What is facial gommage? How to use a cosmetic product, advantages of its use, reviews

Updated: 01/31/2021 19:54:30

*Review of the best according to the editors of expertology.ru. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Gommage, or, as it is often called, peeling roll, is a special type of product for deep cleansing the skin. Just like a scrub, its main function is to remove dead cells from the skin, cleanse pores, and prepare for the use of active care products. But, unlike a scrub, gommage does not contain active abrasive particles, that is, it acts more delicately. Classic gommage is applied to the skin, usually left for 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations, and rolled with fingers (hence the Russian name - skatka) along with sebum and dead skin particles that need to be removed.

To make it clearer what the difference is between gommage and scrub, we bring to your attention a table:

Scrub Gommage
Compound There are abrasive particles that “scrape” the top layer from the skin The exfoliating effect is achieved mainly through chemical action: enzymes or acids. If these components are not present in the composition, exfoliation occurs due to the fact that the product forms a thin film, which, when rolled, also removes “caught” particles of the epidermis, sebum, and impurities.
Method of application Apply to washed, damp skin, massage for 3 – 5 minutes, rinse Apply to washed and towel-dried skin, leave for 5-20 minutes, roll with fingers, wipe face with tonic
Skin types that are best suited Young, dense, normal or prone to oiliness, not prone to rosacea, inflammation, irritation Dry or dehydrated, aged, thin, sensitive, prone to rosacea

This is in theory. In practice, the line between gommage and scrub is increasingly blurred, mostly thanks to cosmetics manufacturers, who often call classic scrubs with abrasive particles gommage to emphasize their delicate effect on the skin. Therefore, when compiling our rating, we took products whose names contain the word “gommage”, without paying attention to their real principle of action. In the end, it turned out that out of seven products, only one was a real, classic gommage.

And it just so happened that it became the leader of the rating.

Indications for use

Peeling-gommage is recommended at any age.

The products contain abrasive particles and acids. They exfoliate dead epidermal cells, fight inflammation, signs of early skin aging and oily shine.

List of indications for use:

  • dry skin;
  • excessive secretion production by the sebaceous glands;
  • acne;
  • hyperpigmentation of the epidermis;
  • the presence of black spots;
  • pores increased in diameter;
  • excessive peeling of the epithelium.

Cleansing is gentle and the procedure can be done at home.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Peeling-gommage combines the mechanisms of belongings and peeling-roll. Due to this, the removal of the stratum corneum of the skin is accelerated and the growth of fresh cells is stimulated. That is, the process of cleansing and healing occurs simultaneously.

Cedar-berry scrub-gommage from Grandma Agafya, suitable for the body

The scrub-gommage from Grandma Agafya is cedar and berry, and contains a number of useful natural products. In addition, gommage cream for the face and body has a massaging bio-effect. After using it, the skin becomes velvety and soft.

  1. Cedar cake exfoliates dead epidermal cells.
  2. Oil from the seeds of aromatic lingonberries has a moisturizing effect, gives the epidermis elasticity and firmness.
  3. Oil obtained from Siberian cedar provides the skin cells with vitamins F and E. This helps saturate the epidermal cells and improve the condition of the skin.
  4. Oil obtained from raspberry seeds gives the body not only silkiness, but also a unique, lasting aroma.

Cedar-berry gommage
The composition of gommage resembles a pleasant sliding gel mass. A greater effect from using the cream can be obtained by steaming the skin. This product should be applied to the entire body using massaging movements.

Due to the presence of cedar oil, blood flow in the vessels is activated. The scrubbing effect is carried out by small particles of cedar cake. It is not recommended to wash off the gommage immediately; you need to wait about ten minutes, then it will still act both as a mask and as an anti-stress agent.

Popular means

The composition, positive effects, price and volume depend on the peeling manufacturer. Before starting cleansing, you should familiarize yourself with each of them in detail and choose the most suitable one.

Organic Shop “Morning Coffee”

The product gently cleanses the skin and, due to its special composition, refreshes it and restores tone. Includes:

  • coffee powder;
  • olive and macadamia oil;
  • organic green coffee oil;
  • salicylic acid;
  • emulsifiers;
  • perfume composition.

Available in a tube, volume 75 ml. The price depends on the region and the store selling the product; on average, the cost is 100-150 rubles.

