Refinex - review of Japanese botulinum toxin and comparison with analogues

Description of the drug

Available in packs of 50 and 100 units. It is a sterile, crystallized form of botulinum toxin type A. The main active ingredient has gone through several stages of purification. In addition to the toxin, the composition contains the stabilizer protein albumin, as well as sucrose and dextran. The active elements bind to neuromuscular fibers, break the connections, which leads to blocking of fiber contractions. As the drug is removed, the connections will be restored, but due to the improved formula, the effect lasts longer compared to other drugs.

Shelf life: 36 months at temperatures from -5° to -20°. Diluted immediately before injections. Afterwards it can be stored for another 8 hours at a temperature from 0° to +5°.

Attention! The country of origin is Japan, but the certificate includes the Chinese company KC Pharmaceuticals Factory, information about which is not publicly available. There is another packaging option, which indicates the manufacturer Medical Research Institute; nothing is also known about this Japanese laboratory.

Chemical composition

The active component of Refinex is botulinum neurotoxin . Thanks to it, the drug has a pronounced muscle relaxant effect. Penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, the substance affects the receptors that are located on the surface membrane of neurons. As a result, transmitter secretions stop flowing into the synaptic cleft.

1 bottle of the product may contain 50 or 100 units of action of the active substance. Before use, it undergoes step-by-step cleansing procedures. As a result, botulinum toxin crystallizes, dissolves and is filtered again.

After processing, the component is mixed with:

  • sucrose;
  • dextran;
  • gelatin.

Dosage form of the drug Refinex
The resulting composition is dried, frozen and sublimated. The result is a powder called lyophilisate. It is designed to dissolve. The drug is hypoallergenic.

Efficiency of use

Thanks to the destruction of neuromuscular connections, the fibers relax and facial wrinkles are smoothed out. Unfortunately, botulinum toxin is ineffective for pronounced age-related changes; in this case, an integrated approach will be required.

Result of injections:

  • in the forehead area it helps smooth out horizontal folds, tighten the upper part of the oval, restore the eyebrow line;
  • injection into the area between the eyebrows eliminates vertical folds, tired and frowning eyes;
  • injections in the eyelid area help to lift the tip of the eyebrow, smooth out crow's feet and folds of the lower eyelids, and restore an expressive, open look;
  • in the mouth area it is carried out less frequently due to the risks of side effects; injections help smooth out networks of wrinkles, create a beautiful curve of the lips, and will visually look larger due to muscle relaxation.


Refinex has an effect that is determined by the active component. Botulinum toxin is a strong muscle relaxant. It reduces the tone of facial muscles. Blocking the activity of facial muscles prevents the occurrence of creases and folds in the skin. The effect occurs immediately after the drug enters the layers of the epidermis.

Stages of inhibition of neuromuscular impulse:

  1. Communication with receptors. Lasts for 30 minutes. Molecules of the active substance interact with receptors of glia and neurons, as well as terminals.
  2. Endocytosis . Membrane vesicles are formed. They are needed for external capture by epidermal cells. The bound butolotoxin penetrates the fluid inside the cell.
  3. Release of acetylcholine . Having reached the space inside the cell, the substance inhibits the synthesis of acetylcholine. It ensures the transmission of nerve impulses at the level of the neuromuscular synapse.

Refinex, reviews of cosmetologists about which help evaluate the effect of the procedure, completely fixes facial muscles. At the same time, the person’s facial expressions remain natural. People around her do not notice any changes in her.

The drug fills folds and cracks. It stays under the skin for 2-3 weeks. This time is enough to be completely absorbed into the layers of the epidermis. Sucrose and proteins are absorbed into soft tissues. These components bring skin metabolic processes back to normal, activating natural cell regeneration.

The muscles stop contracting and completely relax. Thanks to this, wrinkles are smoothed out at the injection site and skin tension goes away. Deep folds become less noticeable, turgor increases.

