Top 10 masks for the skin around the eyes, prepared at home

A woman’s gaze is a powerful weapon, sometimes you don’t even have to say anything - you just have to look eloquently so that everything immediately becomes clear to your interlocutor. Apparently this is why we women pay so much attention to our eyes and their makeup, wanting to emphasize the look, color, shape, cut, and natural beauty. Sometimes without even thinking that the delicate skin around the eyes needs the same close attention.

However, we also remember about it when we see the first wrinkles, redness, and signs of fatigue. And then panic begins - what to do, where to run, to whom to take the millions in order to restore the former freshness of the skin and clarity of vision, turn back time and erase age-related changes from the face.

Fortunately, nature has already taken care of us, we just need to use its gifts correctly. Today I suggest you learn how to make masks for the skin around your eyes at home. Who agrees"?

A few facts about the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is different from the skin on the face, it’s hard not to notice. But besides the obvious differences, there are also those that you cannot see in the mirror even upon close examination.

Let's figure out what features the skin of the eyelids has in order to better understand how to care for this ultra-sensitive area.

Do you use homemade eye masks?

Not really

  • The facial muscles are close to the skin around the eyes. Due to this, it is extremely mobile, which is why it is so quickly covered with facial wrinkles - including those same “crow’s feet” that first form in the corner of the eye.
  • Due to its thinness (it is many times thinner than the rest of the skin on the face), capillaries and muscles are visible through the skin around the eyes (thus forming false dark circles, which we try unsuccessfully to get rid of).
  • It has no natural protection, since there are catastrophically few sebaceous glands on its surface. It's always dry skin. Even if the rest of your facial skin is oily.
  • Prone to swelling because it has a loose structure of fatty tissue. Therefore, you should not drink a lot of water at night.

Honey in home cosmetology

Widely used in home cosmetology honey. Increased attention to it is due to its extraordinary properties. Honey contains about 300 components and chemical compounds that are so necessary for the human body, including for nourishing the skin. Honey-based products structure the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles, and retain moisture. Honey also acts as a deep peeling. A honey mask can restore vital energy to dull skin in one or two sessions.

Honey mask recipes:

1. Boil two large spoons of rolled oats in milk to make a viscous porridge, cool. Add one teaspoon of honey. Apply the warm mixture to your eyelids and hold for 20 minutes.

2. Take 20 g of liquid honey, mix with egg yolk and four drops of vitamin E. To add thickness, add a pinch of flour or starch. Apply a thick layer to the eye area. When the mask dries, remove it and apply a rich cream to your eyelids.

3. Combine liquid honey with cottage cheese and heavy cream in a 1:2:1 ratio. Apply the mixture to your eyelids for four hours.

4. Mash half a banana, add two tablespoons of honey to it. Keep the mixture on the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, rinse additionally with cold water.

A scientific look at the components of masks

Now, understanding that this area has a number of features, you can draw conclusions and answer your question - which masks for the skin around the eyes can improve its health and give it elasticity. So what does sensitive skin around the eyes need?

Firstly, it needs moisture. You can't argue with that. Hydration is the surest path to success. It is a sufficient amount of moisture that makes the skin elastic, elastic, smooth, and not prone to the appearance of early wrinkles. It provides an even, healthy color. And in general, we are made of water, we must not forget this. Moisturize your skin in every way possible - inside and out.

Secondly, the eyelids need “fat”. Don’t be surprised, our skin needs a protective layer, and we found out above that the thin skin around the eyes has practically no fat glands. Therefore, you need to add oils to eye masks. You can have vegetable ones – olive, sunflower, fruit. Or it can be of animal origin, i.e. cream, milk, butter.

Thirdly, to combat swelling and dark circles you need proper microcirculation. Caffeine helps stimulate it. We won’t mix natural coffee in its pure form into masks (although, who knows), but I have one recipe in mind with instant coffee. And we definitely use very strong tea.

Fourthly, any tired and irritated skin needs “sedatives” - compresses from herbal infusions, the same cucumbers cut into circles, which have become classics of the genre.

Expert opinion

Marianna Sergienkova

Expert of the LiteDay project. Pharmacist, certified fitness trainer, leads exercise therapy, Pilates, step and aerobics groups, 27 years old

Ask a Question

Important! Before using home care products, always test them on your skin first to prevent an allergic reaction.

In the end, what do we want to achieve by making masks for the skin around the eyes at home?

  • Get rid of dry skin, or more precisely, its consequences in the form of “crow’s feet”;
  • Tighten the skin;
  • Smooth out fine wrinkles;
  • Remove swelling;
  • Get rid of swelling;
  • Forget about dark bags and circles under your eyes.

Now it’s time to proceed directly to the procedures.

Masks for crow's feet

Crow's feet are a very common problem. Friendly rays add a certain zest and liveliness to the face, but still they are harbingers of skin aging and it is advisable to make them less noticeable. Gymnastics of the eye muscle will help against “paws”. Regular exercises will remove the rays in the corners of the eyes, lift the upper eyelid, and improve visual acuity.

Eye gymnastics in combination with folk remedies gives excellent results, and no patches are needed. Since the skin around the eyes is a priori dry, the masks should be moisturizing. Aloe juice, a natural biostimulant, will do an excellent job of moisturizing.

Aloe juice perfectly moisturizes the skin

Place the aloe leaf in the refrigerator for several days; during storage, the moisture from it will evaporate, leaving a concentrated healing juice-gel. At night, lubricate the lower eyelids, inner and outer corners of the eyes with juice. No need to rinse off.

