Gymnastics for the face at any age - facelift by Galina Dubinina

A woman's face, over time, can reveal how old she is. This is due to age-related changes that modern science has not learned to prevent. But there are many techniques that can, if not restore youth, then prevent a sharp deterioration in the condition of the skin, especially on the surface of the face. One of them is Facebuilding or face forming, presented by Galina Dubinina, who teaches at the School of Youth.

Biography of the author of the technique

Galina Dubinina
Looking at this fragile young woman, it is impossible to think that she could have problems with wrinkles. It is difficult to name the exact year of birth; we only know that his age exceeded 50 years. She was born in Leningrad, from elementary school she was intensely involved in dancing and toured a lot. Having received the profession of chemical technologist, the woman got married and went to her husband’s place of service.

Galina Dubinina begins to teach shaping to residents of a military town; she was drawn to develop in the direction of dance and sports - what she loved so much from childhood. In 1991, she received another education after graduating from the Lesgaft Institute, becoming an aerobics specialist.

After 30 years, every woman faces the first signs of aging, and Dubinina was not spared the changes either. But if someone gives up, taking wrinkles for granted, then this was the impetus for Galina to make her dream of youth come true.

At that time, a book of exercises from Carol Maggio, which Galina studied, was very popular. Having tried all the recommendations, I decided to improve the system, remove most of the negative aspects, leaving the golden grain, and combine it with the recommendations from facial surgeon Reinhold Bentz. As a result, a new Face Forming program was born, which has gained popularity among the fairer sex due to visible results and recognition of its effectiveness by specialists.

School of youth

So, in 2004, the “School of Youth” appeared, founded by Galina Dubinina, which introduces the method to the general public, teaching how to work with the facial muscles. But Galina is one of those who are not used to standing still, her next step is Senior's - a system of exercises to help with pain in the spine and joints. After all, chronic radiculitis, arthrosis, and pinched nerves greatly interfere with enjoying life, constantly reminding you of yourself with unpleasant sensations.

Achievements in Facebook building

Sports activities, unfortunately, do not affect the aging process of the face.
By the age of 30, Galina Dubinina began to notice the first wrinkles and bags under her eyes. In search of solutions to aesthetic problems, many literary works have been studied. Until one day a young woman came across a book by Carol Maggio. It turns out that the anti-aging complex was developed by the German plastic surgeon Reinhold Benz back in 1930.

Galina decided to test the effectiveness of gymnastics for a facelift and correction of age-related changes for herself. Regular training within a few weeks significantly transformed my appearance. Taking into account the modern dynamic rhythm of women, I chose the most effective exercises for my program.

Facial yoga techniques are included, as well as the author’s personal experiences. Gradually the program “Gymnastics for the face” was built.

In 2004, the first group was created, during classes it was possible to master the exercise technique under the guidance of a trainer. The positive effect made Galina Dubinina’s rejuvenating complex popular. Today, not only ordinary women undergo training, wanting to maintain freshness and youth.

Cosmetologists and massage therapists also master facial gymnastics, improving their professional skills. A visit to the School of Youth includes lessons and homework. Simple, accessible exercises transform not only your appearance. Representatives of the fair sex learn to take care of themselves, harmonizing their inner world.

Benefits of facial gymnastics from Galina Dubinina

The first wrinkles appear early, however, young women do not pay attention to this. Years go by, after 40 years it turns out that there are not only visible wrinkles on the face, but also the oval “swollen”. Appearance spoils the mood, discouraging the desire to approach the mirror. That's when an assistant in the fight against time comes to the rescue - Galina Dubinina's facelift. Before starting classes, you should find out what result you can realistically get, why this direction is better than others.

  • Classes are completely free, everything is in your hands;
  • All exercises are adapted to be performed at home;
  • Gymnastics does not injure the skin or stretch it;
  • Age differentiation allows for an individual approach;
  • Recovery occurs not only in the upper layer, but also in the deeper layers due to improved nutrition.

On our website you can get acquainted with all the most popular authors and their methods of facial exercises.

Exercises against a sagging chin

Facial exercise – facelift without surgery is gaining popularity. This is a set of special exercises aimed at correcting the skin by improving blood circulation.

When these exercises are carried out correctly, the facial muscles become stronger, the elasticity of the skin improves, wrinkles are smoothed out, swelling under the eyelids subsides and the overall contour is restored. The result is minimal costs, ease of implementation, and the absence of external intervention.

