How to get rid of blackheads on the chin? Will Aspirin help?

Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is an effective and inexpensive remedy for eliminating acne, relieving redness and inflammation of the skin, and normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. A positive effect of aspirin on reducing scars, narrowing and cleansing pores has been noticed.

Cosmetologists recommend the use of acetylsalicylic masks for acne on the face of various sizes, ulcers, rashes, and acne. Especially if they are accompanied by an inflammatory process.

The product will also be relevant in the event of the appearance of shallow wrinkles, loss of skin tone, elasticity, and allows the skin to acquire a fresher and more natural shade.

Release form and composition

Acetylsalicylic acid is available in the form of tablets, 10 pcs. They have a white color, a characteristic odor and a round shape with a line for dividing the tablet on one side.


  • Active ingredient : acetylsalicylic acid 500 mg;
  • Auxiliary components: silicon dioxide;
  • stearic acid;
  • talc;
  • potato starch;
  • lemon acid.

Acne action and beneficial properties

Not many people know that acetylsalicylic acid can be prescribed not only as a medicine, but due to its beneficial qualities and as a cosmetic product.

Features of the effect of acetylsalicylic acid on skin and acne:

  • The active components of aspirin do not irritate the skin - when used in the form of masks, scrubs, creams, it does not harm the body;
  • The main property of the drug is to relieve the inflammatory process , which can significantly reduce the number and size of acne;
  • It has cleansing properties and regulates the amount of subcutaneous sebum - this allows you to quickly dry out problem skin and get rid of unpleasant rashes;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid is used as a scrub without damaging the skin. The skin becomes fresher, gets rid of blackheads and acne;
  • It has skin whitening properties and is used to lighten freckles and pigment spots.

The acetylsalicylic component can be used to restore and eliminate acne on any skin type:

  • On problem skin, it will eliminate acne and pimples that have arisen due to the inflammatory process;
  • On oily skin, removes excess shine and normalizes pores;
  • On aging skin there will be a noticeable effect of tightening, elasticity and a reduction in the number and depth of wrinkles.

Causes of acne

Acne occurs due to the accumulation of sebum in the pores, which leads to the development of bacteria and inflammation. The pimple first brews internally, appearing as a red, painful lump, and then comes out as white pus.

The causes of acne are hormonal and non-hormonal. An experienced dermatologist will help you establish an accurate diagnosis, who will prescribe the necessary tests and tell you how to care for your skin during the treatment period.

Hormonal causes include:

puberty; disruption of the endocrine system; thyroid diseases; pregnancy.

Non-hormonal causes of acne:

dysbacteriosis; gastritis; liver diseases; stones in the kidneys; stress; improper facial skin care; long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

If you want clear, healthy skin, don't self-diagnose. With the help of medications and cosmetics, you will only achieve a temporary effect, when the problem remains unresolved and becomes even more dangerous.

Cautions and usage rules

Those wishing to prepare and use masks or scrubs with acetylsalicylic preparation should know the rules for their use and preparation, as well as actions that should not be carried out during the procedure.

Features of use:

  • Before using the mask for the first time, be sure to test for an allergic reaction . To do this, you need to apply some of the product to your elbow or specifically to problem areas and monitor the reaction. If you have allergies, quickly remove the mask and take antiallergic medications;
  • Before preparing the mask, make sure that you are using high-quality, unexpired aspirin . It is better to give preference to a domestic manufacturer;
  • Changing the quantity of components or their types in the recipe is strictly prohibited . All recipes and preparation procedures must be followed;
  • The average duration of application of a mask with aspirin for acne is 15 minutes . They should not be applied more often than 3 times in 7 days.

In order not to damage or injure the skin, and to get the maximum effect from the cosmetic use of this product, you need to pay attention to several precautions.

Here are the main ones:

  • The skin can react much more acutely to irritation factors with frequent use of aspirin as a cosmetic product. This can also cause the appearance of a small, barely noticeable network of blood vessels on the face;
  • Apply such products with caution before or after tanning (both on the beach and in the solarium). This can cause the formation of age spots;
  • Excessive use of aspirin for cosmetic purposes can weaken the function of the sebaceous glands;
  • Aspirin not only removes inflammatory areas, but also has drying properties . Therefore, it is better to use moisturizing and nourishing creams;
  • Take breaks between procedures with aspirin if they are carried out for a long time.

Mask with honey and aspirin

Special attention should be paid to masks with honey and aspirin for acne. There are several recipes for its preparation, suitable for different skin types. Honey will soften the skin, soothe after exposure to acids and saturate it with minerals and vitamins.

