"Aevit" for the face: how to use, beneficial properties "Aevit" in capsules: instructions for use

“Aevit” is a multivitamin complex, which includes vitamins A and E. “Aevit” in capsules and injections helps improve metabolism and provides oxygen to tissues. Thanks to this, the skin is cleansed, hair and nails are strengthened, and their growth is accelerated.

Vitamin A, which is contained in the multivitamin preparation “Aevit” in capsules and injections, takes an active part in the formation of bone tissue, the functioning of the reproductive system and the formation of visual pigments that ensure normal color and twilight vision.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) has an antioxidant effect (removes toxins from the body), participates in the formation of elastic and collagen fibers of connective tissue, the digestive tract, vascular smooth muscles, and also restores capillary blood circulation and increases tissue resistance to oxygen deficiency.

What is aevit: composition, forms

This medicine is based on fat-soluble vitamins: A (retinol) and E (tocopherol).

The drug is produced in several dosage forms:

  • gelatin capsules for oral administration: yellow or reddish in color. Each contains 100 thousand IU of retinol palmitate and 100 mg of tocopherol.
  • injection solution - oily liquid in ampoules: 100 mg of tocopherol and 35 mg of retinol per 1 ml;
  • nourishing cream Aevit: in bottles of 50 ml.

In addition to active ingredients, Aevit contains a fat base and stabilizers.

Face masks with Aevit

Aevit allows you to make the most ordinary cream more useful. To do this, add a few drops of the drug to the jar and mix. But an even better effect can be achieved if you regularly use masks with vitamin “Aevit” for the face against wrinkles.

The following recipes show good results:

  • Grind a teaspoon of liquid honey with the yolk. Two or three Aevita capsules are added to the mixture.
  • The cucumber is peeled and chopped in a blender or on a grater. Add a few grams of flour and an Aevita capsule.
  • Puree made from half a banana is mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil. Then add the Aevita capsule.
  • A tablespoon of yellow or any other clay is mixed with 20 ml of warm milk. Then two capsules of Aevita are added. And also three crushed mint leaves.
  • Three teaspoons of heavy cream are mixed with four Aevita capsules.
  • Boil the potatoes with their skins on, peel and mash. When it cools down, add three Aevita capsules.
  • Effect of the drug

    Aevit has immunomodulating, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and regenerating properties. It affects metabolic processes, normalizes the condition of capillaries, improves tissue trophism, and regulates protein and lipid metabolism.

    Vitamin medicine is used:

    • to eliminate deficiency of vitamins A and E;
    • in complex therapy of the reproductive system;
    • for dermatological diseases: dermatitis, retinitis pigmentosa, acne;
    • optic nerve atrophy, hemeralopia and other visual impairments;
    • psoriasis;
    • microcirculation disorders in tissues;
    • to eliminate dryness, peeling, wrinkles and other skin defects, improve its microrelief;
    • to accelerate hair growth and restoration.

    Anti-wrinkle effectiveness

    It is recommended to use Aevit on the face for skin rejuvenation. It helps combat crow's feet, loss of firmness, ptosis and puffiness. Retinol and tocopherol help to significantly prolong the youth of the skin.

    Vitamin A has the following properties:

    • Increases cellular immunity.
    • Retains moisture.
    • Improves blood supply to the dermis, saturating it with oxygen and nutrients.
    • Provides timely removal of toxins.
    • Stimulates the division of epithelial cells, due to which the skin rejuvenates.
    • Strengthens the protective functions of the dermis.
    • Destroys bacteria and viruses.
    • Protects from the negative effects of frost, wind and ultraviolet rays.

    • Vitamin E goes well with retinol. These two substances complement and enhance each other's actions. Vitamin E has the following effects on the skin:

    • Eliminates age spots.
    • Has an antioxidant effect.
    • Stimulates the regeneration of new cells.
    • Normalizes tissue trophism.
    • Strengthens the walls of capillaries.
    • Stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin by the skin.
    • Smoothes out wrinkles.
    • Increases skin elasticity.
    • Eliminates scars and scars.
    • Improves complexion.

    How to take Aevit

    The drug in capsules is swallowed without chewing, washed down with liquid, regardless of diet. Recommended dosage - 1 pc. per day. The course lasts 20–40 days. Repeated: after 2–6 months. The doctor will prescribe a more detailed regimen.

    For cosmetic purposes, capsules can be used topically: to make masks or lotions by squeezing the concentrate out of them.

