Aevit - a guarantee of healthy skin, hair and nails

Librederm specialists have created a unique face cream AEVIT, produced on the basis of natural ingredients and vitamins that skin cells need. Regular use of Libriderm AEVIT nourishing cream for the face, which can be used by both women and men, provides effective refreshment, toning of the skin, and protection against premature aging processes. Concentrated plant extracts help fill the facial skin with energy, give a healthy tone and softness, and protect the skin from solar radiation and other adverse factors. Libriderm AEVIT cream for the face, reviews of which confirm the effectiveness of its use, is a product that you should always have on hand.

AEVIT face cream: composition and release form

Composition of AEVIT Libriderm face cream: vitamins A, E, ethylhexylglycerin, phenoxyethanol, rosemary, raspberry, edelweiss extracts, glycerin, fatty alcohols, demineralized water, glyceryl stearate, polyglyceryl-3 methylglucose distearate, oleyl erucate, propylheptyl caprylate, caprylic/caprylic/ triglycerides. The cream contains no dyes or artificial fragrances. The smell and color are provided by plant extracts of natural origin. Libriderm AEVIT nourishing face cream is available in the form of an easy-to-use bottle with a 50 ml dispenser.


Pharmacodynamics A combined drug whose effect is determined by the properties of its constituent fat-soluble vitamins A and E. Retinol (vitamin A) is a necessary component for the normal function of the retina of the eye: by binding with opsin (the red pigment of the retina), it forms visual purple rhodopsin , necessary for visual adaptation in the dark. Vitamin A is necessary for bone growth, normal reproductive function, embryonic development, for the regulation of division and differentiation of the epithelium (strengthens the division of epithelial skin cells, rejuvenates the cell population, inhibits keratinization processes). Vitamin A takes part as a cofactor in various biochemical processes. The function of alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) remains unclear. As an antioxidant, it inhibits the development of free radical reactions, prevents the formation of peroxides that damage cell membranes, which is of great importance for the development of the body, the normal function of the nervous and muscular systems. Together with selenium, it inhibits the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids (a component of the microsomal electron transfer system) and prevents hemolysis of red blood cells. It is a cofactor of some enzyme systems. Improves capillary blood circulation, normalizes capillary and tissue permeability, increases tissue resistance to hypoxia. Pharmacokinetics Vitamin A After oral administration, retinol and its esters are almost completely absorbed in the presence of bile acids. Even with excessive administration, no more than 10% of the administered amount is excreted in feces. As retinol esters, they are transported to the liver by chylomicrons and deposited there. This results in high plasma levels of retinol ester immediately after vitamin A supplementation. Retinol is released from the liver and transported to target organs by retinol binding proteins (RBPs). Retinol or its active metabolites in the target organ bind to cytosolic receptor proteins. The biotransformation of retinol takes place in the liver, and then it is excreted by the kidneys in the form of inactive metabolites. The average concentration of retinol in the liver is from 1 to 3 mg/l, in plasma from 0.3 to 0.7 mg/l. Vitamin E increases the accumulation of Vitamin A in body tissues. The half-life of retinol esters from the liver is 50 to 100 days. The half-life is shortened in people who abuse alcohol. The concentration of retinol binding protein (RBP) in plasma does not reliably diagnose hypovitaminosis A due to its high accumulation in the liver. According to the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society, vitamin A deficiency is indicated by a plasma retinol level below 300 ng/l. Vitamin A crosses the placenta and enters breast milk. Vitamin E Approximately 50% of the administered dose is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the maximum level in the blood is created after 4 hours. Absorption requires the presence of bile acids, fats, and normal pancreatic function. During absorption, it forms a complex with lipoproteins, which are intracellular carriers of vitamin E. It enters mainly into the lymph, then into the general bloodstream, where it binds mainly with alpha1 and beta lipoproteins, partly with serum albumin. When protein metabolism is disrupted, transport becomes difficult. Deposited in all organs and tissues, especially in adipose tissue. It is metabolized in the liver to derivatives with a quinone structure (some of them have vitamin activity). It is excreted in bile (over 90%) and urine (about 6%) unchanged and in the form of metabolites. Penetrates through the placenta: 20 - 30% of the concentration in the mother's blood penetrates into the fetal blood. Passes into breast milk.

Vitamins AEVIT

In our age, many know first-hand what poor (unstandardized) nutrition, stress and frequent diets are. All these factors negatively affect our body, forcing it to work for wear and tear. As a result, a deficiency of substances necessary for the body inevitably occurs, including beauty vitamins A and E. The lack of these vitamins entails a whole trail of diseases. AEvit has powerful immunostimulating and antioxidant effects, improves the condition of hair follicles and the skin in general, and has a beneficial effect on vision. This drug does not contain any unnecessary components, which virtually eliminates allergic reactions and contributes to a low price compared to similar drugs.

However, it is worth understanding that AEvit is not a panacea. AEvit is an auxiliary element in the system of caring for the body and cannot be a means of replacing a healthy lifestyle.

Vitamins AEvit: composition, properties and effects on the body

AEvit - transparent yellowish gelatin capsules filled with an oily solution.

