Acne around, near and below the navel causes and treatment

  • Pimples around the navel: causes
  • Bacterial infection and acne on the navel
  • Scabies and itchy pimples in the navel area
  • Psoriasis and acne around the navel
  • Allergies and acne below or near the navel
  • Poor hygiene
  • Pregnancy
  • Pimple in the navel in an adult, treatment tips

Belly rashes and pimples around the navel area are most often caused by the development of infections and allergic skin reactions. But sometimes they can be caused by certain autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis. A rash around the navel should be treated properly through a prescribed course of treatment by a doctor to get rid of the infection or allergy. causing such a disease.

But you can also try some home remedies to get rid of this problem along with the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

In addition to the appearance of navel pimples, inflammation can be accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, itching, severe redness, etc. So, let's discuss all the problems and symptoms associated with navel pimples, their causes and treatments that can alleviate the problem and remove rashes located in this part of the abdomen.

Pimples around the navel: causes

There are many different causes of acne rash around the belly, ranging from mild allergies to hormonal disorders. Let's take a closer look at these causes of rash around the belly button.

Yeast infection on belly

Causes of yeast infection on the stomach:

The skin of the abdomen is more prone to excessive sweating when exerting itself, under the influence of synthetic clothing or in hot weather. This hot, humid and dark environment promotes the growth of yeast infections.

The yeast infection itself that causes the rash around the belly button is called a candida infection. It can also affect other areas such as the armpits, folds under the breasts, the mouth or oral cavity, and the vagina.

Symptoms of a yeast infection around the belly button:

Candida causes the development of red or pink rashes. These rashes are usually scaly and different from regular pimples. These red rashes may have yellow crusts on top of them.

Like many other fungi, this belly button candida infection is very itchy and painful at times. If you scratch or scratch the rash, it may bleed and may even have a foul odor from the rash.


A belly button rash caused by candida is identified through a physical examination by a dermatologist. But sometimes your doctor may take swabs from the belly button and send them for microscopic examination to make a more definitive diagnosis.

Treatment for yeast infection and pimples around the belly button:

A yeast infection on the belly button or candida fungus is treated with antifungal medications. Your dermatologist may prescribe you some antifungal creams such as clotrimazole for topical use and treatment of acne. If the infection is severe enough, your doctor may also suggest you take fluconazole tablets orally.

Salicylic-zinc paste for acne in the navel area!

Possible causes of a rash in a child


Scarlet fever

The rash with scarlet fever is small, like semolina , pinpointed. You often have to look closely to see it. It is located on the stomach , groin, inner thighs, and elbow bends. It appears at the beginning of the disease. But most often, high fever, vomiting, and headache are detected first. The main symptom of scarlet fever is bright red, burning tonsils in the child’s throat. Perhaps this is the most dangerous childhood infection, as it often causes complications in the heart and kidneys . At the slightest sign of scarlet fever, call a doctor . Well, if you find out that your child has been in contact with a person with scarlet fever, be on alert: observe him for 7-10 days, give him vitamins. In general, be wary throats sore throat . Not even every doctor the diphtheria film on the tonsils .


The measles rash is large and bright, immediately noticeable , and rises above the skin in the form of small papules. At first it usually appears on the face , forehead, behind the ears , and the next day it “descends” to the body, arms, and on the third day to the legs . It is preceded by a fever, a rough cough, and the eyes (pain appears). After complete rash, the temperature goes away. Parents often worry about pigmentation - don’t worry, it will go away later without a trace. This disease does not cause severe complications in vaccinated children.


Rubella is probably the easiest infectious disease for children. The temperature is low, the throat , and the occipital lymph nodes become inflamed. The rash can be large or small and appears all over the body at once. But pregnant women should beware of rubella, as this virus causes fetal deformities.


When the body weakens, herpes usually appears on the lips. The bubbles are usually smeared with brilliant green, cauterized with alcohol, and irradiated with quartz. From experience, I know that herpes does not like regular earwax (it can be obtained from ears ). There are expensive antiviral ointments: Verulex, Acyclovir, others usually do not help. Herpes is not so harmless. Sometimes herpetic meningoencephalitis occurs, when, against the background of a simple cold, the child suddenly loses consciousness. An attentive doctor will find herpetic blisters on the inside of the cheeks. With this disease, time is counted by the clock. Only urgent intensive therapy with special antiviral drugs will help. It is important to recognize the disease as early as possible...

