How to get rid of stretch marks on the butt and prevent their appearance

Stretch marks on the butt: what can cause them

Stretch marks, or stretch marks, in the buttocks area are a common phenomenon among young and mature people. At the same time, they are paid attention mainly by those who take special care of every centimeter of their body. This part of him is almost always hidden from prying eyes, but defects of this kind significantly reduce a person’s self-esteem and deprive him of confidence in his own attractiveness.

Stretch marks are strip-shaped scars formed as a result of microscopic tears in the reticular layer of the dermis. Most often, stretch marks are localized on the hips, chest, abdomen, buttocks, and a little less often on the back.

At an early stage, stripes of a crimson or purple hue, from 2 to 10 mm thick and up to 1 cm long, form on the skin. Gradually they heal, lose their original color and become like abrupt whitish lines.

Old stretch marks on the butt cannot be disguised and become even more noticeable on a tanned body

Unfortunately, getting rid of old stretch marks is much more difficult and almost impossible at home. You can resort to expensive cosmetic procedures in salons, but they do not guarantee an ideal result. That is why it makes sense to start the fight at an early stage, before connective fibers have formed that will turn healed microcracks into faded lines that cannot be tanned or camouflaged.

Reasons for the problem

Typically, stretch marks form on the body without any previous symptoms. As for the buttocks, many people discover a defect on them by accident, for example, while changing clothes in front of a mirror. Sometimes short-term itching occurs on the skin when it is subject to deformation, but few people pay attention to this.

The main cause of the problem is a decrease in the level of collagen and elastin. This leads to a loss of skin elasticity, and in this state it becomes very vulnerable and any hormonal imbalance, overexertion or change in body weight can be reflected in the form of minor injuries. The risk group most often includes pregnant women, young people during puberty, as well as people with a tendency to be overweight.

Stretch marks on the buttocks are extremely rare in men. As a rule, as a result of a sharp increase in muscle mass associated with taking steroid drugs or intense training.

There is an opinion that squats with a barbell can cause the formation of stretch marks on the thighs and buttocks, but this hypothesis has not been confirmed by anything and is considered erroneous.

There are the following factors that contribute to the formation of stretch marks on the butt:

  • a sharp increase in muscle and fat mass;
  • hormonal changes in the body and disruptions in this area;
  • taking medications containing hormones, including contraceptives;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • some diseases associated with disruption of the endocrine system;
  • intense physical activity;
  • poor nutrition and drinking disorders.

How to remove stretch marks on the butt at home

Self-correction of stretch marks on the skin of the buttocks involves a long and tedious process that requires regular effort, a lot of patience and some financial costs. Simple procedures using various cosmetic products will soon help restore your butt to an attractive appearance, making it smoother and firmer.

Scrubs that even out skin texture

Products containing abrasive particles little by little cleanse, massage, and polish the surface of the skin with scar changes. You can buy ready-made tubes of scrub in the store or make it yourself from leftover ground coffee, salt and sugar. Regular exfoliation of the buttocks will speed up the regeneration of damaged tissues and improve microcirculation. The procedure should be performed directly while taking a shower.

Ground coffee is an excellent base for making a scrub at home

Method for preparing and using coffee scrub:

  1. Add a little citrus essential oil to a tablespoon of any base oil (olive, jojoba, coconut, almond), and then combine with coffee grounds.
  2. Apply the composition to a sponge or massage mitt and massage problem areas in a circular motion.
  3. Treat each buttock this way (5 minutes each).
  4. Rinse off the scrub under a warm stream.
  5. Moisturize the treated areas with nourishing cream.

Cupping massage

Treatment of the buttocks with vacuum cups also increases blood flow and improves lymph flow, but only at a deeper level. In this case, vegetable oil will provide easy gliding and hydration during manipulation. Use only pure, cold-pressed products (no artificial additives) as a base. For example, coconut or olive. And essential oils of rose, neroli, lavender, patchouli or rosemary, added in small quantities (1-2 drops), will only increase the effect.

