Acne at 25, 26 years old in women, reasons, how to get rid of it?

  • Acne at 25-26 years old in women: causes
  • How to get rid of acne at 25 - 26 years old

There are quite a lot of opinions that acne is a problem that only affects teenagers. People generally believe that the occurrence of acne decreases after crossing adolescence. Although this may be true in some cases, many women experience acne, especially in their thirties. Let's explain the causes of acne in women after adolescence.

Acne, although a skin condition, has a lot to do with your diet, lifestyle and overall health. Hormonal imbalances, digestive problems, other health conditions, poor eating habits, unhealthy lifestyle and of course stress can be some of the influencing factors.

Acne at 25-26 years old in women: causes

There are many reasons why you might get acne as an adult. Stress or changes in hormone levels, such as menopause or changing or stopping birth control pills, can cause it.

Some medications, including antiseptics and corticosteroids, can cause acne.

Your dermatologist can help you understand why your acne appears. In some cases, it may be related to another condition.

Some of the possible causes of acne in women after adolescence include the following problems:

Dietary factors may cause acne in women over 25

After adolescence ends, women in their 30s are often too busy to pay attention to their diet:

  • Low intake of fruits and green vegetables can lead to dehydration, which can cause acne in women after adolescence. Consuming fruits, green and leafy vegetables and plenty of water helps flush out toxins, which is important for preventing acne. If women don't deal with this, they will probably , will experience acne after adolescence.
  • Women may experience hormonal imbalances and change more than men, which can also cause unhealthy food choices Consumption of sweets, junk food, sugary baked goods, chips, white bread and crackers with a high "glycemic index" can cause acne in women after adolescence .
  • Women also tend to consume more milk and dairy products than men. Dairy products can cause hormonal imbalances and therefore lead to acne in women after adolescence.

Psychological reasons

  • Stress plays an important role in hormonal regulation and other health problems Stress and psychological factors are an important cause of acne affecting the skin of women after adolescence Women are very emotional, and often this excessive emotionality causes great damage Their emotions arise due to excessive stress in their lives , which may appear on their skin in the form of pimples.
  • Women who are under a lot of stress or experience emotional imbalance, those who are depressed or angry from time to time may develop acne Women who have low stress and hardly stress or cope with their stressors may not develop acne Women who accustomed to suppressing anger or any other excitement, they can often experience acne even after adolescence.

Physical reasons that can cause acne in women after 25 - 26 years

  • Hormonal changes are the most common reason why acne can affect women after their teenage years. Acne outbreaks usually occur in women during pregnancy or during other problems with menstrual irregularities and hormonal imbalances.
  • Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or other hormonal disorders that increase testosterone production often experience acne after adolescence. It is important to treat these conditions to get rid of acne.

Apart from this, there are several other common things that can cause acne in women after adolescence. Although the problem of acne during adolescence mostly resolves after a few years, in some women it can continue even after adolescence. Some women usually experience an outbreak of acne before and after menstruation, which may continue later. This is also one of the most common causes of acne in women after adolescence.

Women taking birth control pills are also at risk for hormonal imbalances, which can cause acne after their teenage years.

Another factor is family tendencies. Some women who have parents or siblings with adult acne troubles often experience acne after adolescence. Additionally, the use of cosmetics that are harsh on the skin and other topical products can also cause acne and other problems with skin Clogged skin pores due to excessive oil, sweat, or the wrong makeup can cause damage and lead to an outbreak of acne.

While these are common reasons why acne can affect women after adolescence, certain medical conditions may also play a role in some cases. Therefore, it is best to seek medical help for the most appropriate diagnosis and treatment of acne after adolescence.

Causes of acne before menstruation!

Acne on the face: causes and methods of correction

Ekaterina Turubara, Vichy brand expert, dermatologist, answers:

Is it possible to sunbathe if acne recurs on the face?

