Ulcers on the inside of the lip: what they are talking about, how to treat


is a viral disease. One of the most well-known manifestations of a herpes infection is small, clear, painful blisters on the lips. Previously, in such a case they said “a cold on the lip popped up”, now they more often talk about “herpes on the lip”.

However, the family of herpes viruses is quite large. There are several types of herpes virus that can infect the human body. The most studied types are:

  • herpes simplex virus type 1
    (HSV-1). It is he who is responsible for pimples on the lip. HSV-1 primarily affects the mucous membranes of the lips, oral cavity and nasopharynx. Herpetic rashes can also appear within the nasolabial triangle (in particular, on the wings of the nose), less often on the cheeks and other parts of the face. Recently, HSV-1 quite often becomes the cause of herpetic lesions of the genital area, where it is introduced through oral sex;
  • herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) – genital herpes
    . Main manifestations: redness, the appearance in the area of ​​redness of bubbles filled with liquid, tending to merge, the appearance of erosions and crusts at the site of the bubbles, itching, headache and muscle pain, increased urination;
  • chickenpox virus
    (varicella) is a type 3 herpes virus. In people who have already had chickenpox, this type of virus causes herpes zoster. Therefore, this type of herpes is also called Varicella-Zoster;
  • Epstein-Barr virus
    (Epstein-Barr viral infection - EBVI) is a type 4 herpes virus. It is the causative agent of mononucleosis, causes malignant diseases of lymphoid tissue, and is considered the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • cytomegalovirus
    – herpes virus type 5. The virus poses a threat to children during fetal development. May affect internal organs.

What diseases cause a rash on the lips?

Pimples, redness and other signs of irritation on the lips appear for various reasons. Most often, their appearance is associated with a weakened immune system, which cannot cope with bacteria and viruses.

Rashes appear due to vitamin deficiency, frequent hypothermia and overheating, improper installation of veneers and braces. The cause may be the spread of fungus.

A rash on the lips may indicate the development of:

  • Herpes - the disease is provoked by a virus, usually type 1. With this pathology, the rashes become regular and look like groups of small bubbles filled with liquid. Their appearance is accompanied by itching and pain;
  • Allergies to cosmetic products, toothpaste, substances contained in food. A feature of rashes of allergic origin is swelling, and at the same time redness appears on the skin;
  • Oral dermatitis - the rash is quite profuse, accompanied by peeling and sometimes a decrease in skin sensitivity. The cause of the pathology is disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, the use of low-quality cosmetics, skin hypersensitivity, prolonged exposure to a solarium or exposure to the sun;
  • Fordyce's disease - the disease manifests itself in connection with the expansion of the sebaceous glands against the background of hormonal imbalance and manifests itself as white granules or nodules.

When the rash is accompanied by cracks, peeling, and yellow crusts are visible on the lips, this may indicate cheilitis. The disease progresses due to genetic predisposition, frequent stress, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and hypovitaminosis. Neoplasms in the form of ulcers with bleeding may turn out to be malignant.

Symptoms of lip cancer

There are local and general signs of lip cancer. Local symptoms of a malignant neoplasm can often be seen on the lower lip. When the pathological process is located on the mucous membrane of the lips, facing the vestibule of the mouth, the tumor has a pronounced malignancy. General signs of lip cancer can develop if the tumor is not detected in a timely manner and treated inadequately in the later stages of cancer.

First symptoms

The first signs of lip cancer usually go unnoticed. First, you can determine the enlargement of the mental lymph nodes. You can notice this by feeling the lower jaw. The next early sign of lip cancer is a swelling of a dense consistency. Itching occurs in it. This neoplasm is usually mistaken for a herpetic rash.

A small ulcer with a crust forms in the center of the swelling, which does not cause pain. If it is removed, the patient feels quite severe pain, and upon closer inspection, he may find a bleeding base, which is formed by tubercles.

