Oxygen facial peeling - natural skin care and rejuvenation

From this article you will learn:

  • Types of all-season facial peels
  • Indications and contraindications for the use of all-season peeling
  • Skin care after all-season facial peeling procedure

Properly selected all-season facial peeling helps to cope with such a problem as the ban on cleansing procedures in the summer. All women who take care of themselves face it. The fact is that in summer the epidermis is exposed to increased exposure to UV rays, which can lead to unpredictable results due to peeling.

After cleansing procedures, the skin is very sensitive, and active ultraviolet radiation can cause spots or dehydration. But this does not mean at all that in the summer you will have to deny yourself a trip to a cosmetologist. You just need to choose the right all-season peeling to enjoy healthy and glowing facial skin all year round.

general description

Oxygen facial peeling is a non-contact treatment in which the skin is exposed to a special device. Under a certain pressure, the device sprays dispersed oxygen along with saline solution.

The absence of direct contact with the surface being treated completely eliminates the possibility of injury.

The flow of the gas-liquid mixture not only gets rid of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, but also massages the skin, improves blood circulation, moisturizes, and also saturates cells with vitamins and nutrients.

For more effective action, various microelements and specially selected formulations with hyaluronic and azelaic acid can be added.

Types of all-season facial peels

No matter what all-season facial peelings we are talking about, these are always only superficial peels. The removal of rough skin cells is carried out either mechanically or chemically. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. In the second case, the skin is not injured, so in terms of safety, chemical peels are preferable.

Due to the fact that the mechanical impact on the skin leaves microcracks, there is a possibility of infection - to prevent this, you need to carefully care for the skin after such peeling.

Indications for use

Gas-liquid peeling solves many external cosmetic problems.
If you have dry and flaky skin, the procedure helps saturate it with sufficient moisture and improves color.

If the epidermis is oily, then exposure to oxygen will smooth the surface and eliminate roughness.

This cleaning is necessary if there are:

  • shallow and age-related pigmentation;
  • expression wrinkles;
  • double chin;
  • enlarged pores, acne;
  • swelling and loss of contour;
  • consequences of acne (spots, marks);
  • decreased skin tone;
  • uneven unhealthy complexion;
  • “bruises” and “bags” under the eyes.

Peeling will also get rid of freckles, but the effect will be temporary. After all, the problem is genetic in nature and complete removal is only possible with the help of deep chemical or laser cleaning.

Chemical all-season peels

Recently, the popularity of chemical peels has become much higher than that of mechanical (hardware) peels. This is explained primarily by the fact that chemical all-season peelings are performed easily and quickly - the procedure takes 30–40 minutes (a lunch break is enough to do this cleaning).

If the manipulations are carried out clearly and efficiently, there will be practically no marks left on the face, except for a slight redness - you definitely won’t have to change your usual rhythm of life because of this. Yes, there are some restrictions in the first days after the procedure, but they are necessary to prevent side effects from occurring.

The following cleanings are most often done using acid-based cosmetics:

  • Almond peeling . Its peculiarity is that the acid used has rather large molecules - they are not able to penetrate too deeply into the skin and burn it. The action of the acid is gentle, it consists in loosening the upper layer of the epidermis, without overdrying, but with a bactericidal effect. Almond peeling is suitable for all skin types and is well compatible with other acids.
  • Koy peeling. An indispensable remedy in the fight against increased skin pigmentation, since kojic acid can block the production of melanin even in small doses. Although the peeling action is delicate, it is quite effective for smoothing out fine wrinkles, in particular crow's feet. Helps reduce bruises and bags under the eyes, accelerate collagen synthesis, and increase turgor.

  • Azelian peeling . It is considered one of the softest. Practically does not cause negative side reactions on the skin. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and sebostatic effects. Indicated primarily for very dry, thin skin with increased sensitivity. Sometimes (in the treatment of dermatitis or acne), azelian peeling is carried out weekly in long courses.
  • Salicylic peeling. Has powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands, dries out the skin, but not much. It is one of the most popular treatments for acne and pimples in teenagers. In the summer, it is indicated for those with oily and combination skin types to reduce pores enlarged due to high air temperatures and sun exposure.
  • Phytin, or Hollywood, peeling . Favorite procedure of the stars. After phytic acid, there is almost no peeling on the skin, or it is very light. However, a smooth, velvety and fresh appearance as a result of cleaning is guaranteed. You can do it even on the eve of important events, without fear that redness will remain on your face.
  • Milk peeling . A very effective procedure, which has a mild universal effect - moisturizes the epidermis, promotes the natural production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. It is often used as part of professional combination products due to its bacteriostatic effect and the ability to maintain the acid-base balance of the skin.
  • Ferulic peeling . Cleansing with this fruit acid is well tolerated even by sensitive skin. As a rule, the drug is used in combination with gluconic or mandelic acid, less often - in its pure form. All-season peeling for the face, neck and décolleté with ferulic acid is considered gentle, however, it perfectly cleanses and refreshes the skin.

