a quarter of an hour. If not all of the liquid has been absorbed, it must be drained. Apply the thick part to your face (make sure the mixture has cooled down and does not burn your skin). After half an hour, you need to carefully shake off the remnants of the mask and wash.


Cleanses well and saturates the epidermis with minerals. For this composition, it is recommended to use black cosmetic clay. Preparing the mask is very simple. Two or three tablespoons of clay should be diluted with boiled or mineral (still) water so that a mass is obtained that resembles a cream in consistency. Apply to face for half an hour, then rinse gently.


This version of the cosmetic composition is suitable for skin that is often flaky and dry.

To prepare, we need an egg yolk, which needs to be ground with honey and almond oil. Take one tablespoon each of both components. This composition is more convenient to apply with a brush. You need to wash it off after half an hour.


Vitamin mask for men against wrinkles on the face perfectly rejuvenates and nourishes. To prepare, you will need half a ripe banana and a fermented milk product. If the skin is prone to dryness and flaking, then you need to use sour cream with a fat content of at least 20%. For oily skin, it is recommended to take natural yogurt or thick yogurt.

Preparing the composition is simple: you need to mash the ripe fruit and mix the resulting puree with a fermented milk product. You can beat everything in a blender. Apply the composition for a quarter of an hour.


Recommended for use if acne often forms on the skin. As a rule, the most problematic areas are the nose, chin and forehead.

To prepare the composition, you need to mix a tablespoon of potato starch with baking soda and fine salt (take a teaspoon of salt and soda each). Then add water to the mixture until it becomes creamy. It should be applied to problem areas of the face, lightly rubbing. There is no need to be too zealous and vigorously massage, you just need to rub it lightly. After a quarter of an hour, wash off the composition and use any nourishing cream selected according to your skin type.


The composition perfectly tones and tightens the skin. It is necessary to take the egg white and beat it well until a stable foam is obtained (it is better to use a mixer). Then mix the protein with two tablespoons of kefir and add a spoonful of black cosmetic clay to the mixture. If the composition turns out to be liquid, then it must be thickened with oatmeal.

With white clay

The anti-aging composition has a rather complex composition, but the effect is worth it.

You need to mix the yolk of an egg with a spoon of aloe extract (sold at the pharmacy) and the same amount of liquid honey. In another container, dilute two tablespoons of clay with water to obtain a mass of cream consistency. Then mix the clay with the prepared yolk-honey mixture.

Apply the composition for half an hour, paying special attention to the areas where facial wrinkles are located.

With seaweed

To prepare, you need to purchase kelp powder at the pharmacy. Pour a tablespoon of the product with a small amount of water and leave for ten minutes. In another bowl, dilute cosmetic clay with water (you can take a product of any color, but preferably green). Then mix both masses and pour in half a teaspoon of avocado oil. This composition should be kept on the face for forty minutes. If you carry out this procedure every other day for two weeks, the number of wrinkles will noticeably decrease.


Gelatin compensates for the lack of collagen in the epidermis. You need to take a package of gelatin (weighing 10 grams) and pour in 50 ml of milk. Leave for a quarter of an hour, then heat over low heat, until the crystals dissolve, but do not allow the liquid to boil. Pour half a teaspoon of almond oil into the prepared solution.

The warm mass is applied to the face in several layers using a brush. Particular attention should be paid to the folds on the forehead and nasolabial folds. After half an hour, remove the resulting film.


A very simple but effective mask. You just need to cut a few grapes and rub the juice on cleansed skin. After about twenty minutes, wash your face. This procedure perfectly tones and smoothes wrinkles. Its disadvantage is that it can only be used during the berry ripening season. The grapes that are sold in supermarkets in winter will not bring much benefit. In winter, a similar procedure can be carried out using grapefruit juice.

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Mask that cleanses and reduces pores T-Pur Blue Face Clay, Biotherm Homme

The price is high, reaching 3000 rubles.

Suitable for those who save time or do not like too long care. T-Pur Blue Face Clay, Biotherm Homme (Bioterm Homme) is best applied in the evening. The texture is soft blue with a pearlescent sheen based on blue clay interspersed with volcanic dust. Masks for narrowing pores have good cleansing properties.

Disadvantage: Available in the form of a cream jar. It’s not entirely clear how much to apply to the face, there is no dispenser, the texture is more like a nourishing cream. Not suitable as an aftershave as it may cause severe irritation.

Mask for men from Mr. Plan

Costs about 120 rubles.

Made in the form of a blister for one-time use, the fabric mask of the Korean brand is suitable for relaxing the skin after shaving. Oils of plants and flowers tone the cells, leaving a unique delicate scent with notes of lotus.

Mask for men from Mr. Plan will help eliminate oily shine and create conditions for rapid regeneration of epidermal cells. Perfectly useful in the summer heat. The effect is felt instantly and lasts a long time. The moist texture will help with recovery and nutrition. When choosing Korean fabric masks, it is important to order only from trusted stores.

Disadvantage: an allergic reaction to the components of the formula is possible. The choice of assortment is large, the budget is designed for different needs, taking into account the optimal option.

What is a “black mask”?

The service lives up to its name: due to the presence of charcoal in its composition, the mask lays on the face with a black layer. The carbon element has a magnetic effect, drawing out deep-lying contaminants from the pores. It can remove oily shine and blackheads. Due to the peeling effect, dead skin cells are removed from the skin. This makes the skin look fresher and more receptive to other treatments.

Inclusion of grapefruit oil and wheat germ the black mask

, the abundance of natural substances increases the antiseptic, antioxidant, stimulating effect of the cosmetic mass. The skin is nourished, and due to the presence of folic acid and provitamin B5, it is also restored. By the way, it is B5 that activates other components. But this effect requires repeated and correct application of the product. Then, after an average of 7 days of use, the first transformations appear. For example, the skin becomes evenly smoother and cleaner.


  1. Today, taking care of yourself is not an extraordinary act for a man.
  2. The choice of facial care product depends on the structure of the skin.
  3. Modern cosmetic products can get rid of problems in the shortest possible time.
  4. Depending on the purpose of use, there are disposable and reusable cosmetic products.
  5. When applying cosmetics, you should first cleanse your skin with a cleanser and toner, wash your hands thoroughly, and take a relaxed pose.

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Online recording
Removal begins from the chin, since the mask has turned into an elastic film. But during the process of drying the composition, a person must remain in a relaxed state, not look at gadgets, and exclude conversations. The reason is that the skin should not stretch. The master strictly monitors this.

The fact that the barbershop will use professional products with quality certificates also speaks against the home use of a black mask The client’s risk of allergies will be identified in advance and contraindications will be established. Then a high effect is guaranteed. But if you exclude such preparation, take a composition of unknown quality, or violate the instructions for use, you can cause serious damage to the skin. Therefore, it is better to go to a barbershop! The procedure there is both safer and more effective.

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