For oily dermis, grind 3 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid, dilute with a teaspoon of water, then add a tablespoon of honey. Mix and apply to face. If your skin is dry, replace the water with coconut oil or almond oil.

For those with sensitive skin, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of aloe juice to water and aspirin. It will relieve irritation, eliminate flaking and return a healthy color to the face. You can use yogurt, sour cream, and other oils that you like.

Preparatory procedures

The preparatory stage is part of a successfully completed procedure:

  • Prepare a mask or scrub using acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Properly prepare your facial skin . Be sure to remove all makeup and cleanse the skin of any impurities using regular warm water. Wipe your face with toner;
  • Steam your facial skin over a steam bath , preferably using herbal infusions based on nettle, chamomile, calendula, sage or thyme. To prepare such a decoction, just take 3 tbsp for 2 glasses of water. l. different herbs. It would also be useful to visit a sauna or steam bath before such procedures. This will open the pores and help you achieve the desired result faster.

You should definitely follow safety rules when taking such baths - do not tilt your face below 25 cm above the steam and do not breathe in it for more than 15 minutes. This can make your skin very dry.

Who should not use aspirin on the skin?

You should be careful when using aspirin as a skin care product because it is not a natural product and it may cause unwanted side effects. Aspirin-based cosmetics are not recommended for any type of use by pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding.

Aspirin skin care products are not recommended for people with allergies, especially to aspirin. Do not use them on your face if you have cuts or open wounds. If you have sensitive or dry skin, you should also not use aspirin for skin care. Before using these homemade aspirin masks on your face, try them on a small part of your arm. If you do not see any changes in this part during the day, then you can use the mask on your face.

TOP 7 face masks for acne based on acetylsalicylic acid

Despite the cheapness of the ingredients in the masks, they are very effective and easy to prepare.

Anti-inflammatory mask

This mask is recommended for problem skin.


  • 3 aspirin tablets;
  • Clean warm water;
  • Nourishing or moisturizing cream

Preparation of the mask:

  • Aspirin tablets are crushed;
  • Add a couple of drops of water;
  • A homogeneous mixture should form, to which you need to add 2 tablespoons of nourishing cream.

Using the mask:

  • The mixture is applied to problem areas for 15 minutes;
  • The mask is removed with warm water;
  • Use the mask as needed, but not more than 2 times a week.

The prepared product can be stored in a cool place for no more than 14 days.

The product eliminates pronounced inflammation processes on the face. With regular use, the number of acne decreases and the skin becomes clearer.

Honey scrub mask

An ideal cosmetic method for combination skin.


  • 2 aspirin tablets;
  • a couple of teaspoons of mineral water;
  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt;
  • 0.5 tsp honey

Preparation of the mask:

  • Dilute acetylsalicylic acid in mineral water;
  • Add sea salt and honey;
  • Make a homogeneous mixture of the components.

Using the mask:

  • Rub into facial skin with light massage movements;
  • Leave to soak the skin for 15-20 minutes;
  • Use masks 2 times a week;
  • The minimum course of use is 10 masks.

The product has refreshing, rejuvenating, cleansing and antiseptic properties. Corrects the skin and has scrubbing properties.

Lemon Revitalizing Mask

Used to eliminate inflammation on problem and combination skin.


  • 4 aspirin tablets;
  • Lemon juice.

Preparation of the mask:

  • Aspirin is ground into powder;
  • After this, the required amount of lemon juice is added;
  • The consistency should resemble a thick cream.

Using the mask:

  • The acetylsalicylic mixture is applied only to problem areas;
  • It is advisable to apply it overnight or in the evening for 2-3 hours;
  • Do not remove the mask until the face is completely dry;
  • To remove, prepare a special solution: pour 1 tsp into a glass of warm water. soda;
  • stir until it is completely dissolved;
  • Rinse off using a cotton ball or disk soaked in the prepared liquid;
  • Due to lemon juice, it is not recommended to use the mask more than 4 times a month.
  • Effective in the fight against acne and inflammatory acne on the face.

    Refreshing mask with olive oil

    The mask has a complex effect, which allows it to be used for all skin types.


    • 3 aspirin tablets;
    • Warm water;
    • 1 tsp olive oil;
    • 1 tsp honey

    Preparation of the mask:

    • Dilute aspirin tablets in warm water;
    • Add olive oil;
    • Place the mixture in a water bath and dissolve 1 tsp. honey;
    • All components must be thoroughly mixed into a homogeneous consistency.

    Using the mask:

    • Apply the mask to the face with gentle massaging movements;
    • After 18-20 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature;
    • To achieve the desired result, perform at least 7 procedures (2-3 per week).

