Treatment of hair and scalp for dandruff

Last update: 01/17/2022

Author of the article:

Menshchikova Galina Vladimirovna

Dermatovenerologist, trichologist, candidate of medical sciences, member of the Association “National Society of Trichologists”

If your luxurious hair begins to fade and thin, and your skin is unpleasantly itchy and flaky, it’s time to pay attention to the condition of the epidermis - perhaps you have become a target of scalp fungus.

Diseases caused by fungal bacteria have been known to medicine for a long time, but, unfortunately, it is not possible to prevent their spread. Despite significant technical progress, mushrooms not only did not sink into oblivion, but also rapidly multiplied in conditions of deteriorating ecology and active urbanization. To date, there is evidence of more than one and a half million types of infections caused by fungi.

The causative agent of the pathological process on the scalp is the yeast fungi Pityrosporumovale - natural components of the microflora of the skin of a healthy person. Systemic disorders in the body can cause an excessive increase in the number of fungal bacteria, which, in turn, leads to the development of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp.

General information

If the scalp is flaky, itchy and inflamed, causing a person significant discomfort, most likely it is a fungal disease. Hair fungus ( mycosis ) is a disease that can be caused by various reasons.
Fungal infections are widespread in the modern world. There are about 500 species of fungi that infect humans. They are resistant to external influences. Often people who experience unpleasant symptoms believe that their causes are trivial - an incorrectly chosen headdress, too dry skin, etc. As a result, they do not treat the disease, and the situation gets worse. Since hair fungus can be caused by different types of fungal pathogens, it is necessary to visit a doctor, undergo an examination and apply the appropriate treatment regimen. This article will discuss how to recognize fungal diseases of the scalp and what treatment can be practiced after diagnosis.


An excessive increase in the number of fungal microorganisms may be due to systemic disorders in the body. Fungal infections of the head occur against the background of deteriorating immune system function, metabolic and endocrine disorders, deterioration of skin condition, as well as concomitant diseases. Gender, age, and professional factors also play a certain role. Thus, children's skin is especially favorable for the introduction of fungi and the transition of fungal flora into pathogenic skin.

Pathological changes in the scalp depend on the type of pathogen. As a rule, as a result of the active development of fungal microflora , the inflammatory process of the skin is activated. of alopecia or areas covered with dry scales appear on the scalp These signs are often combined.


Photo of fungus on the head

The course of the disease depends on the type of fungus affecting the skin.

  • Microsporia is a fungal disease that develops when the pathogen Microsporum is infected. Infection occurs from other people or animals. Very often, these microorganisms affect children who often come into contact with animals. The incubation period is 5-6 weeks, after which the hair gradually becomes brittle and dry, and eventually begins to fall out. The skin turns red in the affected areas, small blisters appear on top. Hair turns gray at the base - this causes active proliferation of fungi on the hair follicle.
  • Trichophytosis - damage is caused by trichophyton fungi. Most often, such a lesion is observed in children, but it is also diagnosed in adults. The disease can only affect the scalp, but sometimes the lesion also appears on the skin and nails. Trichophytosis can be superficial and deep. With the superficial form, small multiple foci of peeling appear on the head under the hair. They have blurred borders and a whitish color. Some of the hair on these lesions breaks off, and the broken hair rises several millimeters above the skin level. That is why this form of fungal infection is also called ringworm . Black dots from broken hair are visible on the lesions, and white-gray scales cover the skin. The deep form of the disease appears due to infection by trichophyton fungi, which live in the skin of animals. This form is acute. First, red spots appear on the scalp, then signs of an active inflammatory process appear. Gradually, the lesions merge and form a continuous lesion that protrudes above the skin. Hair growing on this area falls out easily. When the ulcers open, the disease may go away on its own. After it, scars remain, and the hair on them does not grow back. The disease lasts a long time - up to 10 weeks. Often the deep form of the disease affects men, developing in the mustache and beard area. It is also diagnosed in children.
  • Nodular trichosporia (white piedra) - this pathological process is characterized by anthroponotic mycotic damage to the hair cuticle. Trichosporia is most often diagnosed in people who live in warm or tropical climates. White piedra develops under the influence of the pathogen basidiomycete Trichosporon beigelii. Trichosporia nodosa affects the beard, mustache, scalp, pubis, and armpits. It can occur both acutely and chronically. The source of infection is a sick person. You can become infected by using hygiene items from a carrier of the pathogen. As the disease develops, dense white nodules of irregular or oval shape appear. These nodules, which are collections of fungal spores, envelop the hairs. They can stick together to form bundles. The hair shaft is affected, but it does not break off.
  • Favus (scab) - it is caused by the fungus Achorion, which only affects humans. With such a lesion, yellow crusts appear on the scalp, tightly covering the hairs, and gradually leading to atrophy of the hair follicles and complete baldness. Each such crust is a cluster of fungi. In the early stages, it is difficult to determine this disease, since at first there are no symptoms. This type of fungus mainly affects residents of Asia and the Middle East.
  • Dermatophytosis - the causative agents of this form of fungus are the molds Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum canis. With this form of the disease, round foci of hyperemia appear on the head, with a clearly defined edge. The hair becomes dull and a white coating appears on the roots. Sometimes with dermatophytosis, a kerion - a large soft formation on the skin under the hair. Kerion is an inflammatory response to a dermatophyte. This formation can subsequently lead to alopecia.