    The drug solution is administered intramuscularly. Average dosage: 1 ml per day. Duration of injections: 20–40 days. External use of Aevit in ampoules is also allowed.

    Homemade creams

    You can make your own face cream at home. How to use Aevit for this is clearly indicated in the recipe. The following homemade creams are effective in the fight against wrinkles:

  • For the base you will need 15 ml of baby cream with a minimum amount of additives. It is recommended to purchase organic cosmetics. Three capsules of Aevit and fish oil are added to the base. Mix thoroughly. At the end, add an ampoule of vitamin B, for example, the drug “Kombipilen”. And also a few drops of rose oil.
  • Melt 5 g of wax in a water bath and mix with 30 ml of avocado oil. Then add 50 ml of orange infused water. When the mixture has cooled, pour the contents of three Aevita capsules and 5 drops of geranium oil into it.

  • It is recommended to store homemade creams in the refrigerator. They must be used within two weeks.

    Can Aevit be applied to the face?

    Externally use a cream or vitamin complex in solution:

    • to improve skin condition;
    • getting rid of pimples and fine wrinkles.

    It is recommended to mix the contents of the ampoules with olive or almond oil before use. Apply a small amount of cream or oil solution to cleansed skin. When treating the face, follow the massage lines. To speed up absorption, after applying the product, the skin can be covered with a cloth or film for a few minutes. To obtain results, repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week for 2 months. It is more effective to combine external use and oral administration of the drug.

    Vitamins “Aevit” versus mass market creams

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    Modern cosmetics concerns spend most of their budget on advertising, but not on searching for the elixir of youth. Therefore, when a client buys a product, he pays for the participation of a popular model or fashion model in a commercial. And it doesn’t matter that her flawless skin is the result of weekly visits to cosmetologists. After all, I really want to believe that a beautiful jar of fragrant cream can turn even an ordinary woman into a star.

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    The manufacturer tries not to deceive customers. On the tube of cream he honestly states that it contains hyaluronic acid. But he does not focus on the fact that its concentration in a cosmetic product is negligible. Just a couple of drops on a bucket of mineral oil.

    The most important vitamins for the skin are retinol and tocopherol. Aevit capsules contain them in large quantities. For facial skin, this drug is especially valuable for its rejuvenating properties.

    "Aevit" has a beneficial effect on the body when taken orally. But when applied directly to the skin of the face, it acts much faster. Just a few capsules of this drug can replace ready-made anti-aging creams and masks.

    Side effects

    Their risk increases if dosages are exceeded or Aevit is used if there are contraindications. During treatment the following are observed:

    • increased irritability or apathy;
    • sleep disorders;
    • muscle cramps;
    • heart rhythm disturbances;
    • exacerbation of inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
    • regular nausea, loss of appetite;
    • joint pain;
    • an increase in the size of the liver and spleen;
    • excessive dryness, redness and irritation of the skin;
    • increased hair loss.

    Ready-made cosmetics with “Aevit”

    The high effectiveness of the drug Aevit in the fight against wrinkles inspired the Librederm laboratory to create a series of cosmetics with retinol and tocopherol. It is used to rejuvenate sensitive, dry and tired skin.

    The composition of Aevit Libriderm for the face was enriched with vitamin B5, cocoa, shea and peach butters, as well as extracts of raspberry, edelweiss, mulberry and rosemary. This made it possible to enhance the effect of tocopherol and retinol.

    The Aevit Libriderm series includes the following products:

  • Nourishing night cream.
  • Shower gel.
  • Face cream.
  • Hygienic lipstick.
  • Nourishing face mask.
  • Moisturizing lip gel.
  • Anti-edema cream for the periorbital area with blueberries.
  • Hygienic lipstick.
  • Hand cream.
  • Lip oil.
  • Shampoo.
  • Indications and contraindications

    The Aevita package comes with instructions, according to which adults are recommended to drink 1 capsule per day.

    The drug is used externally for the following indications:

    1. Dryness, chapping, skin irritation.
    2. Acne caused by increased oil content and the spread of pathogenic bacteria.
    3. Age-related skin changes: loss of elasticity, lethargy, facial wrinkles, poor blood supply to epithelial cells.
    4. Dull complexion, pigmentation (freckles, spots).
    5. Negative effects on the skin of an aggressive external environment (wind, frost, sun).

    It is not recommended to use this drug:

    1. If you have an allergic reaction to one of the components.
    2. In the presence of wounds, burns, rashes of unknown origin.

    Indications and contraindications for the use of Aevit.