Attention: in summer, any of the chemical peels should be used in a concentration not exceeding 25% when carried out in a salon, and no more than 15–20% when used at home. A substitute for chemical peeling can be the regular application of creams or gels containing mandelic or glycolic acid (2–5%). Course – 30 days, frequency of use – 2-3 times a week.


The procedure has massaging, transdermal and exfoliating properties.

It eliminates puffiness and swelling of the face, removes facial wrinkles and increases the elasticity of the dermis. The result will be a tightened contour and natural skin color.

The combined technique enhances the efficiency of the process.

Cosmetic centers and beauty salons offer different care options:

  • Peeling and cleansing mask. In addition to oxygen and saline, microgranules with useful substances are used, which are absorbed into the cells as quickly as possible.
  • Triple complex: oxygen, purification, nutrition. This option moisturizes and tones the dermis, making it smooth and elastic.
  • Peeling and nutritional components. Additional medications help achieve maximum results. The most commonly used are azelaic, hyaluronic and kojiic acids, caffeine and vitamin complexes.

The result after gas-liquid cleaning has an accumulative property. A larger number of procedures guarantees a lasting positive effect.

Mechanical all-season peels

The main advantage of all-season facial peels using a mechanical method can be considered the absence of an allergic reaction. In some cases, the effect on the skin is completely non-contact, but deep cleansing of the pores occurs. True, no significant changes in the structure of the epidermis are noted: the skin simply looks better after these procedures.

What methods of mechanical peeling are especially in demand?

  • Ultrasonic (US) cleaning . It is carried out with an ultrasonic scrubber - a cosmetology device that produces ultrashort waves. Using a special attachment, the specialist acts with these waves on the skin of the face and décolleté, as a result of which intercellular connections are destroyed, blood flow in the epidermal layers increases, and adhesions are resolved. This peeling is recommended for:
  • getting rid of the top layer of the epidermis, giving the skin a natural shine and healthy color;
  • improving cellular respiration and nutrition;
  • eliminating clogged pores, getting rid of comedones;
  • smoothing shallow facial wrinkles, small scars, improving the relief of epithelial tissue;
  • getting rid of pigmentation (spots, freckles).

Using ultrasound, you can also massage muscle tissue, normalize the outflow of lymph, and, accordingly, reduce swelling and make the skin more elastic.

  • Microcrystalline (sandblasting) dermabrasion . It is a skin cleansing using aluminum oxide microcrystals. These tiny particles, falling onto the epidermis from a special cosmetology device that sprays them through a nozzle under pressure, scrape off the upper epidermal layer, free the pores from impurities, while simultaneously massaging the tissue. Magnesium oxide, sodium chloride or soda can also be used as scrubbing particles. This peeling is indicated for:
  • sagging skin, loss of tone and elasticity, facial wrinkles and other noticeable age-related changes;
  • scar defects of the epithelium;
  • stretch marks;
  • freckles, increased pigmentation;
  • hyperkeratosis.

Microdermabrasion is also suitable as a means of preventing skin aging.

  • Brushing (brossage) . It involves treating the face with a device with rapidly rotating attachments in the form of brushes or sponges. This all-season facial peeling helps:
  • get rid of damaged epidermal cells, renew the upper layers of the skin, provide oxygen, nutrients and moisture to the tissues that are deeper;
  • even out complexion, restore skin smoothness, velvety, natural radiance;
  • get rid of comedones, cleanse pores;
  • fight freckles and hyperpigmentation;
  • make the skin more elastic and elastic, restore the structure and rejuvenate the skin tissue;
  • fight small expression wrinkles, minor scars on the surface of the skin, including those that arise after acne;
  • make the contours and relief of the face more toned.