What mycoses are most common in children?

There are a number of the most common mycoses in children.


Microsporia is a disease caused by pathogenic fungi of the genus Microsporum.

The causative agents of this disease can be various anthropophilic, zoophilic, geophilic Microsporum fungi, but most often an analysis for fungal skin infections reveals the fungus M. canis. It belongs to zooanthroponotic infections and is directly related to domestic animals. The main sources of infection are cats, dogs, and, less commonly, small rodents. Infection occurs from animals with microsporia, and in a group - through direct or indirect contact.

The dermatological process in microsporia is usually limited in nature and is represented by one or several round spots. Elements with clear raised boundaries, along the periphery of the lesions there is a raised ridge consisting of inflammatory papules, scales, and small crusts.

When the scalp is affected, round lesions with broken hair are visualized, approximately at a height of 3–5 mm from the skin level, thus creating the impression of a cut area of ​​hair. Hence the well-known name - ringworm.


Trichophytosis is a fungal infection caused by various fungi of the genus Trichophyton.

As with microsporia, fungi can be anthropophilic, that is, parasitic on humans, or zoophilic, on animals.

With anthropophilic trichophytosis, infection results from contact with a sick person, as well as with contaminated household items. If sanitary standards are not observed in places such as hairdressers, kindergartens, schools, the risk of contracting this mycosis increases. Zooanthroponotic trichophytosis is more easily contracted from young cattle and domestic animals. The incubation period for infection with this fungal skin infection from humans is about a week, and from animals - from 1–2 weeks to 1.5–2 months.

The dermatological process is represented by polymorphic rashes on smooth skin in the form of papules, spots, and sometimes pustules. The lesions are usually round and oval in shape with scalloped edges. In the infiltrative-suppurative form, lesions can be visualized in the form of an inflammatory infiltrate, raised above the surrounding skin, covered with purulent-hemorrhagic crusts.

When the scalp is affected, in addition to the characteristic rashes, symptoms such as loss of elasticity, hair shine, and hair breakage at skin level are noted.

Pityriasis versicolor

Pityriasis versicolor or pityriasis versicolor is a superficial fungal infection caused by fungi of the genus Malassezia.

It is worth noting that fungi of the genus Malassezia are opportunistic microorganisms that are present on the skin of many people. But under the influence of a number of factors, the pathogen transforms from a non-pathogenic form to a pathogenic one.

Risk factors for the development of lichen may include increased sweating, changes in the chemical composition of sweat, a decrease in physiological peeling of the epidermis, as well as excessive insolation.

The process of pityriasis versicolor is widespread; most often it is localized on the skin of the chest and back in children; less commonly, areas on the neck, abdomen, arms and legs may be affected.

The rashes are represented by spots of light brown or yellow color, irregularly rounded. Usually these rashes do not bother you at all, and sometimes go completely unnoticed, so they often go untreated. Very often, lichen versicolor is first detected after sunbathing, because... the affected areas do not tan and differ significantly in color from tanned skin.

One of the tests for this fungal skin infection in children is the Balzer test. This manipulation can be performed at home. You need to take iodine and a cotton swab and rub it over the area with and without rashes. If the affected area is brighter in color than the area free of rashes, then the Balzer test is positive and indicates lichen versicolor.

Athlete's foot

Athlete's foot is a fungal infection of smooth skin, which is most often localized in the groin area and feet.