Other herbal products are also used in masks:

- turmeric;

- osmanthus;

— kelp;

- flax and its derivatives: seed, oil;

— vegetable oils (castor, almond, etc.).

For a rejuvenating procedure, take flaxseed or any other oil, add vitamin E to it, sold in ampoules, rub into the skin of the eyelids with gentle touches of your fingers. After 30 minutes, blot off excess with a napkin.

Oil-based masks

Mask 1. Vitamin-oil

I start with it because it is a classic recipe. What if you don’t read the article further, but you’ll know at least one effective recipe. So, first make a run to the nearest pharmacy and return from there with jojoba oil, vitamin E oil solution and sea buckthorn oil. And mix all these ingredients in proportions 4:1:4.

Apply the prepared oil eye mask and fix it in problem areas (corners of the eyes, for example) with pieces of baking paper to enhance the effect. Now just relax, lie down, dream about your vacation for about 20 minutes. Then carefully blot off the remaining oils with a napkin.

In this recipe, each ingredient has its own important role.

Jojoba oil is responsible for moisturizing the sensitive skin around the eyes. And we remember how important this is.

Tip: If you can't find jojoba oil, buy cocoa butter.

Vitamin E needs no introduction; it has long been known as the “vitamin of youth”. An amazing composition that helps nourish cells, slow down aging, and regenerate tissue. And thanks to this vitamin, the skin becomes firm and elastic.

Sea buckthorn oil is another moisturizer, and it also contains vitamin C, which helps the skin maintain a healthy appearance and natural glow.

If you are not lazy and make this eye mask a couple of times a week for a month, you will get rid of fine wrinkles. Guaranteed.

Mask 2. Fruit oil

Nothing complicated, take your favorite fruit oil - apricot, peach or even not very fruity, but very beneficial for the skin of the eyelids - almond. And just apply to the skin around your eyes at night.

Such mini-compresses will saturate the skin with all vitamins, make it elastic, smooth, and give softness. The oil is completely absorbed overnight, has a rejuvenating effect and simultaneously cleanses the skin of dead cells.

Anti-aging eye masks

Gelatin masks have a lifting effect. With age, the skin lacks collagen, and gelatin compensates for its deficiency. The same can be said about yeast, it tightens the skin of the eyelids well: dilute a tablespoon of dry yeast with water until it becomes thick sour cream, add ½ teaspoon of olive oil, and add a drop of lemon juice. Apply to the area around the eyes, wait until it dries, and carefully remove. It is better to make a mask in the evening, in a calm, unfussy environment.

To see the effect of masks, you need to do them regularly, at intervals of two, or preferably three times a week.

Protein mask

Mask 3.

It is very easy to make an eye mask from one protein - just beat it with a mixer until it reaches a stable foam and apply gently to the skin. You can use a cotton swab - it’s more convenient, the foam quickly begins to melt in your hands. Rest for 15 minutes (lying or sitting, the main thing is that your eyes are closed) and remove with a cotton pad (you can moisten it with water or use a micellar pad).

Protein “tightens” the skin, you will immediately feel it, and you may even find these sensations not very pleasant. But this is justified - thereby it has both a toning and tightening effect, and flabbiness is reduced. In addition, protein contains a lot of useful substances that nourish the skin and give it a healthier, well-groomed appearance.

Salon treatments for skin around the eyes

It is difficult to influence the eyelid area using cosmetic methods, as it is delicate and sensitive. But they exist, and it's not just blepharoplasty. The following methods are popular:

  1. Massage. A course of lymphatic drainage removes severe swelling, normalizes microcirculation and generally has a positive effect on the condition of the dermis in this area. It is usually included in a complex of care measures.
  2. Mesotherapy without injections. Beneficial substances are delivered to the skin using equipment without breaking the skin barrier. Such procedures brighten and strengthen, improve the quality of the skin around the eyes, and restore.
  3. Biorevitalization with laser. Hyaluronic acid is delivered to the skin of the eyelids using a cold laser beam, absolutely without pain, the skin is smoothed, saturated with moisture, becomes healthy and glowing.
  4. Contour plastic. Eliminates wrinkles and deep folds using special fillers (based on hyaluronic acid) or your own fat (lipofilling).

Peeling of the eyelids can also be performed, but it is very gentle and removes dead cells.

Turmeric and fruit juices

Mask 4.

To get rid of the network of wrinkles that have shrouded your eyes, make a mask with turmeric mixed with pineapple and orange juices.

Tip: Pineapple should be fresh, not canned. The latter contains syrup instead of juice.

The ingredients are taken in equal quantities and mixed to obtain a mixture without lumps. Apply this composition to cleansed skin with your fingertips and, closing your eyes, sit and lie down for about 15 minutes. Now you can carefully remove the residue.

All the ingredients in this recipe have a large supply of substances and vitamins that are beneficial for our delicate skin, and turmeric is also an antioxidant. Thanks to this eye mask at home, you can get rid of wrinkles, moisturize the skin, even out the color, make it fresher, more elastic, and saturate it with vitamin C.

How to choose eye care products according to age?