Local signs of tumor

Symptoms of lip cancer are:

  • Dyskeratosis of the lips;
  • Papilloma;
  • Erosion;
  • Cheilitis.

In most cases, dyskateriosis looks like cracks and ulcers. The erosions are covered with a crust and resemble herpes in appearance, but, unlike it, they do not heal after a certain period of time. Some patients have no ulcers or erosions. Instead, a small compaction appears, which over time grows and becomes covered with a crust.

On the red border of the lower lip, away from the midline, a patch or formation may appear that protrudes above the surface. An erosion or ulcer with a granular surface and a roll-like edge forms in the center of the tumor. The formation has a dense consistency and gradually increases in size, eventually acquiring an irregular shape. Its boundaries are unclear.

Exophytic lip cancer predominantly develops from a warty form of productive diffuse dyskeratosis of papilloma. With exophytic growth, the tumor has a dense consistency, often covered with flat scales. Endophytic growth of a cancerous tumor is characterized by the formation of an ulcer with uneven, dense edges. It often appears against the background of destructive dyskeratosis, quickly infiltrates the soft tissues of the lip and is prone to metastasis.

Symptoms of the disease should be a signal to immediately contact oncologists at the Yusupov Hospital. Lip cancer, treatment of which is started on time, is completely cured in 90% of cases.

Is a rash on the lips contagious?

The cause of the rash on the lips determines whether the disease can be transmitted to others. Herpes is transmitted through contact with body fluids or damaged tissue of an infected person. With noticeable lesions, the virus is especially dangerous, but its transmission is also possible in the asymptomatic stage. You can become infected through a kiss or utensils used by the carrier of the virus.

Allergies and oral dermatitis cannot be transmitted from one person to another. The same applies to Fordyce's disease, cheilitis.

Common symptoms and manipulations in dermatology:

  • Skin rashes
  • Calling a dermatologist to your home
  • Itching in the urethra
  • Itchy skin
  • Skin rash
  • Prevention of casual sex
  • Skin neoplasms
  • Pyoderma
  • Pityriasis rosea
  • Streptoderma
  • Scabies
  • Peeling skin
  • Fungal infections
  • Skin infection
  • Pus on the skin
  • Blisters on the skin
  • Papillomas on the foreskin
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Skin structure

Which side did the pimple appear on?

If a pimple appears on the left, then you should expect gossip and even intrigue. Those who discuss in a negative way will be those close to you. Quarrels with relatives are possible. People who were trusted were up to no good. Such people pretend to be good, taking advantage of trust. Caution is advised.

If a pimple appears on the right side, then this means possible love affairs and the appearance of false friends. Relationships with such people will be bright, but will not lead to anything significant. You should expect bad things from them. The more painful the rash on the right, the less reliable the newfound acquaintances are.

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Which doctor treats a rash on the lips

A rash near the lips can be a dangerous symptom. If such manifestations occur, you should definitely visit a doctor, undergo prescribed tests and, if necessary, a course of treatment. First, you should visit a dermatologist, who will prescribe diagnostic procedures to identify the disease.

Even if the test for herpes is positive, many more parameters are taken into account when prescribing therapy: the number of antibodies, the stage of the disease, the individual characteristics of the body. This disease has 8 varieties, and appropriate treatment is selected for each.

If a reaction to certain substances and products develops, consultation with an allergist is required. There is often a need to visit an immunologist, since most diseases associated with a rash on the lips progress against a background of weakened immunity. But you should not visit the dentist if you have such symptoms. During dental treatment, the vesicles can become damaged and become infected, which causes inflammation and complications.


Taking a scraping

It is the responsibility of a dermatologist to determine what triggered the appearance of white pimples on the lips. During the examination, the specialist takes into account the parameters of the lesions, the intensity of the development of inflammation, the presence of swelling and other symptoms. Diagnosis is a rather complex process, because there are many reasons.

To clarify the picture, a blood test is performed and a scraping of the upper layer of the epidermis is taken. If there is a suspicion of an exacerbation of a chronic disease, the patient is referred for an ultrasound scan. Based on the test results, a treatment regimen is developed.