The causative agent of athlete's foot is Trichophyton mentagrophytes, but infection with it does not always lead to symptoms. The development of the disease is most often promoted by trophic disorders of the lower extremities, such as diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, and varicose veins.

The dermatological picture of epidermophytosis is characterized by the appearance on smooth skin of round spots of irregular shape, pink or red, with white-grayish peeling. Athlete's foot is characterized by small blistering rashes that eventually merge and form itchy, painful multi-chambered blisters.


Onychomycosis is a group of fungal infections that affect the nail plates. Various types of onychomycosis are characterized by thickening, changes in the shape and color of the nail plate with its gradual destruction and damage to the nail fold.

If children experience any visible changes in their nails, it is necessary to seek advice and treatment from a dermatologist, because onychodystrophy can be a symptom not only of mycosis, but also of psoriasis, lichen planus, Devergie's disease and other fungal and bacterial skin infections.


Mycosis of the scalp develops for the following reasons:

  • Infection with pathogenic microorganisms is infection by a number of pathogenic fungal microorganisms.
  • The impact of external factors on the natural microflora of the head. As a result, fungi that are part of the normal microflora behave like pathogens.

In turn, factors that can affect this process are:

  • Poor nutrition, in which the body does not receive enough proteins, microelements, and vitamins. B vitamins, zinc, selenium, and iron are especially important for the normal condition of hair and scalp. When there is a deficiency of these substances, fungi quickly become active.
  • Violations of the functions of the internal secretion organs. As a result, changes occur in the composition of the secretion of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the microflora, not receiving the necessary nutrition, exhibits pathogenic activity.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Chronic intoxication due to poisoning with alcohol, salts of heavy metals, drugs, etc.

In addition, there is a hereditary predisposition to some fungal diseases.

You can become infected with pathogenic microorganisms when a person comes into contact with a carrier of the infection or uses his personal hygiene products. There is a risk of infection in public places - sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool. Sometimes the pathogen enters through broken skin.

Treatment of scalp fungus

In most cases, treatment for scalp fungus is complex. The patient is prescribed:

  • systemic antifungal drugs and agents for external use;
  • antihistamines;
  • local preparations for skin restoration;
  • procedures performed in a clinical setting (in particular, laser therapy, mesotherapy).

If the mycotic lesion has spread significantly and a bacterial infection has occurred, the patient will also be prescribed antibiotics. When bald spots appear, hair growth activators (for example, Minoxidil) will be required. To prevent relapse of the disease, it is recommended:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Reducing the likelihood of emotional turmoil.
  3. Get adequate sleep every day.
  4. Taking vitamin complexes with microelements.
  5. Correct selection of hair care products.

Following these recommendations, as well as regular visits to a specialist, will help reduce the risk of new trichological problems to a minimum.

Symptoms of fungus on the head

Photos of symptoms of fungus on the head

Signs of fungal infections largely depend on their type. But we can identify some common characteristic symptoms of mycosis.

With the development of this disease, the following symptoms of scalp fungus appear:

  • The first sign of problems may be the appearance of roughness, redness and dullness of the hair.
  • You should be wary of prolonged itching, which intensifies over time. In such a situation, you should not comb the skin, because if the epidermis is damaged, the infection process is inevitable.
  • As the pathological process develops, dandruff , gradually its number and size of scales increases.
  • Seborrhea develops - the skin under the scales becomes red and irritated. As a result, seborrheic plaques form, and dandruff becomes denser, acquiring a yellowish color. If adequate treatment is not carried out at this stage of the disease, the hair in the affected areas will begin to fall out.

If a patient develops ringworm, symptoms appear fairly quickly. Painful swellings and bubbles - vesicles - may form.

Symptoms of mycosis of the scalp

There are many alarming symptoms that indicate the presence of a fungal infection:

  • Constant itching;
  • Rashes;
  • Pink spots;
  • Dandruff;
  • Ulcers and pustules;
  • Redness;
  • Discharge of purulent exudate from the spots;
  • Gray plaque on the hair;
  • Hair loss in a specific area.

In addition, there are symptoms that do not appear externally. Infection with a fungus is accompanied by unreasonable fatigue, lethargy and a decrease in the body's immune defense. Mycosis must be treated immediately, as it is easily transmitted through household items, bath accessories and any things. Therefore, antifungal therapy is prescribed not only to the patient, but also to those around him.

With symptoms of mycosis, contact a dermatologist or trichologist. The latter is a specialist of a narrow profile. Only a professional will be able to ascertain the presence of fungus and determine at what stage the mycosis is.