    How to use externally

    Using Aevit on the face is very simple. You just need to pierce the capsule and apply the oil directly to the skin, add to the cream or drop the liquid into the emulsion for a mask.

    Direct application to skin

    Using this drug externally in its pure form still requires some caution. As a rule, spot application of a vitamin complex is used to rid the skin of acne, crow's feet around the eyes and pronounced wrinkles. The oil is applied to problem areas with light patting movements.

    If you use Aevit for the skin around the eyes, apply the oil to the skin carefully so that the composition does not get on the mucous membrane. It is also recommended to adhere to a course of treatment - the duration of cosmetic home procedures should not exceed a month. No matter how much you like the result that you get when using Aevit for the skin around the eyes, it is important to stop in time and allow the skin to rest and its cells to work on their own, without the help of healing oil.

    The vitamin remedy will work more effectively if you use Aevit for acne, applying it after cleansing procedures - washing with special products for problem skin, using a scrub. The dermis, freed from dead cells, will better absorb the components of the drug.

    Adding to cream

    If you want to refresh not just certain areas of your face, but your entire skin, you can add the oil from the capsule to your regular night cream. In order not to bother every evening by piercing the preparation with a needle and squeezing out the liquid, you can prepare a little “magic” emulsion for future use for the week. Take a container that will close tightly with a lid, place 50 ml of your usual cream in it, add the contents of 2-3 capsules and mix.

    Apply the created “enhanced” cream every evening to the skin an hour to half an hour before bedtime, so that the components have time to be absorbed into the dermis and begin their effect.


    You can also add the drug to masks. The oil vitamin complex will increase the speed of penetration and impact of the components of the mixture. You need to keep compositions with aevit for the same amount of time as regular masks - 15-20 minutes. The time of cosmetic procedures for the eyes should be less - about 5 minutes, since the thin dermis will absorb excess moisture, and this can lead to swelling in this delicate area.

    1. Masks for oily skin.
    • Boil one potato in its jacket, mash the cooled and peeled vegetable to a paste and squeeze one capsule of the drug into the mixture. This mask dries well and inhibits the development of inflammatory processes in the problematic dermis.
    • Pour boiling water over the zest of two lemons and let it brew for an hour. Add 30 g to the warm infusion. butter, yolk, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, stir 1 tsp into the emulsion. honey and citrus juice, such as lemon, 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise and the contents of two ampoules of aevit.
    1. Masks for dry skin.
    • Mix 20 gr. cosmetic clay with an equal volume of heated milk, egg yolk and oil from one ampoule of Aevita.
    • Mix the oil from 4 capsules of the drug with egg yolk and a pinch of salt. This mask will effectively cleanse the pores and surface of the skin.
    • Mix a teaspoon of honey with 1 tsp. olive oil and the contents of one capsule of the drug.
    1. Masks for wrinkles and around the eyes.
    • Mix 2 teaspoons of oatmeal with oil from 2 capsules of the vitamin complex. The substances contained in the cereal effectively treat crow's feet.
    • Aevit for the skin around the eyes will work well if the contents of two capsules are mixed into a homogeneous emulsion with 1 tbsp. l. cream. This mask will eliminate flaking and dryness.
    • 2 tsp. Mix fresh banana with 2 capsules of the drug. Aevit for the skin around the eyes in this mask with banana will lighten dark circles and remove puffiness.

    Vitamin K for skin –

    It is believed that the cause of dark circles under the eyes is fragile capillaries that burst and show through thin skin. Vitamin K applied to the skin, as studies and patient reviews have shown, reduces dark circles under the eyes, and also reduces the appearance of bruises and bruises. But the combination of vitamins K and A in face creams fights dark circles under the eyes even more effectively than vitamin K alone.

    One study confirmed that after 4 months of constant use of a cream with vitamin K and retinol (vitamin A), the dark circles under the eyes of subjects significantly lightened. Researchers were unable to definitively answer which of the two vitamins contributed to this: retinol thickens the under-eye area, making it less transparent, and vitamin K has a brightening effect, making dark circles less noticeable. Moreover, retinol increases the ability of vitamin K to penetrate the skin and interact with cells.

    We hope that our article: Vitamins for facial skin reviews was useful to you!


    • Monitor the expiration date of the drug;
    • do not leave capsules in the light;
    • before using on your face, make sure you are not allergic by applying a little vitamin oil to your elbow;
    • the components of the masks must be at room temperature before adding the capsule composition;
    • You should remove an oily mask from your face with a dry cotton swab; you cannot wash it off with water.