And most importantly: all exercises and procedures can be performed without leaving home

Attention is directed to the entire face in general, or pay attention to a specific problem area

The sight of a sagging chin brings many unpleasant sensations. A set of exercises has been developed for tightening, requiring daily performance.

If done correctly and consistently, this part of the face will look younger and more attractive. After a month, a noticeable result will already be visible.

The exercises consist of sequential actions:

  1. Throw your head up.
  2. Place several fingers in the area of ​​the bend of the neck.
  3. You can feel the tension underneath them.
  4. Squeeze your jaw tightly, while pressing your tongue to the bottom.
  5. Increase pressure on the tongue.
  6. Hold the tension.
  7. Perform a slow weakening.
  8. Finally, remove your fingers.
  9. Repeat 5 times.

Rejuvenation exercises will delay the onset of visual signs of aging. At the same time, it is aimed at rejuvenation in a safe way.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Facial massage according to the system of the Japanese doctor Asahi Zogan.


It's time to find out how it “works” and what results should be expected from charging, the so-called facelift from Galina Dubinina:

  1. Increased tone of facial muscles;
  2. Oval restoration, face lift, double chin reduction;
  3. Improving tissue nutrition by increasing blood circulation;
  4. Unclogging pores, restoring skin smoothness;
  5. The ability to have a youthful face in 15 minutes. in a day.

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Possible complications and consequences

As with any operation, there is a possibility of undesirable consequences in the form of complications.

There are some possible complications:

  • The appearance of swelling of the face and the presence of bruises. But they will pass with the use of special medications.
  • The appearance of pigmentation on the skin. It is typical for sensitive skin, but goes away without any intervention within six months.
  • Hair loss in the area of ​​the incisions, but everything will be restored after a certain period of time.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, non-standard complications may appear, which are rare:

  • There may be some bleeding after surgery.
  • Necrosis of the edges of the skin on incisions.
  • Injury to parts of the facial nerve or ear. Temporary loss of earlobe sensitivity.
  • Wound infection.
  • Weakening of some facial muscles.
  • With the individual qualities of the body, the appearance of rough scars.

When is the best time to start training?

At 20 years old it is not too early to do a set of exercises, just as at 50, having deep wrinkles, it is not too late. Different facial exercises with Galina Dubinina are designed for each age.

  • The main task of exercising at 20 years old is to prevent the formation of wrinkles;
  • After 30 years, you should act against the first wrinkles;
  • For a face after 40 years, it is necessary to include exercises on the oval of the face;
  • Gymnastics for the face after 50 maintains the oval, reducing the depth of wrinkles;
  • Next, facelift, strengthening the muscle frame, keeps them in good shape.

Care after facelift

After facelift surgery, the patient remains in hospital for about 3 days. Rehabilitation involves wearing a compression mask for at least a week. Swelling after surgery can increase for up to 2 days; after the third, it usually subsides by the end of the week.

Sutures are removed within 6 to 10 days. Head hygiene procedures are allowed to be carried out no earlier than a week. The use of decorative cosmetics for the first week is strictly prohibited. It is recommended to start work after 2 weeks if no side complications have arisen.

All heavy loads, including sports, are canceled for almost two months. Sunbathing is recommended after 3-4 weeks. The result will be visible in two months.

Whatever type of facelift is chosen, facial exercises are designed to solve the problem in a non-surgical way.


  • Presence of implants;
  • Damage to the skin surface;
  • Recovery period after peelings;
  • Ailments with increased body temperature;
  • Problems with the jaw joints;
  • Dental diseases.

In all other cases, facial gymnastics from Galina Dubinina has undoubted benefits, allowing you to remain young at any age.

Safety regulations

To successfully master facial gymnastics in the first stages, you will need to carefully monitor your facial expressions. When performing in front of the mirror, no creases or new wrinkles should form. These areas can be fixed with your fingers or palms.

How to avoid mistakes:

  • be sure to do a warm-up warm-up - tapping, patting with fingertips;
  • during the exercise, only one muscle group is involved, the participation of additional ones is a mistake;
  • after completing the complex, you can use a tonic or alcohol-free lotion to remove toxins;
  • Gradually you need to increase the load, maintaining tension;
  • cannot exceed the specified number of times.

