Recipes and uses of natural wax for nails and hands

Subtleties of cooking

  • buy a quality product . All recipes will be based on natural beeswax. You can buy it from beekeepers, as well as in soap stores. I saw an offer on Aliexpress, but it is better not to buy wax there, because it is not known whether it is really a natural product or simple paraffin;
  • Use glass or ceramic dishes and avoid metal containers . Ingredients in the home remedy may react with the metal;
  • Always check ingredients for allergies . Wax products rarely cause allergies, even in those who have a reaction to honey. However, before cooking, it is better to do a test - apply a small amount to the crook of your elbow and leave for 30-40 minutes. Ideally, check each component this way;
  • do not boil the mixture . To prepare homemade cosmetics, the wax must be melted before cooking. The melting point is 65-67 degrees. This means that you do not need to bring it to a boil. Try to heat it in a water bath, not in the microwave. This way you can follow the process;
  • Don't cook a large portion at once . Homemade cosmetics have a much shorter shelf life than store-bought ones. Shelf life in the refrigerator is no more than 3 months, and at room temperature up to 3 weeks;
  • disinfect the jars in which the finished product is stored . Wipe the jar inside and out with alcohol or a disinfectant, and then rinse with clean water. This way you will destroy the microorganisms that were on the walls, and the finished product will be stored longer;
  • Let the resulting mass harden at room temperature . It is important that the product hardens slowly, so you should not put the jar in the refrigerator. A sudden change in temperature will cause the mass to crack and make it difficult to use.

Types of procedures

Beauty salons offer different types of paraffin therapy; they differ in the parts of the body on which wax is applied. The following methods may be used:

  • immersion: the entire arm or leg is immersed in molten paraffin;
  • layering: the composition is applied with a brush;
  • application-napkin: the first layers are applied with a brush, the temperature of the composition is approximately 55 degrees Celsius, gauze soaked in the same material is applied on top, but its temperature is already 65 degrees.

Many people are interested in how to use cold paraffin for hands, but it is also used for feet and face. This useful procedure helps relieve inflammation, itching, and eliminate skin laxity.

If you choose a hand procedure, it looks like this:

  1. First, disinfection is carried out with a special agent. Next, you need to apply a nourishing cream, using light, massage movements.

  2. The prepared hands are dipped into the bath a couple of times, then wrapped in special disposable bags and waited for twenty minutes.
  3. The bags are removed along with the paraffin and a moisturizer is applied.

For dry nails

Suitable for girls whose nails are prone to dryness, brittleness and splitting. The first effect will be visible after the first use, and after a course of 5-10 procedures, the nails will noticeably become stronger, their quality and resistance to mechanical damage will improve.


  • beeswax – 2 g;
  • Shea butter – 8 g;
  • tea tree essential oil – 2 drops.

It is better to measure the ingredients using a kitchen scale, but if you don’t have one, proceed from the data that a 1*1 cm cube of wax equals 1 gram.

If the wax is foundation - a piece of 3*3 cm - 1 gram.


  1. Place Shea butter and wax in a container and place in a water bath. Melt the ingredients until they are completely dissolved;
  2. Wait 2-3 minutes for the mixture to cool slightly and add the tea tree. Stir quickly to combine the ingredients.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a wide-necked jar, such as a cream container, and let it harden. This usually takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the room temperature.

Apply to your nails once a week and repeat until your nails are in the desired condition.

All about the beneficial properties of beekeeping products

Wax production is a natural insect process that is needed to store honey. This bee product is a fine-grained mass without a characteristic taste or smell.

Natural beeswax for hands (PB) has a number of advantages, namely:

  • Protective function. By covering the epithelium with a thin film, the bee product does not interfere with the work and natural processes of the cells.
  • Healing properties. The product actively fights viral infections, harmful bacteria, reduces inflammation and allergic reactions.
  • Rejuvenating effect. Beeswax saves the epithelium from dehydration by retaining moisture under a thin layer (prevents the formation of wrinkles, cracks, loss of elasticity), protecting cells from exposure to UV rays, mechanical damage (pulling, pressing).
  • The processes of cell regeneration and healing of minor epithelial damage are accelerated.
  • The bee product is rich in active components (more than 300 types of useful chemical compounds).