    More about the benefits of vitamin aevit.⇓

    Aevit for face and skin, complete instructions for use.

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    Nourishing cream Librederm

    There are many good reviews on the Internet about the nourishing face cream “Aevit Libriderm”. This is an excellent product for aging skin. It can stop the aging process, improve tone and eliminate age spots. The skin is noticeably tightened after just two weeks of use, and the complexion also improves.

    The manufacturer describes in detail how to use Aevit for the face in cream. It is applied to previously cleansed skin and, being careful not to stretch it, a light massage is performed. The cream can be used both morning and evening. After two months of daily use, a short break is necessary.

    Summing up

    According to the instructions, the indications for using AEVit cream are the first signs of aging, as well as dryness and flaking of the skin. In fact, according to reviews from my clients, it really gives a good anti-aging effect and helps get rid of small pimples and non-inflammatory acne.

    An additional advantage is a convenient bottle with a dispenser, which prevents the cream from coming into contact with air and the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into it. Therefore, if you choose between making masks yourself and a ready-made product, I would recommend the latter. And if you have your own opinion on this matter, share it in the comments.


    Most dermatologists say that Aevit capsules must be taken orally, and applying their contents to the face is useless. This opinion is completely refuted by reviews of women who regularly use the drug in their appearance care. They describe in detail all the changes that occur to the skin: facial wrinkles and creases are smoothed out, peeling disappears. In addition, the oval of the face becomes clearer.

    The nourishing face cream “Aevit Libriderm” is no less popular. Customer reviews say that after using the product, the skin becomes soft and velvety. No film effect is observed. The product is quickly absorbed, so you can immediately apply makeup. In addition to its anti-aging properties, customers appreciate the cream for its efficiency and affordable price.


    Use of vitamin C –

    Everyone knows that this vitamin is a strong antioxidant, but its properties do not end there. For example, numerous clinical studies have confirmed the effect of vitamin C on the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers. We can say that after vitamin A, vitamin C is the most important vitamin for maintaining the good condition of our skin.

    Effects of Vitamin C on Skin –

    • protects skin from ultraviolet radiation,
    • protects skin from free radicals,
    • participates in the synthesis of collagen fibers,
    • reduces the depth of wrinkles,
    • reduces pigmentation on the skin,
    • stimulates skin cell regeneration.

    The term “vitamin C” (as well as vitamin A) does not mean one specific molecule, but a whole group of substances, which include: L-ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbyl phosphate, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, ascorbyl palmitate, sodium ascorbate and others.

    The most effective form of vitamin C is L-ascorbic acid. The remaining substances are only its predecessors, i.e. they turn into it after application and absorption into the skin. Below we have given examples of high-quality products with vitamin C (Fig. 11-13) -

    To learn how to choose and apply anti-aging cosmetics with this vitamin correctly, read the article: “Rating of 2022 products with vitamin C”

    Research into the effect of vitamin C on collagen synthesis has led to an explosion in the number of cosmetic products containing this vitamin. Many patients leave rave reviews about such cosmetics, while others do not see its effectiveness at all. What is this connected with?

    It turned out that not only the form of vitamin C in the product is very important, but also its concentration, and even the pH of cosmetics. No less important is the manufacturing technology (stabilizing vitamin C) so that it does not disintegrate from air and light even before applying the cream or serum to the skin.

    Indications for use

    1. Due to the fact that this unique complex effectively moisturizes and regenerates the dermis, you can use Aevit against wrinkles, including deep ones, which is promoted by vitamin E.
    2. As already mentioned, the drug suppresses the development of pathogenic flora, so you can use Aevit for acne.
    3. This product will be very useful not only for the skin, but also for the hair, making it more shiny and accelerating growth.
    4. Aevit is effectively used for skin prone to pigmentation.
    5. The vitamin complex has a beneficial effect on nails, strengthening them and whitening unpleasant yellowness if the contents of the capsules are applied to the nail plate.
    6. Women often use aevit for the skin around the eyes as part of masks.
    7. The drug will also help with dry dermis and flaking.

    When Aevit is contraindicated

    Harm from the drug is associated with hypersensitivity to the components or overdose. You should also stop using the product:

    • with thyrotoxicosis;
    • glomerulonephritis;
    • thromboembolism;
    • suffered a heart attack.

    Improper use in high doses leads to headaches, alopecia, intestinal disorders, increased nervous excitability, and exacerbations of chronic liver pathologies.

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