Everything you need to know about pearlescent papules on the penis and methods for their removal

Very often, men are concerned about the appearance of their penis, on which pearly papules form, or as they are popularly called, pearly papules. By themselves, papules on the head do not pose any danger or harm to their carrier, but only carry a cosmetic drawback. Papules look like small formations, reminiscent of papillomas. This defect is usually located near the head of the penis, encircling it, enclosing it in a circle. Pearly papules on the head are not harmful to health, do not pose a sexually transmitted danger and are not sexually transmitted.

A pearl necklace on the head of the penis is found in almost half of the male population. It is most common in men with uncircumcised foreskin. In appearance it resembles syphilis, but a competent specialist, a venereologist, can easily determine that this is a common cosmetic deviation.


Pearly papules on the glans penis, forming a ring, quite often cause concern in both adolescents and adult men. But there is no need to worry about this, since such formations, according to many dermatologists, are not a disease. The exact cause of a necklace of pearly papules on the glans has not yet been established. There are only a few popular hypotheses for the appearance of white bubbles (sometimes with a violet or purple tint) around the penis and on the coronal sulcus:

  1. Neoplasms can arise due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. The secretion of sebum increases. The body is unable to cope with such an amount on its own, resulting in papules.
  2. Hormonal changes in adolescence, during puberty. Androgens increase significantly in quantity, which leads to an excess of smegma. This increases the risk of skin irritation and infection.
  3. Disruptions in the body's metabolic processes. Too little or too much protein has a detrimental effect on the structure of the skin. If a person consumes few carbohydrates, then the body’s resistance to negative factors decreases.
  4. Vitamin deficiency can also cause the appearance of bubbles. The lack of tocopherol and retinol has a large impact. These substances are necessary for the proper development of the epithelium, which directly affects the appearance of the skin throughout the body.
  5. Heredity. In approximately 75% of cases, nodules are inherited from the father or through a generation.

Also, doctors quite often attribute insufficient hygiene to the causes of anomalies. The matter concerns not only the accumulation of smegma, but also waste products. In this case, treatment of papules on the head consists only of correcting the situation.

Where do pearly papules come from?

Pearly papules are a consequence of anatomical deformation of epithelial cells without the participation of pathogens or malignant processes. They appear mainly between the ages of 14 and 35. The exact cause of their occurrence is unknown. One of the versions is too active division of duct cells that produce smegma. During puberty, androgen levels are at their highest, causing the ducts to secrete large amounts of lubricant. It irritates the epithelium, causing it to grow. In circumcised men, this effect is minimal, so they develop papules less frequently. There is a genetic predisposition to the appearance of these tumors.

The second version of the origin of papules is rudimentary remains. Like a third eyelid, the remainder of which is visible in the inner corners of the eyes.

What you need to know about neoplasms

Pearlescent or pearly papules are small whitish (pearly) nodules located under the head of the penis. They form a neat row, sometimes several, located in the area of ​​the coronal sulcus. Outwardly, they are very similar to condylomas - signs of sexual diseases. A venereologist can distinguish these rashes.

They get their name because they look like mother-of-pearl colored pearl shells.

The appearance of these tumors is in no way connected with STDs, and the patient cannot become infected with them or become a carrier. Pearly papules on the head of the penis are not an indication for stopping sexual life. Usually these phenomena do not cause concern, but there are a number of reasons why it is necessary to seek medical help. This should be done in the following cases:

  • changes in the size or shape of the papule;
  • bleeding of the tumor;
  • discharge of liquid of any shade;
  • to remove papules.

Changes in neoplasms are possible if a man becomes ill with a sexually transmitted infectious disease, and this requires medical diagnosis and assistance. Doctors' help will be required if a man decides to remove pearlescent papules.

Another type of harmless formation is Freudas granules. These are papules located at the root of the penis or in the scrotum area. They appear in single or group nodules, are light in color and do not harm health. Such granules are ordinary sebaceous glands located close to the upper layers of the epidermis.

