Plaque on the genital organs in women: causes, diagnosis and treatment

  • Published by: Laima Jansons

Peeling skin always causes a lot of discomfort. It is accompanied by itching, burning, redness, scratching, and leads to dry skin. However, the most discomfort is caused by peeling in the external genital area. This is due, first of all, to the inability to quietly relieve the painful itching.

Photo 1: Peeling skin in the intimate area in women causes a lot of unpleasant sensations and worries. Source: flickr (Vladimir Ena).

Causes of peeling of the labia

Unpleasant sensations in the deep bikini area can be a symptom of many diseases, but more often they are the cause of improper care of sensitive skin. Peeling may also be caused by:

  • Chlorinated water. Tap water always contains chlorine, but sometimes there is too much of it. This aggressive substance can cause peeling of sensitive skin. In this case, the epidermis will peel off not only in the bikini area, but also in other parts of the body.
  • Taking medications. Sometimes peeling skin is a side effect of medications. For example, taking large doses of vitamin A can lead to excessive dryness, peeling and peeling of the skin of the face, labia, elbows, and knees.

In all non-pathological cases, the symptoms disappear on their own after the cessation of the action of the cause that caused them.

This is interesting! The labia majora and minora are divided into labia majora and labia minora. Only large ones can peel off, since they are covered with skin containing keratinized epithelium. Excessive formation of scales in the stratum corneum leads to peeling. The labia minora are covered with non-keratinized epithelium, which does not peel off, but can become inflamed and itchy.

Additional symptoms of peeling: itching, redness

Peeling of the labia majora may be accompanied by itching and redness. There is a feeling that the skin is peeling off. This is caused by the formation of skin flakes caused by excessive dryness and flaking that flake off and resemble peeled skin, like a burn.

Therefore, peeling is often perceived as a change in the skin, and very often such peeling is accompanied by additional symptoms: redness and itching.

This unpleasant symptom occurs due to reasons such as:

  • Frequent depilation. Using a razor, electric epilator or depilatory cream may cause skin irritation and flaking and redness at the treatment sites. In addition, sugaring and waxing have an adverse effect on the epidermis, expressed by redness and peeling. It is not recommended to carry them out often.
  • Allergic reaction. It can occur on any intimate hygiene product: gel, lubricant, soap, pads. In this case, a rash appears on the skin, which is very itchy. If you look closely, the blisters on the skin are always located differently, quickly disappearing and appearing in another area, and the skin begins to peel off.
  • Inappropriate underwear. Loose cotton panties should be preferred. Seamless and tight-fitting lace underwear is not intended for daily wear and can cause redness and flaking of the skin.

Diseases that lead to peeling of the labia

Sometimes dryness, itching and flaking of the skin are caused by serious diseases of an infectious and non-infectious nature. Here are some of them:

  • Pubic lice. Sometimes these parasites appear even in women who carefully monitor their skin hygiene. A louse can get into the bikini area through sexual contact, using a shared towel, or someone else's bedding or underwear. Main symptoms: itching becomes stronger in the dark, and on the skin, in addition to peeling, bite marks are visible.
  • Genital herpes. This infectious disease manifests itself as blistering rashes on the external genitalia. The bubbles open on their own and crusts form in their place. Subjectively, herpes is manifested by itching, burning and sometimes pain at the site of the rash, the skin of the labia peels off and flakes off. Herpes is transmitted through sexual contact.
  • Fungal infection. Most often, candidiasis occurs on the genitals. Then, in addition to itching and redness, a white coating similar to cottage cheese appears. Peeling can also be caused by a fungus from the genus Epidermophyton. In this case, redness and rejected epithelial scales (peeling skin) are located in natural folds, including in the bikini area.
  • Diabetes. This is a non-infectious disease, which, in addition to increasing blood glucose levels, may be accompanied by peeling of the skin of the labia. To exclude this disease, it is necessary to do a test for glycosylated hemoglobin.
  • Bacterial infections of the genital organs. Gonorrhea and chlamydia are rarely accompanied by peeling, but cause itching and burning of the external genitalia. In addition, intense discharge can cause maceration of the skin. This causes the skin of the labia to peel off.
  • Hypovitaminosis. This condition often occurs in the spring and summer, as well as during long diets, intense physical activity and during pregnancy. The skin of the labia peels off due to a lack of B vitamins, as well as vitamin C and E.

Factors that cause itching of the vulva

The causes of itching and peeling in the labia area can be different, ranging from simple stress to infectious lesions. Let's look at the most common factors:

  • Avitaminosis. A lack of vitamins causes cracks and peeling in the intimate area. Most often occurs in spring.
  • Allergy. If the skin of the labia periodically itches and peels, this may be a sign of an allergy. The irritants are usually chlorinated water, hygiene products and partner’s sperm.
  • Mechanical damage. They occur due to aggressive hair removal in the vulva area or insufficient hydration during sex.
  • Menopause. Due to a lack of estrogen, a woman’s genitals stop producing natural lubrication. Burning and itching appear in the labia area, causing serious discomfort.
  • Genital herpes. The virus can enter a woman’s body during unprotected sex and remain latent for a long time. Peeling is the main symptom of herpes infection.
  • Candidiasis. Symptoms similar to herpes are observed with fungal infections of the genital organs. The disease can be recognized by a cheesy vaginal discharge.
  • Parasites. Parasites that live in the intestines can come out of the anus and cause itching in the perineum and labia. Scratching the skin further promotes the spread of helminths.

What to do if your labia are peeling

The first thing to do is check for blistering rashes, plaque or bites. These manifestations indicate the pathological nature of peeling.

It is important! If there is any peeling, itching or redness in the groin area, sexual intercourse should be avoided. Sexual contact can introduce infection and worsen the problem.