There are portable brushing devices (with a round rotating brush) that allow you to do it at home. In a beauty salon, water or saline solution is supplied to the nozzles.

Recommended articles on the topic:

  • Ultrasonic facial peeling is a pleasant and beneficial procedure for your skin
  • Redermalization of the skin: all the pros and cons
  • Almond peeling for the face: features of the procedure
  • Gas-liquid all-season facial peeling . In this case, skin cleansing is carried out using oxygen-enriched water. A directed jet is applied to the face under pressure, which does not feel very pleasant, but is very useful. Serum is sometimes used to nourish the skin during the procedure: penetrating through the protective barrier thanks to strong pressure, it affects the middle layer of the epidermis.
  • Oxygen all-season facial peeling. The skin is cleansed with a stream of liquid oxygen, which has a low temperature. The procedure helps to narrow enlarged pores and make the skin texture even. This cleansing immediately gives the face a fresh and well-groomed appearance, but it takes 5 to 10 sessions for the result to be significant. The disadvantage of the procedure is that it is expensive, so it is not very popular.

Each of these peels can be used to prevent aging or as intensive care. But it is better to make a choice in favor of a specific procedure after consultation with a qualified cosmetologist, especially if there are any skin problems that need to be solved first.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Hygienic and safe process.
  • The procedure is not accompanied by pain or discomfort.
  • A small list of contraindications.
  • Used for sensitive skin prone to rosacea (capillary network).
  • There is no connection to the season. Cleaning can be done in warm and cold seasons.
  • There is no rehabilitation period because it does not cause complications or side effects.
  • Does not reduce immunity. On the contrary, the protective properties of the skin are enhanced.
  • The cost of oxygen peeling is significantly higher than chemical peeling.
  • Not suitable for allergy sufferers. There is a possibility of a reaction to substances and components of nutritional serums.
  • Initial sessions may produce little results.

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What equipment is used to perform

Manufacturers offer various devices for oxygen peeling, differing in functional features and technical characteristics.

There are single-function devices that are designed exclusively for this procedure, as well as complex options that solve different problems.

Multifunctional equipment combines techniques that effectively complement each other and maximize the result.

Device overview

Jet Peel, developed by the Israeli company TavTech Ltd, is considered the best.

The model has a narrow nozzle through which the therapeutic mixture is supplied at a speed of 250-300 m/s and a pressure of 8 atmospheres.

The quality of the procedure depends on the distance between the treated area and the device.

  • If the nozzle is moved 2 cm further from the skin, it will undergo a massage, stimulation of regenerative processes and the production of hyaluronic acid will begin.
  • With the removal of equipment by 5-7 cm, active exfoliation of the epidermis occurs. The price of such a device starts from 200 thousand rubles.

The products of the American brand Zemits have proven themselves well:

  • Zemits Hydroluxx (90 thousand rubles);
  • Plus Zemits Leon (75 thousand rubles).

Complex models are distinguished by wide functionality and impeccable quality, but their price is quite high:

  • OxyMesoPeel (212 thousand rubles);
  • Power Peel (RUB 210 thousand);
  • PowerPeel ES-921 N (RUB 219 thousand);
  • Oxygen Jet MED-390 (250 thousand rubles).


Peeling involves standard preparatory procedures. These include complete superficial cleansing of cosmetics and natural impurities and degreasing with tonic.

Further actions of the cosmetologist are as follows:

  • skin disinfection using cosmetic serum;
  • applying the peeling solution to the desired area;
  • surface treatment with an oxygen jet directed along massage lines.

Of no small importance is the serum used, which is selected according to the individual characteristics of the patient. The most commonly used mixtures are:

  • With ascorbic or kojiic acid, vitamins A, E. These components narrow pores, relieve puffiness, smooth out fine wrinkles, reduce pigmentation and activate the regenerative function of tissues.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Kojikovic acid serves as a powerful biochemical bleaching agent. Destroys melanin-tyrosinase, which promotes the deposition of melanin, consequently, the formation of age spots.

  • With azelaic acid. The serum is chosen for problematic acne-prone skin. Azelaine helps improve complexion and lighten it, as it acts on the biochemical processes that synthesize the melanin pigment. Relieves inflammation, normalizes pore function and tightens the upper epidermis.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Azelaic acid is an official pharmacological agent that acts directly on pathogens that provoke the formation of acne. In addition, it stops the keratinization of epithelial skin cells.