People with increased activity of the facial muscles experience discomfort and spasms. The effect is aimed at eliminating visual skin imperfections, creases and folds. The procedure works well against wrinkles around the lips, eyes and forehead.

The purpose of administering the substance is:

  • paralytic strabismus;
  • pathologies of the cervical muscles and its constant tension;
  • regular closure of the eyelids, occurring due to contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscles;
  • nervous tic.

You should not expect a pronounced rejuvenating effect if there are strong signs of aging. Botulinum toxin has little effect on this skin condition.

Serious age-related changes require complex therapy. The active substance is also ineffective in loosening the collagen layer and dehydrating soft tissues.

The result after using Refinex depending on the area of ​​administration:

  1. Eyelids. Injections make the look more expressive and raise the eyebrows. Helps smooth out wrinkles around the eyes and crow's feet.
  2. Forehead . Horizontal folds disappear and the eyebrow line is restored. After the procedure, lifting of the upper part of the face is observed.
  3. The area between the eyebrows . The look ceases to be gloomy and tired due to the smoothing of the vertical fold.
  4. Mouth . Small wrinkles are removed, lips acquire a beautiful curve. The drug is rarely administered to this area due to the high likelihood of complications.

A distinctive feature of Refinex from other drugs of similar action is the infusion of a minimum dose of the finished solution. This feature has a positive effect on the patient’s well-being during the session and on the effect itself.

For comparison, facial expressions return to their natural state within 2-4 hours, when Botox injections can disrupt its mobility for 5-7 days after it gets under the skin.

Where and for how much can I buy

It is recommended to purchase on the official website; you can buy by filling out the form. Cost 100 units. about 6,000–7,000 rubles, which is several times cheaper than Botox and Dysport. To guarantee quality, official representatives provide relevant certificates.

It is diluted with an isotonic solution of sodium chloride by administering it using an insulin syringe, then turning the package. The bottle should not be shaken to prevent the appearance of bubbles and foam. To obtain 10, 5, 2.5, 1.25 units, a package of 100 units is diluted with a solvent in the amount of 1, 2, 4, 8 ml, respectively. For a 50 unit bottle, to obtain the same number of units, you will need to add 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 ml of solvent. Storage before injection is carried out at a temperature of 2° to 8°.

When should you choose Botox instead of its analogues?

According to statistics, most patients base their choice of product on the price tag. Everything is correct here: there is no point in overpaying for the same result. Botox and its analogues are not hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers, where quality is proportional to price.

You don't always have to pay for Botox

If you inject the same drug with botulinum toxin several times, the body can get used to it. That is, the muscle reaction becomes weaker, which means the smoothing out of wrinkles too. Then it is best to give one or two injections with another means so that the injections regain their former effectiveness.

Preparing for injections

Beauty injections do not require special preparation. The recommendations are similar for all botulinum toxins. In addition to normal health and absence of diseases, it is necessary:

  • within a week, stop taking antibiotics, alcohol, smoking, and drugs that affect blood clotting;
  • in a couple of days it is worth reducing physical activity and sports activities;
  • It is also not recommended to perform chemical peeling or thermal procedures a few days before injections.

How does the procedure work?

During the consultation, the doctor interviews the patient and determines correction tactics. It is important for the cosmetologist to find out whether there are chronic or acute diseases, when the treatment was carried out, and whether allergic reactions were previously observed.

To determine the target injection points, the patient needs to actively grimace to assess the individual characteristics of the skin structure. Afterwards, the client gives informed consent to the injections. Also, before the procedure, the patient must check the expiration dates and product certificate.