Tests and diagnostics

At the first signs resembling the symptoms of a fungus, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the exact cause of the pathological process. The specialist examines and interviews the patient, and also takes tissue from the scalp for microscopic examination. Specific tests and Wood's fluorescent lamp diagnostics are carried out.

A blood test for this disease is not an indicator, since it does not determine the presence of mycobacteria.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes other tests.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies can be used as auxiliary methods in the process of complex treatment of fungal diseases.

  • Onion and garlic . You need to prepare a paste from these vegetables and apply it to the scalp, leaving it for half an hour. It is better to do this procedure on weekends, as your hair may smell sharp after it. It is carried out once a week.
  • Herbal decoctions . They are used to wash your hair twice a week. Decoctions for washing can be prepared from chamomile, burdock root, calendula, nettle, plantain leaves, etc.
  • Burdock and castor oil . You need to make compresses from them, applying the selected oil to the scalp. Next, you need to cover your head with plastic and wait half an hour, then wash your hair. Such procedures should be carried out twice a week.
  • Oak bark . You need to prepare a decoction, pour 1 tbsp. l. bark 200 ml water. After 5 minutes, cool, strain and mix with 1 tbsp. l. honey Rub into scalp, cover with film and towel. Wash off after an hour. This mask can only be made if you are not allergic to bee products.
  • Vinegar . Mix table vinegar with distilled water in equal proportions and wipe the scalp with the solution using a cotton swab. After half an hour, wash your hair. After this procedure, itching decreases.
  • Soda . Add soda to shampoo for washing hair using 1 tsp. for one wash. You can also use it by diluting it in 1 glass of water and adding 1 drop of essential oil. This solution should be applied to the scalp and wait half an hour before washing.
  • Salt mask . You should grind two soaked rye bread crusts and mix them with 1 tsp. salt and 2 yolks. Apply to scalp and leave for 40 minutes.
  • Essential oils . It is recommended to add a few drops to your balm or shampoo. Melissa, eucalyptus, cypress, and tea tree oils are effective against fungus.

Dandruff - symptoms and treatment

Anti-dandruff products include agents to remove flakes, relieve itching, and suppress Malassezia fungi. Since the development of seborrhea is facilitated by disruption of the sebaceous glands, its treatment involves reducing the secretion of sebum. It is directed inside the skin. To do this, first of all, sebum-regulating masks or lotions based on zinc, salicylic acid, and hormonal components are prescribed. They need to be kept for 20-30 minutes after application. Shampoo only complements the treatment. It helps wash away the sebaceous secretions covering the scalp.

When to see a doctor

If the patient cannot cope with the appearance of dandruff on his own, then he should consult a dermatologist-trichologist. The doctor will be able to find out and eliminate the causes of seborrhea and tell you how to get rid of dandruff. Having determined its severity, the doctor will select a drug suitable for a particular case. The chronic process involves long-term use of cosmetics and medicinal products, so they must be safe and easy to use [1]. If you don’t have time to visit a dermatologist who will select an effective drug, then when choosing a product yourself, you must carefully study the instructions for its use.

How to get rid of dandruff at home

You can cure yourself with the help of pharmacy shampoo lines aimed at treating dandruff.

How to wash your hair against dandruff: shampoos and masks

The main ingredients of most anti-dandruff shampoos and masks are salicylic acid, selenium sulfate, sulfur, and zinc pyrithione. The most effective shampoo will be one that contains two or three of the following components:

  • Salicylic acid is a component that removes dandruff and prevents the formation of new flakes. It is not able to eliminate the cause of dandruff - Malassezia mushrooms. Used in a concentration of 1.8-3% (available in the Sulsena preparation).
  • Zinc pyrithione - fights bacteria and fungi. Used in a concentration of 0.3-2%. Included in shampoo.
  • Selenium disulfide - slows down the rate of cell renewal and death, eliminates fungi. Used in a concentration of 0.6-1%. Included in shampoo. The product must be used with caution, as the substance can change the color of dyed hair.
  • Ciclopirox - fights fungi. Included in shampoo. It begins to act three minutes after application [3].
  • Clotrimazole is an antifungal drug found in shampoos [15].
  • Ketoconazole – eliminates Candida and Malassezia fungi [16]. Usually included in shampoo. With prolonged use, the effectiveness of the component decreases, as fungi become more resistant to it.
  • Bifonazole - like ketoconazole, fights the causative fungi, but remains in the scalp longer. Fungi do not develop resistance to the substance. Included in lotions.
  • Tar (0.5-5%), ichthyol - are rarely used in the treatment of dandruff, as they have specific odors. Included in shampoos. It must be used with caution, as the tar can stain the hair orange.
  • Betamethasone is a topical glucocorticosteroid that is added to lotions and solutions to treat severe forms of dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis). Use twice daily as a lotion or spray. Should only be used with a doctor's prescription.

