Let's find out why blisters appear on the head in the hair and how to get rid of them?

What to do if you find blisters in your hair?

Anyone can experience such an unpleasant phenomenon as blisters. And, if their appearance on the hands can somehow be explained (allergy to powders, cosmetics), then the appearance of blisters on the head in the hair causes fear and bewilderment.

What could it be and how to get rid of them? Blisters on the scalp can appear for various reasons and can create great difficulties.

Many of them begin to itch, others do not make themselves felt at all, but interfere with caring for your hair, combing it, and washing your hair.


The following factors lead to sores, pimples and blisters on the scalp:

  1. Infection of hair shafts or skin.
  2. Allergic skin reaction, otherwise known as contact dermatitis.
  3. Viral infections - this could be, for example, chickenpox.
  4. Skin diseases (acne).
  5. Cysts are sacs that are located under the upper layer of the epidermis and are filled with a fatty white component.

IMPORTANT : If you find a tumor or mole, a non-healing wound or irritation on your head, it may turn out to be cancer ! Such formations are especially common in areas not covered with hair . You need to be especially careful with them and immediately after detection go to the doctor !

If the blisters on your head itch, them under any circumstances This can cause wounds to open, and nails can easily damage the skin and tear it off. Such wounds will take much longer to heal and cause more discomfort.

Scabies can be caused by the fact that the greatest amount of sweat is produced . Pimples develop and then become inflamed . We touch them with our hands, brush them with a comb, introducing microbes to these areas. No matter how much your scalp itches, be patient !


A simple form of dermatitis appears within a few hours after contact with an irritant (cosmetics, household chemicals, etc.). In some people, the disease is limited to the presence of redness. If the inflammatory process continues to develop, blisters filled with a liquid substance form on the skin. After they burst, the skin becomes covered with an itchy crust. Allergic dermatitis develops a day after contact with the allergen (in addition to the factors already listed, some plants can provoke a negative reaction).


Causes of headaches

Head sores can be a symptom of a number of problems. Among them:

  1. Allergic reaction. Thus, intolerance to certain foods may occur, as well as (more often) components of hair coloring, washing and fixing products.
  2. Weeping or dry sores on the head are a possible sign of eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis, impetigo or other dermatological diseases.
  3. Another possible reason for an itchy head and sores is the presence of mites or lice.

The prerequisites for the development of these unfavorable conditions are:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • poor nutrition;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • improper hair care;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • emotional overload;
  • decreased immunity;
  • blood circulation disorders;
  • kidney diseases;
  • activation of fungal microflora;
  • negative external factors (for example, extreme temperatures, exposure to chemicals, ultraviolet radiation).

How to treat?

To get rid of blisters on the head, you need to approach its solution comprehensively. You should start by giving up bad habits and switching to proper nutrition . Eliminate contact with all possible allergens and cure long-standing diseases : hormonal disorders, gastritis, and so on.

ATTENTION : Avoiding fatty, fried and smoked foods and consuming plenty of vegetables and fruits will help defeat blisters on the head. Whole grain cereals will also become a faithful ally in this fight. Such a diet will help normalize metabolism - there is a possibility that as a result of this, acne will go away on its own and will not appear again.

Proper hygiene will help in getting rid of this unpleasant problem. Properly selected shampoo, medicated oils and capsules will provide care to the scalp. You can treat blisters on your head in your hair yourself using pharmaceutical or folk remedies.

Pharmacy methods

Many people turn to pharmaceutical products to get rid of blisters on their heads.

This is a well-trodden path that allows you to quickly achieve a good result.

As a last resort, even antibiotics , which can be used locally or internally (if the disease is caused by a bacterial infection).

The doctor prescribes medications, and he may also advise you to take vitamins, antifungal or antiallergic medications, hormonal and anti-anxiety pills. But if we are talking about external treatment, then the following means are used:

  • drying ointments, for example, ichthyol or Levomekol;
  • alcohol solutions: calendula tincture, salicylic acid, etc.;
  • tar soap;
  • antifungal shampoos.

