Pimples on and around the nipples in women - photos and reasons

Skin pathologies are the largest group of diseases, always accompanied by physical and psychological discomfort. Particular fear is caused by rashes that appear in places where they are difficult to even imagine. Pimples on the nipples belong precisely to this category, so they often cause serious concern. They do not cause pain, but the fact itself may indicate a developing disease. The problem cannot be ignored. Any visible changes in this area are a reason to consult a doctor.

What are Montgomery tubercles?

The causes of acne on the skin are the same for women, men, and children. With one single exception: in mature women, the inflamed Montgomery glands can become a provoking factor. These tubercles begin to form during pregnancy and lactation. The end of this period leads to their disappearance.

The changing hormonal background of the mother is to blame for their occurrence: the sebaceous glands begin to produce a special secretion that protects the nipples and areola from potential inflammation. Usually these pimples on the nipples do not bother you at all, but if pain occurs, then treatment for inflammation of the tubercles cannot be delayed.

Why do acne appear in the peripapillary area in women?

It is known that the female body is designed in such a way that a child can be born normally, and then it can be fed. That is why in the area of ​​the nipples there are Montgomery glands, the task of which is to produce a special secretion during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Sometimes they can become inflamed. Many women think that their contents are pus, but this is not true at all.

The glands located near the nipple in women look like small bumps. Because the ducts are blocked, it causes painful inflammation. Sometimes the bumps begin to enlarge and become painful, red and itchy.

Squeezing pimples on the nipple is strictly prohibited. Therefore, it is better to consult a dermatologist to find out the cause of its appearance. Sometimes a pustule is a symptom of more serious diseases, for example, a subperiosteal abscess. This is a pustule on the nipple with pain, swelling and pale skin.

Abscesses are usually a sign of untreated mastitis (or inadequate treatment). In nulliparous girls, they may indicate the presence of a malignant tumor. If the subcutaneous pimple has increased in size, you should contact a mammologist as soon as possible to rule out the development of breast cancer.

During pregnancy, mammary glands become enlarged, and many people mistake them for acne. They can also remain during lactation (feeding a newborn). Such pimples should not be considered pathological and there is no urgent way to get rid of them.

Women should pay attention to the quality of their underwear. In areas of contact with delicate skin (for example, breasts) it should be made of cotton.

Possible diseases

However, a pimple on the areola can be caused by other pathologies.

Each of the pathologies requires immediate treatment, which means medical intervention.


Such purulent pimples can be localized on any part of the body, the chest is no exception. They appear due to insufficiently strong immunity, injuries, and improper metabolism. Staphylococcus bacteria are often the causative agents of the disease. First, a white pimple appears on the skin. The reason is the blockage of skin pores with dead keratinized cells. Subsequently, a purple and very painful abscess appears in its place, opening on its own after a few days. To treat a boil, you need the help of a doctor.


Acne is another potential skin condition. A scattering of blackheads (acne) or isolated redness appears. These pimples around the nipples are more often observed in girls and boys during puberty, and in women during hormonal imbalances. The cause of the disease is the intensive production of fat by the sebaceous glands during this period. The phenomenon leads to clogged pores. A pimple on the nipple in men and women sometimes becomes a consequence of more serious diseases, so a visit to a dermatologist is mandatory.


This is the name of a cyst - a benign neoplasm similar to a round pimple. Blockage of the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland leads to its filling with fatty secretions. Its accumulation provokes the formation of a white lump, which, when touched, can cause slight pain. Sizes vary. Such a pimple on the papilla is not dangerous in women, just as it is in children and men. However, qualified therapy is also needed in this case.

Paget's disease

This type of acne appearing on the nipples is rare. This pathology is an eczema-like form of breast cancer. Its exact causes have not yet been established, but there are several hypotheses trying to explain the mechanism of its development. The disease begins with the appearance of neoplasms - nodular seals. Additional symptoms are erosions and discharge from the nipple. This pathology is quite rare, affecting both women and men aged 50-60 years. Like all malignant tumors, Paget's cancer requires comprehensive investigation.


