Mole on the penis: causes, possible diseases, dangerous or not


Introduction from D.S.: the article may seem a bit dry and boring if your work is not related to dermato-oncology. If this is the case, you can only read my explanations, they will be highlighted in gray. I have also highlighted the most important passages in the original text bold italics . Reading these fragments will be enough to form an opinion about the problem of spots on the genitals.

Alexandra M. Haugh, BA, Emily A. Merkel, BA, Bin Zhang, MS, Jeffrey A. Bubley, BA, Anna Elisa Verzi, MD, Christina Y. Lee, BA, and Pedram Gerami, MD
A clinical, histologic, and follow-up study of genital melanosis in men and women

Description of the problem: Clinically, genital melanosis is difficult to distinguish from melanoma. There is insufficient data on the risk of developing melanoma due to genital melanosis.

Objectives of the study: To analyze and characterize lesions that are clinically defined as genital melanosis, and to assess the risks of developing genital melanoma and melanoma at other body sites using a retrospective cohort study.

Methods: observation of 41 patients with genital melanosis, as well as analysis of the results of histological examination of the formations.

Results: Genital melanosis may be difficult to distinguish clinically from genital melanoma. However, the first condition develops at an earlier age than the second. Most lesions identified as genital melanosis stabilize or regress. 5 of 41 patients had a history of melanoma. Only one of them had genital melanoma. Most of the formations were characterized by melanocytes with suprabasal migration.

Limitations: The studies were conducted on a small number of patients for a limited time.

Conclusion: patients with genital melanosis, especially with atypia according to histological examination, require regular monitoring. This is necessary to detect the development of melanoma in time.

Genital melanosis is rare. This condition is observed in 0.01% of patients who consult a dermatologist [1, 2]. There is insufficient scientific data on this issue. Manifestations of genital melanosis are atypical. They are characterized by large areas of mucosal pigmentation that are clinically indistinguishable from melanoma. Almost nothing is known about the role of genital melanosis in the development of genital melanoma and melanoma of other skin and mucous membranes.

During the study, researchers observed 41 patients with genital melanosis. They also studied the results of histological studies. Finally, the researchers analyzed the history and incidence of melanoma in patients with genital melanosis. The data obtained should help clinicians choose the right diagnostic and treatment tactics when treating patients with genital melanosis.

Features of moles

A large number of moles on the human body appear during adolescence, as well as in women when carrying a child. The most interesting thing is that moles more often appear on the genitals in women. Such birthmarks appear at any age, begin to greatly disturb their owner, and sometimes even frighten them.

Moles differ from each other in size. Small nevi should not exceed 1.5 centimeters in size. Medium spots reach up to 10 centimeters. Large formations include those that are larger than 10 centimeters. Such nevi can be of two types: vascular and pigmented.

Vascular nevi differ in their color (red) and appear due to the strong proliferation of blood capillaries. Pigmented moles can be of different colors: from light to dark, and appear due to an excess amount of melanin. In addition, a man himself may be to blame for the appearance of moles if he does not monitor his health.

What nevi exist?

There are two main types of formations: vascular and pigmented. The vascular appearance occurs due to excessive proliferation of blood capillaries. A bundle of capillaries appears under the top layer of the skin and is red in color. Pigmented spots appear at the site of accumulation of melanocytes and have different localizations. Also, formations on the penis are divided according to the type of appearance:

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  • Congenital nevi appear on the skin of the penis during the first year of life;
  • Acquired moles appear throughout the entire period of a man’s life.

Congenital formations are distinguished by size. Small nevi are those whose size is no more than one and a half centimeters. Medium spots have a diameter of up to 10 cm. Moles that are larger than 10 cm are called large or giant. A man should pay the most attention to medium and large moles.