Additional Information

Face lifting with Galina Dubinina is not only an effective way to maintain youthful skin, but also an alternative to plastic surgery, due to the formation of muscles that create an invisible frame that supports the tissue, preventing it from sagging. A small part of the exercises was presented for review. To study the technique, you can purchase a video with trainings by Galina Dubinina, where you can additionally get a program for performing acupressure, learn the intricacies of muscle structure, for more thorough study.

The school is developing vigorously, training and training specialists who can further introduce women to the methods of performing exercises.

Safety regulations

To carry out lifting exercises, you need to prepare your face. To do this, you should cleanse your skin of makeup using special cosmetics. The emotional mood is important; during training you need to concentrate on each muscle group.

Recommendations for implementation:

  1. Before performing a beauty ritual, the author advises taking a contrast shower.
  2. Be sure to thoroughly massage your ears for 3-5 minutes. It is in the area of ​​the lobes and ears that there are active points responsible for the functioning of internal organs.
  3. Then you can begin to perform the complex. After facelift, apply nourishing fluid to the skin.

What do the doctor's say?

Dermatologists and cosmetologists have a positive attitude towards Dubinina’s facelift, but only if the exercises are performed correctly. From a medical point of view, facial exercises are an excellent way to combat puffiness. During training, lymphatic drainage improves, excess fluid leaves, and blood supply to tissues improves.

Experts believe that the muscles of the face are also susceptible to movement disorders, like the muscles of the trunk and limbs. Sudden muscle spasms (myoclonus), muscle contractions (dystonia), tension (hypertonicity), twitching under the skin (myokymia) and other muscle disorders can be corrected with the help of gymnastics. Therefore, facelift can rightfully be considered an effective therapeutic and preventive procedure.

Online video of bioenergetic massage

Bioenergy massage

ears, face and head, performed in the morning, helps you wake up and energizes you.

A similar ear massage was offered in the French facial gymnastics Evelyn Gunter-Pechot and other facial rejuvenation complexes. Ear massage improves blood circulation and relieves redness of the nose

from cold and wind, refreshes complexion.

Watch online

video of bioenergetic ear massage. Excerpt from Eva Fraser's tutorial.

From a variety of exercises and complexes, you can choose your own based on the problems you have on your face or simply to maintain the tone of your facial skin.

Good luck! We hope that the results obtained from facial gymnastics will make you give up plastic surgery and Botox.


helps someone


but for some it doesn’t help and even harms

Apparently, this is my fate - to add a fly in the ointment to the ointment. I had to write a not very positive review about the Japanese facial massage, and regarding Facebook building I will speak… neutrally.

We all want to stay young and healthy.

Some even want to live forever and are trying, but there are other money and opportunities... I am no exception, I will soon be 37, and although I still run around like a girl, in tight jeans and a red jacket, age-related changes are creeping up, and the epithet is “unnoticeable” no longer suitable.
The area around the eyes, forehead, and chin don’t particularly bother me, but pride wrinkles and nasolabial folds are visible and upsetting in hard light.
While communicating on the site, I remembered such a miracle as facial gymnastics, which I did before. I did the simplest exercises when I was “a little over 20” - I’m funny, and the facial wrinkles in the corners of my mouth deprived me of sleep and appetite: I’m old! and still not married! and now they won’t take it!

Gymnastics for the face from the book “For you, women!” (popular science publication)

In short, I did these exercises regularly, every day, and either I had less reasons to smile, or they really helped, or I got used to it and stopped noticing my wrinkles - I still don’t notice them if I don’t laugh in the morning until the evening. And then I got married with a significant age difference in my favor and abandoned these activities. In general, I decided to “remember everything,” but assumed that now such a set of exercises would not be enough for me.

Found a video course by Galina Dubinina

. First I did an Asahi massage to warm up the muscles, then moved on to exercises. I did everything in front of the mirror, resting a day or two a week. In the first season there were 20 exercises, I divided them - 10 one evening, 10 the other. Gymnastics should be done on a cleansed face and monitored in front of a mirror, so this became another evening procedure for me - like brushing your teeth. It just took more time. I didn’t do exercises to enlarge my lips very willingly, I don’t need to enlarge them, and then I stopped doing them altogether.

I won’t go into detail about the course with Dubinina here (it’s clear, it’s not clear, I liked it, I didn’t like it), in this case we can only talk about one thing: the effect. There was no effect. I didn't notice any visual changes. Yes, I began to feel the muscles of my face and learned to control them. So, what is next? I studied with Dubinina for a month.