Christina Peeling gommage with Vitamin E

Peeling-gommage with vitamin E is sold for 1500-1600 rubles per 250 ml. It includes:

  • seaweed;
  • glycerol;
  • squalene;
  • pentavitin;
  • extract of thyme, chamomile, vanilla, ivy, mallow;
  • wheat grain oil;
  • vitamin complex (tocopherol, retinol and ascorbic acid);
  • rosehip oil;
  • grapefruit extract;
  • Dead Sea minerals.

Peeling cleanses the skin, removes impurities and exfoliates epidermal scales. Promotes skin renewal and rejuvenates it. Enhances regeneration in dermal cells, which reduces the number of wrinkles and reduces their further formation. Evens out skin texture, removes acne and age spots, and eliminates dull complexion.

Thanks to vitamin E, the product protects the skin from damage caused by free radicals.

Natura Kamchatka “Spectacular renewal”

Delicate and soft berry gommage eliminates uneven tissue relief, stimulates the restoration of the epithelium, restores a fresh appearance, and makes the skin elastic.
The complex of substances includes:

  • pine nut shell abrasive;
  • raspberry seeds;
  • oil of cranberry, lingonberry, sea buckthorn, cloudberry, blueberry;
  • arctic princess extract, blueberry;
  • formative compounds;
  • flavorings.

Two weeks after regular use of peeling, the skin becomes matte, elastic and moisturized. Price - 150-200 rubles per 150 ml.

Dr. Konopka's Face Gommage moisturizing

Country of origin: Estonia.
The product has a predominantly moisturizing effect. Additionally, it soothes the skin during the inflammatory process, smooths out wrinkles, removes impurities, and destroys opportunistic flora.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Estonian manufacturers use only natural products, so gommage is as gentle as possible on the skin.


  • extract of water lily, chamomile, white sweet clover and raspberry fruit;
  • cedar seed oil, camellia;
  • rose oil;
  • rye seed extract;
  • Shea Butter;
  • glycerol;
  • preservatives;
  • perfume composition;
  • emulsifiers.

Suitable for all skin types and all ages. Sold in a 75 ml tube, price - 250-300 rubles per package.

KORA Delicate gommage with phytoenzymes

The product is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive. Includes several active components:

  • phytoenzymes of papaya and pineapple - exfoliate dead cells;
  • lemon juice - reduces the effects of acne;
  • jojoba granules - leaving a thin film on the surface, protect tissues from the negative effects of environmental factors;
  • lactic and succinic acid - have a rejuvenating effect and form a powerful antioxidant complex;
  • kelp - soothes irritated areas;
  • soybean oil - nourishes the epidermis, improves complexion;
  • betaine and allantoin - tonic effect on the skin;
  • green tea - stimulates microcirculation;
  • flavorings, emulsifiers, preservatives.

Due to the presence of rare and expensive substances, the price of such peeling is higher than that of analogues - 500-550 rubles per 100 ml.

Compliment Vitanorm C+Energy

The Vitanorm series includes a delicate peeling-gommage for the face with a volume of 80 ml.
The main biologically active and cleansing substances are:

  • pumice particles;
  • sage leaf extract;
  • zinc oxide;
  • Shea Butter;
  • panthenol;
  • Castor oil;
  • aloe extract;
  • glycolic, lactic, citric, tartaric acid;
  • papaya and pineapple fruit extract.

As a result of regular use, facial skin becomes moisturized, elastic, fine expression wrinkles are smoothed out, and hyperpigmentation is reduced. Price - 100-150 rubles per tube.

The best manufacturers

The list of the most popular brands whose products are most often chosen by customers includes:

  • Achromin.

The brand has been known since 1965. This is a representative of whitening products, which has firmly taken a leading position in the market. Skincare products combat acne and pigmentation, inflammation and signs of aging.

  • Arabia Professional.

The domestic company announced itself in 2009, and three years later it became a supplier of goods to Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Gradually, the geography expanded, and now the brand’s products are sold in 6 countries.

  • Bioderma.

A French brand that appeared in 1970 thanks to Jean-Noël Thorel, a pharmacist who turned his small laboratory into the production of cosmetics with medicinal properties. Since 2011, the Bioderma Foundation has existed, supporting and developing the latest ideas in cosmetology.

