Pearly papules (white pimples) on the penis - causes and treatment

Why do white pimples appear?

The reasons for the appearance of pimples on the head of the penis and the genital organ itself can be of a different nature. Formations appear due to:

Each pathology has its own treatment methods. Pimples are never removed by squeezing or other physical methods.

Some dysfunctions that cause formations do not even require treatment.

Pustules are small pustules on the face

A pustule is an inflammatory acne element, inside of which there is a cavity filled with purulent contents. Its size can reach 10 mm. The shape can be cone-shaped, flat, hemispherical. A pustule can form as an independent element or from a papule. When pustules appear on the face, the cause must be sought in the inflammatory process occurring in the skin.

You can tell that a pustule has formed by looking at the white head of the pimple*. Its contents are usually white, yellowish, and sometimes greenish. The contents of the pustule may dry out, a crust will form on top of it, the fall of which may lead to the appearance of a hyperpigmentation spot.

If even small pustules appear on the face, it is necessary to take action, as they can turn into indurative acne. With this form of acne, inflammation spreads into the deeper layers of the skin. Resolution of such acneous elements may leave behind atrophic scars.32

Symptomatic picture

If pimples on the head of the genital organ appear as a result of pathology, then the appearance of these formations will be accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. The patient begins to worry:

  • inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the groin area;
  • high body temperature;
  • swelling;

  • itching of pimples;
  • there is bloody or cloudy liquid inside the formations - this is the first sign of inflammation of the formations;
  • pain in the lower abdomen in the groin;
  • the appearance of wounds and ulcers that heal very poorly.

If the rash was caused by a sexually transmitted disease, the pimples will heal very slowly. They often burst, causing even more foci of infection.

Advanced forms of STDs can deprive a man of normal sexual function.

Pimples on the genitals in babies

In newborns, such formations are caused by smegma.

This is a special white substance that can either accumulate in the pocket between the foreskin and the penis, or be deposited in the same place and form a pimple. What should a mother do if smegma is detected:

  1. Do not pick, press or try to eliminate the formation in any way;
  2. give your child baths with chamomile or potassium permanganate, you can rinse with Miramistin (but you should first talk about this with your pediatrician);
  3. take the baby for examination to a doctor so that he can determine whether it is necessary to surgically open the head and remove the smegma or whether this will happen naturally.

At some point (this is completely individual) that white pimple will break out. After this, the child’s head of the penis will fully open.

Diagnosis of the pathology that caused the symptom

Several types of specialized specialists can diagnose the cause. If formations are detected on the penis, a man should contact:

  1. dermatologist
    - if a rash of the same nature is present in the groin area and at the root of the penis;

  2. to a venereologist
    - when pimples appear only on the head.

Venereologists initially conduct a visual examination and collect anamnesis. This doctor also takes some biomaterials for research:

  • smear from the urethra - a bacterial culture is done on the flora to determine the causative agent of the disease;
  • scraping the skin on the penis.

The patient also donates blood and urine for general analysis. When visiting a dermatologist, the patient is prescribed everything the same except for a smear and bacterial culture.

White pimples on the head of men can be a sign of diseases of the urinary system and tumors.

How to get rid of acne on the head of the penis? Traditional recipes and preparations

If the rash or individual pimples are white or light in color, not inflamed and less than 2 mm in diameter, and the thought of unprotected sexual intercourse is excluded, then, having discovered them, attention should be paid to careful hygiene. You can refuse sexual contact for a while, change your underwear in a timely manner, and use chamomile decoction for rinsing. There are special pharmaceutical products for these purposes - they should be used, for example, calendula-based ointment, which is applied to sores.

Traditional recipes for getting rid of acne on the penis:

  • Fresh celandine juice, which is added to the water before taking a bath, is good for acne. This is an effective anti-inflammatory agent, but it cannot be used for ulcers, skin lesions, and acute forms of dermatological diseases.
  • Freshly squeezed cranberry juice is used for small pustules. They wipe the affected areas several times a day.
  • Marigold and sage flowers taken in equal proportions are infused in boiling water for half an hour and used for rinsing. Carry out the procedure, preferably 5-6 times a day.
  • Compresses made from the leaves of agave, plantain and Kalanchoe can be used for infectious rashes. This is an effective, bactericidal agent against staphylococcus, streptococcus and other bacteria.
  • A special compress of mashed boiled potatoes, buckwheat honey, fresh yolk and medium-fat cream should be kept on the area with acne for about 15 minutes. After this, simply rinse with water at room temperature. This composition helps to quickly dry out the ulcers and reduce inflammation.
  • An infusion of fresh coltsfoot leaves helps against white comedones. Treatment is carried out up to 4 times a day.
  • Inflamed pimples are also treated with decoctions of birch leaves, yarrow, and catnip. Itching and irritation are soothed by tea tree and lavender esters.