  • With hyaluronic acid. The choice in favor of this complex is obvious if the dermis is dry and sensitive. Thanks to its ability to penetrate deep layers, hyaluronic acid retains moisture and restores damaged structure.
  • With ceramides. The serum is indispensable for aging and dry skin, when increased nutrition is needed. Replenishes lipid balance, preventing aging.

Course duration

Long-lasting and lasting results require a course of procedures.

After several sessions, the result may be insignificant, since oxygen cleansing works according to a cumulative scheme.

A noticeable visual effect should be expected after 3-5 manipulations.

To achieve maximum transformation, 10-12 visits are required. You can clean it once a week. The session duration is usually 30-60 minutes.

Healing period

After cleaning with oxygen, there is no recovery period, since the removal of the top layer of the epidermis is carried out in a delicate way.

The event does not require special conditions or restrictions. The only recommendation is to use sunscreen.

The procedure is absolutely safe and can be combined with microdermabrasion, chemical peels, oxygen mesotherapy, electroporation, RF lifting, phonophoresis and electric currents.

Oxygen peeling

Oxygen peeling. What makes it special?

Oxygen peeling at the Correct Cosmetology clinic is performed using an innovative new generation Oxyjet device.
The essence of the method is thorough exfoliation, which is complemented by exposure to pure oxygen, as well as active substances of German cosmetics from the Nora Bode brand, the effectiveness of which many patients of the clinic have already been convinced of. The polishing and rejuvenation that is achieved with oxygen facial cleansing is due to the effect of a special abrasive head on the skin. It has several degrees of hardness, so the doctor selects the most suitable option based on the condition and characteristics of the skin.

In addition, the cosmetologist will individually select concentrates that can solve certain problems of the patient. All the substances used give stunning results, since their effects are supported by the effect of oxygen on the skin. It is this that is an essential component of oxygen peeling, which is performed using the OXYJET device and promotes revitalizing, rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory effects.

What results can be achieved through oxygen cleaning?

If you carry out oxygen skin peeling at the Correct Cosmetology clinic regularly, you can achieve a noticeable rejuvenating effect. In addition, oxygen facial cleansing, the cost of which at the Correct Cosmetology clinic is more than adequate, provides:

  • cleansing the skin of impurities and dead particles;
  • getting rid of hyperkeratosis;
  • stimulation of cell renewal;
  • eliminating signs of early aging;
  • even skin tone;
  • lightening pigment spots;
  • healthy complexion;
  • relief leveling.

Indications for oxygen peeling

Performing an oxygen skin peeling procedure in “Right Cosmetology” will help you forget about problems such as:

  • hyperkeratosis;
  • exhaustion, sagging skin;
  • early aging due to exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • problems with blood circulation, paleness and dullness of the skin;
  • small scars, post-acne;
  • early wrinkles.

Contraindications to oxygen cleaning

One of the advantages of the oxygen facial peeling procedure is the absence of contraindications to its implementation. The only condition is that there should be no damage to the skin.

Why is the best place for oxygen peeling - the Correct Cosmetology clinic?

  • The oxygen peeling method is absolutely safe and is suitable for people over 25 years of age, both men and women.
  • You can perform oxygen peeling using Oxyjet Nora Bode whenever you need it or have free time, regardless of the time of year and the temperature outside.
  • Oxygen cleansing does not cause pain; the process is accompanied by pleasant sensations and helps you relax.
  • During the procedure, the integrity of the skin is not compromised.
  • Cleaning with oxygen gives a visible and long-lasting effect.
  • The price of oxygen skin peeling will not come as a shock, since it is affordable for most segments of the population.

"Correct cosmetology." Trust the best of the best!

Medical, located in the very center of Kharkov, cordially opens its doors to all residents and guests of the city and is ready to offer highly professional services from the best specialists in Ukraine. Cosmetologists with extensive experience will thoroughly study the problem and select the most suitable solution to it.

Our services have a favorable price-result ratio, so most of our clients become regulars and return to us if necessary. You can perform oxygen facial peeling using the OxyJet device, improve the color and texture of your face, get rid of acne or other skin blemishes by first scheduling a consultation with a specialist by phone or online.

Precautionary measures

Side effects

Most often, the procedure does not cause complications. In rare cases, minor redness and itching may occur. To eliminate symptoms, you need to use hypoallergenic cream and special washing gels.