When choosing an eye cream, it is important to take into account the age criterion. Over the years, the skin of the eyelids changes. Therefore, the means are different for each age group:

  1. 25 years. Skin care at this age is primarily about hydration. For example, using a gel with hyaluronic acid and plant extracts or a vitaminizing effect. A great option to use patches is a quick-response product that will diversify your skincare routine and quickly bring your eyelid skin back to life.
  2. 30 years. At this age, care should be most pronounced; it is important to protect and correct skin imperfections. It is necessary to moisturize intensively, and make the protection stronger with the help of antioxidants. It’s good to add anti-puffy eye products to other skin care products.
  3. 40 years. At this age, you should powerfully moisturize and protect your skin. It is necessary to tone and strengthen, fight wrinkles.
  4. 50 years. You will need products with peptide substances, fatty acids, caffeine and wax components, which will provide a significant tightening and smoothing effect.

It is important to look at the packaging and buy an age-appropriate product. Creams for women over 50 are in no way suitable for 30-year-old ladies.

Bread mask

Mask 5.

Do you like to drink milk with bread at night? Did you love it as a child? There is something warm and cozy about this habit. But now we are ladies, and we will use bread and milk to care for the skin around the eyes at home.

Take a piece of white bread (crumb, not crust) and soak it in warm milk.

Tip: Milk can be replaced with cream or even melted butter.

Apply the paste onto a piece of gauze, cover the top with the free edge and place the compress on your eyelids. Rest for about 20 minutes. The culinary recipe will have a positive effect on the sensitive area. The eyelids will rest, the swelling will disappear, and the skin will be saturated with healthy fats.


Nourishing Aevit is a pharmaceutical vitamin preparation containing tocopherol (vitamin E, which has a rejuvenating effect) and retinol (vitamin A, capable of restoring damaged tissue). Can be purchased in the form of capsules, oily solution or injection ampoules. You will need a few drops of the specified substance (the capsule is easily pierced and the oil is extracted from it), which are rubbed along the massage lines along both eyelids.

Lifting Mix 10 grams of boiled mashed potatoes without salt and 5 drops of Aevit.

Refreshing Mix 20 grams of chopped fresh parsley along with the released juice with 10 drops of Aevit. This mask will save you from swelling and dark circles.

Moisturizing 20 ml of almond oil (can be replaced with burdock, castor or jojoba) at room temperature mixed with vitamin E.

For bruises Combine in equal proportions (one tablespoon at a time) infusions of nettle and chamomile. While they are still warm, soak 10 grams of rye bread in them, turn this mass into a paste, and squeeze out. Add 10 ml of tocopherol.

Whitening Mix ampoules (1 piece each) with ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and tocopherol. Separately, combine warm jojoba oil with a small amount of yolk. Beat everything thoroughly.

Honey masks

Mask 6. Tea with honey

In life, my hospitality also knows no bounds, but now I will not offer you a cup of aromatic tea. Usually, in addition to dark circles under the eyes, women are very concerned about the wrinkles around them. This mask will help you cope with fine wrinkles and bruises. We'll drink tea later.

Take honey, first heat it to a liquid consistency, add two tablespoons of oatmeal and a teaspoon of black tea (not dry brew, but a prepared, strong drink) into it. If the mixture is too thick, you can add a little more tea. Now you need to heat everything in a water bath so that the flakes are steamed and, after simmering to normal temperature, apply to your eyelids. Leave for a quarter of an hour and rinse.

This anti-wrinkle eye mask has a tonic effect, giving the skin elasticity and at the same time smoothing it out from the effects of active facial expressions.

Mask 7. Honey, coffee and vitamins

For those who prefer coffee instead of tea, I suggest making this mask. It will tighten the skin, smooth out small grooves, and also quickly remove all traces of fatigue - bruises, swelling, puffiness.

Take honey, black coffee (instant, but stronger) (1:1 ratio) and 4 capsules of vitamin E. Mix everything, dip cotton pads in the mixture, put them in a bag and keep in the refrigerator.

Now remove the cool compresses from the bag and apply them to your eyes for 15 minutes.

Mask 8. Honey, sour cream and yolk

We continue our tour of the kitchen in search of delicious recipes that will help restore the healthy appearance and elasticity of the skin around the eyes. Now we need: honey, yolk, sour cream, milk and olive oil (this is ideal, but sunflower oil is also possible).

Mix everything in equal proportions (you can use a little more milk) and carefully spread it on your eyelids, using light patting movements, as if you are driving healthy vitamins into the skin. Remove after 15 minutes with a cotton pad soaked in the same warm milk. This tightening eye mask nourishes the skin well, increasing its tone and elasticity.

Expert opinion

Marianna Sergienkova

Expert of the LiteDay project. Pharmacist, certified fitness trainer, leads exercise therapy, Pilates, step and aerobics groups, 27 years old

Ask a Question

Important! When removing masks and compresses from the skin of the eyelids, do this with extreme caution, without stretching the delicate skin.

How to properly apply a mask around the eyes

Rules for use are given in the table:

Testing To check for allergic manifestations you need to:
  1. Prepare the mixture and distribute it behind the ear or on the inside of the forearm.
  2. Leave for ten minutes.
  3. Remove with a cotton pad.
  4. Observe the application area for itching, rash, and redness for two to three hours.
  5. If no manifestations are detected, the remedy is indicated.
WashingThe use of soap is prohibited, only specialized products
SteamingNot recommended for all types of dermis (not advisable for combination skin types); prohibited in the presence of protruding blood vessels. This will improve the penetration of nutrients into the deeper layers
Application, removal Drive from the temple to the nose, excluding the moving eyelid, at a sufficient distance from the eyelash line to prevent it from getting inside the eyes. If the product gets inside, rinse immediately with plenty of water.

