Ial System / Ial System - “Gold standard of biorevitalization”

The first signs of aging are directly related to a decrease in hyaluronic acid in the skin, the main component of the intercellular matrix. Hyaluronic acid is responsible for skin turgor and elasticity. Its decline can be natural (physiological) or premature (pathological). A premature decrease in hyaluronic acid in the skin is caused by active sun exposure, chronic intoxication (for example, smoking), stress, inadequate skin care, and some somatic diseases.

To restore the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the skin, biorevitalization is used - an injection method of introducing native hyaluronic acid. The main goal of biorevitalization is to slow down the aging process.

The Fidia company (Italy) is a pioneer in the development of the concept of biorevitalization and the production of preparations for dermatocosmetology. The following drugs have been developed for practical use: Ial-System and Ial-System ACP.

1. Ial System / Ial system is a sterile visco-elastic gel based on hyaluronic acid of biosynthetic origin with a concentration of 18 mg/ml. Available in syringes with a volume of 0.6 and 1.1 ml and is one of the safest drugs for intradermal administration, which is perfectly compatible with the skin.

2. Ial System ACP is a sterile gel based on hyaluronic acid with a mesh structure, obtained using the patented “auto-cross-link” technology with a concentration of 20 mg/ml. It is available in 1.0 ml syringes. When introduced into the dermis, the drug is broken down in 2 stages. At the first stage, it absorbs water and the crosslink is destroyed with the formation of hyaluronic acid chains. In the second stage, hyaluronic acid is destroyed by the enzyme hyaluronidase, resulting in the release of fragments of hyaluronic acid of various molecular weights. The drug restores the proliferative and functional activity of fibroblasts, normalizes microcirculation of the dermis and enhances antioxidant protection.

The effect of Ial System ACP will be more pronounced in well-moisturized tissues, therefore it can be used in basic programs after Ial-System / Ial systems or in the same procedure with it.

On what areas can Ial System be used?

Ial System / Ial systems can be used on absolutely any area of ​​the skin that needs “restoration”. As a rule, exposed areas lose tone and elasticity the fastest: face, neck, décolleté, hands. They are the ones most often exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Principle of action and correction zones

IAL-system biorevitalizants are produced by a pharmaceutical company (Italy), which specializes in the research, development and production of pharmaceuticals and medical products for dermatology, cosmetology and rheumatology; Ial System includes hyaluronic acid.
The products are ISO 9002 registered and all stages of their production are carried out in compliance with GMP requirements. The drugs are produced in the form of sterile, viscous gels, in disposable syringes with a volume of 1.1, 1 or 0.6 ml. Inside the packaging of each product of the company there is a sticker indicating the volume of the syringe, the expiration date of the cosmetic product, its name and batch number. It is pasted into the client’s card, which allows a person to verify at any time that the doctor used a certified product to perform the procedure. Ial System biorevitalizants have the same properties as natural hyaluronic acid, only they have increased resistance to hyaluronidase due to internal esterification of the molecules of the active component. Gels enhance the processes of natural skin regeneration and increase the speed of its recovery after chemical peeling.

When administered intradermally, a two-stage breakdown of hyaluronic acid occurs:

  • at the first stage, it goes through the process of hydrolysis (cleavage of ester bonds) and release of native molecules of the active component;
  • at the second stage, enzymatic breakdown of these substances occurs and the formation of biologically active fragments of different molecular weights, which interact with cellular receptors, stimulate the work of fibroblasts and increase the synthesis of natural glycosaminoglycans of the skin (collagen, elastin).

Ial System gels are used to correct age-related changes in the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, shoulders, back of the hands and inner thighs.

Manufacturer of the line

The Italian company Fidia Farmaceutic occupies a leading position in the aesthetic medicine market. It was possible to achieve high results thanks to the use of modern technologies and the use of high-quality raw materials. Formulas are developed based on hyaluronic acid, taking into account molecular weight to create a product according to individual indications. Scientists managed to modify the acid to obtain new chemical and biological characteristics.

Fidia Pharma opened a branch in Russia. The manufacturer provides customer support and conducts training seminars for specialists. Safety and effectiveness are confirmed by ISO 9001, ISO 13485 and ISO 13485 certificates.

IAL System series of drugs

The family of biorevitalizants is represented by three products, which differ from each other in the concentration of hyaluronic acid and its type (it can be stabilized and unstabilized). Two of the three products in this line are used within the framework of one unified cosmetic program “Gold Standard of Biorevitalization”.


– a sterile gel preparation based on unstabilized hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 18 mg/ml and sodium chloride. Biorevitalization with this product is recommended for patients with dry and atonic skin of the face, neck and back of the hands. Ial System restores skin turgor, protects it from the harmful effects of free radicals, improves blood microcirculation, and normalizes complexion. The drug is injected to a depth of one millimeter (into the superficial layers of the epidermis). The effect of its use lasts 3-5 months.