The main reasons for the appearance

Moles on the head of the penis and on its entire surface appear for the following reasons:

  1. Transitional age, during which severe hormonal imbalances occur.
  2. Regular wearing of underwear like swimming trunks. Such underwear strongly rubs and compresses the male organ, which ultimately leads to injury. A man who is accustomed to such sensations may not notice anything for a long time, but the skin is severely damaged as a result of such exposure.
  3. Prolonged exposure to the sun without clothing. Of course, such situations occur quite rarely, but it is important to remember that doctors prohibit being in the sun without underwear, even for a short period of time.
  4. Regular visits to a radiologist or being in an area with strong radiation.
  5. Constant emotional overload or chronic illness.
  6. Viral or infectious lesions of the human reproductive system.

If moles appear on the penis, then there is no need to worry too much. There is nothing terrible about benign formations on the genital organs themselves. But the threat is that for some reason a change process may begin in the mole and it will develop into a form of melanoma, which is dangerous not only for the man’s health, but also for his life.

Getting injured

Accidental damage to the skin on the genitals or head of the penis often leads to the appearance of a mole. Injuries or microtraumas can occur anywhere and as a result of any external influence: washing too quickly, unsuccessful sexual intercourse, sharp fastening of the fly.

In this case, it is impossible to give any specific advice, except for one thing: you need to carefully monitor your health and avoid any injuries. It is important to try to avoid situations in which the genital organ may be damaged, as this will lead to disturbances in health and sexual life.

Is there any danger?

Often, pigment formations that appear on the penis are harmless for a man. Only under the influence of unfavorable factors does a risk to health and life arise. The danger arises in case of injury to the nevus, when it changes and becomes painful. Melanoma is a cancerous skin disease that threatens to occur in the event of degeneration of a benign tumor. Men over 60 years of age are most susceptible to this dangerous disease. It is very difficult to identify it at an early stage. When cancer cells metastasize deep under the skin, vital internal organs, the skeletal system and the brain are affected. The disease is severe and often leads to death.

The importance of education

What does a mole on the penis mean? A neoplasm appears on the male genital organ quite rarely (mainly on the head or shaft). The nevus can remain in place for a long time or quickly go away. The appearance of neoplasms on the male genital organ is often associated with its fate and character traits. Let's consider the meaning of moles on the penis:

  • A nevus on the male genital organ can indicate a man’s love of love and his special passion in sexual life. Such a man loves the attention of women, and they often reciprocate. He also understands the psychology of women well, loves and knows how to fulfill their wishes. At the same time, a person loves his family and loved ones. As a rule, he gives birth to healthy and beautiful children.
  • If there are three or more moles on the penis, then such a man will have many children. In addition, people with such spots are distinguished by success in the labor sphere and often achieve heights and set goals. They are always accompanied by luck and fortune. They are sincere with the people around them, have a negative attitude towards lies, and enjoy the love of people.
  • Happy in family life and in relationships with your significant other.

  • A birthmark on the scrotum can indicate a person’s self-centeredness and vanity. It is precisely such people who are often lucky in life; they get what they want, even in the most difficult situations. Status is important to such a person; he shows dominance at home and at work. He is very worried about his future, about having children.
  • What is the significance of a mole on the penis in the pubic area? The man is sexy, charming and charming. By nature, such a person is quite flighty and often changes girls. People don’t think about starting a family and having children until adulthood. Such men prefer to spend more time in fun companies and quickly make new friends and connections. In their work activities they achieve a good position and are distinguished by responsibility.
  • A mole in the groin area indicates a real dictator who never listens to the opinions of the people around him.

Description of the problem

Pigment formations that form on any part of the human body can be different in size, shape, structure and color. They can be congenital or acquired. Congenital nevi occur in the first year of a child’s life. Acquired ones arise during human life under the influence of various factors. The main factors influencing the occurrence of nevi in ​​men or women:

  • Hereditary factor. If one of the parents had many moles, the child will inherit them.
  • Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, which provokes increased production of the pigment substance under the skin - melanin.
  • Hormonal imbalance. A hormonal surge occurs in adolescence, while taking hormonal medications, during pregnancy and lactation (in women).

In rare cases, men develop a mole on the penis (on the shaft or head). The pigment may remain on the intimate organ for a long time or disappear on its own after some time. The appearance of a mole on the penis is often associated with the character traits and fate of a man. A nevus located in a man’s intimate place has the following meaning:

  • a mole on the head of the penis means a man’s love and passion in bed;
  • a good family man, successful in marriage;
  • understands women and strives to provide them with all possible support;
  • A mole on the penis in men indicates increased potency.