According to statistical studies, men with preserved foreskin are more likely to encounter these formations. For those who have been circumcised, the symptoms occur half as often. In dark-skinned people, purple (another name for nodules) papules are also twice as common as in Europeans and Asians.

The main time for the appearance of papules is the period of male reproductive activity, that is, from 20 to 40 years. However, this is not an exact framework, because the appearance of neoplasms was also recorded in puberty boys.

The exact reasons for the appearance of formations are not known to science.

Another statistical fact: almost every second man has this type of education, but most of them are not aware of it. This is explained by the fact that pearly papules are so small that they can be detected with a careful medical examination.

Pearlescent papules are a natural phenomenon and are a variant of normal development. When they are accidentally discovered, the men panic and rush to the clinic.

A visit to the doctor is important to make sure the phenomenon is harmless and to rule out infections. Because pearlescent papules in men are similar to condylomas acuminata.

Before visiting a venereologist, the absence of phenomena characteristic of the presence of pathogenic microflora should calm the panic mood and calm the patient down. Purple papules do not cause:

  • itching, burning, peeling of the skin at the site of the rash;
  • hardness of the neoplasm;
  • a thin stalk on which the bundle rests;
  • different sizes of tumors;
  • a depression similar to a navel in the center of the papule;
  • blood or other liquid when pressed.

If these phenomena do not exist, there are no prerequisites for the occurrence of a sexually transmitted infection (a constant trusted partner, lack of sexual intercourse, etc.), there is no need to worry.

What do harmless nodules look like? These are small formations located under the head of the penis. They all have the same size, whitish or flesh-colored, matte or shiny. They are located tightly to each other, forming a ring (mother-of-pearl crown). Their appearance on the head of the penis is very rare, but is also a normal option.

They do not increase, do not grow, and do not affect the health and life of the patient. Over the years, they become less noticeable, which is explained by age-related pigmentation.

Removal methods

There is no need to remove the papillary crown, because it is not hazardous to health and does not cause physical discomfort. But many men consider this a defect and want to get rid of it. Some young people even try to do this on their own, which is strictly prohibited.

Self-medication can result in many complications. When plucking with tweezers, tissues are injured. Infection easily penetrates into wounds. Treatment with remedies for papillomas and warts leads to inflammation and swelling. As a result, the head loses sensitivity. Dermatological reactions sometimes occur.

If a man is determined to get rid of white papules on the head, he should resort to one of the following methods used in medical institutions.

Laser coagulation

The most effective and painless method. The tissue of the growths is broken down at the molecular level. Neighboring cells are not damaged. Recovery occurs quickly, no scars remain.

Radio knife

Point exposure to radio waves. As a result of irradiation, free radicals are released that destroy the cells of the papules. Shallow scars may form.


A high-frequency current dries out the growths, after which their remains are removed surgically. Scars often remain after manipulation. The procedure requires anesthesia and subsequent painkillers.


Burning with liquid nitrogen. After the procedure, the treated skin turns white, then a painful blister forms in this place. Over time, it is replaced by a crust. Complete healing occurs within 1.5-2 weeks, but a pigment spot may remain. The procedure is dangerous because it affects adjacent tissues and deep layers of skin.

Regardless of the method chosen, you need to be prepared for the fact that hirsutoid papillomas will reappear over time. This is a physiological feature that cannot be eliminated. True, in some cases, circumcision of the foreskin helps solve the problem forever.

Pearly papules on the head are completely harmless. Doctors are inclined to believe that there is no need to remove them even for cosmetic purposes. A mother-of-pearl necklace should not be considered a disadvantage. Small growths are almost invisible, but large ones can be useful. Many women note increased sensations during sex with a partner with this feature due to additional stimulation.

Features of papules

Often, the onset of the anomaly is observed between the ages of 10 and 13 years. But in some cases, papules can appear after 20-25 years, when a person is sexually active. Gradually the number of pearls becomes smaller, and by about 45 years these new growths completely disappear or become almost invisible.

