"Aevit" for nails: composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

Everyone knows that our body needs vitamins. Organs and systems need complete and balanced nutrition. A lack of microelements has the same critical impact on the functioning of the body as a lack of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In this case, the needs of the heart and brain will be provided first, and nutrients for the skin and hair will be released according to the residual principle.

But for some representatives of the fair sex, the beauty of hair and nails is more important than everything else. Therefore, many of them are addicted to various vitamin complexes, often expensive. Today we’ll talk about how to use simple and affordable “Aevit” for nails.

general description

This is a multivitamin complex that can be found in any pharmacy. Its cost is minimal, often not exceeding 20 rubles per package. The composition includes vitamins A and E. These are the most important substances on which the youth and beauty of your skin depend. “Aevit” for nails and hair can be taken periodically in courses or used on an ongoing basis, but as an external remedy.

Vitamins A and E help improve metabolism and provide tissues with oxygen. This cleanses the skin, strengthens hair and nails, and significantly accelerates their growth.

Who is Aevit intended for?

“Aevit” in capsules or injections is prescribed for a lack of vitamins A and E in the body, which may be caused by poor nutrition, digestive system disorders, or impaired absorption of these vitamins.

The drug is also effective for muscular dystrophy, vascular atherosclerosis, menstrual irregularities in women and diseases of the reproductive system in men. Injections of vitamins "Aevit" are used for acne and acne in adolescents during puberty.

Vitamin A is involved in growth, bone formation, has a beneficial effect on the development of the embryo, and plays an important role in the functioning of the woman’s reproductive system - for this reason, Aevit is prescribed to pregnant women. Retinol also normalizes epithelial growth and helps launch the process of natural cell rejuvenation.

Since vitamins A and E are fat-soluble, the excipients in this preparation are soybean or corn oil. The drug has an oily consistency, so its injections are quite painful. In this regard, it is more often used in capsules in a gelatin shell that does not irritate the stomach wall.

"Aevit" in capsules or injections can be prescribed in combination with other medications for a number of diseases resulting from vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis of vitamins A and E, namely:

  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • chronic cholestasis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • disorders caused by nicotine, drug or alcohol addiction;
  • visual impairment.

A multivitamin complex is prescribed by a doctor individually depending on the characteristics of the disease and its severity.

The importance of vitamins

Let's take a closer look at how each of the components of the drug can help restore the skin, as well as hair and nails, which, in fact, are similar structures.

  1. Vitamin A, or retinol. It is responsible for growth, and therefore is important not only for young children. Hair and nails are constantly renewed, as are skin scales. Retinol stimulates these processes and strengthens the structure of neoplasms.
  2. Vitamin E is called the elixir of youth. This is the most important element that allows you to remove waste and toxins from the body, and is involved in the formation of elastic and collagen fibers of connective tissue. There is another important function. It restores capillary blood circulation. It’s not for nothing that “Aevit” for nails is so widely used. Normalization of blood supply and nutrition allows cells to quickly renew and grow.

What affects the condition of nails

There are quite a lot of such factors. But first of all, we can highlight nutrition and heredity. One person's nail plate is naturally hard and shiny, although he does not put any effort into it. Another, on the contrary, makes various baths, uses special cosmetics, but his nails still peel and break. "Aevit" for nails can be used for both prevention and treatment. Usually within the first month there is a significant improvement in their condition. Nails become stronger and shiny.

But more often we are let down by errors in nutrition. A deficiency of retinol and tocopherol causes the skin to begin to peel and become pale in color. Hair splits, nails break. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that a person be underweight. A large amount of sweets and flour with a lack of butter and eggs, meat, and herbs leads to the fact that a person not only suffers from excess weight, but also experiences significant difficulties in growing nails.

Reviews and results

Alena, 24 years old: I found myself in a situation where I took off my eyelash extensions, but mine completely horrified me. The pharmacy advised me only branded oils and sometimes natural ones. After rummaging through beauty sites for a couple of days, I found information about Aevit and decided to act, there was nothing to lose anyway. I used the vitamin complex together with castor oil, sometimes even 2 times a day (I approached this issue fanatically). But when I reached the sea, my eyelashes no longer looked like bald stumps!

Olya, 21 years old Most of my natural hairs remained on artificial eyelashes during removal. I looked like an alien. The master, seeing my shock, herself recommended Aevit along with almond and grape oil. I got hooked on this mixture for 2 months, because I was very afraid that my natural eyelashes would not grow at all and would not become at least similar to what they were. But after this period, they not only grew back, but also became thicker and stronger. I no longer go to salons for extensions!