In liquid mixtures, cotton pads should be soaked and distributed evenly.

Remove with a dry (oil-based masks) cotton pad or soaked in water, herbal decoction (others)

Exposure time Hold for at least ten minutes - with a lower value, the components of the mixture will not have time to have an effect.

Waiting longer than indicated in the recipe may lead to swelling or a reverse effect.

Recommended period of the day, frequency After six and before ten o'clock in the evening, at least two hours before bedtime.

Use once or twice for seven days - too frequent use will lead to the dermis getting used to it and losing the effect. The duration of the course is no more than eight weeks, the break is two to three weeks.

The result should be assessed no less than a month after the first procedure - in four to eight weeks, epidermal cells are renewed, depending on age.

Potato recipes

No, I'm not hungry, don't think anything like that. It’s just that potatoes really fight very well against age-related changes that leave their mark on the sensitive skin of the eyelids. Why not take advantage of this, because this vegetable is very popular and, most likely, is in every kitchen.

Mask 9. Potatoes with cream

Take a raw potato, maybe a small one. Grate it on the finest grater, pour out the juice. Mix potatoes with cream and apply the resulting slurry onto gauze and then onto the lower eyelids. And pamper the top ones with a compress of iced tea - soak cotton pads in it and apply. Keep all this in front of your eyes for 15 minutes.

You will be surprised, but thanks to this eye mask, your skin will noticeably transform. And the upper eyelids will become toned. After all, the skin around the eyes is very thin, it quickly reacts to such compresses. They can be made not only from tea, but also from herbs - chamomile, for example.

Mask 10. Potatoes with cucumber

You will need one small potato and a slice of fresh cucumber. All three, chop and mix. Apply together with the juice to the skin near the eyes and leave for a quarter of an hour. If the juice starts to flow, carefully wipe it with a napkin or cotton pad.

There are good reviews about this eye mask - the skin becomes lighter, bruises will go away, swelling will disappear, the look will be fresher. And if you add a drop of cream, the recipe will help maintain the elasticity of the skin, additionally saturating it with fats. The lack of the latter is a serious problem in this zone. Therefore, if you don’t have cream on hand, you can even add a drop of sunflower oil.

Another option for the same composition is that you can simply squeeze out the resulting juice, soak cotton pads in it and make compresses. The effect is the same, the skin is tightened, small wrinkles are smoothed out, dark circles and bruises are lightened, swelling disappears.

Eye oil masks

It is possible to use vegetable oils in pure form or as part of mixtures. The use of essential oils is prohibited - such oils must be dissolved in base oils. The effect of vegetable oils on the epidermis:

  • jojoba – smoothing;
  • olives – hydration;
  • castor – eliminating signs of aging after 35 years;
  • almond – refreshing;
  • rose hips provide a nutritional effect;
  • flax – medicinal, anti-inflammatory;
  • sea ​​buckthorn - giving a healthy tone;
  • shi – rejuvenating;
  • creamy – moisturizing;
  • coconut – firming;
  • apricot – prevention of early wrinkles;
  • wheat germ – moisturizing, penetrates into deep layers;
  • avocado – eliminating dark circles;
  • sesame – elimination of edema.

Oils have different chemical compositions, but most affect only the upper layers of the epidermis, so drops of concentrates, ethers are added to them, or used as part of masks so that vitamin and mineral substances penetrate into the deeper layers.

In their pure form, oils are used (vegetable only) as follows:

  1. Preliminary testing for allergic manifestations is carried out.
  2. Distribute the preheated product in a thin layer according to the rules described above.
  3. Leave for five minutes for initial use, ten minutes for secondary use. The maximum time is thirty minutes.
  4. Remove residues with a cotton pad.
  5. After thirty minutes, wash off with water and some cleanser.
  6. Apply moisturizer.

Effect of esters:

  • pine trees - increased blood circulation, increased tone;
  • roses – moisturizing, restoring, protective;
  • fennel – elimination of swelling, strengthening, tightening;
  • sandalwood – moisturizing, smoothing out fine wrinkles;
  • geranium – leveling.

Esters have a lower molecular weight compared to oils, due to which they are able to penetrate deep layers. In their pure form they can cause serious harm in the form of burns, as they are concentrated extracts from plants obtained by extraction.

With castor oil

Proportions and products needed:

  • castor oil/one tablespoon;
  • tocopherol acetate oil solution/no more than five drops.

Preparation: Place the oil in a water bath and heat to forty, but not higher than fifty degrees. Combine the oil with the tocopherol oil solution and mix thoroughly.

Application: Wash your face with a special product, steam the dermis. Moisten halves of cotton pads with the prepared mixture, distribute in the area around the eye, excluding the moving eyelid, at a sufficient distance from the eyelash line. Lying horizontally, keep the product for ten minutes. Remove any residue with a dry cotton pad and wash your face after thirty minutes.

Result: Elimination of edema, pronounced anti-aging effect, nutrition, protection from harmful factors.

With olive oil

The product is recommended for use on dry, fading epidermis. Proportions and products needed:

  • olive oil/one tablespoon;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice/no more than two drops.

Preparation: Wash the lemon, peel, squeeze out the juice, place the olive oil in a water bath and heat to forty, but not higher than fifty degrees. Combine the oil and juice and mix thoroughly.