The combination of vitamins A and E, the main components of the drug, has an effective effect on the vital functions of the body. Separate use of these vitamins gives a weak result, since vitamin E helps the body absorb vitamin A. Vitamin E does not interfere with the oxidation of vitamin A in the intestines. Vitamin A (retinol) helps maintain immunity and is necessary for epithelial regeneration. This is why vitamin A is so popular in cosmetology for the treatment of acne, sunburn, and stimulation of collagen production. Vitamin A takes an active part in the formation of visual pigments and ensures adaptation of the eye in conditions of different levels of illumination (photoreception), helping to preserve and restore vision.

Another important area of ​​activity of vitamin A is the development of the human skeletal system, as well as the correct embryonic development of the fetus.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the formation of harmful substances that negatively affect the body. Vitamin E is responsible for maintaining the normal functioning of the peripheral and central nervous systems, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and has an anti-sclerotic effect, stimulates the immune system, accelerates tissue regeneration, prevents premature aging of the body, and reduces fatigue.

Application of AEvit for the face

AEvit is a mixture of vitamins A and E in an oil solution. Preserving the youth of the skin directly depends on the sufficient content of vitamins A and E in the body; their combined use increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin, which is the main indicator of its youth.

Vitamin A has the following properties:

  • strengthening the antioxidant properties of vitamin E;
  • complete restoration of all epithelial functions;
  • ensuring complete metabolism in tissues at the cellular level;
  • moisture retention in epithelial cells;
  • strengthening cellular immunity and strengthening protective epidermal tissues;
  • stimulation of epithelial cell renewal processes;
  • suppression of the development of viruses and bacteria;
  • improvement of capillary circulation.

Vitamin E has the following effects:

  • in combination with vitamin A, it prevents the latter from oxidizing;
  • gives an antioxidant effect;
  • restores tissue trophism and improves microcirculation;
  • regulates metabolic processes in tissues;
  • penetrates deeply into the layers of the dermis, moisturizes and renews cells;
  • has a pronounced whitening effect, fights pigment spots;
  • stimulates regenerative processes and has a general rejuvenating effect.

The use of the drug has an intense rejuvenating effect on the skin:

  • Wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep wrinkles become less noticeable.
  • Cell regeneration and restoration accelerates.
  • The elasticity and firmness of the skin increases.
  • Improves complexion.
  • The sensitivity of the skin decreases.
  • Pores become smaller.
  • It has a therapeutic effect on acne.

The lack of vitamins A and E in the body is reflected primarily on the face: dryness, peeling, pimples and pustules, inflammatory processes, and wrinkles occur. In cosmetology, AEvit is used in the treatment of dermatological diseases, including psoriasis and seborrhea.

Methods of application

AEvit for the face is applied in its pure form directly to problem areas of the epidermis, including the delicate and sensitive area around the eyes. The drug is best applied in the evening, on cleansed facial skin, for about 45-60 minutes, after which the residue is removed with a paper towel. This use of the drug is carried out in a course of 10 procedures. After all the procedures, you will notice significant improvements in the condition of the skin: wrinkles will become less noticeable, your complexion will improve, and the skin itself will become more velvety and toned. This procedure is also good because it is suitable for all skin types.

AEvit can be added to nightly restorative products (creams, serums, gels, etc.) For a single use, 2-3 drops of the drug are enough (you can get the composition of the capsule by piercing it with a needle).

AEvit is the best component to add to homemade masks. Recipes for face masks with AEvit

Anti-inflammatory acne mask


  • Boiled potatoes in their jackets – 1 pc.
  • AEvit – 1 capsule.

Crush the potatoes until smooth, add vitamins AEvit. Apply the warm mixture to a clean face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water and apply a cream appropriate to your skin type and age category.

Nourishing mask for oily skin.


  • Butter – 50 g.
  • Beeswax – 10 g.
  • Olive oil – 15 ml.
  • AEvit – 2 capsules.
  • Fresh strawberries – 3 pcs.

Melt the butter and wax in a water bath, then add olive oil, strawberry puree (rub through a sieve to get rid of the seeds) and AEvit. Spread the homogeneous mass onto a clean face and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with water at room temperature and apply a moisturizing cream.

Purifying mask for oily skin.


  • Lemon zest – from 2 pcs.
  • Boiling water – 1 glass.
  • Butter – 30 g.
  • Olive oil – 50 ml.
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • Country honey – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice – 10 drops.
  • AEvit – 2 capsules.
  • Camphor alcohol – 15 ml.
  • Mayonnaise – 15 ml.

Infuse the lemon zest in boiling water for an hour. After this, strain, add the remaining ingredients to the prepared infusion and stir. Then turn on AEvit and stir again. Apply the mixture every evening, two hours before bedtime, to cleansed skin and leave for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water. At the end of the procedure, apply a moisturizer.

Rejuvenating mask for dry skin.


  • Yellow cosmetic clay – 20 g.
  • Warm milk – 20 ml.
  • Fresh mint leaves, crushed – 2 pcs.
  • AEvit – 1 capsule.
  • Egg yolk – 1 pc.