Maria, 35 years old: Aevit was recommended to me as a remedy that would help get rid of problem skin. When I cured the pimples, I had a few capsules left. I decided, shouldn’t they just lie there? I read it, asked around, and began using Aevit as a means of preventing hair loss on the eyelids. This often happened to me, but with regular oil courses several times a year, this problem disappeared. I make mixtures with different components, I have been using Aevit for more than 2 years. I am very pleased with the effect, I recommend it to everyone.

Vitamins for nails

A beautiful manicure is the calling card of any woman. Leading cosmetology companies today offer a wide variety of products for resuscitating nails and moisturizing cuticles. But their use is not at all mandatory. In most cases, Aevit is much better suited for nails and hair than bottles with unknown contents from a branded salon.

During a manicure, you can rub the capsule composition into the cuticle instead of special moisturizers. In addition, you need to apply an oil-based vitamin mixture to your nails every day before going to bed. Then the nails will stop breaking and peeling. Taking capsules orally will also have a very good effect on the condition of your nails. But do not forget that fat-soluble vitamins tend to accumulate in the body, and in large quantities they are toxic to the body. Judging by the reviews, Aevit for nails should be taken in courses, one capsule per day for two weeks. Afterwards, take a break for at least a month, then repeat the course.

How to improve your skin condition

For a dermatologist, oil vitamins are a desktop medicine that helps in most cases. Vitamins "Aevit" for nails are recommended to be taken in courses for therapeutic and preventive purposes. General recommendations - one capsule for two weeks. The dosage may vary individually.

The use of oil vitamins in the treatment of acne gives good results. If there is a lot of acne, then in the first 5 days it is recommended to take 2 - 3 capsules, and then move on to the classic dosage.

Useful tips from the doctor

Prevention of nail fungus or how to avoid getting a fungal infection

  • Have individual accessories: shoes, slippers, washcloth, pumice stone, foot towel and manicure set.
  • After use, wash the bathtub and shower cabin with powder (chlorine) and a cloth.
  • Nail scissors are disinfected by immersing them in alcohol and then burning them over a burner flame.
  • After contact with surfaces and objects potentially contaminated with fungus (beaches, baths, swimming pools, gyms, other people's shoes, sports equipment, etc.), it is recommended to treat your feet with a spray (for example, MIKOSTOP).

For external use

“Aevit” can also be used externally for nail growth and skin health. To do this, take the same capsules. They are pierced with a thin needle, and the contents are mixed with your favorite face cream. In this form, it can be applied to the entire surface of the facial skin or spot-on when treating acne. The vitamin composition has a very good effect on the skin of the lips. In winter, it can be used instead of a caring balm. Simply apply a small amount to your lips and gently spread using a sponge or brush.

Recipes for masks based on Aevit and castor oil

Aevit can be used in its natural form or used with additional components. An excellent recipe for an eye mask with castor oil. To prepare the product, use the instructions:

  1. 10 ml of castor oil is poured into a clean container or bottle from an old mascara.
  2. Puncture the Aevita ampoules with a needle or syringe and inject the oil into a container with castor oil.
  3. The components are mixed or shaken in the bottle.
  4. Using a mascara brush, apply the substance to the eyelids and leave overnight.

The result is noticeable after 2 weeks of use. The mask helps damaged eyelashes after extensions.

The second recipe for using the vitamin complex is similar to the previous one. The difference is in the addition of burdock oil to the container. The proportion of oils when preparing a mask is 10 ml of castor oil, 5 ml of burdock oil, 10 Aevita tablets. Enough for 2 weeks.

Before using castor oil or burdock oil, remember if you are allergic to the substances. They are natural, but there may be individual intolerance.

Vitamins for hair growth

Aevit is often used simultaneously for hair and nails. Reviews say that after a couple of weeks the hair becomes softer and shinier, its growth accelerates and dandruff disappears. If a vitamin complex is purchased for hair, it is better to use ampoules; capsules are not suitable. A vitamin mask can be prepared using various oils. The classic option is a mixture of burdock and flaxseed oils, as well as the liquid contents of Aevit ampoules.

The ingredients must be taken in equal proportions, mixed and heated. Mix well, then rub into hair follicles. The top of your head should be wrapped in a plastic insulating cap and after an hour the mask should be washed off with warm water.

Oil bath for nails

Vitamins "Aevit" perfectly revive any nails, even if they are seriously damaged. How to use them? Instructions for using Aevita for nails are very simple. Every evening before bed, squeeze out the contents of one capsule and mix with any convenient base. As a result, your dreams of beautiful nails will come true.