Rose essential oil restores firmness and elasticity to the skin

It is very important to work with a thoroughly cleansed epidermis, and perform all movements along the lymph flow (that is, from bottom to top). You need to adjust the suction strength very carefully, otherwise instead of smooth skin you will get bruises with ruptured blood vessels. Some women replace the oil with natural honey, rightly believing that its healing properties will enhance the effect of the vacuum and at the same time enrich the epidermis with vitamins and minerals.

Step-by-step technique:

  1. Warm the skin on the buttocks for a minute using stroking and rubbing techniques.
  2. Generously oil the area to be worked on.
  3. Place the jar on your skin, squeeze it, release the air, and release.
  4. Move smoothly along the massage lines using minimal vacuum force. At the same time, hold the treated area from stretching with your free hand.
  5. Gradually increase the suction force and continue massaging for 5-6 minutes.
  6. Finish the treatment with a relaxing manual massage.

Finally, you can apply ice cubes to your butt to quickly soothe reddened skin and prevent bruising. To start the regeneration process, it is enough to massage the buttocks for 5-10 minutes. The course of treatment consists of 15–20 procedures, which can be performed daily or every other day, and then once a week to maintain the effect.

There are points that are not recommended or even prohibited to massage, for example, lymph nodes

Attention! Cupping massage is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women!


Wraps are a more gentle procedure, but they take a lot of time. Such sessions help not only eliminate stretch marks, but also successfully fight orange peel. As ingredients of the mixture for application, you can use the same honey, various oils with the addition of vitamins A and E, cosmetic clay, aloe juice, mumiyo, anti-cellulite creams, etc.

The prepared composition is usually distributed over the cleansed and slightly steamed skin of the buttocks, wrapped in cling film, wrapped in a warm cloth and left for 20–40 minutes, then washed off. It is recommended to do 3 sessions per week for 1-2 months. After six months, the course can be repeated.

Recipe for mixture with mumiyo:

  1. Dissolve two tablets of the product in a small amount of warm water.
  2. Squeeze baby cream into a container.
  3. Mix the ingredients.

Shilajit reduces the size of existing stretch marks and reduces the intensity of their color

Pharmacy corrective cosmetics

Creams can also help fight stretch marks if they contain components such as:

  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • cacao butter;
  • ascorbic and glycolic acids.

Let us give as an example two French products that have proven themselves to be the most effective.

Stretch Mark Control is a cream produced by Clarins. The drug has a positive effect on the structure of the skin, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, and accelerates the healing of fresh scars.

Clarins Stretch Mark Control cream is designed to improve skin elasticity and prevent stretch marks.

Body Biovergetures cream gel is an active cocktail from Biotherm. The moisturizing complex it contains increases skin turgor and restores its structure.

Body Biovergetures cream-gel from Biotherm is used both to prevent the appearance of stretch marks and to eliminate them

It is believed that French cosmetics are the best in the world and can solve all skin problems. But stretch marks are still not wrinkles, but scars, even very small ones, so you should resort to it only when you need to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. It is possible that the Chinese Green Tea cream, which once helped me get rid of age spots on my face, will cope with the problem better, but this is a personal hypothesis. I remember how, a few days after use, a slight burning sensation appeared, then a feeling of tightness and severe peeling. Then it turned out that under the layer of “scales” was hidden new skin, cleaner and smoother.

How does the procedure work?

  • First, the doctor conducts an examination, assessing the density and depth of the striae in order to select the appropriate device and mode for grinding.
  • The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and the patient does not feel any pain.
  • The session lasts 5-15 minutes depending on the area being treated. During operation of the device, the patient feels a slight tingling or burning sensation.
  • After the procedure, redness and a crust appears at the site of the stretch mark, which disappears within a few days.
  • After laser resurfacing, protection from UV radiation, mechanical and thermal effects on the treatment area is recommended.