There is an opinion that sun rays can suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands and enhance superficial exfoliation, improving the condition of problem skin. However, in high doses, ultraviolet radiation enhances the comedogenic properties of squalene in sebum and causes a sharp decrease in immune defense, worsening acne. Therefore, during relapses of the disease, as well as during treatment, it is recommended to use photoprotective agents, which should be maximally adapted to skin with acne and seborrhea.

How often can peels and scrubs be used for oily skin?

Pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations for using a specific care product. For daily use, mild cleansing products may be suitable, such as gels or lotions containing AHA and BHA acids, which have a gentle exfoliating effect.

What should you do if, after trying to squeeze out a pimple, the inflammation area has increased?

It is strictly not recommended to extract the contents of the rash yourself - this will only injure the skin, which aggravates the course of acne and increases the risk of stagnant spots. Active cosmetics for problem skin based on soothing, restorative ingredients will help fight such spots and even out skin tone.

What to do if your face is covered in acne and nothing helps?

It is recommended to consult a dermatologist

Vichy products in the article:

Gel Normadem Phytosolution (Normaderm Phytosolution) - intensively cleansing gel for washing, reducing oily skin

Gel Normadem Phytosolution (Normaderm Phytosolution) – mattifying gel for washing with volcanic perlite for oily, combination skin

Facial care Normaderm Phytosolution (Normaderm Phytosolution) - double-action corrective care for problem skin prone to oily skin

Lotion Normaderm (Normaderm) - pore-tightening lotion for intensive cleansing of problem skin

Vichy face mask – deep-pore-cleansing mineral clay mask

Day care Normaderm (Normaderm) - gel-cream for problem skin with the first signs of aging

Micellar lotion Normaderm (Normaderm) – micellar lotion for removing makeup 3 in 1 and cleansing oily problem skin

Mattifying care Capital Soleil (Capital Soleil) - daily matting care for oily problem skin 3-in-1 SPF50+

How to get rid of acne at 25 - 26 years old

Poll: When did your acne appear? (Number of votes: 4295)

I've been suffering all my life

It's been a couple of years now

About a few months


To vote, click on the desired answer. results

"It's important to cleanse your skin every day," says dermatologist Doris Day, MD, of Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. Follow these steps to improve your skin and keep your skin clear of acne:

  1. Wash your face with antibacterial soap no more than twice a day;
  2. Use cool or warm water and a gentle cleanser;
  3. Use a daily moisturizer on your face after cleansing.

Types of products you can use to get rid of acne include:

Cleansers that are designed to remove dirt, makeup, and impurities from your face A good cleanser will also allow other skin products to reach your skin and work much better and more effectively. Choose gentle cleansers that won't dry out your skin, says Johnette Carey, MD, professor of dermatology. at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.


Not all doctors and scientists view abstinence for men with a negative sign. Here are just some of the benefits of not having sex.

  1. Sigmund Freud also wrote about the positive meaning of sublimation [4] - a protective mechanism of the psyche, when internal tension, primarily sexual, is redirected to achieving socially acceptable goals and creativity. Refusal of sex in order to paint pictures or build houses in the free time is considered by modern psychoanalysis as a positive phenomenon.
  2. Some scientists believe that along with sperm, men “give” all the best to the female body, losing important nutrients: phosphorus, lecithin, cholesterol, and so on. This is the price of procreation.
  3. There is an opinion that orgasm is in itself a rather exhausting procedure for the body. The nervous system is so depressed that the development of neurasthenia, as well as negative processes in the brain and muscles, is likely.
  4. Immediately after ejaculation, men experience a loss of strength; due to the loss of important substances, immunity decreases.
  5. During sex, you can get injured and damage internal organs. Apparently, not every supporter of this opinion is ready to take risks.

In general, sexologists do not make the lack of sex a big problem. They believe that abstinence for young men aged 20–30 years is not dangerous; their body will quickly recover after “downtime.”