Ointments that are used for rashes on the lips

A qualified doctor should select medications to treat rashes. Attempting to get rid of unpleasant symptoms on your own will, at best, relieve the symptoms without eliminating the cause of the problem. At worst, the situation will worsen.

A rash on the lips caused by the herpes virus is treated with antiviral drugs - for external use or for oral administration. The following ointments are used:

  • Acyclovir (Virolex, Zovirax, Acyclostad, Herperax, Gerpevir, Provirsan) is an antiviral agent that penetrates the DNA chain of the virus and stops its replication. However, over time, the effectiveness of the drug decreases, so its use requires justification;
  • Penciclovir (Vectavir, Fenistil Pencivir) - enters infected cells without affecting healthy ones. Prevents viral DNA synthesis;
  • Docosanol (Gerpanit, Erabazan, Priora) - prevents the connection of the virus with the cell membrane, is prescribed in the initial stages of the pathology.

For Fordyce's disease, ointments with retinol are used. For cheilitis, you need to use corticosteroid ointments - Prednisolone, Flucinar. The treatment regimen for oral dermatitis usually includes the use of metronidazole cream or gels, clindacimine, erythromycin, azelaic acid products, and pimecrolimus cream.

Answers to frequently asked questions about skin rashes:

  • Which doctor should you contact for a skin rash?
  • Is the skin rash contagious?
  • What diet is necessary for skin rashes?
  • What diagnosis is needed for a skin rash?
  • Why is a skin rash dangerous?
  • Why is it necessary to get tested for a skin rash?
  • What diseases does a skin rash indicate?
  • What examination is necessary for a skin rash?
  • Which skin rash is dangerous?
  • How to distinguish an allergic rash from an infectious one
  • How to get rid of skin rashes?
  • How to get rid of itching skin rash?
  • What organs are affected by a skin rash?
  • How to prepare for an appointment with a dermatologist?
  • How to get checked for skin diseases?
  • What diseases does a dermatologist treat?
  • What tests should be taken by a dermatologist?
  • What diagnostics can a dermatologist perform in the clinic?
  • Where to go with a skin disease?

Diagnosis of a tumor by a doctor in a hospital

What does lip cancer look like? It could be a small ulcer or a widespread tumor. Doctors at the Oncology Clinic of the Yusupov Hospital make a diagnosis of lip cancer based on the patient’s complaints, the results of an external examination and additional studies. The oncologist carefully examines and palpates the lips, cheeks, gums and regional lymph nodes. When examining the red border of the lips, skin and mucous membrane, use a magnifying glass.

How to identify lip cancer? Further examination is carried out using instrumental and laboratory diagnostic methods:

  • Ultrasound examination;
  • X-rays of the lower jaw;
  • Panoramic tomography;
  • Cytological examination of material obtained by taking fingerprint smears from the surface of the ulcer or histological examination of tissue obtained during a biopsy.

For lip cancer with lymphatic metastasis, a biopsy of the lymph nodes is performed. To exclude hematogenous metastases, chest X-ray and ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs are used. When the diagnosis of lip cancer is confirmed, an X-ray examination of the chest organs, general clinical and laboratory examination (electrocardiography, blood and urine tests) are performed.

A PET-CT study (positron emission computed tomography) is prescribed for the following purposes:

  • Determining the stage of lip cancer;
  • Assessment of response to treatment;
  • Detection of disease relapse during the observation period.

PET-CT is an innovative method that combines the capabilities of computer technology and radiology. At the Yusupov Hospital, it is used not only to diagnose lip cancer, but also to monitor tumor development and evaluate the outcome of treatment. Thanks to PET-CT, radiologists have the opportunity to very accurately carry out radiation treatment, significantly reduce the irradiation area, and minimize the impact on healthy organs and tissues.