Procedure steps:

  1. The surface of the face and neck is thoroughly cleaned of makeup and impurities. The doctor uses a special marker to mark the injection points.
  2. The skin is treated with a local anesthetic ointment. The analgesic effect occurs within 20 minutes.
  3. During this time, the doctor prepares the solution. Dilution is carried out in the presence of the patient; the cosmetologist opens the package and prepares injections for the required number of units.
  4. Next, injections are performed according to classical schemes with ultra-thin needles and an insulin syringe. The unit of Reifanax is identical to Botox, so the dosage is the same as other botulinum toxins except Dysport. The volume of solution injected into each muscle should not exceed 0.1 ml. The dose for injection into each muscle is less than 5 units. For cosmetic purposes it is also injected into the dermis and hypodermis.
  5. To get rid of wrinkles on the forehead you will need from 10 to 25 units. For the eyebrow area - from 10 to 30 units, for correction of the eye area, including raising the corner of the eyebrow and smoothing out crow's feet - from 5 to 20 units. for each eye.
  6. Lifting the corners of the lips, smoothing out the mesh around the mouth, creating a beautiful line can be achieved by injecting 4 to 6 units. To give relief to jaw lines - from 40 to 60 units, to smooth out wrinkles in the chin area - from 4 to 6 units. Remove the rings of Venus on the neck - from 25 to 50 units.
  7. After the injections, the skin is treated with a soothing gel and antiseptic. To prevent swelling, you can use a cold compress. Then the patient must actively grimace to evenly distribute the substance in the tissues.
  8. For about another half hour, the client is under the supervision of a cosmetologist, during which time the doctor monitors the condition and gives recommendations for further care. The entire procedure takes 15 to 45 minutes.

To administer injections, secondary medical education is not enough; only a doctor has the right to administer the drug. During the procedure, it is necessary to avoid getting into small vessels.

Important! The penetration of the toxin into the blood is dangerous due to unforeseen consequences - breathing problems, weakness. If side effects occur, only a doctor can provide qualified assistance.

Indications for use

The main indication for using Refinex lyophilisate is the patient’s desire to get rid of external skin imperfections in the form of folds and creases. The procedure is effective for eliminating facial wrinkles in the periorbital area, around the mouth, and on the forehead. With the help of botulinum toxin injections, you can cope with crow's feet in the corners of the eyes, remove eyebrow folds, make your eyes more open, reduce the severity of the nasolacrimal groove and doll-like wrinkles.

Medical indications (in neurology and ophthalmology) for intramuscular administration of Refinex are the following pathologies:

  • pathological tension of the neck muscles, causing torticollis of spastic origin (cervical dystonia);
  • paralytic form of strabismus;
  • regular closure of the upper and lower eyelids against the background of involuntary contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle (blepharospasm);
  • involuntary tonic contractions of the facial muscles innervated by the ipsilateral facial nerve (facial hemispasm);
  • local (zonal) muscle spasms and cramps.

One of the medical indications for the administration of Refinex is blepharospasm.

In pediatric neurology, botulinum toxin injections can be prescribed for complex correction of muscle tone in cerebral palsy. In childhood, drugs of this group are approved for use in patients over two years of age.

Important! The use of Refinex in cosmetology is effective only for combating facial wrinkles that arise due to excessive facial activity of the facial muscles. If the cause of the formation of skin creases and folds is age-related changes, for example, dehydration of the dermis and epidermis or age-related loosening of the collagen layer, Refinex injections will be ineffective.

Rehabilitation period

Immediately after the injections, redness of the face, swelling, and pain at the sites of injection of the toxin may occur. Recovery is fairly quick and the first results can be assessed within a few hours.

The final effect is observed after a week, and after 2 weeks it is possible to carry out additional correction. The result lasts for about 6–8 months, after which the procedure can be repeated.

Post-procedure care:

  • the first day you cannot touch your face, wash your face, or apply decorative and caring cosmetics;
  • for 5–7 hours you cannot bend over and perform related activities - washing the floor, vacuuming, ironing;
  • use a high pillow to sleep, choose a position on your back;
  • Warming masks should not be used for a month; lymphatic drainage procedures should be limited for the duration of the drug’s effect.

Result appearance time

When will the results of a Botox injection become visible? The drug begins to act a certain time after administration.

At the time of injection, a person feels a slight burning sensation and “movement” under the skin. Immediately after treatment, swelling, hematomas, and injection sites may be noticeable. Normally, these defects disappear the next day.