  • Oncology;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Exacerbation of herpes;
  • Allergy to the components or substances used;
  • Open wounds on the face, chemical burns;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Indications and contraindications for the use of all-season peeling

Indications for all-season facial peeling are:

  • a large number of keratinized cells in the surface layer of the skin, as a result of which it becomes rougher and the complexion becomes dull;
  • acne, clogged pores, black spots on the face;
  • post-acne;
  • formation of pigment spots;
  • loss of elasticity, appearance of wrinkles, sagging, decreased tone and other age-related changes in the skin;
  • ingrown hairs;
  • enlarged pores, excessive dryness or oiliness of the skin;
  • striae;
  • small scars and scars;
  • signs of photo- and chronoaging;
  • comedones, milia;
  • swelling due to impaired lymph outflow;
  • hyperkeratosis.
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You cannot do the exfoliation procedure if:

  • there are tumors (malignant or benign);
  • the client suffers from cardiovascular disease or has problems with blood clotting;
  • have diabetes;
  • there are allergic reactions to the drugs used in peelings or their individual intolerance;
  • the client has epileptic seizures;
  • have chronic skin diseases (for example, rosacea);
  • the client is under 14 years old.

Reasons to temporarily refuse all-season peeling of the face or other areas are:

  1. Infectious diseases.
  2. Herpes is in the acute stage.
  3. Eczema.
  4. Dermatitis.
  5. Therapy with hormones and antiplatelet agents.
  6. Existing mechanical damage and trauma to the skin.
  7. A tan.

Photos before and after

Is the procedure carried out at home?

You can do oxygen peeling at home, but you should not expect the same effect as after a professional procedure. After all, the pronounced result is achieved thanks to specialized equipment, which can only be purchased by a certain segment of the population.

An alternative option is cleaning with drugs. Most popular products used at home:

  • cosmetic product Oxy-Peel Skin Renewal System V20 (Switzerland);
  • Missha Super Aqua Oxygen Micro Essence Peeling (Korea);
  • peeling mask Payot Peeling Oxygenant Depolluant (France);
  • oxygen mask Faberlic (Russia);
  • Beauty Style face mask (USA);
  • combined complex Valencia Gio Peeling Gel O2 (Korea).

Service cost

Gas-liquid peeling cannot be classified as a budget procedure. Depending on the equipment used, the price per session may vary.


Beauty salon OkAltufevskoe highway, 8527007 (495) 769‑50-92, +7 (499) 909‑91-07
Beauty Linest. Pokryshkina, 9 2500+7 (495) 414‑26-23, +7 (495) 651‑12-33
Through the Looking Glassst. Kantemirovskaya, 6, building 1 2400+7

Saint Petersburg

NeomedVyborg highway, 5, building 11800+7
Beauty DayObukhovskaya Oborona Ave., 1102300+7
Cosmetst. Rubinshteina, 26 1500+7

Skin care after all-season facial peeling procedure

To get the maximum effect from peeling, you must follow the recommendations for further skin care:

  • do not peel off flaky crusts;
  • for morning and evening washing, you should use moisturizing foams that have neutral acidity (in the case of medium or deep cleansing, washing is allowed only on the third day);
  • Do not rub your face after water procedures - only gently blot with a rough towel;
  • You must definitely use face creams with panthenol, retinol, lanolin;
  • the body needs more rest, you should walk in the fresh air more often, not forgetting to protect the skin from dust, hypothermia and exposure to the sun (before going outside, the skin must be treated with a product with a protection factor (SPF) of at least 35);
  • It is better to refrain from going to the sauna and solarium;
  • You should at least temporarily exclude alcohol and spicy foods from your diet.

Remember: decorative cosmetics can only be used a week after peeling, not earlier!

Judging by the responses, many patients do not have a clear idea of ​​what all-season facial peeling is. It is a very common belief that this is a single procedure. In reality, we are talking about a variety of exfoliation methods that can be used even when it is sunny and hot outside. It is better to choose the best option for yourself with the help of a qualified cosmetologist.

In order for the results of all-season peeling to be pleasing, it is important to constantly protect the skin from sun rays with special cosmetics with SPF 30 or more (for 3-4 weeks after the procedure), not to sunbathe during the period of maximum sun activity, as well as in a solarium, and to avoid burning. All sunscreens and sprays must be applied to the skin several times during the day, because even waterproof products are gradually washed off.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best cosmetologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

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