    The mask actively cleanses, nourishes and refreshes the face, removes foci of inflammation.

    Mask with coffee and white clay

    Suitable for use on all skin types.


    • 2 tbsp. white clay;
    • 1 tsp ground coffee;
    • 3 aspirin tablets.

    Preparation of the mask:

    • Aspirin needs to be crushed into powder;
    • Mix the dry ingredients into a homogeneous consistency;
    • Add a few drops of water until thick sour cream forms.

    Using the mask:

    • Gently apply the mask to the skin;
    • Remove the mixture from your face after 20 minutes by rinsing with warm water;
    • Can also be used as a scrub;
    • Frequency of use – 1-2 times a week;
    • The recommended course of use is 10 procedures.

    Effectively eliminates blackheads and pimples, has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

    Anti-acne mask with blue clay

    The best effect should be expected for those with oily skin, but can also be used for dry skin.


    • 2 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid;
    • Pure water;
    • 1 tsp quality honey;
    • A pinch of salt;
    • 4 gr. blue clay;
    • 2-3 drops of lemon juice.

    Preparation of the mask:

    • Grind aspirin;
    • Mix with a few drops of clean water;
    • Add clay, honey, salt to the resulting slurry;
    • All components are mixed;
    • After which lemon juice is added to them.

    Using the mask:

    • The mask is applied to the face for no more than 20 minutes;
    • Then rinse thoroughly with warm water;
    • Alternatively, instead of lemon juice, you can add aloe juice. The effect of the mask will be softer. It is enough to keep this mask on your face for 15 minutes;
    • Regular use is allowed, but not more than 2 times a week.

    The mask has cleansing properties, not only removes acne and inflammatory processes, but also prevents their reappearance. It also normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands.

    Yogurt mask

    The mask can be used by those with combination or oily skin.


    • 3-4 tbsp. natural yogurt;
    • 3 aspirin tablets.

    Preparation of the mask:

    • Finely crush the tablets;
    • Stir in yogurt. Yogurt must be natural, without dyes, sugar or other additives.

    Using the mask:

    • Apply to face;
    • Keep for 25-30 minutes;
    • After this, the face is washed well with water so that there are no remnants of the mask;
    • You can reduce the procedure time, but to do this you need to add a finely grated apple slice to the composition;
    • The minimum number of procedures to achieve results is 12-14.

    This mask always gives a cleansing, whitening effect, and also noticeably eliminates acne.

    How to get rid of acne at home

    One remedy in the fight against acne is not enough. This problem needs to be approached comprehensively. Having found out the reason for its appearance, you need to immediately begin to fight it. It is equally important to choose the right care.

    As a rule, skin prone to oily acne. Based on this fact, select cleansing and toning products.

    Skin care products should include soothing and anti-inflammatory natural ingredients. These include extracts of calendula, chamomile, aloe vera, and sage. Tea tree essential oil, lavender essential oil, and bergamot essential oil are also useful.

    When understanding the question of how to get rid of acne at home, it is important to remember that proper nutrition is necessary for clear skin. A diet rich in vitamins and minerals will keep your skin toned, giving it elasticity and radiance. Eliminating fatty and spicy foods will reduce sebum production.

    Homemade facial cleansing and masks based on acetylsalicylic acid are effective in the fight against acne. The former remove dirt and sebum, while the latter soothe the skin, relieve inflammation, tighten pores and prevent further rashes.

    Acne-based face washes based on acetylsalicylic acid

    There are many simple recipes for chatterboxes based on available ingredients. When using them, you need to take special care so that instead of removing acne and having a restorative effect, you do not get skin damage.

    Let's look at the most popular and effective acetylsalicylic acne talkers.

    Chatter based on aspirin and clindamycin

    A product that can be used as a scrub and a soothing mask.

    To prepare you will need:

    • 3 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid;
    • 3 capsules of clindamycin;
    • 50 ml. ethyl alcohol.

    Method of preparation and use:

    • Prescription tablets are crushed and filled with alcohol;
    • Everything is thoroughly mixed and immediately ready for use;
    • It is better not to use more than 2 times a week;
    • Apply to facial skin before bed.

    Calendula chatter

    For preparation you will need:

    • 7 aspirin tablets;
    • 7 tablets of chloramphenicol;
    • Tincture of calendula.

    Method of preparation and use:

    • For this purpose, tablets are crushed into powder;
    • Tincture is added to form the consistency of thick sour cream;
    • Gently apply onto face with fingertips and massage;
    • Leave on the skin for 15-20 minutes;
    • Rinse off with warm water;
    • You should not use more than 10 masks in one course;
    • If additional procedures are needed, take a break of at least 30 days between courses.