Application: Wash your face with a special product, steam the dermis. Moisten halves of cotton pads with the prepared mixture, distribute in the area around the eye, excluding the moving eyelid, at a sufficient distance from the eyelash line. Lying horizontally, keep the product for ten minutes. Remove any residue with a dry cotton pad and wash your face after thirty minutes.

Result: Lightening, eliminating dark circles, strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

Features of using homemade masks

Now you know how you can maintain the health of your eyelid skin without visiting salons or spending money on expensive creams. But still, follow the recommendations and rules for using homemade masks to get the maximum effect from them:

  1. Before applying any product, always cleanse your skin. This should be done with soft products, lotions intended for sensitive eye skin, micellar water, avoiding unnecessary friction.
  2. All products are applied only to the fixed parts of the eyelid, to the skin around the eyes, and under them.
  3. While the mask is in effect, you must take a horizontal position; if this is not possible, then at least sit down and preferably not move. Be sure to keep your eyes closed.
  4. Under no circumstances keep the product on for longer than the specified time; there is a high risk of drying out the already dry skin of the eyelids. Then you have a new problem.
  5. Do not store homemade formulations in the refrigerator for reuse - always prepare fresh, otherwise you will not get the expected effect - many substances simply will not work.
  6. You can wash off the product from your eyelids only with a cotton pad, with light movements, do not rub or pull the skin. It’s better to just blot it and change the disc to a clean one, and so on until it’s completely clean.

Causes of wrinkles around the eyes

The aging of the dermis begins at the age of twenty-seven; this does not mean that from this age the face becomes covered with wrinkles, but means loss of moisture. A visible jump occurs at thirty-five years of age, and a visible mesh in the periocular area can be detected already at thirty. This area is the first to reflect the onset of age-related changes due to:

  • influence of facial expressions;
  • tenderness, sensitivity of this area;
  • absence of sebaceous glands;
  • subtleties of the epidermis in the periocular area;
  • improper care;
  • reduction of collagen, moisture, slowdown of cellular regeneration - natural aging.

I recommend reading: Wrinkles under the eyes: what causes them and how to get rid of them at home using affordable means.

Facial expressions . Under the influence of complex facial expressions, human eyes make blinking movements about twenty-four thousand times a day. Under the influence of certain factors, people squint, which causes additional wrinkles to form. The time of wrinkle formation directly depends on the activity of the facial muscles during the day: in the case of increased emotionality or myopia.

Skin Features. In this area, the epidermis is located with increased sensitivity, which explains the rapid formation of comedones or rashes with the wrong selection of skincare products.

Dryness . The periocular dermis is practically devoid of sebaceous glands, which creates increased dryness. The sebum produced serves as protection against external factors and makes the epidermis moisture-proof, so wrinkles form later on oily types than on dry ones. This explains the need for daily hydration.

Subtlety . The area around the eyes has a thinner dermis, which is forty percent thinner than the rest of the face. If you select the wrong skincare products or use low-quality cosmetics, drying out occurs and, as a result, wrinkles form.

Mechanisms of aging . With age, natural aging occurs: the body produces less collagen, the epidermis loses moisture, becomes thinner, and the formation of new cells slows down. Selection of ready-made products without taking into account the aging mechanism (collagen, hyaluronic, hormonal) - nutrition with those substances that are necessary for the dermis - can provoke the opposite result.

Homemade masks do not contain preservatives, have a simple composition, are easy to prepare, and are effective in combating the early formation of wrinkles, but deep wrinkles can only be overcome using plastic surgery methods.


Published with permission of the authors

Nadezhda Eremeeva, Moscow: I’ve probably been suffering from bruises under my eyes for about five years now. I’ve also tried store-bought products, patches, masks, there are some good ones, but of course the price is too much to buy. Therefore, I lighten it a little with cucumber and make compresses with cold tea. If you do it regularly, there is an effect. I'll have to try it with coffee too.

Elena Letova, Saratov: There is nothing better than compresses made from seasonal fruits and berries. When the strawberries ripened, I cut them and put the slices on the skin. There is an orange, a tangerine, a pear at home - take a piece and rub the skin. There is a fresh cucumber, the same thing - I cut it, rubbed the cucumber all over my face, and put a slice on my eyelids. And this is how I do everything in my adult life and advise you all. Nature has provided everything for a long time, there is no need to invent a wheel.

Ekaterina B., 29 years old: I don’t have time to bother with masks, although I understand that homemade ones are healthier. And those that the stores offer are also made on the basis of natural ingredients. But they are easier to use - you don’t need to prepare anything in advance, open the jar and that’s it. I also really love compresses made from strong iced tea when I can – I always do it. The eyes really come to life.

Products you can buy in the store

Today, on the shelves of cosmetic stores you can find many products to nourish and smooth out aging skin around the eyes. All products have different properties and effects, providing high-quality prevention and treatment of wrinkles. Below is a list of masks that will allow you to achieve a positive result in the shortest possible time. After reviewing the list, you can choose the most suitable remedy in a particular situation without the risk of purchasing something that is not very effective.

Dizao placental for smoothing wrinkles

The manufacturer assures that the restorative masks it produces consist of almost one hundred percent natural ingredients. Using the product offered by Dizao for the care of the skin of the face, eyelids and neck, you can achieve significant results in rejuvenation. To obtain effective changes, including smoothing wrinkles, you should use the described mask daily for two weeks, and then apply the composition only once a week. The product must be applied to cleansed skin and left for 15 minutes, then removed with purified water. The product qualitatively moisturizes, tones and smoothes the skin of the eyelids.