Cone-shaped and spherical nodules have an average size of 1-5 mm. Mainly spread on the edge of the head of the penis or on the coronal sulcus. Apart from these growths, the anomaly does not manifest itself at all. Unpleasant sensations, swelling, inflammation and bleeding are not observed.

There is no way to get infected with a papule. Nodules cannot be transmitted either sexually or by airborne droplets. A man with this pathology is not contagious. A small part of sexologists are even sure that this framing during sexual intercourse gives a woman even greater pleasure.

The difference between papules and the disease is the uniform distribution of nodules of the same size. The anomaly affects the entire circumference of the penis in one or more rows. That is why such a cosmetic defect is popularly called a necklace.

In some men, similar blisters appear on the scrotum or shaft of the penis. These are Fordyce granules, not pearlescent papules. Such formations occur when the release of fat from the sebaceous glands is disrupted. They also do not cause any discomfort.

When is treatment necessary and what it can be?

Pearlescent small nodules do not pose a threat to human health. Treatment can be carried out at the request of the patient when he is not satisfied with the presence of formations. In women, pearl-colored papules are removed due to a cosmetic defect. In other cases, no treatment is carried out. Elimination methods are similar to those for genital papillomas. Ointments and homeopathy are ineffective in this case.


Minimally invasive methods used to remove pearlescent nodules:

  • laser destruction;
  • cryodestruction for papules;
  • electrocoagulation.

The laser allows you to effectively get rid of pearlescent growths. The procedure is painless due to the use of local anesthesia. After pre-treatment with antiseptics, an anesthetic is injected into the area of ​​the upcoming operation. A laser is aimed at the formations and burned out due to a sharp increase in temperature in the tissues.

The procedure is bloodless due to the cauterizing effect on the blood vessels. Non-contact removal eliminates the possibility of infection during the procedure.

After removing the papules, a crust forms, which disappears over time. The procedure is carried out quickly. During the recovery period, which takes about 2 weeks, careful care of the wound after pearlescent formation is necessary. Otherwise, complications may arise.

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Cryodestruction is a cheap and accessible method. The low temperature created in the papule leads to a narrowing of the vessels that supply nutrition to the formation. This leads to oxygen starvation and cell death. Unlike the laser method, papules do not disappear immediately, but after some time. The rejection of dead nacreous tissue occurs gradually. After several cycles of freezing and thawing, swelling and hyperemia appear. Then a vesicle with serous contents is formed. After this, it passes and a crust forms. It disappears within 1-2 weeks.

The refrigerant is supplied using conductors of different shapes, which ensures local freezing of the pearl-colored area.

Among the disadvantages of the cryodestruction procedure for removing papules is probably incomplete removal or excessive freezing, which subsequently leads to scarring.

Electrocoagulation is the burning of formations using an instrument that is heated to a high temperature using an electric current. The mechanism of action and procedure are similar to laser removal. Cutting off pearly small papules is done using a loop. At the same time, the vessels are cauterized, which prevents bleeding. It is as effective as a laser.

Traditional methods

Before you begin self-medication at home, you need to understand that most traditional methods have not been scientifically tested and have no evidence of their safety and effectiveness. It is recommended to consult with your doctor: dermatovenerologists deal with this problem. The doctor will be able to warn against dangerous treatments.

The most popular methods of treating pearly papules:

  1. Aloe. It is necessary to cut a leaf of the plant and divide it in half. Then put it in the refrigerator for three days. It is advisable to use plants older than three years of age. Three days later, the leaves are crushed into porridge and poured with cold water in a ratio of 1:5. Let it brew for 1 hour, put it on the stove and bring to a boil. Papules are treated with a cooled solution.
  2. Mumiyo. One gram of the ingredient is mixed with 50 ml of honey. Place in a water bath, melt and allow to cool. Then add 1 tsp. aloe juice and mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture is applied to pearlescent large and small papules for 10 minutes, then removed and treated with sea buckthorn oil. The course consists of 15 days. Carry out the procedure twice daily.
  3. Calendula. Dried flowers are poured with boiling water. For 1 tbsp. vegetable raw materials use 500 ml of water. Let it brew for 1-2 hours. The infusion is applied to the affected areas several times a day.