IAL-system ACP

– a biorevitalizant that contains esterified (stabilized) hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 20 mg/ml. Used to correct deep wrinkles and skin folds on the face, neck and décolleté, smooth out the relief and turgor of the skin, prevent photoaging and prepare for aggressive cosmetic procedures. It is injected into the depth of the papillary dermis. The effect of biorevitalization IAL-system ACP lasts 6-8 months.

IAL-system DUO

– a preparation based on hyaluronic acid stabilized in two different ways (by intramolecular ester bonds and using BDDE). The concentration of the main substance in the gel is 25 mg/ml. The drug has a dense structure, so it is used to replenish the volume of soft tissues in the cheeks, cheekbones, nasolabial folds, forehead, back of the hands and neck. The gel is injected into the upper layers of the skin, the result of the procedure lasts 8-10 months (depending on the individual characteristics of the body).


Performing a cosmetic procedure using IAL-system® is recommended if you have the following problems:

  • loss of firmness and elasticity, including after a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • change in tone ;
  • excessive dry skin;
  • formation of pigment spots;
  • dehydration of the epidermis as a result of ultraviolet exposure over a long period of time.

In addition, this procedure is suitable if the patient decides to undergo plastic surgery or wants to undergo peeling. In this case, biorevitalization is used as a preparatory measure to prevent side effects or accelerate the recovery process.

Application features and required number of procedures

has developed the “Gold Standard Biorevitalization” technique, which is an effective two-step program for comprehensive moisturizing and rejuvenation of the skin.

  1. At the first stage, the specialist conducts a basic course of biorevitalization with the drug Ial System; it consists of three procedures, which are carried out once every two weeks. Purpose: preliminary moistening of tissues;
  2. At the second stage, the effect is consolidated by using a denser preparation for biorevitalization of the face. At intervals once a month, the doctor makes one or two injections of IAL-system ACP, and this allows you to improve the results of using the first biorevitalizant and maintain the effect of the procedure for a longer period (from 8 months to a year).

Healing period

After injections, papules, slight swelling, and redness are observed. They go away on their own within a few days. Positive results depend not only on the experience and qualifications of the doctor. The patient must adhere to simple rules to achieve a lasting effect:

  1. Maintain fluid balance by drinking at least 2 liters of clean water. You should not drink alcohol for about a week, reduce the amount of salt.
  2. Do not use decorative cosmetics for about 2 days. Limit touching your skin.
  3. For cleansing you need to use professional foams and gels. Treat the skin with an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ointment 2 times a day.
  4. Protect your face from exposure to ultraviolet radiation; do not go to the sauna, solarium, swimming pool, or play sports.

Attention! The duration of the result depends on the age and lifestyle of the patient. When using ial systems - 3 months, asr - six months, duo - up to 8 months. The effect can be extended with additional cosmetic procedures.

Contraindications and possible consequences

Contraindications to the use of biorevitalizants from the Ial System line:

  • blood diseases;
  • oncology:
  • intolerance to the main component;
  • pregnancy;
  • recent use of anticoagulants;
  • hypertension;
  • tendency to form scars.

Some patients experience slight swelling or erythema in the area where the hyaluronic gel is injected (symptoms go away on their own).

Sometimes hematomas appear at the injection site (dissolve within 4 days) or an inflammatory process occurs (its appearance is associated with a violation of the rules of the procedure).

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, experts share their experience in using ial systems.

The user writes that pregnancy and lactation are contraindications for the procedure.

The participant writes about the features of application and administration technique.

The user writes about the need to inject according to the scheme.

The review describes unsatisfactory results of use.

Using Ial System ACP and Ial System in the same procedure

The essence of the combination is the simultaneous use of two drugs, which makes it possible to use each drug in the area where it is especially needed. Ial System ACP is injected into the area around the eyes, 3-4 mm away from the ciliary edge, using microinjections using the “point by point” technique. The same technique is used on the upper eyelid. The area around the eyes is characterized by swelling, which is not a contraindication to this drug. Ial System ACP is also recommended to be administered to seborrheic areas, as it significantly reduces sebum secretion. It stimulates collagen synthesis more actively and remains in tissues longer, and the clinical effect lasts 4-6 months. All other areas are treated with the Ial System, including the neck and décolleté area. The biorevitalization procedure using two drugs is carried out once a month. The number of procedures for an intensive course ranges from 2 to 4, depending on the individual characteristics of the skin, age and maintenance of the menstrual cycle.

