How to quickly cure a burst callus on the foot and with what

It is not difficult to recognize a water callus that has formed on the heel.
It looks like a small bubble (however, calluses come in different sizes) with liquid accumulated inside it. This formation occurs as a result of friction of the skin of the foot and often causes a person to feel pain. And if a callus on your foot bursts, what should you do in such a situation? What measures should be taken first? After all, when the wound opens, there is a risk of accidentally introducing an infection inside.


It is within your power to prevent these unpleasant consequences if you take all necessary measures.

Reasons for education

Water callus on the heel
In summer, people use open shoes - it’s comfortable, and their feet sweat less. But the entry of sand, small stones, and debris into the space between the foot and the shoe is inevitable. The skin suffers, first of all, from the fact that it is heated and steamed. In addition, when walking, friction occurs with a foreign object. As a result, redness quickly appears, then unpleasant painful sensations and a callus appear.

At the next stage, it turns into a blister, where lymphatic fluid accumulates, often mixed with blood. Is it possible to pop a callus yourself at home? Experts do not recommend doing this. But, if there is no way out, you will need a sharp object (needle, pin), pre-treated with alcohol.

The main thing is to pay attention to education in time. Heels and ankles, due to friction with straps, suffer more often than other parts of the foot. Uncomfortable shoes are also the cause of the appearance of new growths such as calluses.

Preventing the formation of calluses

What to do to avoid such an unpleasant and painful problem as a burst callus?

  • First, wear comfortable shoes . Often, the foot gets chafed in new, unworn shoes. It is better to wear such products for a short time and have a replaceable pair. New shoes can be treated with special softening agents or sent for stretching. Sports shoes should be half a size larger, since active walking and exercise increases blood flow in the feet.
  • Wearing the right socks also reduces friction.
  • If there is a risk of calluses appearing on the palm, it is better to work with gloves or use special protective products.
  • Baths, foot and hand cream, and antiperspirants for feet will help prevent the appearance of calluses.
  • For comfortable wearing of shoes, you can use gel pads .

Note! If discomfort and redness occur, it is necessary to change shoes if possible. If this does not work, the area must be sealed with a plaster to eliminate the cause of the callus.

First aid

Calluses treated with brilliant green and plaster
If your callus bursts, you should carefully examine the damaged area of ​​skin and immediately treat it with a disinfectant. Many people do not take a burst callus seriously. However, due to this defect, the human body can be seriously damaged. The infection occurs instantly and spreads very quickly.

By what signs can it be determined whether a wound is infected or not:

  • increased temperature of the “sick surface”;
  • when pressed, the affected area reacts painfully;
  • redness around the wound;
  • pus is released;
  • the crust turns yellow.

If a callus bursts, you need to know what to do to provide first aid. So, what are the first aseptic measures to take to prevent the risk of infection:

  • take off socks, stockings, tights, remove your feet from shoes;
  • treat your hands with damp sanitary wipes to remove dirt;
  • wipe the surface of the wound and the surrounding area with cotton wool with hydrogen peroxide, a solution of iodine, alcohol, brilliant green, potassium permanganate;
  • if there are no necessary means, then in natural conditions, plantain, previously moistened with saliva, will do;
  • you can heat pine needles to make a balm;
  • Grind the yarrow until juice and pulp are released in a clean bowl;
  • use warm honey as an ointment;
  • St. John's wort flowers infused in vegetable oil;
  • fir oil;
  • levomekol, streptocide ointment, or crush streptocide tablets and sprinkle on the affected surface;
  • apply a disinfecting bactericidal plaster, gauze, and bandage on top (to block access to any external influences).

First aid if a callus bursts

When a callus suddenly bursts on its own, you should immediately proceed to the following steps:

  • first you need to wash your hands with soap or at least wipe them with a special antibacterial gel and a napkin;
  • look for any disinfectant, any kind - peroxide, brilliant green, and iodine will do. Apply this product to the edges of the broken callus. Do this carefully so that the drug does not get into the resulting wound, otherwise you risk injuring the soft tissues and, accordingly, slowing down the healing process;
  • After you finish treating the callus, stick a bacterial patch to it - this way you will protect the wound from external influences.

In addition to treating the callus, you should also think about its further treatment.

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To do this, you need to replace the bacterial patch with a new, but anti-callus patch. This patch absorbs excess lymph without interfering with the skin’s breathing, and it also promotes faster wound healing.

Just apply it correctly, that is, first you must use nail scissors, which you should carefully cut off the dead edges of the callus.

Then take a regular cotton swab, soak it in clean water and wipe the affected area of ​​skin with it.

After this, the area should be wiped dry, and an anti-corn plaster should be applied on top. There is no need to remove it: it will fall off on its own, immediately after the wound heals.

Before using the patch, people with diabetes should definitely consult their doctor. Without this consultation, they are prohibited from using the patch.


Wound care

Open wound
Calluses can be especially painful on the back of the foot. Over time, it becomes hard and yellowish. It cannot be brought to such a state. This thickening of the skin layer threatens to stay with you forever, causing severe pain.

In this case, treatment means the use of antiseptics. It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on wound care.

In a hot soda bath, steam the skin of your feet and remove excess skin layers on the surface. Then, in order to protect healthy skin from the diseased skin, we apply zinc paste, an adhesive plaster or 10% salicylic, lactic acid in collodion near it. We leave it like that for a day.

The procedure requires repeated repetition until all thickenings disappear. If the proposed method does not help, it means that the disease has gone too far and you need to resort to surgical intervention.

You can also use proven folk remedies:

  • aloe leaf, cut - draws out liquid well and dries;
  • lemon - slice;
  • bread crumb with vinegar (3%);
  • potatoes, pre-grated;

There are quite a lot of medications and ointments for treating calluses and other growths on the feet. They contain salicylic acid and benzoic acid. It is important to remember that cream should not be applied to healthy skin.