Do not remove papules with iodine, celandine or other aggressive means.


Penile papules do not have a malignant potential and are not transmitted to a partner during sexual intercourse. In women, a similar condition may be recorded, which is called “vestibular papillomatosis of the vulva or Hirsuties Papillaris Vulvae,” but this feature is primary, that is, it did not appear as a result of infection from a partner, but existed previously.

According to medical statistics, pearly papules are more common in uncircumcised men. There is evidence that after performing circumcision (excision of the foreskin), the formations undergo regression.

The frequency of occurrence in the human population, according to various sources, is from 8-48%. Pearly penile papules are registered in men after 20-30 years of age; As you age, the manifestations decrease, but remain until the end of life. There are no specific symptoms or signs other than the very fact of presence.

Let us note that patients often come to a urologist after consulting a dermatovenerologist, because they are unable to make a diagnosis on their own and are concerned about a possible venereal disease. Pearly penile papules are also known as hirsutoid papillomas or Hirsuties Coronae Glandis.

On physical examination of the penis, attention is drawn to several rows of small, flesh-colored, smooth, shiny formations located in a circle around the crown or groove of the penis. If the head is covered by the foreskin, inspection is impossible.


The classification of papules is based on a number of characterological characteristics.

According to the depth of placement, they are distinguished:

  • Superficial papules (epidermal). Changes are noted only in the epidermis (flat papules with a diameter of up to 5 mm - flat warts without pain).
  • Deep papules (epidermal-dermal) changes are noted between the layers of the epidermis and dermis. When pressed, there is a painful sensation and dermal (changes within the dermis).

By papules size:

  • miliary (1–2 mm in diameter, cone-shaped);
  • lenticular (size – 5–10 mm, have a rounded flat shape);
  • nummular papules (reach a size of up to 2 cm, form independently or as a result of the fusion of small papules);
  • plaques (diameter more than 20 mm, formed as a result of fusion.

The nature:

  • non-inflammatory papules are formed due to increased proliferation of epidermal/dermal cells.
  • inflammatory papules are formed as a result of local dilation of blood vessels, as well as cells of the immune system, the immigration of which is caused by inducers of inflammation.

Diagnosis of anomaly

Pearly growths on the penis are separated from serious diseases, such as gonorrhea, sarcoma, and genital warts. Without treatment, such pathologies will lead to severe and irreparable consequences. The doctor will be able to determine the nature of the growths during the initial examination. To exclude an erroneous diagnosis, it is usually necessary to conduct some additional studies:

  1. Microscopy of the contents of the nodule. You need to determine what it is filled with.
  2. Biopsy of neoplasms. Histological analysis helps to identify the presence of a malignant growth. This procedure also allows you to more accurately prescribe a course of treatment.
  3. Dermatoscopy. The nature of the origin of the formation is determined.

It is also necessary to take urine and blood tests. In some cases, you need to donate blood for hormones and check the concentration of vitamins in the body. If a serious illness has been detected, then based on the data obtained, a course of therapy is individually selected. It is possible to treat papules , but this is not at all necessary. Pearl necklaces usually appear in men who have not undergone circumcision (circumcision procedure).

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Traditional treatment

Pearlescent nodules do not cause any harm to a man’s health, so removal is carried out only for cosmetic purposes. In some cases, hormonal therapy is used in combination with vitamins. All medications are prescribed only by highly specialized specialists. The selection of medication and dosage occurs individually.

The main problem with having nodules is discomfort due to tightness, which can sometimes cause certain difficulties in bed. Psycho-emotional disorders cause sexual dysfunction.