Maximum stimulation of fibroblasts after biorevitalization is observed from 5 to 14 days. Fibroblasts are hormone-dependent skin cells, and their activity is directly related to the concentration of estrogen during the menstrual cycle in women. The maximum level of estrogen is observed on days 12-14 of the cycle. The combination can be considered optimal when the 5th day after the biorevitalization procedure corresponds to the 12-14th day of the menstrual cycle. That is, you can achieve maximum stimulation of fibroblasts by performing the biorevitalization procedure on days 7-9 of the menstrual cycle. This is especially true for premenopausal women, i.e. during the initial period of decreased ovarian function. Endocrinologically, this period is characterized by a decrease in estrogen concentration, and clinically by a change in the interval between menstrual cycles. Premenopause begins at the age of 42-45 years, its duration is from 2 to 10 years.

Biorevitalization course Ial System

A) Patients are under 30 years of age.

The course is carried out to increase skin turgor in people who abuse tanning, to prevent photoaging, before traveling to hot countries and 2 weeks after returning, as well as to correct premature wrinkles in patients with dry skin with sudden weight loss. This group uses Ial System monotherapy.

B) Age from 30-45 years.

The course is carried out with the aim of increasing skin turgor and elasticity, restoring its adaptive properties. And also during the rehabilitation period after chemical peels, laser rejuvenation, phototherapy. The primary course includes 2 Ial-System procedures, after 2 weeks Ial-System ACP, a month later - the second Ial-System ACP procedure. Maintenance course - Ial System ACP or Ial System every 4-5 months.

B) Age after 45 years.

The course is carried out with the aim of replenishing the deficiency of hyaluronic acid in the dermis, stimulating fibroblasts, and restoring microcirculation. The primary course includes 2 Ial System procedures once every 2 weeks, after 2 weeks - Ial-System ACP, after a month - again Ial System ACP. Repeated course - injections of Ial System ACP are carried out at intervals of 3-4 months. In patients with dry skin, the scheme of simultaneous administration of two drugs once a month has proven itself to be effective.

What procedures can be combined with?

Fractional skin rejuvenation. The method of treating the skin with a laser is based on thermal effects and evaporation of moisture from the epidermis (this causes an active process of exfoliation of cells of the stratum corneum, smoothing out wrinkles and activating the work of fibroblasts). Biorevitalization with the drug Ial System allows you to increase the supply of moisture in the dermis and improve the rejuvenating effect of the use of laser radiation.

Deep chemical peeling (controlled skin burn that activates the internal processes of regeneration of the dermis and epidermis). The use of biorevitalizants helps to shorten the recovery period after the procedure and improve the protective function of the skin.

Preparing for a surgical facelift. According to reviews from cosmetologists, the use of Ial System preparations helps create a “depot” of hyaluronic acid in the skin, which will speed up the wound healing process after surgical tissue tightening and improve the effect of the procedure.

Patient reviews

There are mostly positive opinions about the drug on the Internet.

A participant writes about a long-term effect.

The patient describes the experience of using the product; invisible papules during the healing stage did not cause discomfort.

The review indicates a lack of results.

A participant writes about dryness and flaking after the procedure.

Other patient reviews can be found on the forum.


First of all, you need to carefully choose a clinic and a specialist who will perform the procedure. It is also important to first consult with a doctor who will examine the skin of the problem area, assess its general condition, determine the scope of work and select the optimal dosage of the drug.

If necessary, a diagnostic examination may be prescribed, which will help determine the presence of possible contraindications. The patient must inform the cosmetologist of possible manifestations of an allergic reaction, if any have been noted previously. To prevent the development of allergies, an allergy test is prescribed.

If there are no restrictions on performing biorevitalization with IAL-system® preparations, then the specialist discusses with the client the most suitable date and time for the procedure and gives recommendations for further preparation.

For a month, you need to stop taking antibiotics, acetylsalicylic acid and other medications that can negatively affect blood clotting.

Peeling and biorevitalization

Peeling and biorevitalization are the most popular cosmetic procedures among women in the fight against age-related skin changes.

7 days in advance you must stop visiting the bathhouse, sauna, or solarium. Tanning in the open sun is also prohibited. During preparation, it is not recommended to subject the body to heavy physical activity and sports.

In addition, it is prohibited to drink coffee, strong tea, and alcoholic beverages. Spicy and salty foods are excluded from the diet. On the day of the procedure, the patient must stop smoking.

After care

In order for the recovery period to pass as quickly as possible and without consequences, experts advise adhering to certain rules during rehabilitation.

Differences between biorevitalization and bioreparation

To preserve the beauty and youth of your skin for many years, experts recommend various cosmetic procedures.

During the day after the manipulation, you should try to avoid any mechanical impact on the treated areas of the skin. It is also prohibited to apply decorative cosmetics. To eliminate swelling and redness, you need to take medications that have an anti-inflammatory effect for two days.

For two weeks you must avoid going to the bathhouse, swimming pool, sauna and solarium. You should give up alcohol-containing drinks for five days. In addition, if there is no need, it is not advisable to take anticoagulants immediately after injections.

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