    Acetylsalicylic mash with boric acid

    For preparation you will need:

    • Medical alcohol – 0.2 l.;
    • 20 gr. acetylsalicylic component;
    • 20 gr. sulfur;
    • 20 gr. chloramphenicol;
    • 10 gr. boric acid.

    Method of preparation and use:

    • All components are mixed into a homogeneous composition;
    • The tablets are crushed into powder;
    • A cotton pad is soaked in the mixture;
    • It wipes the skin of the face;
    • It is preferable to do the procedure in the evening;
    • It is allowed to use the mash 3-4 times a week for 2-3 weeks.

    Chatter based on aspirin and streptocide

    An excellent remedy for red pimples. Removes ulcers and bumpy structures of acne, regulates processes inside cells.

    For preparation you will need:

    • Acetylsalicylic acid 2 tablets;
    • Streptocide 5 g;
    • Sulfur 5 g;
    • Salicylic acid 70 ml;
    • Boric alcohol 30 ml.

    Method of preparation and use:

    • Mix sulfur and streptocide;
    • Pour into a sterile bottle;
    • Add pre-prepared alcohol and acid to it;
    • Close the bottle tightly and shake well;
    • The ointment cannot be applied to the entire face, only on problem areas;
    • It dries the skin very much, so using a moisturizer after each procedure is mandatory;
    • The minimum required number of procedures is 10 pcs.

    Chatter based on aspirin and zinc ointment

    The product will not only eliminate unwanted acne, but also lighten the skin, reduce pigmentation, and also strengthens capillaries.

    For preparation you will need:

    • Aspirin 10 g;
    • Zinc ointment 20 g;
    • Boric alcohol 60 gr.

    Method of preparation and use:

    • Grind aspirin into powder;
    • First mix with the ointment, and then add boric alcohol;
    • Place everything in the container in which it will be stored and shake;
    • Apply the product with massage movements in the evening onto cleansed skin;
    • Use every other day until the desired result is achieved, but no more than a month.

    It is worth paying special attention to the recommendations for the use of talkers.

    The process of preparation and application of the product consists of successive stages:

    • Be sure to shake the bottle when preparing acetylsalicylic shakers and before use so that the product is of uniform density;
    • Do not thoroughly rub in the product applied to the cotton pad;
    • It is necessary to avoid getting the aspirin mixture into the area around the eyes and on the nasolabial triangle and, especially, to prevent ingestion;
    • The best time to use chatterboxes is in the evening or before bed;
    • Do not remove the product from the skin until completely dry.
    • It is worth refusing to use any decorative cosmetics while using acne talkers;
    • It is better to check with a cosmetologist or dermatologist about the course of using the prepared mixture . But it is not recommended to apply such mixtures to the skin for more than 30 days;
    • It is advisable to add antibiotics to prepared mixtures only after consultation with a cosmetologist , because these are not such harmless components and their frequent external use can lead to immunity to such drugs in the future.

    In order for the product to retain its beneficial properties for a long time, you need to prepare a bottle for the prepared medicine in advance, thoroughly sterilizing it. It is better to choose a cool, dark place for storage.

    Recommendations for using Aspirin for acne

    The use of salicylate has its own subtleties, which you should know in advance:

    • No more than one procedure can be performed per day.
    • Do not apply formulations at night.
    • Masks are applied for a maximum of 30 minutes.
    • If a burning sensation occurs during application of the compositions, immediately wash your face and apply a moisturizer.

    Compositions with lemon are used no more than once a week.

    Facial peeling based on acetylsalicylic acid

    Peels using aspirin are effective for rashes, pimples and acne. Acetylsalicylic acid, as the main component, removes dead skin cells, cleanses it of excess fat and dirt.

    Aspirin peeling at home has other advantages:

    • Ease of procedure;
    • Availability of components;
    • Quick effect of the procedure.

    To prepare the peeling scrub you will need:

    • 5 tablets of the product.
    • 1 tsp lemon juice.
    • 1 tsp soda solution.

    Preparation of the product:

    • Mix the crushed tablets of the acetylsalicylic ingredient with lemon juice and soda solution;
    • You should get a homogeneous mass, to which you can add vitamins in ampoules (E or A), honey, white or blue clay to improve the effect.

    Application rules:

    • Gently apply the prepared mixture onto your face with your fingertips;
    • Leave for 7 minutes;
    • After the time has expired, wash off the residue with warm water;
    • Apply nourishing cream.