How long does it take for the effect to become noticeable?

Botox “rises” or gains strength at least 3 days after the injection, maximum – after 2 weeks. The exact period depends on the treatment area, the concentration of the drug, the depth of administration and the characteristics of the body.

How can you tell if the injection worked?

An attempt to tense the facial muscles leads to nothing: they do not move, and the skin does not fold. Muscle paralysis can be complete or partial. Everything is determined by the dosage of the product.

How long does the result last after injections?

The effect of Botox wears off within 3-6 months. Why not longer? Over time, the nerve fibers are restored and the muscles regain the ability to contract. The time it takes to maintain the effect of the procedure is reduced if:

  • the person smokes and drinks alcohol;
  • muscle fibers are very voluminous and powerful.

Cost of injections in Moscow clinics

The average price of a Refinex unit in the capital's salons is approximately 200 rubles. It is worth remembering to carefully check certificates. You should also inquire about the clinic’s reputation, work and customer reviews. Not every doctor is ready to work with Refinex, since it is impossible to track the country and company of the manufacturer.

In Russia it is difficult to find seminars teaching how to work with this drug. Only a cosmetologist can calculate the final cost of the procedure; each client requires a different number of units to correct a particular area. A doctor’s consultation is paid separately, starting from 1000 rubles. up to 2000 rub. In Moscow, in some clinics this service is included in the cost of injections and is provided free of charge.


The use of Allergan Botox is in demand. Most salons and clinics performing botulinum therapy necessarily work with the original product and several budget analogues.

Refinex appeared on the Russian market relatively recently, so it is not so popular. In some establishments, the price of the product almost reaches the cost of Botox.



Name of the clinic/salonAddressCost (in rubles, per unit)Telephone
Beauty studio "Family Club"st. Generala Beloborodova, 23 200+7
Treatment and diagnosticst. Krasnoproletarskaya, 9 200+7
Clinical diagnostic medicalDmitrovskoe highway, 5, building 1280+7

Saint Petersburg

Name of the clinic/salonAddressCost (in rubles, per unit)Telephone
Center for Aesthetic Medicine "NiAlMed"st. Gorokhovskaya, 19 300+7
Leninsky Ave., 153300+7



Name of the clinic/salonAddressCost (in rubles, per unit)Telephone
Center for cosmetology and hair removal "EpilCity"Orlikov lane, 6, 2nd floor.350+7
Rybnikov lane, 4350+7
Beauty Studio "Edel'"st. Davydkovskaya, 3, p. 2 300+7

Saint Petersburg

Name of the clinic/salonAddressCost (in rubles, per unit)Telephone
Beauty salon "Krasotka"st. Okulovskaya, 4 300+7
Women's club "Way Woman"Aptekarsky Ave., 16280+7
Medical center of modern technologies “HEMEDA Clinic”Shuvalovsky Ave., 72, building 1320+7

Restrictions after the procedure

Basic prohibitions apply to the first 2 weeks after the procedure. But many cosmetologists advise following the recommendations for as long as possible in order to prolong the effect of the toxin.

What not to do after injections:

  • for the first 5–7 hours you cannot take a horizontal position;
  • During the day, it is not recommended to bend over, touch your face with your hands, or use decorative care cosmetics;
  • a week after the injections you cannot travel by air;
  • Alcohol, smoking, and sports are prohibited for 2 weeks;
  • Also, you should not visit solariums, baths, saunas, dry your hair with a hairdryer, or apply warming compounds;
  • deep peeling, lymphatic drainage massage and microcurrent procedures cannot be performed;
  • It’s better to sleep on a high pillow on your back, otherwise facial asymmetry is possible;
  • exclude hot, spicy dishes, strong tea, coffee from the menu.

How to remove the drug

The toxin is eliminated on its own after 6–8 months, but if necessary, the following methods can be used to speed up the process:

  • active sports;
  • manual, hardware lymphatic drainage massage;
  • physiotherapy using microcurrents;
  • drug therapy.