  • Christina.

Israeli brand. Founder: Christina Miriam Zehavi. The company began its glorious journey of conquering the market in 1982. Over the years of its existence, the manufacturer has achieved not only recognition, but also reverence. The brand's products are valued for their high quality and innovation.

  • Compliment.

Russian brand owned by Timex. The company's product range includes more than 1,500 types of skincare cosmetics. The advantage of the goods is their affordability and quality.

  • GreenIdeal.

The domestic manufacturer claims that it uses only natural ingredients for its products, abandoning silicone, dyes and other synthetic additives. All products undergo rigorous testing.

  • Holy Land.

Israeli brand. Belongs to a company that is part of the Pharma Cosmetics Laboratories holding. Manufacturers have been pleasing customers with high-quality cosmetics from this brand since 1984. The brand is widely known in many countries around the world.

  • Librederm.

International brand. The scientific council includes leading cosmetologists from France, Russia, and Spain. Librederm products are manufactured at 14 production sites located in different countries. The brand has gained popularity in 20 countries.

  • Organic Shop.

The trademark appeared in 2010. Belongs . The special feature of the products is their organic base and “edible” flavors. In 2014, the brand was awarded a certificate from the German organization BDIH, confirming the high quality of cosmetic products.

  • Sativa.

Belarusian brand. The history of the brand began in 2014, when the spouses Svetlana Mikhailyuk and Victor Gaponenko decided to create cosmetic dermatological products based on bioavailable components. The cosmetics are completely natural and contain no preservatives or other stabilizers. Products with pronounced medicinal properties.

Gommages from these brands were included in the review of the best cleansers for 2022.


Regardless of the manufacturer, all peeling-gommages are applied according to the same scheme. Stages:

  • cleanse the face of decorative cosmetics and impurities using gel or foam for washing, wipe the skin with tonic or lotion;
  • wash with warm water;
  • Apply a little product to damp skin;
  • massage with light movements for 30-60 seconds;
  • rinse with warm water;
  • pat your face dry with a towel;
  • apply nourishing and moisturizing cream.

It is better to do such procedures before bedtime so that the epithelium is restored overnight.

Course duration

You should not use peelings every day. It is better to cleanse 1-2 times a week.


There is no recovery period in this case.
After a few minutes, the redness disappears, and in the morning the skin looks well-groomed. To reduce the risk of the formation of age spots, it is better to use a cream with an SPF factor that protects against ultraviolet rays.

To achieve the best results, experts recommend additionally using lotions and creams that do not contain alcohols and acids.

Cleaning at home

You can also prepare the gomazh product yourself. Let's consider several recipe options.


To prepare gomaj you will need barley and rice flour in a 2:1 ratio. To make the product more tender and soft, add 1 part of cream to the flour. Mix everything and add water little by little until you reach the desired consistency.


To prepare oatmeal-coffee gommage, you need to take the following ingredients: 1 part oatmeal and 1 part ground coffee. Combine these two ingredients in a deep bowl and dilute the mixture with warm milk to the desired consistency.


For this peeling, we take the following ingredients: 1 part oatmeal, 2 parts semolina, peel of 1 orange. Combine flour and semolina in one bowl. Peel the orange and grind it. Then add to the dry mixture and fill everything with warm water to the desired thickness.

Precautionary measures

Before actively using peeling, doctors recommend performing a skin test: apply a small amount of the product to the inside of the forearm, wait 10-15 minutes.

If no rashes, itching, or severe redness with swelling appear, the product can be used without harm to the body.

Side effects

Manufacturers do not indicate the possible risk on the packaging.

Please note that each peel contains at least one natural or synthetic component that can cause an allergic reaction or individual intolerance.

If unpleasant side effects develop, cleansing should be stopped and consult a dermatologist for advice.


It is prohibited to use a cosmetic product only in two conditions: a tendency to develop allergies and the presence of damage to the skin in the form of scratches, wounds, burns.

Gommage is allowed to be used even by pregnant women and nursing mothers, because... substances do not penetrate the systemic circulation and act locally.

