How to quickly cure a boil on the penis and testicles

In medical practice, a boil on the penis is not uncommon. During this period, the man experiences physiological inconveniences, against the background of which psycho-emotional stress occurs. A pathological lesion on the skin of the penis is caused by staphylococci. This usually happens due to a man’s failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. Symptoms and treatment of boils on the testicles and penis depend on the stage of development of the infiltrate and the complexity of the disease. Doctors strictly prohibit squeezing out an abscess, as this can lead to chronic furunculosis and abscess formation.

Why do boils appear?

The causes of the appearance of purulent-necrotic neoplasms on the skin of the penis are associated with the aggressiveness of bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus, less often white or epidermal Staphylococcus. The culprit of the problem is the man himself, or rather, his weakened immunity, which is reduced due to a lack of vitamins in the body or due to an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Staphylococci are opportunistic bacteria. They live on the skin of all people, without causing harm to their body, until they enter the subcutaneous environment, where they provoke inflammation of the connective tissue. They penetrate there through various microtraumas, for example, those occurring after shaving.

A furuncle of the penis can also represent a secondary pathological focus, which forms as a complication of superficial or deep staphyloderma. With this disease, staphylococcus is activated in the hair follicle and begins to produce an enzyme that facilitates the penetration of bacteria from the hair follicles into the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

Reasons for appearance

Boils on the male genital organ appear under the influence of 2 groups of factors. The first is external. These include climate features, the quality of hygiene procedures, as well as the following reasons:

  1. Shaving. Boils can appear after trauma to the skin. Harmful organisms penetrate the wound, and dead tissue, sebaceous secretions, and bacteria accumulate. This gives rise to severe inflammation.
  2. Tight synthetic underwear. Constant wear affects the formation of chafing on the skin, and damaged dermis is a suitable environment for the active reproduction and growth of bacteria.
  3. Sudden temperature changes. Hypothermia provokes abundant production of sebum. If cleansing does not occur on time, a rash appears on the skin.

Internal factors determine the functioning of organs. The list of common causes includes a decrease in immune strength due to taking antibiotics and lack of vitamins. Boils can also appear in men who have hormonal imbalance or diabetes.

Stages of boil formation

It is rarely possible to cure a boil on the penis and testicles before it has gone through three stages of its development. These are the stages:

  • 1st stage. The appearance of infiltration under the skin. From the outside, the future abscess looks like a red spot, but when palpated, a small lump is felt. On the very first day of its appearance on the penis, it begins to hurt and tingle.
  • 2nd stage. After about 2-3 days, the boil begins to enlarge and takes on a cone-shaped shape. A purulent core forms in it.
  • 3rd stage. On days 4-6, the skin around the pathological lesion on the penis becomes bright red and hot. The condition is very painful. On days 6-8, the boil matures, the skin over it becomes thinner, and pus comes out.

The doctor opens the surface of the mature boil with a scalpel if the boil does not break out on its own for a long time. The stabbing pain disappears immediately after opening the boil, then the swelling subsides from the skin of the egg or penis, and scar tissue begins to form.

Symptoms of the disease

If a purulent-inflammatory process on the penis is provoked by staphylococcus, then the first symptom that a boil will soon appear in the genital area is a red, painful spot around the hair follicle. If a boil forms on the scrotum, the inflamed skin not only turns red, but also swells greatly, which is explained by the looseness of the subcutaneous tissue in this place.

A boil cannot occur on the head of the penis, since there are no hair follicles or sebaceous glands there. If a lump or painful redness appears in the area of ​​the head, then this is either an allergy to an irritating agent (condom, hygiene item), or inflammation of the blood vessels - lymphangitis, a consequence of prolonged sexual intercourse. But in any case, the diagnosis must be made by a doctor.

On the foreskin, where sebaceous glands are present, albeit in small quantities, painful boils may appear. The reason for this is usually poor hygiene.

No matter where in the intimate area the boil appears, it begins to cause inconvenience from the first day. At first, the neoplasm is annoying with a slight tingling sensation, then pain appears in the inflamed area, which intensifies simultaneously with the maturation of the boil. When a boil on the penis breaks through, relief comes.

More details about the problem

Boils appear on the skin where there are sebaceous glands and hair roots. The area of ​​the foreskin is a suitable place for the formation of ulcers. The shaft of the penis has a small number of hair follicles, which are located in a special recess. In this bed, the sebaceous papilla opens (excess produced sebum is removed through it).

If the bed is not cleaned, the clogging process begins. The shell hardens and fat continues to accumulate underneath it. Excess secretions provoke the onset of inflammation. The process is accompanied by the formation of a boil.

What can be dangerous about an abscess on the penis?

Abscesses on the testicle or on the shaft of the penis, if left untreated, can lead to a very dangerous complication. In the groin area, a circulatory and lymphatic network is developed, which means that a staphylococcal infection from an abscess can spread throughout the body, in particular, penetrate into the cells of the liver or kidneys and cause their death.

