Papillomas on the penis in men

Over time, as the pathogenicity of virus strains increases, the number of blisters and warts increases.

The itching becomes stronger, and the rash grows in size and takes on a pronounced cauliflower appearance.

Sometimes condylomas also appear in the anus, which is why they are also called anogenital warts.

Rarely, but in some cases, the appearance of such nodules on the oral mucosa is possible.

There are also rare cases of localization of condylomas in men on the inner walls of the urethra.

Warts on the testicles may sometimes not cause significant discomfort to men.

However, the complications they can lead to are quite serious:

  • Inflammatory processes in affected tissues
  • Ulceration of condylomas, especially often occurring when they are injured
  • Phimosis or paraphimosis, developing as a result of chronic inflammation of the tissues of the penis

Warts on the testicles, a dermatovenerologist uses

When a man goes to the hospital about the appearance of warts on the testicles, a dermatovenerologist uses the following diagnostic methods:

  • Collecting a history of the disease (the fact of unprotected sexual intercourse in the patient 2-3 months ago will be of diagnostic value).

  • Visual examination of the external genitalia (presence of warty growths).
  • Laboratory research: the PCR method is used.

Along with identifying HPV, it is advisable to get tested for all STIs, since viral infections are often associated with bacterial ones.


The reason for the appearance of papillomas in men on the body is the penetration and active reproduction of HPV in the body. The virus is transmitted:

  • with unprotected coitus (traditional, oral, anal);
  • with a blood transfusion taken from a person with HPV;
  • upon contact of mucous membranes or skin, especially if there is damage to it (scratches, abrasions, cuts).

You can become infected in public places (sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, solarium, etc.), in hairdressing salons and beauty salons, where proper antiseptic treatment of instruments is neglected. There is also a risk of infection in dental offices if instruments are not properly sterilized. But the virus is not transmitted simply by interacting with an infected patient.

Its cunning lies in the fact that after infection, papillomas do not appear immediately. These neoplasms appear on the skin or mucous membranes when the disease becomes active. Namely when:

  • weakened immune defense;
  • intense physical activity;
  • stress and nervous exhaustion;
  • the presence of other diseases that are sexually transmitted.

Viruses concentrate in certain places of the skin and mucous membranes, change the structure of epithelial cells, resulting in the formation of papillomas.

Warts on the testicles: diagnosis

If condylomas appear on the genitals, this is a sign of the presence of a disease.

It is necessary to visit a specialist and undergo an examination.

To make a complete diagnosis, you should consult the following specialists:

  • Venereologist
  • Dermatologist
  • Oncologist
  • Urologist

Specialists will conduct a visual examination and, based on this, make a preliminary diagnosis.

At the time of consultation, symptoms are studied and material is collected for laboratory diagnostics.

Diagnostic procedures include tests to determine the presence of concomitant diseases.

Histological examination is required.

PCR analysis is often necessary.

Such a study helps determine the type of virus and gives accurate results in a short time.

The method allows you to determine the presence of the virus in the body in the early stages of manifestation.

Material for analysis is taken from the urethral canal.

A smear is taken by inserting a sterile probe into the urethra.

After this, the material is sent to the laboratory for study.

A biopsy is done to rule out the presence of cancer cells.

There is also a diagnostic method - a daijin test.

This method is carried out on the principle of polymerase chain reaction.

The study helps determine not only the type of virus, but also its quantity in the material being studied.

After passing all diagnostic tests, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Treatment methods for warts on the testicles in men

What are the main treatments for warts on the testicles in men?

  1. 1. Surgical. They occupy a leading place in the complex of therapeutic measures for condylomatosis.

For this use:

  • Cauterization with liquid nitrogen
  • Treatment with concentrated chemicals (acids or alkalis)
  • Laser removal
  • Radio wave excision
  • Local treatment with solcoderm, podofilin, supercelandine
  • Electrocoagulation
  • Excision with a scalpel (used less and less and mainly for very large warts)
  1. 2.Drug therapy.

It includes the following:

  • Antiviral drugs (ozone droppers, isoprinosine, panavir, epigen intimate spray, etc.)

  • Immunomodulators (reoferon, interferon, immunal)

Drug therapy for the appearance of genital warts in no case can claim independence.

It can only play a supporting role, complementing and making surgical treatment more effective.

Symptoms of papilloma virus in men

Skin growths can take different forms:

  • Thread-like papillomas on a thin stalk appear in the axillary region and groin, on the face and neck - they grow up to 5 mm in length and are often injured;
  • flat neoplasms appear on the hands and forearms, face and legs, representing a collection of nodules with a shiny top;
  • in the genital area (on the penis, often on the head of the penis), pedunculated growths with a sharp end are formed - condylomas, these neoplasms provoke itching and burning in the anus, discharge with an unpleasant odor and bleeding from the anus;
  • on the palms and feet there are round formations (spikes), they cause itching and discomfort when walking, after a certain time the surface peels off, a black dot appears in the middle;
  • On the back of the hand, fingers and knees, the human papillomavirus in men manifests itself as simple warts growing up to 10 mm in diameter.

If papillomas occur on the pubic part and in other places, you should consult a dermatologist. If you are in doubt whether you have papilloma or not, look at the photos of these formations. But in any case, do not hesitate to visit a doctor!

HPV in men: symptoms

Most often, HPV can be present in the human body for a long time without manifesting itself. However, the most important sign (symptom) of the possible presence of HPV in men and women is the appearance on the skin and mucous membranes, including in the groin or pubic area, of condylomas and papillomas - warts, lumps and irregularities of the skin, the color of which does not differ from the main one skin.