Prickly heat

Miliaria is a harmless rash; small, pink, slightly raised above the skin, located on the back , neck , chest . The reason for its appearance is overheating and insufficient care. If you find heat rash in your baby, wash him, change his underwear, and make sure he doesn't sweat. This rash is not contagious, but you need to take care of the child’s skin so that purulent rashes do not appear - small yellowish blisters, vesiculopustulosis. This is a fairly serious disease, a frequent scourge of infants, and it also happens to older children. Bubbles appear on the back , chest , neck , legs , arms. They burst, leaving crusts (pustules) on the skin. From the bursting blisters, pathogens (staphylococci) enter neighboring areas of the skin, and so they spread throughout the body. This happens especially quickly when swimming. If you find such an abscess, immediately lubricate it with brilliant green.


More dangerous is streptoderma, during which purulent blisters appear the mouth , body, neck , and face They quickly burst, forming purulent crusts. If the slightest signs of this disease appear, the child should not be taken to kindergarten or school. Contact a dermatologist . Streptoderma is treated with special ointments.


Allergic rash is perhaps the most common among non-infectious diseases. This is a reaction to foods and medications. It looks like a rash from a nettle burn - red grains, accompanied by itching. Sometimes allergies can have severe reactions: a rash with vascular , swelling of the eyes , lips, face . One of the reasons for its appearance is that our market is saturated with powerful allergens : oranges, tangerines, chewing gum, drinks (containing a full range of chemical elements), chocolate. Honey and strawberries are also allergens

Many parents treat allergic rashes in their children with Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, and Tavegil. These are old drugs that have many side effects: they penetrate the central nervous system, causing lethargy, drowsiness, and “Pipalfen” even hallucinations. There are more modern drugs - Claritin, Loratadine, Gismanal, Histolong, Zyrtec, Terfenadine. I think that mothers should know about them, as they are more effective and harmless.

Often, ordinary sweets cause a rash in a child. Think about it, maybe this pleasure isn’t worth such dire consequences? After all, sometimes allergies can only be eliminated with hormones , which in themselves are dangerous for the child. When allergies , parents need to be wary, because an allergic rash is just the tip of the iceberg of trouble that is happening in the child’s body.

Published in Pediatrics Premium Clinic

Bacterial infection and acne on the navel

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Causes of bacterial navel infection

The belly button area is susceptible to many types of infections, including fungal and bacterial infections. If you have wounds on your belly button due to cuts, surgeries such as laparoscopy, or belly button piercings, you are prone to developing a bacterial belly button infection.

If you have a belly button yeast infection with candida and you scratch a lot, this will create open sores that will develop secondary bacterial infections. If you touch your belly button with infected or dirty hands or expose your skin to the contact of a dirty T-shirt or shirt, this will further worsen your belly button. problem The most common bacteria that cause infections in the navel area are staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria.


They will cause symptoms such as redness or red bumps and a red rash across the abdomen. These rashes will also be itchy, similar to a yeast infection. In severe cases, the rash on the abdomen tends to be painful and produces a foul odor that appears yellow or green. If the infection is severe and can lead to complications such as an abscess or even sepsis.


Diagnosis of umbilical cord infection is mainly done by your doctor by examining the rash around the belly button, but sometimes he may need to send you for certain tests to decide whether antibiotics are needed to treat such bacteria.


Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics to treat an infection caused by bacteria around your belly button. If the infection is severe, you will need to take oral antibiotics. If the infection is more severe, it may even need to be treated with intravenous antibiotics.

Causes of acne on the stomach in men

In men, rashes on the abdomen appear in most cases for the same reasons as in women. Unless in adolescence, acne can be a consequence of hormonal instability.

The most common causes of acne in men:

  • Insufficient attention to personal hygiene. Dirt clogs the pores of the skin, which causes acne.
  • Abundance of hair. Hair follicles can become inflamed and then painful, purulent rashes appear.
  • Irritation from chafing trouser belt. Appears as small red pimples.
  • In men who are seriously involved in weightlifting and bodybuilding, acne can be a consequence of taking anabolic steroids and consuming sports nutrition.

Scabies and itchy pimples in the navel area

Causes of scabies

Scabies is caused by a certain type of mite that burrows into the skin and lays eggs. They are highly contagious and spread from one person to another by touching or using contaminated clothing such as towels, etc.

Symptoms of scabies

Itchy pimples develop red rashes or bumps on the skin, mainly on areas such as the wrists, arms, ankles, buttocks, waist or navel, armpits, etc. These red bumps tend to itch for quite a long time.


Scabies is diagnosed by your doctor through a physical examination. The doctor may also take a sample of skin tissue from the area of ​​the rash to confirm the presence of mites.


Scabies needs to be treated extensively to prevent the infection from spreading. It can be treated with many anti-scabies lotions and soaps that contain ingredients like permethrin, benzyl benzoate, lindane, sulfur, etc.

Psoriasis and acne around the navel


The exact cause of psoriasis is not yet known, but many factors believed to cause psoriasis include genetics, autoimmunity, infections, side effects of antibiotic medications, and skin trauma.