Due to its rich natural composition, beeswax is widely used in cosmetics for eyebrows, lips and hair. The beekeeping product has amazing medicinal properties, which are used for burns and skin diseases, such as psoriasis. This natural product is used to make candles for clearing earwax and a cream to fight nail fungus.

For cuticle care

Indication for use is rough cuticle. Wax in combination with oils effectively moisturizes, making the skin more supple and soft.


  • beeswax – 1 g;
  • peach oil – 20 drops or 1 ml;
  • jojoba oil – 1 ml;
  • wheat germ oil – 2 ml.


  1. Add all ingredients to a small container and melt in a water bath.
  2. Pour into a jar with a lid and leave until completely hardened.
  3. Apply to the cuticle and nails once every 3-4 days until the problem of hard cuticles is completely resolved, and then once a week for prevention.

You can substitute oils in this recipe if desired. If you add lemon or grapefruit, nail growth will improve and there will be a slight whitening effect.

Cuticle Care Rules - A Guide to Products and Procedures

All about choosing and using nail and cuticle oil

Precautionary measures

If there are contraindications, then it is better to refuse the paraffin therapy procedure. If the skin has not previously come into contact with cosmetic wax, then an allergy test is first performed. They dip their finger into the wax and then watch the reaction for a whole day. The presence of a burning sensation and rash is a clear sign that such a session is not suitable.

If there is no special bath for paraffin therapy, then check the temperature with your finger. Hot composition causes redness. After the procedure, you should not leave the house for three hours, do not use chemicals and do not do a manicure immediately.

If you do everything correctly, then the home procedure will only benefit. After the first session, you can note that the skin has become silkier to the touch, smoothed out and become elastic. But it is the full ten-day course that can transform the skin beyond recognition, restoring it to its former youth.

Originally posted 2018-04-17 15:48:59.

Sealing balm

To use, purchase a polishing block. Make sure that there are no hard particles on the edges, since its purpose is to rub the composition into the nail plate.

  • wax – 3 g;
  • ylang-ylang essential oil – 3 drops;
  • grape seed oil – 1 tsp.


  1. To make the wax melt faster, grate it on a fine grater before heating.
  2. Mix with the rest of the ingredients and place in a water bath.
  3. Pour the resulting liquid into a cream jar and leave until it hardens.
  4. Apply to nails once every two weeks. To seal one nail, you need a small pea the size of a match head, which must first be rubbed into the plate with your fingers, and then “stamped” using a polishing block.
  5. You need to polish until the mass is completely rubbed in.

Read more about sealing and laminating nails:

Nail lamination - procedure and review of products

Paraffin ozokerite treatment:

what is ozokerite

Ozokerite is a wax that is mined in the mountains. It is believed that this substance is formed from oil deposits. Its deposits have been discovered in many countries, including the Ukrainian and Polish Carpathians, America (Utah), England and many others. Local residents have long noticed the benefits of ozokerite and used it in many areas, including in the treatment of joints. For use in medicine, ozokerite is cleaned of foreign impurities and sterilized. In its properties, it is similar to paraffin and is often used together with it. Ozokerite gives paraffin viscosity, making joint use more convenient. The disadvantages include the unpleasant smell of kerosene.

For nail fungus

It cannot be the only remedy for the treatment of onychomycosis, but it can significantly shorten the healing period and prevent the deterioration of the nails.

  • beeswax – 5 g;
  • tea tree oil – 5 drops;
  • honey – 1 tsp.
  1. Mix the ingredients and place in a water bath. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, pour it into a jar and let it harden.
  2. Apply once every 2 days, rubbing into the nail plates.

Symptoms and treatment of onychomycosis

Is it possible to treat children with paraffin?

Paraffin therapy is an excellent way to treat sprains, prevent and treat many childhood diseases:

But the procedures must be carried out strictly according to the doctor’s instructions. Apply paraffin to the child in the same way as mustard plasters. “Paraffin boots” are very popular. They are used for many diseases, especially childhood neuralgia. For older children, paraffin baths are given. If a child has an injury to one leg, the “boot” is applied to only one leg. The first time the procedure lasts twenty minutes, the next time the time increases by five minutes. The paraffin temperature should not exceed 42 degrees.