Hardware cosmetology in the fight against stretch marks

Professional methods of struggle are most often resorted to when others no longer help. However, the hardware method is also not omnipotent and does not provide a 100% guarantee. To achieve ideal smoothness, complete excision of the scar is required, which is only possible through surgery (abdominoplasty). Let's look at the most effective and safe procedures.

Chemical peeling

The chemical peeling method involves the application of aggressive acids under anesthesia, resulting in a burn of the top layer of skin. This forces the damaged tissue to produce the collagen necessary for cell repair.

The procedure has a large number of side effects.

Laser correction

A procedure on the buttocks in a clinic using laser technology requires careful and lengthy preparation. After such deep treatment, the skin needs restorative care for at least 2 weeks, and then it should be protected from exposure to ultraviolet rays for another 4–6 months. During the procedure, scar tissue is burned away with a laser for about an hour. Practice shows that laser technologies in combination with phototherapy or photothermolysis are more effective. With this integrated approach, smoothing of the surface occurs against the background of masking stretch marks to match the color of the skin or replacing connective tissue with new fibers.


Mesotherapy is a procedure during which a cosmetologist injects into problem areas a mixture containing certain substances (amino acids, collagen, vitamins, plant extracts). They accelerate the regeneration process, stimulate cell renewal and the production of compounds necessary to maintain the strength and elasticity of the skin. To achieve the desired result, you need to complete a course of 10–15 sessions.

After using hardware correction methods, stretch marks are significantly minimized


  • Pronounced effect. Patented AcuPulse technologies make it possible to destroy scar deformations of any density, depth, etc. with maximum effect.
  • Patient comfort. Powerful and very fast pulses of laser energy can reduce pain to a minimum. This is the most powerful and at the same time the most gentle of all CO2 lasers.
  • Fast rehabilitation. Post-procedure recovery in patients occurs almost unnoticed, and caring for the treated area is very simple.
  • No complications. If you follow your doctor's recommendations, no side effects are observed.

Contraindications to the use of methods for getting rid of stretch marks

By resorting to one or another cosmetic product, instead of the expected positive effect, you can get serious damage. Try to carefully study the instructions for use of the drug and conduct a preliminary reaction test. Remember that you may have an individual intolerance to any components of the product. To be sure of the proper quality of cosmetic products, buy them in specialized stores.

All hardware procedures should be performed only by a qualified specialist after a thorough examination to identify contraindications. Each method has its own limitations, here is only a general list:

  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • oncology and precancerous conditions;
  • hemophilia and some other blood diseases;
  • infectious and skin diseases in the acute stage;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • heart, kidney or liver failure;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • diabetes mellitus and severe thyrotoxicosis;
  • mental disorders;
  • fever;
  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance.

Preventing the problem from occurring

Understanding that there are processes in the body that cannot be controlled (genetic predisposition, hormonal changes), it is difficult to foresee all the nuances. However, following a healthy lifestyle will reduce the risk of stretch marks to a minimum. To do this, follow a number of rules:

  • change your diet, let protein foods, fruits, vegetables and herbs predominate in it;
  • try to drink several glasses of clean water throughout the day;
  • maintain optimal weight, avoiding a sharp decrease/increase in body weight;
  • regularly strengthen the muscles of the buttocks with physical exercise, this will improve blood circulation and allow you to maintain skin elasticity longer;
  • take a contrast shower (if there are no contraindications to such a procedure).

Women during pregnancy can use shapewear, the effect of which is comparable to a light massage.


Christina: I have had stretch marks since I was a teenager. They have never bothered me, but now I’m planning a pregnancy, and it’s become scary to become completely covered in them, so I’ll use oils for prevention.

Oleg: I have stretch marks on my sides, butt and back; they appeared during a period of active growth. They said it could only be removed with complex procedures, so I didn’t.

Anya: Vichy is a very effective remedy for stretch marks!

Vika: After giving birth, I use a whole range of procedures: massage, coffee scrub, oil emulsion and mummy cream.

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