Psoriasis is a skin disease in which skin cells divide at a rate much faster than normal skin cells. The newly divided cells enter the top layer of the skin, forming red patches covered with silvery scales.

They can affect any part of the body, including the navel, scalp, torso, arms, legs, etc. Also, these red spots and pimples are quite itchy and itchy.


Psoriasis can be easily identified by your doctor due to the presence of silvery-white scales over red patches. These scratches also tend to bleed when scratched. Doctors can identify psoriasis through some other sophisticated tests and tests, if necessary.


Psoriasis rashes that cause pimples near the belly button are treated using many types of topical creams or ointments that contain salicylic acid, coal tar, steroids, or calcipotriene. You may also be prescribed retinoids to treat this condition.

Methods for diagnosing the patient's condition

It is impossible to identify the exact cause of the violation without conducting a full examination. The patient needs to see a dermatologist and then undergo tests:

  • general blood and urine examination;
  • blood chemistry;
  • scraping the skin in the affected area;
  • allergy tests.

If, based on the test results, the doctor suspects diseases of the internal organs, he will prescribe an ultrasound, x-ray and other tests. In most cases, additional consultation with an allergist, infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist is required.

Allergies and acne below or near the navel

Many types of allergies can lead to a rash on your abdomen below or near your belly button. You may be allergic to new clothes made of non-breathable synthetic fabric, a new soap or detergent that was used to wash your clothes, or even because of a belly button piercing, etc. .

Belly button pimples and rashes like these should be treated by your healthcare provider. You need to take antihistamines. If the rash is severe, you may even need antihistamine injections to completely cure the allergy.

Range of additional causes of itchy rash

People often develop rashes in response to eating foods to which the person is allergic. The pathology manifests itself as urticaria - itchy blisters and spots.

Another pathology that is accompanied by similar symptoms is omphalitis. It is formed mainly in newborns and is associated with infection of the umbilical wound:

  • redness covers the surrounding tissues;
  • intoxication develops;
  • pus and mucus are released from the wound;
  • the navel protrudes, swelling appears;
  • skin temperature rises.

Inflammation can penetrate deep into the organs if left untreated.


Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman's life But it also comes with many changes in a woman's body that can cause discomfort and even acne in the belly button or face. During pregnancy, the abdomen expands, which causes the skin over the abdomen to stretch.

This causes the belly button or belly to become very itchy. If a pregnant woman scratches or constantly scratches the area, sores develop, leading to the growth of bacteria and fungi that cause a rash on the belly.

To avoid this problem, pregnant women should avoid dry belly at all costs. Try to moisturize your belly with a good moisturizer to avoid developing this rash around your belly button.

Erythromycin antibiotic ointment for acne!

Types of rash

Rashes on the abdomen of a child are quite variable in nature and etiology (origin).

Pediatricians distinguish the following types of rash:

  • Spots are areas with clear boundaries on the surface of the skin of a discolored color (spots do not protrude above the skin and cannot be felt during palpation);
  • Papules are tubercles up to 5 mm in diameter, without an internal cavity and protruding above the skin;
  • Plaques are formations raised above the surface of the epidermis, significant in area, having a flattened shape;
  • Vesicles are formations with liquid contents;
  • Bubbles are vesicles more than 5 mm in diameter;
  • Pustules are cavities limited by the membrane with purulent contents.

Some diseases are also characterized by peeling of the skin. Any changes in the appearance of the skin surface are a signal that not everything is in order in the baby’s body. Of course, not all diseases accompanied by a rash require special therapy, but such signs should not be ignored in any case.

Pimple in the navel in an adult, treatment tips

We have covered all the possible causes of pimples and rashes around the belly button in adults and children. Now let's learn some tips and treatments to keep the rashes around the belly button under control.

Good hygiene:

Since belly pimples can be caused by poor hygiene, you need to maintain good hygiene to get rid of the rash Try to wash or clean your belly button area at least twice a day You can clean your belly button with a tissue ball immersed in warm salt water You can prepare salt water by dissolving 1 - 2 teaspoons of salt in a cup of warm water.

About a super powerful home method for washing pimples in the navel area with sea salt solution!

You can also use antibacterial soap to clean this belly area. Then, after cleaning the rash around your belly button, make the area completely dry without wearing a T-shirt over the wet area.

Warm compress

A pimple rash on your belly button can make you feel pain. You can get relief from the pain by applying a warm compress to the rash. Just dip a clean washcloth in warm water and then squeeze out the excess water. Apply this warm washcloth to the rash on your stomach and massage it a little to get relief.

White vinegar

White vinegar is indeed very effective in getting rid of infections and pimples in the belly button Take a spoon of white vinegar and mix it with 2 spoons of water Dip a cotton ball in this white vinegar mixture and apply it on the rash on your stomach Wait for 5 to 10 minutes then clean your belly button with warm water .

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