Contact a specialist

If you have moles on the head of the penis, you should pay special attention to your health and consult an oncologist as soon as possible in the following cases:

  • the shape of the nevus suddenly changed;
  • from a previously flat mole to a convex one;
  • the shade has changed;
  • there are crusts on the formation or blood has begun to flow from it;
  • against the background of the mole there are additional symptoms: itching, pain;
  • if a red rim appears near the moles, which indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process;
  • the number of moles has increased.

If you have any of the symptoms described, it is important to see a healthcare professional as soon as possible. It is also important to consult a dermatovenerologist. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the man to undergo tests in order to avoid or prevent the onset of the disease and immediately begin to treat the first symptoms.

Unusual moles

In some cases, moles appear on the penis of an unusual shape: as if they are suspended on a thin stalk. They frighten with their strange appearance and cause some inconvenience.

Such forms of formations are considered peculiar mutants: a mixture of papilloma and nevus. If such a mole appears on the body, especially on the genitals, then it is important to immediately consult a doctor. If everything is fine with your health, but the birthmark is simply in the way, then you can decide to have it removed.

Carrying out deletion

Whatever part of the body the birthmark is located on, on the head or shaft of the genital organ, the most effective method is selected to eliminate it. It is impossible to determine the type of formation from a photo of a mole on the penis. You definitely need to visit a doctor in person. The main ways to remove pigmented tumors from the penis:

  • Surgical method. Before the procedure begins, the problem area of ​​the body is numbed. Next, the doctor excises the tissue of the birthmark using a scalpel. Removal time is less than 40 minutes. After the wound heals, a small scar remains on the penis.
  • Laser method. The process of eliminating the tumor is carried out using a laser pulse, which is distinguished by its effectiveness and pain. The laser procedure lasts for 2-3 minutes. Upon completion of the restoration of the problem area, no scars or stains remain on the organ.

  • Radio wave method. With this procedure, high-frequency waves are applied to the problematic birthmark. The main advantage of this method is that after eliminating the tumor, secondary nevi never appear in this area again.

When choosing one of the methods for removing a birthmark on the penis, it is important to follow some advice from your doctor in the postoperative period. This will help quickly restore the damaged area (if removed surgically). Timely removal will help avoid possible pathologies and preserve not only the health, but also the life of the man.

How to get rid of nevi

If a mole causes discomfort to a man or he simply wants to get rid of it, he should consult a dermatologist. During an external examination, the dermatologist will determine whether the stain can be removed immediately or whether additional tests are necessary. If a malignant neoplasm is suspected, the doctor may refer the patient for a biopsy of the penis tissue. To carry out the procedure, a small area of ​​the mole is separated and sent to the laboratory for microscopic examination. If the mole is not malignant, the doctor will suggest the following methods for excision of the nevus:

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  1. Surgical method;
  2. Laser excision;
  3. Electrocoagulation removal.

If the mole occupies a large surface area of ​​the penis, then it can be removed using a regular scalpel. After the nevus is completely excised, the edges of the skin are sutured with surgical sutures. If a mole is suspected of malignancy, it is sent from surgery for histological examination. The patient can independently insist on histology.

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Laser excision of a spot from the skin of the penis is carried out using a laser beam. The method does not injure surrounding tissues and does not lead to bleeding. The surface of damaged vessels is sealed with a laser, leaving the surgical field dry. Laser surgery takes a minimal amount of time, and the patient can go home immediately. The disadvantage of laser therapy is the complete destruction of the mark. Further histology is not possible with laser therapy.

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Electrocoagulation is carried out using electrical waves at the tip of a surgical knife. Electrocoagulation removal of marks is the most positive method. The surgical field does not bleed under the influence of waves, and the tissues adjacent to the mole are not injured. After excision, the tissue can be sent for histological examination.

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A man who has a nevus on his penis should consult a dermatologist for advice.

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