The treatment process is as follows:

  1. You need to wash your hair with a special shampoo.
  2. We treat the skin around each pimple with a weak alcohol solution. We do this extremely carefully so as not to get burned.
  3. Apply ointment to the skin in small portions. Make sure your hair is completely dry before starting this procedure.

These points may vary depending on the specifics of the disease.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine has its own remedies for all occasions. In the case of blisters, she advises using :

  • Apple vinegar . It is mixed with water in proportions 1:1. After washing, your hair should be rinsed with this solution, and after five minutes, rinse it again, but in clean water;
  • tea tree oil . This antiseptic is applied pointwise or added to any mask or shampoo. It is used for both treatment and prevention;
  • cinnamon and honey . One teaspoon of cinnamon is mixed with two tablespoons of honey, and the mixture is applied to the blisters for 20 minutes. If you do this twice a week, your scalp will become healthy.


The symptoms of eczema are in many ways similar to dermatitis. Unlike the latter, this pathology develops after prolonged contact with the irritant. After a certain period, such a substance causes a chronic form of allergy. The disease is characterized by the presence of:

  • blistering rash;
  • crusts;
  • abscesses;
  • ulcers

With eczema, dense blisters form in the affected areas and burst over time. The liquid coming out of them dries out and forms crusts. In addition to the described symptoms, the disease is characterized by itching, which causes the need to scratch the skin. The areas around the most combed areas often dry out. Eczema occurs with periods of remissions and exacerbations, and tends to become chronic (in this case, the skin becomes dense and acquires a bluish-red tint).

What should you not do?

Do not self-medicate unless you are sure that your problem is purely cosmetic. Be careful with alcohol solutions - they can burn your scalp.

Do not prescribe antibiotics yourself: this is fraught with much more serious health problems than acne. And, of course, under no circumstances squeeze blisters out of your hair!

This will only damage your skin and make the problem worse.

First aid for blisters on the head in the hair

To reduce discomfort, you need not touch the blisters, do not peel off the crusts from them and do not squeeze out the contents of the inflamed follicles, even if there is itching and discomfort.

You need to switch to children's hypoallergenic shampoo, wash your hair with gentle, not sudden movements, so as not to damage the scalp.

In order to reduce discomfort, you need to wash your hair with menthol shampoo or make a mask from a strong decoction of mint with a few drops of tea tree oil and menthol, if the scalp does not dry out.

It will reduce discomfort and restore your comfort. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 50 strong and cold decoction of mint;
  • 10 drops each of tea tree and menthol oils;
  • 1 egg white.

Mix all ingredients until smooth, then apply to scalp. The mask should be worn for 30 minutes and washed off with cool water.

Using a special clay hair mask, which you can buy at a pharmacy or store, also helps. Although it does not completely eliminate fungus or inflammation, it significantly reduces discomfort.

Attention! During treatment, your doctor may prescribe you antifungal gels, ointments, and shampoos. During treatment, you should use only these products.

If you decide to make masks or rinse your scalp with herbal decoctions, apply them only to dry and clean scalp.

How to Care for Blisters

First of all, comb your hair gently so as not to injure your scalp. It is better not to use combs with sharp teeth. Use special antifungal shampoos and gels if necessary.

At this time, try not to make tight ponytails, knots or complex hairstyles, and do not use hairpins or hairpins.

Blisters need to be lubricated with special ointments and gels prescribed by the doctor.

It is also worth making regular masks with tea tree, hair clay and menthol - they reduce inflammation. And, of course, keep your hair clean and wash your hair regularly, maybe more often than before.

Is it worth scratching blisters or not and what can it lead to if you scratch them?

No, you should never scratch them. You can introduce an infection into the wound and inflammation will spread throughout the scalp.

How to treat allergic dermatitis, watch this video:

Which doctor can help?

If your scalp does not clear up after using the methods described, you should consult a doctor. With this problem you need to go to a professional dermatologist - he will conduct tests and give a verdict.

REFERENCE : A dermatologist is a highly specialized doctor who treats skin diseases.