For men aged 40+, long-term abstinence can result in erectile dysfunction (this is one of the reasons for its development) and lead to changes in the prostate gland.

If you have temporary abstinence due to the lack of a partner, do not try “in the name of health” to fill this gap with casual relationships. They are the ones who can really do harm, increasing the risk of contracting various infections. Spend this time usefully, like the great people of the past - maybe you, too, are destined to make some brilliant discovery?

Spend more time on your career, sports, learn a foreign language. Most likely, at some drawing course or yoga class you will meet the one who will be the reason for the end of your abstinence. By the way, sexologists claim that a man’s health, physical and mental, is maintained only by regular sex life with a regular partner, for whom he has warm feelings.


  1. Heid, Stefan. Celibacy in the Early Church: The Beginnings of a Discipline of Obligatory Continence for Clerics in East and West. - San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2000. - P. 376.
  2. Brown, Gabrielle. The New Celibacy: Why More Men and Women Are Abstaining from Sex—and Enjoying It. — New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 1980.
  3. Stoica G., Cariou G., Colau A., et al. // Prog. Urol. - 2007. - T. 17, No. 5. - P. 960-963.
  4. Sosland A.I. Sublimation, sublime, trance // Proceedings of the “Russian Anthropological School”: Vol. 6. M.: RSUH, 2009, p. 393—413


Causes of acne in girls


The enemy of beautiful appearance is acne . They appear not only in teenagers, but also in adults. Representatives of the fair sex are sensitive to the shortcomings of their appearance, and the lack of timely treatment leads to troubles in the form of a protracted form of acne , which requires months or even years of daily work to cope with. This article will describe the causes of acne and methods to get rid of them.

Causes of acne in girls

  1. Hormonal disbalance. As teenagers grow up, they experience changes in the endocrine system . The condition of each girl depends on the indicators of hormones , so a violation of the production of one of them can become a source of inflammation on the face .
  2. Lack of hygiene. Sebum is actively produced during the day, and neglecting bath procedures can cause clogged pores and the formation of acne on the body.
  3. Poor nutrition. Excessive consumption of sweets causes an increase in testosterone - the main hormone responsible for the increased functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Diseases. Disturbances in the functioning of the heart , kidneys , endocrine glands, and increased body weight provoke improper functioning of the body as a whole.
  5. Stress. Conflicts in the family, quarrels with classmates, work, study - all this affects the nervous system . Experiencing failures and feeling angry, adrenaline is activated intensively, increasing sebum secretion and reducing immune defense, making the skin vulnerable to any infections.
  6. Decorative cosmetics. Women who like to hide imperfections on their faces risk making the situation even worse. The foundation clogs the pores, and purulent pimples spread to other areas of the face . In addition, neglecting deep cleansing, particles of cosmetics clog the skin, forming new blackheads and inflammation.

Acne Treatment Methods

The main reason is increased fat content. Proper care will help reduce excess sebum. There is a myth that you need to dry out the skin, but in this way girls force the glands to function even more, trying to moisturize it. Therefore, nutrition for the fatty type is necessary. Creams and serums are used to moisturize. Clay masks are used to control shine. They cleanse, relieve inflammation, fight blackheads , improve blood circulation, tighten pores, lighten marks, even out facial . To dry purulent pimples , use salicylic acid, zinc paste or ointment.

Acne treatment is approached from all angles. Getting rid of all the causes of acne is not enough. Treatment will only become effective with an integrated approach. A visit to a dermatologist will be the best solution in the fight against acne , since it is the doctor who will be able to select the right care, medications for treatment, and cosmetic procedures individually. He will tell you what to exclude from the diet, what products to use, and in advanced cases, it is possible to prescribe a course of antibiotics.

Acne is a popular problem among girls, but, fortunately, it can be solved. By following the rules and applying treatment, you can forget about acne like a bad dream. The main thing is regularity.

Published in Dermatology Premium Clinic

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