Mond Sub Collagen

This mask includes various natural components, bioactive gold and collagen complex. The product has high moisturizing and smoothing potential. In addition, Mond Sub will help get rid of bruises or circles under the eyes, tighten the skin and correct its color by lightening age spots. It is necessary to use specific mask slices three times a week, applying them to cleansed skin around the eyes. The product is aged for about 30 minutes, after which it is removed by washing.

Firming mask-patch Air Stream from Faberlic

A mask from the manufacturer Faberlic for the skin of the eyelids is a means of complex action. In addition to the rejuvenating effect, the properties of the product include nourishing dry and aging skin, improving the metabolic and metabolic processes of the skin, and increasing the overall tone of the skin. In addition, patches from Faberlic of this type can be used to remove swelling and inflammation of the skin in the area around the eyes. With the help of the component composition, you can easily give your face a healthy, rested look. It is worth noting that the mask is applicable for all skin types without restrictions.

Skinlite "Collagen Eye Zone Mask"

The product is presented in the form of overhead masks, the number of which in one package is 30 pieces. The product is of very high quality with a good anti-aging effect. Thanks to the composition, you can achieve a positive result after just a few sessions. The ingredients included in the composition allow you to moisturize the skin around the eyes, relieve puffiness and reduce circles under the eyes, smooth out fine wrinkles, tone the skin of the eyelids, saturating it with all the necessary microcomponents to prevent premature aging of the integument.

General rules of application

Carrying out home therapy for age-related changes requires compliance with certain rules for the preparation and use of products. Their precise implementation can give a positive result:

  • To prepare masks for wrinkles around the eyes, you must use only natural, high-quality ingredients.
  • Application of products should be carried out on previously cleansed skin; tonics and lotions without alcohol should be used to remove makeup.
  • The procedure must be carried out during the day so that at least 2-3 hours remain before bedtime.
  • When using the mask, you should relax as much as possible and take a lying position.
  • The duration of action of the mask should not exceed 20 minutes.
  • It is not recommended to talk or use active facial expressions during the procedure.
  • The product should be applied in a counterclockwise direction.
  • It is recommended to wash off the mask with previously prepared herbal decoctions or plain water.
  • The finished product should be stored for no more than 2 hours.
  • After using a homemade mask, you should not apply powder, blush or eye shadow for an hour and a half.

When using this or that recipe, you should also take into account the characteristics of the skin.

  • Dry type . For this option, mask recipes with a moisturizing and nourishing effect are ideal, which will help normalize the water balance in the cells and restore the elasticity of the upper layer of the skin.
  • Fat type . In this case, it is necessary to give preference to recipes for products that promote deep cleansing and rejuvenation of the skin.
  • Normal type . With this option, you can use any type of mask against wrinkles around the eyes.

To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to alternate anti-aging products so that the skin does not get used to the same components.

Morning masks for aging skin. Cleansing aging skin

First of all, aging skin needs to be cleansed - this can be done with the help of herbs that women have used for a long time.

To prepare a compress mask, you need to take 2 tsp. dried chamomile flowers and the same amount of dill, put the mixture in an enamel saucepan, pour a glass of water, bring to a boil, and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then cool, strain, and add an oil solution of vitamin A - 5 drops (it is sold at the pharmacy). A gauze pad is moistened in the resulting solution, lightly squeezed and applied to the face. Keep it for 20 minutes, then wash your face with cool water. This mask has a cleansing and softening effect.

In the evening, you can cleanse aging skin with a tonic lotion made from St. John's wort: prepare a regular decoction of St. John's wort (100 ml), and add to it 70% alcohol (10 ml), or 1 tsp. cologne.

Wrinkled facial skin is well toned by lotion with strawberry juice. Strawberry juice - ¼ cup (you can add the same amount of cucumber juice), salicylic acid powder - 0.5 g, and 45% alcohol - 1 cup. The face is wiped for 20-30 days, in the evening; if the skin is dry, then use wine instead of alcohol.

Dry, aging skin can always be revived with potato masks. Prepare mashed potatoes, boiled in their skins, cool it slightly, add cream (milk) - 1 tbsp, and raw egg yolk. Mix everything well, and while warm, apply the mask to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

A honey and oatmeal mask smoothes and nourishes dry skin. Heat honey (2 tablespoons) in a water bath, add oatmeal and stir until sour cream thickens. The mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes.

Effective recipes

The preparation of masks against wrinkles near the eyes should be carried out in accordance with the specified dosages of the components, since any deviation from the rules can lead to the opposite effect.

Depending on your age, you should choose different products, as the skin needs more careful care over time.

The full course of anti-aging procedures should not exceed 12-15 times, after which it is worth taking a break for 1.5 months and then applying another recipe.

After 30 years

During this period, there is a gradual slowdown in cell metabolism. Therefore, you should begin to carry out regular anti-aging procedures 3 times a month, which will help maintain youth and health longer and prevent the formation of deeper wrinkles.