In many cases, the use of PET-CT excludes a number of additional studies in the future. This allows patients of the Yusupov Hospital to save time and money. The issue of the need to use this method is decided individually for a specific patient at a meeting of the expert council with the participation of professors and doctors of the highest category. A comprehensive examination of patients using the latest diagnostic equipment, the use of modern methods of performing laboratory tests using high-quality reagents allows oncologists at the Yusupov Hospital to obtain reliable results and provide adequate therapy for lip cancer at an early stage.

Types of rashes on the lips

Rash on the lips can be of various origins, and externally such skin lesions differ in character, color and other characteristics. The rash can be classified as:

  • Blisters are small formations with hemorrhagic or serous contents, their size is 4-5 mm;
  • Bubbles - formations with a diameter of 5 mm to several centimeters, usually indicate a long course of the disease;
  • Pustules are red or pale pink, filled with pus. They can be located not only on the surface, but also deep under the skin;
  • Spots – redness of small areas of the skin;
  • Nodules and nodules that can leave scars;
  • Erosion and ulcers are neoplasms that violate the integrity of the skin and have transparent or cloudy contents.

Allergic reactions lead to the appearance of small bright pimples, swelling, and edema.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers its own alternative methods for treating Fordyce granules, which have been used in everyday life for several decades.

Lamb fat

You need to take 10 g of frozen lamb fat and wipe the surface of your lips with it 2-3 times a day, where the white spots are concentrated. The treatment procedure is aimed at natural hydration of epithelial tissues.

It is performed after eating so that the remaining fat remains on the epidermis for as long as possible. The duration of therapy is not limited by time, but on average, about 1 month is enough for the first therapeutic effect to be noticeable and Fordyce granules to become less pronounced.

Bee products

To effectively treat white spots on the lips, use spring honey collected from mid-April to the end of May. It contains the largest amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

The surface of the lips affected by Fordyce granules is lubricated 2-3 times with flower honey, and 0.5 tsp is also taken orally. beebread (dried pollen from spring flowers). The average duration of treatment is 30 days. This method of therapy is contraindicated for people who are prone to allergies to bee products.

Baked onion

To prepare this folk remedy for white spots on the lips, you need to take 1 onion and bake it for 15 minutes. at a temperature of 120 degrees. After the vegetable is removed from the oven, it is cut into 2 parts, wait until they cool to a comfortable temperature, and then rub their inner surface with lips covered with Fordyce granules.

Therapeutic manipulations are performed 1-2 times a day for 15 days. Upon completion of the course of treatment, the white dots become less noticeable and decrease in size.

Application of coltsfoot or Kalanchoe

Based on the medicinal plant coltsfoot, a decoction is prepared to cleanse the skin of the lips from excess whiteheads.

To prepare it you will need the following components:

  • 1 tbsp. l. dried coltsfoot leaves;
  • 0.5 liters of running water.

The medicinal plant is poured into a metal container, filled with liquid and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. Then the resulting decoction cools and is used to wipe the surface of the lips covered with white dots.

The treatment procedure is performed 3 times a day for 20 days. The medicinal plant Kalanchoe can be used for therapeutic purposes. You will need to take 2-3 fresh leaves and then grind them to a paste.

The resulting green mass is spread on the surface of the skin of the lips in the form of an application, which should be placed on the area of ​​​​the epidermis covered with white dots for 30 minutes. 1 per day. The therapeutic course is 12 days.

Propolis oil

To prepare this effective home remedy, which has wound-healing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties, you will need to take 1 tsp. natural bee propolis and put it in a 250 ml glass jar. Then you need to add 200 ml of purified coconut or olive oil to it.

The medicine is placed for 5 days in a cool place away from direct sunlight. After the specified time, propolis oil is applied to the surface of the lips 2 times a day - morning and evening. The duration of treatment is 15 days.

During treatment, it is necessary to follow safety rules and prevent the drug from coming into contact with the surface of the oral mucosa, as well as the teeth. Propolis has strong antiseptic properties, but at the same time it can provoke a local allergic reaction.