    You should not expect a stunning effect after the first acetylsalicylic procedure. There will definitely be a result, but for this you need to undergo at least 10 procedures no more than 3 times a week.

    Thanks to peeling with acetylsalicylic substance in the composition, the skin is cleansed from acne and evens out its tone. In addition to removing dead cells, the issue of ingrown hairs is also resolved.

    Timely hydration, nutrition and restoration of the skin occurs, and the functioning of the sweat glands is normalized. All this is thanks to a special thin invisible film that forms after applying the mask.

    Can be used as a preventative against the first signs of skin aging.


    Before using recipes containing acetylsalicylic acid, read its contraindications. Make sure you are not allergic to other ingredients in the masks, such as honey or essential oils.

    Contraindications to external use of aspirin:

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding; very dry skin; increased sensitivity of the dermis; asthma; infectious skin diseases; open wounds and scratches.

    After using masks or peelings with aspirin, you need to apply a moisturizer to the skin to restore water balance. Otherwise, after several procedures, your face will become very dry, and then you will have to deal with other problems.

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    Pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to use acetylsalicylic acid in cosmetics.
    This can affect fetal formation and child development.

    Frequent use of aspirin (especially internal) can affect delivery and the course of pregnancy in the last weeks of gestation.

    In the first trimester of pregnancy, when using aspirin, there is a risk of deformities in the fetus. This has been proven by epidemiological studies. Although in practice such pathologies did not arise.

    The use of aspirin during breastfeeding without a break in lactation is possible only in a standard dosage.

    Blackheads* on the face: how to get rid of them?

    Open comedones are not only an aesthetic problem. They often indicate the onset of acne. If, in addition to blackheads*, you periodically experience inflammatory elements, consult a dermatologist.

    In the treatment of mild to moderate acne, azelaic acid, for example, Azelik® gel, can be prescribed. [9] The drug helps reduce the level of free fatty acids [5].

    The drug exhibits antimicrobial activity against Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis and helps normalize keratinization processes. Azelik® gel has an anti-inflammatory effect. This is explained by its ability to reduce the metabolism of neutrophils and their production of free radical forms of oxygen. [5]


    Useful tips for use

    Masks using acetylsalicylic acid are easy to prepare and use.

    But they require compliance with certain recommendations:

    • To apply the mask, follow the application diagram;
    • It is advisable to apply with your fingers and light massage movements. You can also use sponges for this;
    • Everything must be clean and sterile - utensils for preparing mixtures, hands with which the mask will be applied;
    • All components that will be used must be natural , not expired;
    • Prepare a fresh composition each time - most self-prepared masks should not be stored for more than a day, even in the refrigerator;
    • To enhance the effect, the combined use of aspirin and chloramphenicol is sometimes used , which allows eliminating rashes and pimples on the face of various origins;
    • The first effect of the acetylsalicylic mask should be expected only 3-4 hours after removal , and in order to achieve more noticeable changes and results, carry out at least 8 procedures. Some patients noted a deterioration in their skin condition after the first 2 procedures, after which the situation returned to normal.

    When is aspirin used

    Let's take a closer look at the cases in which this product can be used to combat imperfections in our skin.

    For acne

    The use of acetylsalicylic acid for isolated rashes (pimples) is justified by its excellent anti-inflammatory effect, and therefore a reduction in redness. And the drying effect that this drug has helps speed up the drying of the pimple. After all, as you know, “acne needs to be dehydrated.”

    For acne

    Acetylsalicylic acid will help you reduce the severity of acne inflammation, reduce pain and speed up skin healing. All this is achieved due to the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial (in combination with alcohol and antibiotics) properties of Aspirin. However, in case of extensive localization of rashes, it is highly not recommended to use scrubs. Because this can increase inflammation and even provoke new rashes.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Using the acetylsalicylic component together with other drugs may affect the quality of treatment, even when used externally.

    Pay attention to the interaction of acetylsalicylic substance with the following drugs:

    • Anticoagulants - there is a risk of bleeding;
    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - increases the risk of side effects, enhances the hypoglycemic effect;
    • Glucocorticosteroids - increases the risk of gastropathy and bleeding in the stomach and intestines;
    • Acetylsalicylic drug reduces the effect of taking antihypertensive drugs, Furosemide, Spironolactone.

    Side effects

    In patients who are allergic to aspirin, the skin may develop: rash, urticaria or itching, and with prolonged use, develop into contact dermatitis and severe irritation.

    When the first symptoms appear, immediately stop using the product, take an antihistamine and consult a doctor.

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