Dilute the clay in milk until smooth without lumps, add the remaining components, and finally AEvit. Apply the mask to a previously cleansed face and leave for 25 minutes. Rinse off with water at room temperature. After the procedure, moisturize your face with a cream appropriate for your skin type and age.

Cleansing mask for dry skin.


  • AEvit – 4 capsules.
  • Egg yolk – 1 pc.
  • Finely ground sea salt – a pinch.
  • Mix AEvit with the rest of the ingredients and apply to a clean face. After 10 minutes, rinse with cool water and apply cream to your face.
  • Nourishing mask.


  • AEvit – 1 capsule.
  • Fresh village honey – 1 tsp.
  • Olive oil (almond, flaxseed) – 1 tbsp. l.

Heat the oil in a water bath, mix with honey, add AEvit. Apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. At the end of the procedure, lubricate your face with a suitable cream.

It is recommended to do nourishing and rejuvenating masks with AEvit 2 times, and cleansing masks once a week.

What are the dangers of overdose?

Since vitamins A and E are fat-soluble, they remain in the body for a longer time than water-soluble vitamins. Therefore, they do not need to be consumed daily.

Aevit should be taken in capsules or injections strictly in accordance with the instructions, since an overdose of vitamins E and A can cause side effects, including:

  • pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • allergic reaction: skin redness, itching and rash;
  • drowsiness, lethargy, dizziness, headache, confusion, pain and aching bones, increased dryness of the skin and oral mucosa, convulsions.

An overdose of the drug can cause hypercalcemia. Also, the drug should not be taken simultaneously with iron, silver and alkali-reactive products. Therefore, remember that self-medication, even with vitamins, is unacceptable. Before taking, be sure to consult your doctor.


Contraindications for use

“Aevit” in capsules and injections internally and externally is not recommended for use in case of allergic reactions to the ingredients of the drug, as well as in case of excess vitamins A and E in the body. Children under 14 years of age should not take it. Take with caution in case of diseases of the liver (viral hepatitis, cholecystitis), kidneys, thyroid gland (thyrotoxicosis).

Although the instructions for the Aevit multivitamin complex in capsules and injections prohibit women from taking the drug during pregnancy, this issue remains not fully studied. Indeed, during pregnancy, the expectant mother’s body requires much more nutrients and vitamins, and therefore a deficiency of vitamins in her body causes the need to take vitamin preparations like Aevit.

But pregnant women should take Aevit in capsules or injections strictly as prescribed by the doctor, following the instructions that specify how to drink it.

"Aevit" to improve skin condition

The condition of our skin depends directly on the general condition of the body, proper nutrition and heredity. Due to a deficiency of vitamins A and E, the skin becomes pale, dry, and flaky. Acne, acne, and pustules may also occur. Therefore, this multivitamin preparation for the skin has a beneficial effect.

To improve the condition of the skin, the drug should be taken 1 capsule per day for two weeks. In some cases, it is prescribed for acne according to an individual scheme.

It can also be used externally to improve skin condition. To do this, you need to prepare a homemade cream with multivitamins “Aevit” for the skin of the face. Squeeze 1-2 capsules and add their contents to your face cream. Use the resulting product for a month.

In case of problems such as blackheads, acne or pustular rashes, use Aevit for the face as a lotion. You just need to puncture the capsule and apply the oil with vitamins to the skin. It can also help your lips. You just need to apply the contents of the capsule with the drug to your lips.

But you should not abuse the drug for external use. All external procedures using Aevit for acne to improve skin health and lip conditions should not last more than one month. With longer use, addiction will occur, as a result of which the mechanism for maintaining skin tone is disrupted and there will be a need for constant replenishment.

For hair

For hair, it is recommended to take ampoules rather than capsules. The composition of the vitamin hair mask based on “Aevit” also includes burdock and linseed oils. They need to be taken in equal proportions, mixed and applied with massaging movements to the scalp. Then wrap your head in plastic wrap and a towel. This hair mask should be kept on your head for an hour, then rinsed off with plenty of water. Hair will become silky, smooth and manageable.

If you have oily hair, beat 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of alcohol and 1 teaspoon of water, add two capsules of Aevit vitamins. Apply the mask to your hair and leave for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, the mask should be washed off with warm water.

For eyelashes

To make your eyelashes thick and fluffy, you can also turn to this vitamin complex for help. Make a small hole in the capsule and carefully apply the oil along the entire length of the eyelashes. The ideal medicine for eyelashes is a mix based on Aevita. Add the contents of Aevit capsules to a mixture of olive, castor, burdock, almond oils and fish oil.

For eyelashes, it is best to take an old mascara tube, wash it well, and pour a mixture of oils into it. Then apply the resulting medicine to your eyelashes with a brush several times a month. This will accelerate their growth and improve their condition.

Don't forget that prevention is the best cure. Therefore, constantly monitor the health of your eyelashes and the quality of the cosmetics you apply to them.

For nails

“Aevit” is an excellent remedy for “resuscitation” not only of hair and skin, but also nails. For nails, it is used during a manicure to soften the cuticle. In addition, regular use of the drug makes nails strong, smooth and shiny. The drug nourishes and restores dry, damaged nails.

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