Medications for treating pimples on the genitals:

  • it is possible to remove comedones and papules with the help of pharmaceutical preparations; ordinary iodine tincture is quite effective; you just need to burn the pimple with it for 2-3 minutes;
  • Vishnevsky ointment and ichthyol ointment are suitable for compresses; they are applied in the evening to a clean and dried penis, secured and left until the morning;
  • If you treat the affected areas with peroxide, Spasatel, Levomekol or Zenerit ointment several times every day, you can quickly get rid of the rash.

If the disease is infectious, drugs that are active against specific pathogens are used:

  • for folliculitis, when the cause is inflammation of the hair follicle, antibiotics and antifungal drugs are used in the form of external creams and gels;
  • genital warts caused by the papilloma virus require the use of immunomodulators, such as Condilox, Aldara, sometimes cryodestruction and laser treatment are used;
  • herpes is treated with Acyclovir or Zovirax (ointments, tablets);
  • when the cause is an allergy, a special diet is prescribed, antihistamines are prescribed - Clarotodine, external agents Gioksizon, Fenistil.

All these drugs must be approved by a doctor, taking into account the patient’s condition and the degree of damage.

How to cure formations

Almost all diseases that cause pimples can be cured. The duration of this procedure varies depending on the initial condition of the patient and the specific pathogen. If a man has been diagnosed with candidiasis, his symptoms are eliminated after several days of therapy. The patient is prescribed antifungal ointments (Pimafucin or Clotrimazole) and oral medications.

Formations on the head of the penis in newborns cannot be treated in any way; it is important to simply maintain hygiene in this area.

For eczema, gel and oral antifungal drugs are prescribed.

If the patient has been diagnosed with parasites, the doctor prescribes local antiparasitic drugs (for each pathogen there is a different medicine). All inflammatory processes usually stop after the source is cured. Antibiotics are prescribed to treat them. When, after treatment, a man has severe skin lesions, he is prescribed local antiseptics.

For STDs, complex therapy is carried out. In some clinical cases, instrumental treatment methods are used. Condylomas can be removed by cryodestruction, laser or radio wave method.

Formations caused by the human papilloma virus are practically untreatable. This pathogenic organism integrates into cellular structures. Such dysfunction remains with a person forever.

Doctors advise patients to follow certain rules to avoid relapse. These include:

  1. Protecting the body from exposure to low temperatures and general hypothermia.
  2. Only protected sex (be sure to use contraceptives).
  3. Undergoing a session of antiviral therapy that will suppress the virus.
  4. Constantly strengthening the immune system. You can help your immune system with proper nutrition and taking vitamin complexes.

Most medications for the treatment of pimples and the causes that caused them are sold in pharmacies with a prescription. Therapy is often carried out in a hospital setting to constantly monitor the patient’s condition.

Pustules on the face: what to do?

Since pustules indicate an inflammatory process, most cosmetic procedures are contraindicated for them. What remains is drug treatment and home care. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Gentle care. If there are an abundance of pustules, it is necessary to take more careful care of the skin so as not to damage them. It is necessary to discard the idea of ​​squeezing out acne elements. This is fraught with the spread of inflammation and aggravation of the clinical picture.
  • Exclusion of alcohol-containing products from care. Attempting to dry acne will not be beneficial. The skin will respond with even greater sebum production and hyperkeratinization. And these are already two links in the mechanism of acne formation.
  • Nutrition correction. Since the appearance of acne may be associated with the consumption of certain products, for example, dairy. There is evidence that if there is an excess of sugar and fat in the diet, as well as eating on the go, it can provoke an exacerbation of acne.60
  • Light makeup. Pustular rashes are very difficult to hide with cosmetics. As a rule, applying a generous amount of foundation creates a mask effect. The face looks unnatural and the skin cannot breathe. As a result, the pores only become more clogged. Makeup for acne is acceptable, but it is better to keep it light. In the evening, it must be carefully removed, for example, with micellar water or milk.
  • Refusal of traditional methods of treatment. Do not try to prepare masks or creams yourself. Firstly, the use of multi-component compositions prepared by yourself can provoke irritation, itching, redness, and an allergic reaction. Secondly, you will waste time and may make the problem worse.

You can get rid of pustular rashes only by using medications prescribed by a dermatologist.


There are preventive measures that help prevent re-infection and the development of the disease. A man needs


The patient is recommended to have one partner from whom he cannot become infected. It is also important to remember that the pathology that caused the formations can be transmitted to other sexual partners.

Treatment of pustules on the face

There are systemic and topical medications designed to combat ulcers on the face; treatment should be selected by a dermatologist. When making a diagnosis and prescribing therapy, the doctor relies on the clinical picture. As a rule, when pustules appear, combination treatment including systemic antibacterial drugs is required.

For mild to moderate acne, a dermatologist may prescribe medications with azelaic acid, for example, Azelik®5,9 gel. It normalizes keratinization processes, reduces the level of free fatty acids, and exhibits antimicrobial activity against Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis5. Azelik® gel reduces the metabolism of neutrophils and their synthesis of free radical forms of oxygen5.


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