Note! Only a doctor can prescribe pharmaceuticals. In addition to prescribing the dosage and regimen, the doctor monitors the result.

Comparison with other botulinum toxins

The main difference between Refinex is the lack of reliable information about the manufacturer and certification in Russia. It is also difficult to learn work techniques. It is difficult to find seminars on dosage and administration regimens, despite the fact that the instructions indicate the use is identical to Botox. The only captivating thing is the cost of Japanese botulinum toxin, which is several times less than similar products.

Botox. Produced by an American company, it has proven itself to be a safe product. A short recovery period, a painless procedure, and the absence of diffusion in non-target areas are the main advantages of the drug. It is distinguished by its high cost and short validity period - up to 4 months. Changes can be assessed 2 weeks after injections. Addiction and lack of results with repeated injections are also noted.

Dysport. Manufactured in France, it differs from other botulinum toxins in its dosage features. The cost is identical to Botox as more units will be needed to get results. Due to its low molecular weight, injections are carried out in the lower part of the face, but the toxin can migrate to neighboring areas. The result is noticeable within a few days, lasts up to 6 months, and there is no addictive effect.

Xeomin. Produced in Germany, botulinum toxin has undergone several stages of purification, which minimizes the occurrence of allergic reactions. The drug is not prone to migration and is effective for correcting the lower part of the face. The result lasts for 4 months, repeated administration is not addictive.

Refinex or Botox, which is better?

In the cosmetology market, in addition to these two drugs, Dysport is also popular. Which one is better?

Dysport and Botox have been used by cosmetologists for more than twenty years. These are safe, high-quality, effective, certified drugs, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by reviews of cosmetologists and many women. Their main disadvantage, and this is especially true for Botox, is its high cost.

The pricing policy for cosmetic procedures using Dysport is much more affordable, and the first effect after its administration appears many times earlier. As for the disadvantages of Botox, it is not recommended for people prone to allergic rashes due to the high concentration of lactose components. It is known to be a strong provocateur of rashes.

In addition, Dysport has relatively moderate diffusion characteristics. This may explain the increased likelihood of side effects like Botox. For this product they are significantly higher than for the others discussed in the article. However, these characteristics (with proper administration) allow you to obtain a more improved picture upon completion of the procedure directly in the frontal area and at the bridge of the nose.

Regarding Refinex. Its price is quite affordable, but there are many mixed reviews about it on the Internet, which can be explained by its competitiveness and high efficiency. At the same time, the number of positive reviews and observations greatly exceeds negative statements.

What procedures can be combined with?

Botulinum toxin can be used to smooth out expression lines for men and women. It is most effective from 30 to 45 years, but to smooth out deep wrinkles a complex of procedures will be required. Botulinum therapy also does not cope with traces of acne, scars, and pigmentation.

Refinex with other aesthetic procedures:

  • in combination with mesotherapy, it improves the color and structure of the skin, and rejuvenation processes are launched;
  • chemical and hardware peeling ensures an even complexion and smooth structure, the toxin fixes the result;
  • To relieve puffiness and achieve clear oval lines, various lymphatic drainage techniques are used; the cosmetologist prescribes the technique and injections individually, depending on the condition of the skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

Refinex injections correspond to the schedules and dosages of Botox. But the lack of reliable information about the manufacturer does not make the drug popular among cosmetologists and patients. It is important to know all the pros and cons in order to make the final choice.


  • affordable price;
  • the effect can be assessed within a day;
  • the result lasts from 6 to 8 months;
  • lack of diffusion of the drug into neighboring areas.


  • there is no information about the manufacturer, there are 2 completely different drugs on the market;
  • there are not enough observations about the results of the implementation;
  • there is no reliable data on the safety of the drug.

Main differences between substitutes

What can replace Botox? If you are interested in this topic, then you are thinking about rejuvenation or have already tried “beauty injections”. To choose the optimal procedure that will get rid of wrinkles, you need to understand how the alternative to Botox differs from the original.