However, treating blisters under the hair is not limited to visiting a single specialist. Most likely, you will have to visit a therapist, neurologist, endocrinologist and allergist.

You can read about the types of inflammation on the body on the hiring website, as well as about treatment methods. Among other things, we bring to your attention the following articles:

  • is it possible to pierce them;
  • blisters with fluid;
  • treatment of a burn with a blister;
  • cases of frostbite;
  • appearance after wart removal;
  • and also what to do if you itch and treatment for burns.

Why do blisters appear on the head in the hair?

There may be several reasons for this occurrence. A visit to a dermatologist and trichologist and passing the appropriate tests will help you understand exactly why they appear . Doctors identify several main reasons for the appearance of blisters.

First of all this:

  • allergic dermatitis as a reaction to the wrong selection of shampoo, hair mask or other cosmetic product;
  • folliculitis – inflammation of the hair follicle;
  • an infectious disease, such as herpes, lichen or chickenpox;
  • sebaceous gland cyst;
  • acne and blockage of sebaceous glands;
  • other reasons indicated by the analysis.

In some situations, blisters occur when the body is damaged by a fungal infection or a sexually transmitted disease. They can also occur if you are allergic to dyes, hats, or hair dyes.

To determine the exact cause of their occurrence, you should consult a doctor, get tested and try to remember why exactly they arose and stop using this product for a while. For example, shampoo, hat or hair mask.

Attention! If the results of the analysis prove that the allergy was caused by a cosmetic product (shampoo or paint), you have the right to demand compensation for treatment.

To do this, you will need to come to the store where you bought it, along with the cosmetic product, a receipt, a passport and a dermatologist's report. You will be required to pay the cost of purchase and treatment.

How to treat such blisters

There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the cause of the appearance, which only a doctor can identify. If you know exactly why they appeared, you need to stop contacting your hair with some substance.

For example, paint, low-quality shampoo, even a herbal decoction, the composition of which can cause allergies.

Doctors advise combining traditional methods of treatment with medications.

The former can help in case of inflammation caused by external causes, contact with an allergen or a substance that contains an infection.

For example, if you yourself understand that the reason for the appearance of blisters is a reaction to coloring, then you will only need to limit yourself to restorative home or salon procedures.

If they appeared after you started taking antibiotics, medications, or you noticed similar rashes in other parts of the body, then external treatment of blisters with folk remedies is unlikely to solve the problem.

Most likely, you will need to undergo all the necessary tests to treat the internal cause of the rash. If the cause of the rash is not determined, it is not recommended to use only folk remedies. They will not eliminate the cause of the blisters and may increase the discomfort.

Should I see a doctor about this?

In such a situation, it is simply necessary to consult a doctor, since only accurate tests will help determine the true cause of the rash. It is best to go to a skin and venereal disease clinic for an appointment with a dermatologist or trichologist.

This video will tell you what folliculitis is:

These specialists are also available in some beauty salons. They will take the necessary tests and be able to select treatment.

It is also worth visiting an allergist, taking the necessary allergy tests, a venereologist if there are reasons to contact this specialist, and an endocrinologist if you notice excessive sweating, the appearance of acne on the face, a sudden change in weight and other unpleasant symptoms.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the blisters.

Only in this case will you be prescribed adequate treatment. Fungal and infectious diseases will be very difficult to cure without properly selected medications.

Attention! During treatment, you will have to give up some foods, such as fast food, smoked meats, chips and other foods that stimulate increased production of sebaceous secretions.

How to treat blisters with folk remedies

Under no circumstances should you comb them, try to damage them or squeeze out the contents. If the scalp is very itchy, it is better to use special masks, herbal decoctions, if you are not allergic to them.

They will help relieve inflammation and ease your suffering. The most effective methods of relieving discomfort are:

  • hair mask with white clay and a small amount of tea tree oil;
  • a strong cold decoction of mint with menthol and a small amount of tea tree and tangerine oil;
  • rinsing with a cold decoction of chamomile and calendula;
  • use baby hypoallergenic shampoo to wash your hair.