Now a little more about the technique. It is not recommended to rub the vitamin complex into your nails in its pure form. Add a few drops to your favorite hand cream. You can also use olive oil as a base. This method is good, but the oil is very inconvenient to use, since it is absorbed much more slowly than less fatty products. When applying to nails, one should not forget about the cuticle. She also greatly needs hydration and nutrition. The vitamin remedy should be rubbed in for a month, after which be sure to take a break. If necessary, repeat the course.

Instructions for use

Aevit can be used internally - one capsule at a time for 30 days. Before taking it, consult a doctor to rule out possible contraindications. Some people apply the contents of the capsules to their hair and eyelashes.

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Prepare a needle and an old mascara mold (washed to remove excess cosmetics). Apply the substance before bedtime. Clean your eyes and eyebrow area with cosmetic milk or wash with soap. Using a needle wiped with alcohol, the Aevit capsule is pierced, the oil is poured into a clean container. Wash and disinfect the application brush. Apply the liquid to your eyelashes and leave overnight.

If it seems that a lot of oil has been applied to the hairs, blot it with a paper napkin or cotton swab. In the morning, apply a rich cream to your eyelids, do not wash until it is absorbed. After the cream has dried, perform morning hygiene procedures and apply cosmetics. The procedure is repeated for 2 weeks.

After a month's course of vitamins, you can experiment with eye cosmetics; not a single eyelash will fall out of your eyelids. The effect will be greater than from extensions - hair growth will be activated, length and volume will increase.

General recommendations

Rubbing vitamin cream into the nail plates and cuticles should be combined with good nutrition and walks in the fresh air. Don't neglect a healthy lifestyle. In order for your skin, hair and nails to delight you with their impeccable appearance, you need to give up bad habits. During the treatment period, you should avoid exposing your hands to low temperatures, wind and chemical reagents. In winter it is very important to protect your hands from the cold, and in summer from the heat. But swimming in sea water, on the contrary, is considered very useful. If this is not possible, then simply take baths with sea salt, which you can buy in any supermarket.

Ready-made products

The pace of life today is only accelerating, and most women are faced with the fact that there is simply no time to prepare even the simplest compositions for skin, hair or nail care. But the abundance of offers on the market completely solves this problem. "Aevit" from "Libriderm" for nails is a product that allows you to grow a magnificent manicure and maintain it in perfect condition.

This is a cream with a delicate texture that is easy to apply and quickly absorbed. A nourishing composition for cuticles and nails instantly softens, moisturizes, nourishes and gives elasticity to the cuticle, restores the skin from cracks and damage, preventing the formation of hangnails, and strengthens nails. Buyers in the reviews note that with regular use, the product prevents cuticle overgrowth, which means you can spend less on salon treatments.

The cream will definitely become one of the most favorite products in your cosmetic bag. It will help accelerate nail growth, restore and heal them. The cream contains vitamins A and E, which are necessary for beauty and hair growth. This complex strengthens, nourishes, moisturizes, restores the nail plate, and prevents delamination and brittleness.

Where do we get vitamin E from?

Sources of vitamin E, the vitamin of youth, are: vegetable oils (sunflower, cottonseed, corn), apple seeds, nuts (peanuts, almonds), leafy green vegetables, cereals, legumes, oatmeal, soy. Vitamin E is found in milk, animal and poultry liver, and egg yolk.

According to scientists, only a third of vitamin E taken with food is absorbed by the body. Vitamin E is so indispensable for facial skin that it is often added to cosmetic products.

How to use vitamin E for facial skin? You can replenish its deficiency for the skin with the help of dietary supplements. Ideally, these dietary supplements should contain other vitamins and microelements necessary for youthful skin and act in a complex manner, achieving maximum effect.

Vitamin E is included in Oxylic

In addition to vitamin E, Oxylic also contains other vitamins and microelements, which are selected in such a way that they are mutually reinforcing:

  • + vitamin C supports vitamin E in a metabolically active form;
  • + vitamin C, as well as selenium with vitamin E make up an active composition, enhancing each other’s biological effects.

Vitamin E included in Oxylic:

  • + Protects cell membranes from damage;
  • + Activates collagen synthesis;
  • + Combined with vitamin C, helps protect skin from UV rays.

1 capsule contains 5 antioxidants

50 mcg
Vitamin E
36 mg
Vitamin C
300 mg
2 mg
2 mg

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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