Currently, there are no drugs for treatment (ointments or creams) in pharmacology. But there are many folk recipes that help get rid of papules. Popular substances used in creating remedies for nodules on the head:

  1. Oil. Both essential and herbal are used.
  2. Waste products of various animals and insects.
  3. Medicinal plants.

At present, no one can say for sure that such recipes help. Using traditional methods for treatment is a very long process that requires responsibility.

For example, an ointment made from sea buckthorn oil, honey and mumiyo (everything is mixed in equal proportions) reduces the size of the bubbles, according to those who have tested it. This product must be used for 15 days. The course of treatment is repeated 4 times at certain intervals.

It should be remembered that some substances included in homemade medicines can cause allergies or chemical burns, so it is important to discuss everything with a dermatologist.

Modern help

If you decide to remove the necklace, you should consult a doctor. There are several methods, and each has its own characteristics. The most suitable option is selected only after undergoing a thorough examination. You also first need to exclude possible contraindications to the operation.

For removal use:

  1. Laser therapy. With this method, anesthesia is not required. Papules or parts thereof are vaporized using a focused beam. On average, the cost of the procedure is 400 rubles per bottle. Contraindication is the presence of oncology.
  2. A liquid nitrogen. The neoplasm is exposed to extreme cold. This procedure has almost no side effects. The approximate price is 9,000 rubles.
  3. Electrocoagulation. Using an electrode, each growth is burned out individually. All residual elements (if any) are removed manually. Judging by the reviews, the method is absolutely useless.

Removal using a regular scalpel is also used. This method requires a long rehabilitation period. The entire procedure takes about an hour, and after completion the patient can immediately go home. Recovery occurs in approximately 10-15 days. During this period, you need to regularly treat the surgical area with an antiseptic and maintain sexual rest. As a supplement, vitamin complexes and restorative drugs are prescribed. It should be remembered that the probability of relapse is 65%, and preventive measures have not been established to date.

Removal of pearlescent papules at the DAVINCI CDC

Experienced specialists at the DAVINCI clinic conduct a full examination and prescribe a suitable method for removing pearlescent papules. Our center in Rostov-on-Don is equipped with modern devices that ensure high-quality and safe procedures. We use certified drugs.

Qualified urologists have extensive experience in performing operations to remove skin tumors. An individual treatment plan is selected for each patient and the necessary procedures are prescribed.

Make an appointment by phone so you don’t have to wait in line and get in for a consultation right away. Our operators will answer your questions and refer you to the appropriate specialist.

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  • Appointment with urologist-andrologist N.E. Avadieva

    2200 rub.

  • Removal of pearly papules (without anesthesia)

    8000 rub.

Categorical prohibition

You should not try to remove papules yourself, for example, by squeezing or piercing. Because of this, there is a high probability of infection. The use of antifungal drugs will also not have any effect, but complications may occur.

Removal should only be performed in an operating room by a qualified surgeon. You also need to pay attention to tumors that cause pain. In this case, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. It is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis in time.

There are no preventive measures to prevent the development of vesicular neoplasms on the penis. After all, the appearance of papules is not associated with hygiene standards, sex life or the functioning of the immune system.

Such an anomaly is not a sign of disease or any deviation from the norm. These neoplasms do not cause any harm to the man and can persist throughout his life. If papules cause psychological discomfort, then you can quickly and safely get rid of them.

Pearly papules on the head - how to treat?

As a rule, there is no need for treatment if the papules do not cause aesthetic discomfort to the man. For those who are concerned about the appearance of the penis, there are several treatment options:

  • cryotherapy – removal of pearlescent papules using liquid nitrogen;
  • laser surgery;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • cosmetic surgery.

The DAVINCI Clinic offers one of the most modern options - laser surgery. After a few days, a crust appears in place of the papules, which separates on its own over a period of time.

Full recovery after the procedure requires up to two weeks. During this period, it is recommended to exclude intimacy.

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Small flesh-colored tubercles surrounding the head of the penis are often a reason to consult a urologist. Men consider pearlescent papules a sign of a sexually transmitted disease. Is this true, and in what case is it really necessary to visit a doctor?