Also, if blisters occur, you should not use hair fixing products, perm, color, tie tight ponytails and braids, use hair straighteners and heat styling - this can increase the discomfort.

Clindovit® gel – a cure for acne

For mild to moderate acne, a dermatologist may recommend topical antibiotics such as clindamycin18.
Clindovit® gel is a medicinal product whose main active ingredient is clindamycin phosphate6. It is recommended to use it twice a day, applying it to dry, previously cleansed skin6. In order to reduce the risk of developing antibiotic resistance, it is recommended to use Clindovit® gel together with azelaic acid (for example, Azelik® gel) or benzoyl peroxide28.


Preparations for the treatment of acne (acne) at home

For acne on the face and body, treatment can be done at home. According to Federal clinical guidelines, the following drugs can be used in anti-acne therapy:

  • Azelaic acid. Prescribed for mild to moderate acne, including papulopustular form. It may be included in the treatment of severe acne in combination with retinoids or systemic antibiotics18. Azelaic acid has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and keratolytic effects12.
  • Retinoids. They have anti-inflammatory, anticomedogenic, comedolytic effects32. Can be prescribed for all forms and severity of acne18. Their main disadvantage is photosensitivity. Do not apply them before going outside during periods of active sun32.
  • Benzoyl peroxide. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effects, affects comedonogenesis, and does not provoke antibiotic resistance12.
  • Topical antibiotics. Given the rise of erythromycin-resistant strains of C. acnes, its use in the treatment of acne is now limited. Tetracycline is poorly tolerated by the body and shows low effectiveness in the fight against acne. For mild to moderate acne, clindamycin may be prescribed. It should not be used as monotherapy. Dermatologists may prescribe it in combination with azelaic acid (Azeliq®), benzoyl peroxide, or retinoids18.

Before treating acne yourself, consult a dermatologist. Thus, the reasons for the development of acne may differ in women and adolescents, which will affect the prescribed therapy and how effective it will be.

Treatment of pimples (acne) on the face and body at home

Patients with acne of any severity are recommended to take special skin care, which includes cleansing and moisturizing using dermatocosmetics. Home care should be aimed at restoring the barrier functions of the skin18.

It is necessary to use products that have an anti-inflammatory effect and do not contain ingredients that can cause irritation - alcohol, high concentrations of keratolytics, comedogenic substances18.

But proper care alone will not be enough; acne needs adequate treatment (systemic or external) prescribed by a dermatologist.

Treatment of acne on the face

Acne on the face causes the most problems, gives rise to complexes, and can cause stress, depression, and antisocial behavior. While in self-isolation, you can combine the treatment of pimples (acne) on the face with cosmetic procedures at home.

Your arsenal includes masks, tonics, gommages, superficial peels, creams, and other products for caring for problem skin. But remember that you cannot resort to most cosmetic procedures if you have wounds or inflammatory acne on your face.

The face finally takes a break from makeup, the pores are not clogged with foundation remnants. But when using external agents in anti-acne therapy, still do not forget to first cleanse the skin before applying the drug. Even if you don't use cosmetics, there is sebum (sebum fat) and dust particles on your skin.

Treatment of acne on chest and shoulders

Girls often ignore the décolleté area, focusing on the jawline when doing home care.
Get past this milestone. Acne can appear on the neck, shoulders and chest, as these areas also contain a large number of sebaceous glands. Cleanse, moisturize and tone the skin on the décolleté and neck. Try to wear comfortable clothes made from breathable fabrics. One of the reasons for the appearance of acne is trauma to the skin, for example, from the straps of a sundress or top.

When treating your skin with topical anti-acne medications, follow the same rules as when using them on your face. The medicine is applied to cleansed, dry skin.

Back acne treatment

Subcutaneous acne* also often appears on the back. They can be associated with errors in hygiene, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalances, etc. If acne* appears on your back, do not try to get rid of it mechanically. Do not rub the skin, do not squeeze acne, do not use scrubs in this area. You can treat acne at home with medications recommended by your doctor.

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