There are 7 serotypes of botulinum toxin - A, B, C1, D, E, F and G. But the commercially available ones are only type A and B. The most famous are:

  1. Onabotulinumtoxin A (Botox).
  2. Abobotulinumtoxin A (Dysport).
  3. Incobotulinumtoxin A (Xeomin).
  4. Rimabotulinumtoxin B (Myobloc).

The original drug is produced in the United States of America, and its analogues are produced in China (Lanotox), Germany (Xeomin) and Russia (Relatox). Their main differences are as follows:

  • toxin concentration;
  • compound;
  • active ingredients;
  • additional ingredients;
  • penetration depth;
  • duration of exposure.

Each new-generation substitute for the original Botox is characterized by a different size of the protein molecule. This affects the penetration ability and, therefore, the effectiveness of the drug in solving cosmetic problems.


Despite the fact that botuloxin is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine, there are factors under which the drug cannot be administered.


  • age under 18 years;
  • all trimesters of pregnancy, as well as a 3-month period of preparation before conception;
  • menstruation;
  • breast-feeding;
  • inflammation, damage to the integrity of the skin on the face;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system, blood clotting disorders;
  • individual intolerance;
  • acute and chronic diseases;
  • elevated temperature, fever;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the endocrine and nervous systems;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs.

Side effects

Uncomfortable symptoms usually occur within the first 48 hours and resolve on their own. But if they become stronger, you should consult a doctor. Patients often complain about the lack of results.

This may occur due to individual characteristics, or violation of the stages of preparation and care during the recovery period. Also, the drug may not work if the doctor incorrectly determined the injection points or calculated the dosage inaccurately.

Side effects:

  • dizziness, headache;
  • symptoms identical to respiratory infections;
  • dry eyes, increased tearing;
  • ptosis, incomplete closure of the eyelids;
  • violation of facial symmetry;
  • muscle weakness;
  • swelling, bruising, hematomas.


The likelihood of developing side effects may increase as a result of using the drug of inadequate quality. In addition, complications may arise if the substance has an increased degree of toxicity of the main active ingredient.

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Sometimes patients noted a complete lack of positive results after performing anti-aging manipulation. According to experts, this is possible if the body produces antibodies to botulinum toxin.

Immediately after injection of the drug under the skin, redness, small hematomas and minor pain may be observed at the puncture sites. Such symptoms are considered normal and go away on their own in the shortest possible period of time.

Among the more serious consequences, experts highlight:

  • spasm of the eyelid;
  • difficulty blinking ;
  • drooping eyebrows ;
  • weakening of muscles ;
  • incomplete closure of the eyelid ;
  • development of strabismus .

Difference between filler and botox

In the field of cosmetology, there is a wide variety of procedures that help fight signs of age-related changes and help improve skin firmness and elasticity.

Similar symptoms may occur during the distribution of the drug in the dermal layers. All these pathological conditions disappear after 1-2 months and do not require therapeutic intervention.

If the specialist violated the technology for administering Refinex Botox, or the patient did not follow all the recommendations during the rehabilitation period, the likelihood of developing complications such as facial asymmetry, penetration of infection into the tissue through punctures, herpetic rashes, and impaired facial expressions increases.

Doctors include allergic reactions, muscle weakness, headaches, and disruption of the digestive system as common undesirable consequences.

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, cosmetologists discuss the specifics of working with Refinex.

The user describes how to distinguish the original from the fake, how to dilute the drug, and the dosage for each zone.

The participant writes about a similar and even greater effect in comparison with Botulax and about the peculiarities of diluting the drug.

The review indicates a positive experience with Refinex administration and long-lasting results. Another participant asked about the supplier of the drug because the injections did not work.

The user writes about diluting and using the drug in a similar way to Botox.

Patient reviews

You can find different opinions on the forums, mostly positive reviews about Refinex injections.

The user writes about a good result after the procedure.

The user describes side effects after injections.

A participant speaks out about the quality of the product due to the dubious website of the manufacturer.

The review describes the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead after the release of the toxin.

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