The most effective recipes for this age:

NameMethod of preparation and use
  1. Chop fresh parsley (1 tbsp).
  2. Add sour cream 20% fat in the same volume.
  3. Mix the ingredients and apply the mixture to the skin around the eyes.
  4. Remove product after 20 minutes
With oat flakes
  1. Grind 10 g of flakes to a powder.
  2. Add 1 yolk and 20 ml honey.
  3. After mixing the components, apply the mixture for 15 minutes.
With cucumber
  1. Peel the vegetable.
  2. Grind until smooth.
  3. Place the mixture in gauze folded in several layers.
  4. Apply to problem areas for 15 minutes
With wheat bread
  1. Separate the bread pulp from the top crust.
  2. Pour milk (40 ml) into it.
  3. Stir until thick and drain off excess liquid.
  4. Apply the bread mixture to the skin around the eyes for 15 minutes.
With lemon
  1. Combine lemon juice with boiled water in equal volume.
  2. Add chopped mint or lemon balm (20 g).
  3. Apply the product to the area around the eyes and remove after 15 minutes.
  1. Chop a bunch of fresh parsley.
  2. Mash the green mass with a spoon and squeeze out the juice (30 ml).
  3. Add 1 ampoule of tocopherol.
  4. Soak cotton pads in the product.
  5. Apply them to problem areas for 20 minutes

From 35 years old

This age is characterized by a further slowdown in metabolism in skin cells, which leads to the deepening of the first expression wrinkles. Therefore, it is necessary to use face masks in the eye area once a week, which will help slow down the negative process.

Optimal recipe options according to age-related changes:

NameMethod of preparation and use
  1. Mash 100 g of strawberries or raspberries to a puree.
  2. Soak cotton pads in the resulting mixture.
  3. Apply them to the area around the eyes.
  4. Keep the product for 10 minutes
With yolk
  1. Grind 1 yolk with 15 ml of honey.
  2. Add 10 g of oat flour to the mixture.
  3. Apply the product to the skin around the eyes and remove after 15 minutes
With starch (with Botox effect)
  1. Mix starch with high-fat sour cream in equal volume.
  2. Grate the carrots and squeeze out the juice.
  3. Add it to the starch-sour cream mixture in an amount of 20 ml.
  4. Spread the resulting product on the skin near the eyes.
  5. After 15 minutes, completely remove
  1. Mash 1 ripe apricot evenly.
  2. Add 20 ml of fat sour cream.
  3. Stir and distribute the mass.
  4. Leave for 15 minutes, rinse
With gelatin
  1. Pour 1 tbsp. l. component with warm water and leave until it swells.
  2. Drain off the remaining moisture and add 20 ml lemon juice.
  3. Apply the product to the skin and remove after 20 minutes.
With potatoes
  1. Prepare an infusion of parsley from 30 g of the collection and 100 ml of boiling water, peel.
  2. Grate 1 pink potato without skin.
  3. Mix 30 ml of parsley infusion, 1 tbsp. l. potato mass and 20 ml olive oil.
  4. Place the resulting composition in multi-layer gauze and apply to the skin near the eyes.
  5. Remove after a quarter of an hour and blot the remaining residue with a napkin.

After 40 years

During this period, age-related changes become more noticeable, which is manifested not only by facial wrinkles, but also by dark circles. To eliminate the problem, it is recommended to use masks at least 2 times a week.

Effective formulations that help slow down the negative process:

NameMethod of preparation and use
With aloe
  1. Squeeze the juice from plants older than 3 years.
  2. Add olive oil in a ratio of 1 to 2 in relation to the resulting juice.
  3. Mix and apply.
  4. Keep for 20 minutes
With dimexide
  1. Heat sea buckthorn oil (5 ml) to a temperature of +45 degrees.
  2. Combine the mass with dimexide (2 ml) and kelp extract (8 ml).
  3. Soak cotton pads in the resulting mixture and place them on problem areas.
  4. After 15 minutes, remove the mask
With vitamin E
  1. Soften the pulp of banana and melon in equal quantities.
  2. Add 1 ampoule of vitamin E (oil solution) to 50 g of the resulting mass.
  3. Apply the mixture to the problem area of ​​the skin.
  4. Remove after 20 minutes
With egg
  1. Beat 2 quail eggs.
  2. Add 2 ml of cocoa butter and 10 g of fat cottage cheese to the air mass.
  3. Apply the mixture to problem areas around the eyes.
  4. Remove mask after 15 minutes
With dill
  1. Grind 100 g of fresh dill.
  2. Pour boiling water (100 ml) over the mixture.
  3. Simmer for 20 minutes using a water bath.
  4. After cooling, soak cotton pads in the broth.
  5. Apply them to problem areas for 20 minutes
With yeast
  1. Dissolve 25 g of yeast in 50 ml of warm milk.
  2. Drain off excess liquid.
  3. Soak cotton pads in the product and place on problem areas.
  4. After 20 minutes, remove the mask
Protein based
  1. Grind the pulp of a green apple and take 50 g.
  2. Add 1 whipped egg white and 15 ml of fat sour cream.
  3. Stir the product and apply an even layer to the area near the eyes.
  4. Delete after 20 minutes

After 45 years

Age-related changes during this period are more profound, as hormonal changes occur in the body. The skin begins to significantly lose collagen and elastane, so regular use of the products allows it to regain its elasticity.