How to choose a good gommage

Since the range of cosmetic products with cleansing properties is huge, it is not difficult to get confused. To avoid making mistakes when choosing, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • Compound. Milder care is provided by preparations based on organic components, which, in addition to cleaning particles, have auxiliary moisturizing and nourishing components.
  • Release form. You need to determine what texture is needed. Creamy – soft. Transformation into a film mask takes about 10 minutes. Gel is a more viscous substance that becomes a film in a couple of minutes.
  • Shape and material of packaging. Gommage gels and creams are produced in tubes, jars, and bags - if the cleansing product is in the form of a mask.
  • Volume. The profitability of the purchase depends on this factor - how long the product can be used.
  • Application. Product characteristics always contain information about what skin type the product is intended for and what area it should be used for.
  • Brand. It is advisable to give preference to cosmetics from well-known, trusted brands.
  • Price. A very cheap product has no other advantages besides cleansing. In addition, the composition may contain components that will cause an allergic reaction. More expensive products have a high-quality organic base.

These recommendations will help you choose a good gommage.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts advise using such products, but not more than 1-2 times a week. Cosmetologists say that even with consistent home peeling and gommage care, one should not forget about professional procedures. When these two directions are combined, a woman achieves the best result.

Patient reviews

  • Violetta, 26 years old: “I have problem skin, so many cleansing procedures are contraindicated for me. I recently learned about gommage, we decided to try it on ourselves, and I was delighted. The product is very gentle and without much effort I was able to achieve soft skin with a minimum of imperfections.”
  • Oksana, 25 years old: “I’m sitting at home with the children, I have absolutely no time to visit a cosmetologist, but I really want to look attractive for my husband and others. I have dry skin, so I don't use scrubs. Friends recommended cleansing with gommage. Now I recommend this product to everyone - with minimal time, I got rid of peeling and age spots, and most importantly, there were no side effects after the procedure.”
  • Elena, 19 years old: “I always use scrubs - I like the result, but sometimes the skin is too traumatized, so I decided to try a softer product and opted for gommage. As a result, I didn’t notice any visible effect, only the greasy shine disappeared. Apparently, for my type it is necessary to use more powerful cleansers.”
  • Christina, 35 years old: “Visiting a cosmetologist is an expensive pleasure for me, so I do the cleansing myself at home. Not long ago I found a recipe for gommage with oatmeal and decided to try it on myself. The product helped me even out my complexion, and my skin became much softer and more velvety. Now I use it twice a week.”
  • Yulia, 26 years old: “I ordered gommage for myself via the Internet. I can say that this product has a pleasant smell, perfectly cleanses, moisturizes and nourishes. Not only did my face become cleaner, I got rid of rashes and redness. A wonderful and easy way to clean, I recommend it to everyone.”

Gommage will help you get rid of pimples and acne without serious financial costs or injury, as well as restore your skin to a healthy appearance. A cleansing session will help you get maximum pleasure in addition to a soft and well-groomed face or body.


Healing period

After the procedure, you can immediately evaluate the result of clean, renewed, velvety skin. Redness is very rare and goes away quickly within an hour. Puffiness, swelling and burning are absent, as is standard peeling for chemical peels. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the evening; during sleep, the face is completely restored. Makeup can be used the next day, but products with a comedogenic effect should be avoided.

Recovery period rules:

  • For cleansing, toning, and moisturizing, professional or therapeutic line products are used, selected according to skin type;
  • Before going outside, you must use sunscreen with an SPF factor of at least 25;
  • for about 2 weeks it is forbidden to sunbathe, visit the sauna, swimming pool, drinking alcohol and smoking reduce the effect of the procedure;
  • Moisturizing and nourishing creams should contain hyaluronic acid, aloe, plant extracts, oils;
  • It is recommended to use thermal water during the day; the light moisturizing effect promotes rapid regeneration of the integument.

Preparatory stage

Before the procedure, the cosmetologist assesses the condition of the skin and selects the optimal composition of the peeling. Gommage is distinguished by its delicate action, but, like any procedure, it requires certain preparation:

  • a week before the session, you should not sunbathe or carry out procedures that injure the skin;
  • Drinking alcohol the day before is not recommended;
  • before using the composition, testing is carried out for a possible allergic reaction;
  • When taking medications, you should consult your doctor.

Important! During the summer, it is not recommended to use chemical peels, especially for photosensitive dermis. Whether or not to carry out the procedure is decided by the cosmetologist individually in each case.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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