To exclude the disease, you need to consult a dermatovenerologist who treats both infectious and non-infectious skin lesions. Including peeling and itching in the groin area.

In addition, you can try treating peeling with homeopathic medicines, which successfully cope with many skin problems. Homeopaths rightly believe that all skin rashes, peeling and itching are just a signal that the functions of some organs and systems in the body are impaired. Homeopathic treatment is aimed at establishing these functions and balancing the interaction of all body systems.

Photo 2: If peeling occurs, it is necessary to change personal hygiene products, replace underwear with cotton ones that do not cause unpleasant reactions, and temporarily stop depilating the bikini area. Source: flickr (Muhamad Arifin).


An unpleasant-smelling plaque on the labia can also be a sign of vulvitis or vulvovaginitis - inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes of the external genitalia. The development of the disease can be triggered by:

  • neglect of the rules of intimate hygiene,
  • allergies to synthetic underwear, shower gels,
  • imbalance of microflora - vulvitis is a common complication of antibiotic therapy,
  • decreased immunity,
  • infection with STIs,
  • active reproduction of opportunistic flora - often begins against the background of stress, dysbacteriosis, and immunodeficiency.

A comprehensive diagnosis of vulvitis includes a gynecological examination, bacterioscopy of discharge, and blood tests for infections. Based on the test results, the specialist develops a treatment program.

Homeopathy for peeling skin of the labia

It is important to choose a drug that is suitable not only for symptoms, but also for personal characteristics. The following remedies help with itching and flaking:

  1. Lycopodium (Lycopodium clavatum). This drug is suitable for those women who are tormented not only by peeling and itching, but also by burning. All symptoms intensify in the evening and during the cold season.
  2. Hydrocotyle asiatica. The product should be used by women whose skin is prone to the formation of scales, thickening and rashes in various areas, including the labia. Among the personal characteristics, such women are characterized by frequent drowsiness and low mood.
  3. Ignatia amara. This drug is intended for women who are subject to rapid mood swings. Great for those whose symptoms arise after severe stress or fear.

Before taking homeopathic remedies, you should consult your doctor.


One of the most common causes of white plaque on the genitals in women is thrush, or candidiasis. The causative agents of this disease are fungi, which begin to actively multiply when local and general immunity decreases. The disease can be triggered by an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, STIs, hormonal imbalances and some other factors. To diagnose thrush, the doctor prescribes a flora smear. Treatment usually includes topical and oral antifungals. To strengthen the immune system, vitamin and mineral complexes can be additionally prescribed.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Peeling skin is a common symptom of sexually transmitted infections. In addition to it, women will also have other symptoms: itching, swelling, vaginal discharge, and unpleasant odor.

Sexually transmitted diseases that cause peeling include the following:

  • Chlamydia is a pathology caused by chlamydia bacteria. The genitals peel and swell. The discharge becomes profuse and yellow in color. The general symptoms resemble the clinical picture of vulvovaginitis or urethritis.
  • Genital herpes is a disease caused by the herpes virus type 2. Bubbles with clear or cloudy liquid appear on the genitals, and the skin peels off. The disease is accompanied by severe itching and burning.
  • Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection during which inflammation of the genitourinary system occurs. In addition to peeling on the labia minora and vagina, there is heavy discharge and burning of the labia.
  • Ureaplasmosis is a sexually transmitted disease, but usually does not manifest itself. When immunity decreases, clear discharge and pain during urination begin.
  • Gardnerellosis is a type of bacterial vaginosis. When sick, a woman's genitals emit a strong smell of rotten fish. Green or yellow vaginal discharge. In an advanced state, the disease leads to cystitis or pyelonephritis.

Sexually transmitted diseases are caused by bacteria. Treatment is carried out with a course of antibiotics. Home methods are powerless in the fight against sexually transmitted diseases.

What to do?

If you suspect that the skin on the labia has begun to peel due to non-dangerous reasons, you can try to cope with this phenomenon yourself:

  • Saturate your diet with vitamins and minerals, make the menu as varied as possible and take a course of multivitamins after consulting a doctor. It is worth noting that hypovitaminosis most often occurs in winter and during the off-season. Also, girls who adhere to a strict diet often face this problem.
  • Carry out hygiene procedures with clean water, for example, settled, boiled or filtered. Avoid using regular tap water.
  • Do not use detergents when performing daily hygiene procedures. Wash with exclusively clean water (no soap, foam, gel, etc.).
  • It is good to rinse your underwear from detergents. Switch to loose cotton clothes.
  • Avoid daily sanitary pads, and during menstrual periods use products with a minimum amount of fragrance (hypoallergenic).
  • Analyze when the unpleasant symptoms arose. Perhaps the first symptoms appeared after changing the method of contraception; in such a situation, you need to return to the previous option of protection against unwanted pregnancy.
  • If necessary, use an intimate lubricant, but only water-based without chemical additives (dyes or flavors).
  • Reduce the frequency of depilation, use only disposable machines or shorten the length of hairs in the bikini area with a trimer. It is better to avoid chemical hair removal methods for a while.

In order to reduce the severity of peeling and reduce the severity of unpleasant sensations, you can lubricate the skin of the labia with a cream with panthenol, for example, Bepanthen. This is a hypoallergenic product that perfectly softens the skin and stimulates regeneration processes.

Peeling skin

Peeling of the labia is a fairly common symptom that can occur in women of all ages, even little girls. This phenomenon is explained by the active rejection of epidermal cells and can be provoked by a variety of factors, ranging from immune disorders to serious illnesses.

Peeling may occur on its own and not be accompanied by other noticeable symptoms. However, most often it is accompanied by itching and even an obsessive burning sensation.

When faced with such a delicate problem, it is better not to engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, but to seek medical help from a qualified specialist.

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