Pimples on the papillae may turn out to be ordinary warts. They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). It is believed that it is present in the body of 90% of the inhabitants of the Earth, and is activated in the presence of favorable factors. These include decreased immunity, damage to the skin of the glands or halos, insufficient hygiene, and tight underwear. Piercing is another opportunity for the virus to enter the body. Warts on the nipples look different. Most often they resemble moles, rough to the touch, but they can also be pedunculated.

Allergic reaction

Pimples popping up around the nipple sometimes signal an allergic reaction. They can be either single or numerous. Any irritant can trigger such a reaction - food, synthetic underwear, chemicals, dust, wool, etc. Timely use of antihistamines prescribed by a doctor quickly relieves unpleasant symptoms.

Other reasons

An unexpected pimple on the nipple can be detected in other cases:

  1. Hormonal factors most often provoke rashes in adolescents during puberty and in women during pregnancy.
  2. Constant stress, causing disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, leads to many skin pathologies.
  3. Progressive diseases of internal organs, failures of the reproductive and endocrine systems also signal problems in this way.
  4. Infections that enter the body through microtraumas to the skin of the nipple, for example, during lactation.
  5. Dermatitis, impetigo, psoriasis, eczema.
  6. Tight underwear or clothing.
  7. Insufficiently frequent hygiene procedures.

Self-diagnosis is very difficult, since the list of root causes responsible for the appearance of acne on the chest and nipples is impressive. There are some dangerous ones among them. Therefore, the help of a doctor is necessary.

Treatment methods

First, you need to undergo a full examination to identify the main cause of the appearance of a pimple on the nipple. After a thorough examination and study of the research results, the dermatologist will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe individual treatment:

  1. If the rash appears due to an allergy, it is very important to avoid contact with the allergen and take antihistamines.
  2. In case of atheroma, urgent surgical intervention using local anesthesia is necessary, otherwise the cyst will turn into an abscess or a malignant tumor.
  3. Montgomery's bumps usually do not require treatment. But if there is redness, inflammation and pus, physiotherapy, homeopathic medicines and the use of antiseptic ointments are prescribed.
  4. Pregnant women are advised to wipe their nipples with a special composition before the baby begins to eat.
  5. Eczema requires individual treatment, as it can appear for various reasons: from pathologies of internal organs to mental disorders.
  6. The abscess is drained, then antibiotics are prescribed to prevent the infection from spreading. Sometimes surgery is required to remove the affected glands.

It is very important not to crush acne, and also not to use cosmetics, medications and folk remedies without the approval of a specialist.

At best, such self-medication will not bring any effect, and at worst, it can harm the body and only increase inflammation.

How to get rid of acne on nipples

You need to contact a dermatologist or mammologist. They will examine the pimples that have popped up on your nipples.

You should not purchase and use ointments containing anything other than natural ingredients, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to the skin.

Based on its results, an examination will be prescribed, and then the correct treatment. But most often, acne is left alone. It is forbidden to squeeze them out, as this can cause irritation and provoke a worsening of the condition, introducing a new infection.

Drug therapy

Using cosmetics or medications for acne without a doctor's approval is unacceptable, especially when it comes to sensitive areas. Treatment of rashes on the nipples with alcohol-containing compounds is taboo, the same applies to preparations with salicylic or other acids. These products will dry out the nipple skin. The result will be the appearance of microtraumas, inflammation will intensify, and new acne will appear.

For boils on the nipples, local medications are prescribed: Vishnevsky ointment, Ichthyol ointment, Dimexide or Levomekol. White pimples on the nipples sometimes require oral antibiotics. Amoxicillin plays this role. This remedy suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and leads to the self-resorption of the pimple.

Erythromycin is recommended as a local drug, which stops the activity of staphylococci. In rare cases, hormone therapy is used against acne. The advisability of using one or another drug is discussed with the doctor.