The biggest mistake, which in most cases entails the spread of infection to healthy tissue (abscess, phlegmon), is squeezing out the core of the boil.

Prevention measures

To protect yourself from the possibility of a boil appearing on the organ, men should follow a number of simple recommendations:

  1. Strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  2. Shave carefully. Treat cuts carefully.
  3. Wear underwear made from natural materials and change it daily.
  4. Consume alcohol wisely, do not overindulge.
  5. If you experience discomfort, pain, or itching, contact your doctor immediately.

Boils on the manhood are an intimate pathology that requires emergency care. The formation of an abscess is accompanied by characteristic symptoms (pain, tingling, swelling). When the first signs appear, you should see a therapist or dermatovenerologist. Timely treatment is the key to the absence of dangerous complications.

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Treatment methods

There are two methods to treat a boil in men on the skin of the penis:

  • conservative;
  • surgical.

The choice of method for quickly treating a boil depends on the stage of development and complexity of the pathological process.

If a boil that has popped up on the penis is not treated, it can lead to furunculosis, which is characterized by the appearance of multiple purulent foci. This condition can last about 2 months, and if treatment is unsuccessful, the pathology will take a chronic form.

Doctors do not recommend getting rid of boils on the penis or scrotum on your own due to the possible complications described above.


Boils formed on the penis and scrotum are treated at different stages of development with different drugs:

  • The first day of pathological changes in the skin - antibiotics taken internally to stop inflammation (only as prescribed by a doctor), treatment of the surface of the infiltrate with a solution of fucorcin or another antiseptic. According to the doctor's indications - UV irradiation.
  • The stage of maturation of the boil shaft - for severe tearing pain, novocaine and antibacterial blockade (injection of the lesion with an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory solution). Compresses with Ichthyol ointment.
  • If pus comes out, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine solution. Compresses with ointment containing an antibiotic (Levosin, Levomekol) are used until the ulcer formed at the site of the boil is completely cleansed and healed.

If the boil on the skin of the penis does not break through for a long time or the pus comes out, and rejection of the purulent-necrotic rod does not occur for a long time, then in order to avoid complications the patient is referred to a surgeon.


Doctors resort to surgical methods for eliminating a boil on the penis if the boil has become abscessed, that is, the purulent process has spread from the hair follicle to healthy tissue. The operation proceeds according to the following scheme:

  1. The boil is injected with novocaine and an antibiotic.
  2. A sharp scalpel is used to cut through the problem area of ​​skin.
  3. The purulent-necrotic mass is removed.
  4. Wash the wound with an antiseptic solution.
  5. Apply an ointment bandage.

If the ulcer is deep, then it is supplied with rubber drainage.


You should not start treating a boil on the penis with folk remedies unless you are sure that the pathological focus is an ordinary boil and not symptoms of any sexually transmitted disease.

If the infiltrate is caused by staphylococci, then it can be treated at home using the following recipes:

  • Aloe. The bottom leaf of the flower is cut off, crushed to form a paste, and a compress is made with it overnight. The plant has an antioxidant, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. Helps at the initial stage of pathology.
  • Baked onion. Half an onion is baked in the oven for about 2 minutes, allowed to cool slightly, then applied warm to the long-ripening boil overnight and secured in a convenient way. In the morning the abscess may open. After this, the wound should be washed with peroxide and a bandage with healing ointment applied.
  • Garlic and potatoes. Grate half a peeled potato, add 3 chopped garlic cloves and 2-3 drops of fresh lemon juice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Spread the mixture on a piece of bandage folded in half. Apply the compress to the boil overnight and secure it in a convenient way.

To strengthen local skin immunity at home, you should give preference to products that contain B vitamins. These are hazelnuts, walnuts, potatoes, spinach, carrots.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy for a boil involves opening the abscess and removing the purulent-necrotic core with a laser beam. This method is chosen for the following advantages:

  • no injury to healthy tissue;
  • minimal feeling of discomfort;
  • bloodlessness, rapid wound healing;
  • impossibility of re-infection;
  • no need for postoperative wound care;
  • absence of scars at the site of the ulcer.

Laser therapy is carried out in a hospital setting.

What not to do

Staphylococci tend to multiply quickly and colonize healthy tissue. Therefore, doctors do not recommend squeezing out a boil on the penis or on the skin of another part of the body. The capsule containing pus can break open not only on the surface of the skin, but also under it, leading to extensive necrotic inflammation.

If a man has a pimple on the skin of his penis, then he needs to see a doctor, because infectious skin diseases have similar symptoms. It may turn out that the painful pimple in the groin area, which the man began to burn with ethyl alcohol, is not a boil at all, but lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Hot wet compresses also contribute to the development of the inflammatory process. After them, temporary relief comes, but moisture and heat accelerate the development of purulent-necrotic inflammation, after which the pus may not come out, but pour inside.

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