If the callus has burst, safety measures have already been taken and a bandage has been applied, all that remains is to monitor the recovery. The bandage should be changed several times a day. Before changing the fabric, you need to wet it so as not to tear it off along with the healing skin crust. It is advisable to use hydrogen peroxide.

What pharmaceutical drugs can help you treat calluses?

Sometimes it happens that there is no anti-corn patch and for some reason it is impossible to purchase it, so you can use other pharmaceutical products instead.

How to anoint a burst callus:

  1. Salicylic ointment (10%). It is allowed to be used for three weeks (no longer), but during its use you must avoid any additional medications.
  2. Levomekol. The product copes well with inflammation, destroys microbes and restores damaged human tissue. The ointment is applied exclusively under a bandage made from a sterile bandage. This dressing must be changed three times a day.
  3. Syntomycin. It will have both an antibacterial and analgesic effect.

Prevention methods

Callus after removing the patch
Often we simply do not have enough time to treat such ailments as not serious at first glance, such as a callus. But our carelessness is fraught with consequences. The body's immune system continues to weaken. A person does not notice how the appearance of calluses becomes the norm.

A weakened body contributes to the “waking up” of many complex diseases. An ordinary neoplasm on the skin of the foot can, in an advanced state, lead to damage to the central nervous system. These are quite rare cases, and are observed only in cases of acute neglect of the disease, in the absence of any preventive measures.

Periodic weight checks refer to the prevention of not only calluses, but also corns and spurs. Proper nutrition is important, as is an active lifestyle. Pay attention to comfortable shoes without rough seams, give preference to products made from genuine leather. Hosiery should not be synthetic, but cotton, well breathable.

Prevention includes: frequent changes of underwear, daily timely foot care (shower, hardening - contrast baths) This is a good help in the fight against many skin tumors and ailments.

What to do for healing?

To get rid of calluses, it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate one or more causes of their appearance. You also need to consult a doctor, in the case of flat feet, even an orthopedist, in order to cure a pathology that cannot be eliminated on your own.

Let's look at the treatment methods for each type of callus separately.


Dry calluses most often appear in the spaces between the toes, on the toes, heels, and the front of the sole. They are an excessively keratinized area of ​​skin that often cracks and can become infected through the resulting lesions.

There are 2 main ways to treat dry calluses:

  1. Treat the formation with peroxide or any other antiseptic, lubricate it with a solution of brilliant green, and seal it with a bactericidal plaster on top.
  2. Treat the callus with calendula ointment and apply a patch.

You can also treat skin damage with potatoes. To do this, the root vegetable needs to be grated, applied to the callus, bandaged and covered with a bag on top. This procedure softens the top layer well.

Causes of dry calluses on feet

Among the main external factors of occurrence are:

  • Inconvenient, too narrow shoes;
  • Frequent wearing of shoes made of artificial leather, synthetics or rubber;
  • Synthetic socks or tights;

People of certain professions, due to the nature of their activities or workwear, encounter this problem more often than others.

We must remember that the appearance of such skin tumors may indicate problems within the human body, for example: a deficiency of vitamins A and E, metabolic disorders or malfunctions of the endocrine system.

The best treatment is prevention, so buy shoes that are the right size and fit, take care of your feet at home, or visit a pedicurist. But if a problem does appear, then do not ignore this fact and begin treatment without waiting for complications.

When to see a doctor?

If dirt gets into the place of the burst bubble, an inflammatory process may begin, which will have the following symptoms:

  • increased body temperature (usually not higher than 37.0-37.5 degrees);
  • severe pain, throbbing, burning at the site of the cracked bladder;
  • turbid liquid and pus are released;
  • yellow crusts appear on the problem area;
  • The wound does not heal for a very long time.

Important! If this happens, you need to lubricate the problem area with an antiseptic and apply antibacterial ointment, or it is better to consult a doctor to prescribe the correct treatment.

Wet callus is a common phenomenon among both young and old people. Most often, it goes away on its own and does not require special treatment, but sometimes, if not properly cared for, it can lead to inflammation. Therefore, it is better to know how to care for your legs so that they heal faster.


Contrary to popular belief, it is possible and even necessary to pierce such a bubble if it appears voluminous and contains a sufficiently large amount of liquid.

Piercing procedure:

  1. It is recommended to puncture within the first 24 hours after the blister appears.
  2. A simple sharp needle or sewing pin will do for this. It must first be treated with alcohol, potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. If there are no antiseptics, you can hold the needle over the fire.
  3. The callus is treated with an antiseptic and pierced, directing the needle at a right angle strictly to the side (base) of the callus parallel to the surface of the skin. You cannot pierce the top, as there is a risk of infection and poor wound healing.
  4. After the puncture, the wound is treated with an antiseptic and a sterile bandage or plaster is applied.
  5. It is recommended to rinse with water after a puncture only if there is no antiseptic. Then the wound is washed under water with drying soap.

What do we need to treat a torn callus?

  1. Hydrogen peroxide- antiseptic (at the pharmacy the price is maximum 10 rubles).

  2. BF-6 glue is a combined dermatoprotective agent that has an antiseptic and wound-healing effect. Isolates the wound surface from the external environment (price in the pharmacy from 50 rubles).
  3. Panthenol is an ointment for external use for the treatment of wounds, a good stimulator of regeneration (price in the pharmacy from 39.00 rubles).

When is surgery indicated?

If the medicinal method does not produce results after a two-week period, and the inflammatory process continues, accompanied by pain and discharge, then it may be necessary to resort to the third, most radical method of dealing with dry calluses - removal. It is painless, and after the entire complex of procedures there will be no trace of the previously disturbing keratinization.

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