Proper care

The use of suitable products, hygiene, and daily showers are the main methods of treating acne. Regular cleansing of the nipple skin successfully prevents dead cells and dirt from clogging the pores. Tar soap is especially recommended and is used to treat many skin rashes. Equally important is frequent change of bed linen and clean clothes, which reduce the risk of clogged pores.

Folk remedies

From these recipes, choose the most gentle ones that do not cause irritation. Among the best are decoctions and water infusions of herbs (calendula, chamomile, sage) for lotions. Masks based on aloe juice or lotions are no less effective. If potent pharmaceutical preparations with retinoids are not recommended, then there is no such prohibition against natural vitamin A. You can make compresses from carrot juice.

other methods

It is always better to adhere to a balanced diet, but in the case of skin diseases this is almost the most important requirement. It is necessary to exclude from the menu all baked goods and sweets, fatty meats and fish, spicy and fried foods. The optimal methods of cooking should be boiling, regular or steamed.

An allergy that causes acne requires identification of the irritant. If its contact with the skin of the nipple is excluded, the consequences will also pass. In the case of atheroma, the only solution is its surgical removal. The operation is performed under local anesthesia.

For Paget's cancer, which is diagnosed extremely rarely (1-4%), complex treatment is prescribed, which consists of hormonal therapy, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In advanced cases, there is only one option left - surgical removal. The operation can be radical or organ-saving.

What to do and how to remove a pimple?

After the examination, the mammologist will prescribe appropriate therapy and adjust the diet for the period of treatment.
It is quite difficult to eliminate a white pimple on the nipple on your own, so you need to seek help from a mammologist or dermatologist. The specialist will conduct a comprehensive examination and prescribe the necessary therapeutic measures. During the treatment of pimples, be sure to adjust your daily diet. The patient needs to replenish his diet with fresh vegetables, fruits and other healthy foods. It is equally important to eliminate bad habits and regularly maintain body hygiene.


It is possible to get rid of nipple rash through medications. If a purulent pimple has formed in the nipple area, then antibacterial therapy may be required, which is prescribed exclusively by doctors. Under no circumstances should you try to squeeze out the tumor yourself, since in this case serious consequences are inevitable, including infection of the wound. Gels, ointments, creams are applied to pimples that appear on the nipples, and tablets of different effects are also used. If the problem occurs, the following medications listed in the table are effective.

Drug groupName
Antibacterial pharmaceuticals"Erythromycin"
"Unidox Solutab"
Medicines that stabilize hormonal levels"Jess"
Preparations that cleanse the body of toxic substances and toxins"Smecta"

Do traditional methods help?

Home remedies such as aloe juice can help cope with unwanted symptoms.
It is possible to overcome small pimples on the nipples through the use of natural ingredients. Decoctions and tinctures are made from natural plants, suitable for internal and external use. If there is a problem, it is effective to lubricate the resulting pimples with aloe juice. Also, in the fight against pathology, iodine is used, which is applied pointwise to the damaged areas of the nipple. Other folk remedies also help eliminate rashes:

  • chamomile;
  • thyme;
  • calendula.

If acne has formed on the nipples of women, then you can use carrot mass. The finely grated vegetable is applied to the affected area for several minutes. The manipulation is performed until the disease is completely eliminated.


Pimples that appear on the nipple are prevented in the same way as rashes on other parts of the body. It is important to change the approach to many aspects that previously received little attention.

  1. Wearing clothes made from natural materials minimizes the chance of getting acne on your nipples.
  2. You need to take baths once a week, showers every day. Products with an exfoliating effect are welcome, sometimes tar soap.
  3. Fruits and vegetables must always be on the table, and in large quantities. This point is especially important for pregnant women.
  4. It is better to prefer natural fabrics for linen and clothing.

The initial stage of any disease facilitates therapy, so there is no need to delay a visit to the doctor. Self-medication of nipples threatens consequences that can become unpredictable.

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