Condyloma is a genital type of papilloma, which looks like a small growth attached to the mucous membrane with a kind of “leg”. The size of condyloma can vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters - in the latter case we are talking about an accumulation of condylomas.

Such papillomas can appear on the head of the penis, on the foreskin, and also around the anus (then there is a high probability that condylomas may also be in the rectum). Most often they are painless, but in some cases men may experience additional symptoms of the human papillomavirus if the disease manifests itself as:

  • pain when urinating, defecating, or having sex;
  • bleeding of condylomas: sometimes ulcers that do not heal for a long time may form in their place;
  • also sometimes condylomas can itch.

The listed symptoms usually indicate damage to the condyloma.

The appearance of papillomas, in addition to the presence of HPV in the human body, also indicates a depleted immune system and the possible presence of other sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, some types of papillomas, in particular condylomas on the head of the penis, have a high oncological potential, so when signs of the disease are first detected, you should consult a specialist. The sooner you start treating the human papillomavirus, the more chances a man has to avoid serious health consequences of condylomas. (All of the above applies to women as well.)

Initial appointment

An initial appointment with a specialist involves a thorough visual examination of the patient’s mucous membranes and skin, as well as questioning him and prescribing tests.

Although most often papillomas have a characteristic appearance, additional tests and diagnostics make it possible to absolutely accurately determine the presence of HPV in the patient’s body.

If HPV infection is suspected in men, the following tests are usually prescribed:

  • blood test (for condylomas, also analysis of urethral discharge): modern diagnostic methods make it possible to isolate the DNA of the virus from the available material and thereby confirm its presence in the patient’s body;
  • biopsy of papillomas (condylomas): done in order to determine the presence or absence of cancer cells in neoplasms.

Types of papillomas on the male genital organs

  1. Ordinary filiform papillomas of normal skin color on a thin stalk, not associated with genital types of HPV. This variety is not harmful to health, but can spread to the skin of the penis, scrotum and groin area.
  2. Genital warts. The growths end up looking like cauliflower, usually pink in color. They can be located both on the skin of the shaft and head of the penis, and on the sponges of the urethra and the mucous membrane of the urethra. Associated with HPV types 6 or 11, but sometimes oncogenic types are also found in scrapings from the surface of condylomas. In this case, there is a possibility of degeneration into squamous cell carcinoma.
  3. Condylomas lata are papillomas with a wide base, often with an erosive surface. This is a sign of secondary recurrent syphilis. PCR analysis for Treponema pallidum from the surface of the elements and a blood test for syphilis confirm the diagnosis.
  4. Bowenoid papulosis is a flat, round, pigmented brown papillomas of different shades. Refers to a facultative precancer of the skin. It is advisable to remove it with histological examination.
  5. Sometimes molluscum contagiosum is confused with papillomas - also a viral disease that manifests itself on the skin with the appearance of round, shiny papules, which, like papillomas, must be removed.

After examination and diagnosis of papilloma on the penis, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of genital papillomas in men

  1. These elements must be removed - excision or destruction using: Liquid nitrogen - cryodestruction
  2. Laser beam - laser removal of papillomas
  3. Electric current - electrocoagulation
  4. Radio wave knife
  • If necessary, a histological examination of the removed material is carried out to exclude malignant degeneration of papillomas.
  • Antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy is prescribed to suppress the activity of papillomavirus and prevent relapses. This treatment is definitely recommended by a dermatovenerologist if oncogenic viruses are detected and frequent recurrence of papillomas. Includes injections, tablets and external agents. The total duration of treatment is from 12 weeks to 6 months. The course of therapy in the clinic usually takes 3 weeks.
  • Treatment is provided for concomitant bacterial and fungal STIs, chronic prostatitis and balanoposthitis, which provoke the growth of condylomas and papillomas on the penis.
  • For persistent recurrence of genital warts on the glans penis and foreskin, circumcision of the skin of the foreskin is recommended.
  • Papillomas on the penis are a fairly common pathology with which men come to us. When using a proven, comprehensive approach to treating this disease, a positive result occurs in almost all patients.

    Causes of condylomas

    The process of infection with condylomas turns out to be quite simple. As a rule, this happens during sexual contact (sometimes even barrier methods of contraception do not help), when the virus passes from an infected partner to the mucous membrane of another. This is then followed by its penetration into the skin cells and the direct development of tumors.

    Growth traditionally does not begin from the first days. At first, the incubation period lasts, usually taking several weeks. It happens that a person’s immune system is strong, and in this case it suppresses the development of the virus. However, problems with immunity and a lack of vitamins in the body can have a positive effect on the growth of condylomas.

    A couple of weeks after the virus appears in the body, genital warts develop, although sometimes this process can take up to a whole year. They look like warty formations, that is, they are represented by outgrowths that have a rough surface.

    The development of condylomas can be:

    • Single – when the formations turn out to be local;
    • Complex - when several condylomas are combined into a single formation, resembling cauliflower in appearance.

    Traditionally, painful sensations do not occur during the occurrence of the described formations. However, some itching and burning may be present. Sometimes condylomas may begin to bleed during sexual intercourse. Accordingly, it is advisable to avoid such contacts until the disease is completely cured. In addition, we should not forget about its contagiousness.

    The virus itself is considered resistant to treatment procedures and therefore its removal is not an easy process. At the same time, it is quite possible to overcome the external manifestations of condylomas.

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