If muscle hypertonicity is detected in newborns, paraffin treatment is prescribed. The following reasons can cause this disease:

After the procedure, the child cannot be taken outside or undergo water procedures (bathing).

Nail cream

Nail cream is used to moisturize and nourish the plate. Unlike balms, the recipes for which are presented above, the cream does not need to be rubbed in. Its main purpose is to care for nails, not seal them.


  • wax – 10 g;
  • chamomile decoction – 1 tsp;
  • oil – 2 tbsp. l. Use any oil you have on hand - olive, peach, wheat germ.

If desired, you can add 1-2 drops of lemon, grapefruit or tea tree essential oil.


  1. Prepare a chamomile decoction – 1 tbsp. l. dry flowers, pour half a glass of hot water and leave for 30 minutes;
  2. Melt the wax in a water bath, add oil and broth to it. Stir thoroughly and remove from heat;
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a sealable container.
  4. After 30-50 minutes the cream can be used.
  5. Apply every 3-4 days to nails and rollers. After 20 minutes, remove the residue with a napkin.
  6. After applying the cream, it is not recommended to wash your hands for 2-3 hours so that the components have time to take effect.

Treatment of fracture with paraffin

Paraffin is used for rehabilitation after a broken limb, when the plaster cast is removed. It is used in combination with other procedures, and their sequence is important, for example, paraffin therapy is used after electrophoresis and electro-sound. Apply heated paraffin in the form of a cake to the fracture site, then wrap it up and leave it for twenty minutes. It is recommended to make such applications until the limb returns to normal. It is useful to do a massage immediately after the procedure while the heat remains - bend and straighten the limb, turn in different directions.

Universal hand and nail cream

Equally effective for dry hands and thin, weakened nails. Systematic use allows you to solve the problem of peeling, as well as strengthen your nails and moisturize the cuticle and side ridges.

  • wax – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • apricot oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lanolin – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • lecithin – 1.5 tbsp. l. Liquid or powder lecithin is sold in pharmacies, as well as in stores like iherb.
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • Shea butter – ½ tsp;
  • vitamin E – 1 capsule.


  1. Melt the wax in a bowl along with Shea butter, lanolin and lecithin.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients to the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly.
  3. Use daily for 2 weeks and then take a break for 1-2 weeks. A break is needed so that the skin does not lose its own protective, healing and moisturizing functions.

Choosing hand cream according to skin type

Treatment of the knee joint with paraffin

Damage to the knee joint can be caused by a fall or jump, a car accident, incorrect position of the leg during sports, a bruise, having a destructive effect on the cartilage tissue. The occurrence of pain in the knee area, clicking during movement, loss of flexibility, swelling - if these signs occur, you should consult a doctor in order to avoid irreversible consequences. To get rid of the disease, as well as for preventive purposes, specialists prescribe complex treatment, in which paraffin therapy plays an important role. For arthrosis of the knee joint, heated paraffin is used. During the cooling process, paraffin fixes the joint, and the cartilage is restored during the procedure. A full course of these procedures will help quickly restore motor activity, relieve pain, and alleviate the course of the disease.

Indications for the use of paraffin therapy

Indications for paraffin therapy at home are divided into cosmetic and medical. Medical indications include the following diseases:

  • dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, radiculitis, fractures, sprains and ruptures of ligaments);
  • skin diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • frostbite and burns;
  • gynecological diseases in women;
  • severe diseases of internal organs;
  • polio.

Cosmetic procedures in the salon or at home are performed for the following problems:

  • severe dry skin;
  • tendency to edema;
  • age-related changes (ptosis of the oval face, double chin);
  • premature aging;
  • expression wrinkles;
  • deep creases and folds;
  • aging of the hands;
  • cellulite;
  • cicatricial skin changes.

Carrying out the procedure


Like any product, the product has a number of disadvantages. It cannot be used if:

  • you are pregnant (the period can be any);
  • suffer from vascular and heart diseases;
  • you have been diagnosed with diabetes;
  • there are rashes with ulcers on your skin, for example, severe acne;
  • you are menstruating - it is worth moving the wraps to other days of the cycle;
  • there are wounds and cuts.

treatments nourish and moisturize the skin

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