Perhaps the most important exercise is “pumping” the cheeks and cheekbones

This is an ordinary vocal mask; the facelift instructors haven’t come up with anything new. Open your mouth, raise your upper palate as much as possible, you can also wrinkle your nose to feel the tension - are your cheeks getting into your eyes? Everything is correct! Sing! All singers, real ones who sing live, have pumped up cheekbones
Just one photo - Galina Vishnevskaya
Maybe she had a lift, I don't know. But it doesn't look like it. A face with natural craquelure, with all age-related changes. We look at the cheekbones. See what I mean? So all I have to do is practice vocals, my cheeks will be in place.
And the nasolabial lips will be in place, alas. After the video with Dubinina, I switched to Baglyk.

There was a slightly different technique, the structure of the facial muscles was explained, I liked these lessons more. And I studied Baglyk for another two months.

Here I have already put aside the eyes, lips and neck, and worked purely on the nasolabial folds and forehead. In general, again no changes. I repeat, I feel the facial muscles well and understand what and where should rise and fall.

Let's look at this photo

I didn’t notice it right away, only upon closer examination. On the forehead.
In the “before” photo, the forehead is smooth as a plate. In the “after” photo there are folds on the bridge of the nose .
I really hope that the light in the “after” photo is just bad. I take pictures of myself, there can be no talk of any portrait photography. What happened, happened. But this sobered me up and I decided to stop all experiments on my face

Recently I was again looking for information on nasolabial folds and came across this confession:

Something didn’t work out for me with facial fitness. I honestly did it for 3 years, every day, except weekends, with a break of a month every 4 months. I used different techniques, both Maggio and Runge, and I also worked with Alena Rossoshinskaya. There are no special results. As a result, the possibilities of modern cosmetology solved all my problems + more free time + I’m happy. I think that, really, you need to start at 25 years old, for prevention. And when there are already problems, it is useless.

Budget and effective creams from the Svoboda factory, which help me personally stay at the age of 30+, although I am already 40-

Alenia recommends Facebook building

36 Irina 06/16/2014 Gymnastics for the face of Galina Dubinina

My dear readers, today I want to continue my acquaintance with non-surgical facelift techniques. In the previous article of this short series, I told you about facial gymnastics by American Carol Maggio, who is considered one of the pioneers in the field of sculptural facial gymnastics. For those who missed the information, you can read everything in my article. Her technique has gained wide popularity, because thanks to special exercises you can tighten and strengthen your facial muscles, get rid of wrinkles and transform yourself. The main thing is to follow the instructions exactly, and then the effect will be noticeable. At least this is what Carol herself and hundreds of her followers claim.

As we found out earlier, the reason for the aging of our face is the sagging of the muscle corset. Over the years, muscles lose their tone, elasticity and, under the influence of the laws of gravity, simply “slide down.” We all know the result – sagging cheeks, chin, “sagging” facial features, stretched skin. Adherents of “physical education” for the face offer basic exercises to combat all these problems. And, as we saw with Carol Maggio, they are quite effective and efficient.

It is not surprising that methods of non-surgical facelift, rejuvenation and skin lifting have become popular in our country. And it is quite logical that sooner or later an adapted version of “overseas” gymnastics for the face should appear, so to speak.

In today’s article I would like to introduce you to the domestic version of gymnastics for the face of Maggio, developed by our compatriot. It is interesting that the exercises were not taken as a carbon copy, but with certain changes and additions. Although the principle and meaning remains the same - strictly follow the instructions and regimen, so that within a month you can see the first results of your labors in the mirror.

How to take a fitness course as efficiently as possible?

Face forming is the first step towards a youthful and beautiful face. Reviews of this gymnastics guarantee a positive effect. To achieve this, you must strictly follow the instructions and regimen. The course lasts 2-3 weeks, after which you can already see how the skin tightens. But you only need to devote 5-10 minutes to it (gymnastics).

And if you don’t stop there and continue to regularly work on your face further, then after a month of such face-lifting, the skin will become elastic, and there will be no trace of sagging. And following the technique for a whole year, how can you transform yourself?!

  • So, 2-3 weeks + 5-10 minutes = non-surgical lift. This is the formula for a youthful face.

Let's look at several lifting exercises from this supermethod.

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