Mother-of-pearl papules are nodules that do not have a cavity inside and rise above the surface of the skin. They have a cone shape and a diameter of no more than 3 mm. Their surface is smooth with a shiny tint, which is why they are called pearl.

The papules are absolutely painless to the touch; when pressed, there is no discharge from them. They are located at the base of the head of the penis, as if encircling it with a ring in one or two rows. In some cases, they form on the head itself.

Pearly papules appear in 10–45% of men. This depends on established national and religious traditions - men who have been circumcised have significantly less rashes.

The photo shows pearly papules on the glans penis

Why do they appear?

Doctors can only guess about the causes of the rash. There are several opinions:

  1. One of them is the increased work of the sebaceous glands and their blockage. Partial confirmation of this version is the rare appearance of papules in men with circumcised foreskin.
  2. Another theory for the formation of papules in middle-aged men is cell proliferation. Their increased reproduction causes similar harmless proliferation of the epithelium. The appearance of papules is completely unrelated to the orderliness of sexual life or insufficient hygiene.
  3. In adolescents, pearly papules are associated with hormonal changes and the secretion of smegma - sebum mixed with moisture and dead cells of the surface layer of the skin. It is formed in large quantities during the period of greatest sexual activity.

Rashes of similar localization are possible with primary syphilis, genital warts and molluscum contagiosum. A simple examination is enough for a specialist to distinguish a pearly papule from the manifestations of the mentioned diseases.

Syphilomas (primary syphilitic ulcers) are bright red in color, larger than the papule in size and differ from it in appearance. They have flat edges and a flat bottom, under which the seal can be felt. They are localized not only on the head of the penis, but also on other parts of it.

Genital warts are the result of infection with the papilloma virus. They are distinguished from papules by localization. They are located not only on the head itself and around it, but also at the base of the penis, on the frenulum, next to the anus and on the mucous membrane of the ureter.

You can distinguish a condyloma from a papule by its appearance. It is a skin growth attached to the surface of the skin with a thin stalk.

Molluscum contagiosum also does not have such a clear localization as pearly papules. Ball-shaped formations with a depression in the middle can appear on the genitals, pubic area, buttocks and inner thighs. When pressed, curdled contents appear from the formations.

But this does not mean that you should ignore the symptoms that may appear along with papules:

  • itching and burning sensation in the genital area;
  • pathological discharge with a foul odor;
  • pain in the area where the papules are located;
  • problems during sex.

Very rarely, pearly papules on the glans penis can become inflamed. But this happens due to infection when a man tries to get rid of them on his own.

An initial examination may be sufficient to make a diagnosis. Sometimes, to clarify it, a histological examination of the papule is carried out. Distinctive features of the papule:

  • dilated thin-walled skin vessels;
  • the presence of multinucleated fibroblasts or star-shaped cells;
  • increased amount of connective tissue.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with how eczema differs from atopic dermatitis

Pearlescent papules are not transmitted through sexual contact.


Pearlescent papules form unnoticeably. Their appearance is not accompanied by itching or inflammation. The color matches the skin, maybe a little lighter. The surface is matte-shiny, reminiscent of mother-of-pearl. The heads are located along the crown in 1 or 2 rows. Such pearlescent nodules are painless when pressed, soft, and nothing stands out from them. There is no cavity or liquid content inside, so it is useless to squeeze them out - blood will flow, but the formation will remain in place.

Papular rashes are often confused with papillomas, but the latter are usually solitary, look like lumps of skin, and can be pedunculated or without it. Sometimes they are located in an area characteristic of pearlescent papules. White bumps on the penis can also be Fordyce granules. These are safe cystic formations. On top they are soft, filled with liquid, and below there is a dense yellowish lump of fat that clogs the gland.

Papillomas on the penis – https://prntscr.com/uwkwja.

What are pearlescent papules and what they look like, says urologist Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Makarova

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