The best options for masks for home use at this age:

NameMethod of preparation and use
With glycerin
  1. Mix flour and glycerin in equal proportions.
  2. Add warm water until the consistency resembles sour cream.
  3. Leave for 10 minutes
With honey
  1. Combine 15 ml of honey with 1 yolk.
  2. Stir until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  3. Apply to the problem area for 20 minutes
With olive oil
  1. Combine 10 ml of vitamin E in the form of an oil solution with 30 ml of olive oil.
  2. Moisten the problem area around the eyes with the product.
  3. After 20 minutes, remove the remaining mask with a napkin.
Based on cornflower flower extract
  1. Pour 30 g of olive oil (50 ml) over the plant flowers.
  2. Keep the mixture in the dark for 10 days.
  3. Soak cotton pads in the product.
  4. Apply to skin for 20 minutes.
  5. After removing the mask, wipe the skin with chamomile decoction.
From avocado
  1. Peel the ripe fruit.
  2. Mash it until smooth.
  3. Pour in 3 drops of olive oil.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes
With milk
  1. Mash 2 ripe strawberries.
  2. Add 50 ml of warm milk and 15 ml of honey.
  3. Apply the product for 15 minutes
From cottage cheese
  1. Soften 50 g of full-fat cottage cheese.
  2. Add 15 ml of cream and 2 ml of olive oil to the curd mass.
  3. Distribute the product on the skin near the eyes and remove after a quarter of an hour.

After 50 years

During this period, the skin significantly loses moisture, which leads to the formation of deep wrinkles, so you should pay attention to mask recipes that have moisturizing, nourishing and toning effects. The frequency of procedures is once every 2 days.

Mask recipes to provide the skin with maximum nutrients:

NameMethod of preparation and use
From turmeric
  1. Grind fresh mint leaves.
  2. Squeeze the juice and measure 20 ml.
  3. Add 5 g each of turmeric and chickpea flour.
  4. Apply the product for 20 minutes
With parsley juice
  1. Chop fresh parsley leaves and shoots.
  2. Squeeze the juice in a volume of 15 ml.
  3. Mix with fat cottage cheese (30 g).
  4. Apply the mask for 15 minutes
With banana
  1. Soften the fruit pulp (30 g).
  2. Add sour cream in the same volume.
  3. Apply the mask for 15 minutes
With cocoa butter
  1. To 15 ml of cocoa butter add 30 ml of tocopherol solution and sea buckthorn oil.
  2. Soak cotton pads in the resulting product.
  3. Apply to problem areas for 20 minutes
With sour cream
  1. Prepare cucumber mass by chopping the vegetable.
  2. Add 1/2 tsp. cinnamon powder and 20 ml of high-fat sour cream.
  3. Stir the mask and apply to problem areas.
  4. Delete after 20 minutes
  1. Combine 30 g of full-fat cottage cheese with beaten egg yolk.
  2. Add 15 ml honey and 10 ml olive oil.
  3. Apply the mixture to the area near the eyes.
  4. Remove after 20 minutes


It is not recommended to use homemade masks for the skin around the eyes if you have anything from the following list:

  • Individual intolerance to the ingredients included in the masks.
  • Very sensitive skin.
  • Severe acne or unhealed acne sores.
  • Risk of allergic reaction.

To ensure successful application of the mask, first test it on a delicate area of ​​the skin, and then apply it to the eyes. Remember that the epidermis around the eyelids is thin and susceptible to external influences. The effectiveness of eye masks will depend on their regularity - the more often you use the recipes described here, the more results will be visible.

Author: Irina Nesterova, especially for

Face masks in the morning at home. The best time for cosmetic procedures

At what time of day is the mask most effective?

  1. Before waking up at 5:00 in the morning, the body prepares for the upcoming activity; hormones that control it are released into the blood. A person’s pulse quickens, the content of sugar and hemoglobin in the blood increases, and blood pressure rises.
  2. Then: 7 to 9 am - getting into the daily rhythm;
  3. from 9 to 11 o’clock the body is ready for the stress of the day, takes medications well, has good immunity, resistance increases, time for moisturizing masks;
  4. 12-15 preparation for meals, blood rushes to the digestive organs, tone decreases;
  5. 14-16 the body enters a phase of minimal sensitivity, pain relief is most effective;
  6. 16-19 activity increases again
  7. 20-21 immunity grows, the number of leukocytes in the blood increases, cells are renewed, nourishing and cleansing compositions are applied to the face;
  8. 21-22 immunity strengthens, sleep time; 2
  9. 3-05 cells are renewed and multiply.

Based on the daily cycle of the body’s activity, morning face masks should be moisturizing, and for a cleansing and nourishing face mask at home, evening time is better.

To get the maximum effect, you need to change the composition of the masks from time to time. do no more than one procedure during the day, cleanse the skin before it.

Top 5 useful components to use

In order for an under-eye mask to give the desired results, you need to understand what it consists of. They highlight the top 5 best components that help smooth out wrinkles, remove circles under the eyes, and even out the skin. These components are:

  • Moisturizing ingredients (glycerin, chamomile, aloe, honey, hyaluronic acid).
  • Nutrient components (phosphorus, vitamins B, C, D, A, dairy products).
  • Components that produce a lifting effect (clay, gelatin, hyaluronic acid, starch).
  • Components that protect against environmental influences (animal fats, vegetable oils, vitamins E, A, C, D.
  • Ingredients that tighten pores (sour fruits, ice, cucumber).

All this has a positive effect on the skin of the face, rejuvenates, and removes expression wrinkles under the eyes. This area should be given great attention, because every year it loses firmness, elasticity, beauty and healthy appearance. Daily care will protect you from aging and return your skin to its elastic and beautiful appearance.

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