The following drugs are currently on the market:

ShampoosActive ingredients
"Certiol"Salicylic acid 3%, ciclopirox
"Selezhel"Selenium disulfide 1%, ichthyol
"Friderm Zinc"Zinc pyrithione 2%
"Friderm tar"Tar, salicylic acid
"Kelual DS"Ciclopirox, zinc pyrithione
"Keto plus"Ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione

All existing anti-dandruff lotions and shampoos are:

  • therapeutic - sold in pharmacies;
  • cosmetic - sold in regular stores.

Therapeutic shampoos are used strictly according to the instructions, usually at least 1-2 times a week. Cosmetic shampoos are used daily or every other day until the amount of dandruff decreases, after which - 2-3 times a week.

In order for the current shampoo to have time to act and help get rid of dandruff, the product must be thoroughly rubbed into the scalp, leaving it for at least five minutes. If after 2-3 weeks of using shampoo dandruff does not disappear, then you should contact a dermatologist-trichologist.

During treatment, it is important to adhere to a balanced diet: try to eat less sweet, fatty foods; consume fermented milk products more often, as well as foods high in fiber and vitamins. This will normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

How to relieve itching from dandruff

A properly selected shampoo based on your scalp type will help get rid of itching. Timely and adequate hygienic hair care using shampoos containing zinc pyrithione helps control the appearance of dandruff and reduce itching.

Medicines and pharmaceutical products for dandruff

There are no medications in tablet form to reduce dandruff. Treatment is carried out using special shampoos described above.

How to quickly get rid of dandruff

Treatment involves long-term use of cosmetics and medicinal products, so you won’t be able to get rid of dandruff quickly.

How to get rid of dandruff with folk remedies

Alternative medicine methods have no proven effectiveness, their effects are unpredictable, so they cannot be recommended for treatment.


To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to follow important rules of prevention:

  • Infection with pathogenic fungi should be prevented. To do this, it is necessary to avoid contact with sick people and animals with signs of disease. It is important to always use personal hygiene products.
  • It is important to wash your hair regularly and choose shampoos that suit your hair type.
  • You should eat right and avoid strict diets.
  • You need to move a lot and practice physical activity regularly.
  • It is important to avoid stressful situations.

Diagnosis of the disease

The skin fungus itself, which can cause discomfort, has varieties. Having identified the symptoms, the attending physician will be able to individually select therapy for the patient, suggest an effective way to cure the fungus and avoid its recurrence in the future. Given the infectious nature of the disease, it is easily transmitted through the common use of personal hygiene items and hats.

Adults and children must maintain personal hygiene to avoid becoming infected. This is especially true for people visiting swimming pools and saunas.

If a fungus is found in one family member’s house, you need to disinfect common items, allocate towels and bed linen, and wash clothes separately.

Next, do some general cleaning and monitor the health of the rest of the family.


Antifungal Diet

  • Efficacy: no data
  • Terms: 3-6 months
  • Cost of products: 1500-1600 rubles. in Week

The diet should contain many foods containing vitamins A, B, C, zinc, selenium, and nicotinic acid. It is recommended to consume the following foods:

  • Dairy products - sour cream, cottage cheese, milk, homemade yoghurts, kefir.
  • Eggs.
  • Dark rice, whole grain pasta, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal.
  • Lean meat, steamed or boiled.
  • Greens, fresh fruits and vegetables - beets, onions, garlic, cucumber, dill, parsley, raspberries, apples, cranberries are useful.
  • Legumes.
  • Walnuts.
  • Whole grain bread without yeast.

The following foods are excluded from the diet:

  • White sugar.
  • Broth, fatty foods.
  • Milk.
  • White rice, white bread, pasta made from premium flour.
  • Alcohol – beer, vodka, sweet wines, fizzy drinks.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Store-bought confectionery, soda, packaged juices.
  • Jam.
  • Canned food.
  • Pears, bananas, grapes.
  • Peanuts, cashews, sunflower seeds.
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