White dots that appear on the lips are enlarged sebaceous glands, which in dermatological practice are classified as granules or Fordyce's disease. The pathology is named after the American doctor who first described an unusual disease of the surface of the lips.

Whiteheads are not dangerous to the human body, they are not transmitted through kisses, cosmetics and hygiene products, and they cannot be contracted in public places.

Their appearance is caused by individual characteristics of tissue structure, or is the result of mechanical damage to the lips, previous surgery, or prolonged exposure to negative factors (tobacco smoking, herpetic infection).

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

Rash on lips in pregnant women

During pregnancy, certain prerequisites arise for the activation of the herpes virus. The body perceives the fetus as something foreign, and to prevent its rejection, maternal immunity is automatically reduced. The main symptom of the disease is a rash on the lips.

The disease can be primary or recurrent, the effect of the virus on the unborn baby depends on this. If a woman has previously had herpetic manifestations, the probability of danger to the fetus is estimated at approximately 5%. This is explained by the presence of specific antibodies in the blood. If the body has not previously been infected, the risk of fetal pathologies increases markedly.

But a rash on the lips of a pregnant woman is often a sign of hormonal changes in the body, especially in the early stages. The main reason is an increase in progesterone production. Such conditions are not dangerous for either the mother or the child.

Allergies also do not pose any risks to the fetus: the placenta provides reliable protection against allergens and antigens, as well as antibodies that are produced to suppress them. All these substances do not get inside the fertilized egg.

Lip cancer - what is it?

Depending on the type of tumor growth, the following forms of lip cancer are distinguished:

  • Papillary;
  • warty;
  • Ulcerative;
  • Ulcerative-infiltrative.

A malignant tumor of the lip in 95% of cases is represented by keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma. In 5% of cases, histologists have squamous cell non-keratinizing cancer of the lip mucosa. A tumor of the lip, which from the inside, on the mucous membrane, is characterized by a malignant course (infiltrative growth and early metastasis to regional lymph nodes).

A tumor of the lower lip most often affects the border of the lower lip. A crack, ulcer or swelling forms on it, which looks like a wart. The disease is predominantly diagnosed in people over 60 years of age.

Cancer of the upper lip occurs less frequently than the lower lip, but the tumor is more aggressive. Upper lip cancer has a high risk of metastasis and spreads quickly. This is explained by the fact that the malignant tumor is located close to the nasal cavity, where the blood supply system is developed. A tumor on the inside of the lip is dangerous because it quickly grows into the soft tissue.

Melanoma on the lip is 10 times less common than squamous cell carcinoma of the lip, but is characterized by a high degree of malignancy. Basically, the tumor is located on the red border of the lower lip. It penetrates deeply into tissues, quickly transfers to nearby tissues and gives metastases.

At the Yusupov Hospital, oncologists make a diagnosis of lip cancer using the following methods:

  • Examination with the naked eye and using stomatoscopy;
  • Cytological examination of impression smears from a tumor ulcer;
  • Histological examination of lymph node punctate.

After establishing the primary diagnosis, a comprehensive examination of the patient is carried out.

Prevention of lip rashes

In order to prevent rashes on the lips, it is necessary to maintain the immune system in a normal state: eat well, give up bad habits, engage in physical activity, harden, minimize the influence of stress and hypothermia. As recommended by your doctor, you should take multivitamin complexes or individual vitamins to prevent their deficiency in the body.

To prevent herpes you need:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly after contact with affected skin areas;
  • Do not use other people’s hygiene items and store your own items separately;
  • Use individual dishes;
  • Avoid kissing your partner while the virus is active.

The use of high-quality cosmetics and careful diet control will help prevent allergic manifestations. If the diagnosis reveals the body’s reaction to certain foods, it is necessary to stop consuming them. During periods of exposure to the sun or visiting a solarium, you should use special protective creams.

Causes of lip cancer

Lip cancer develops for many reasons:

  • From smoking;
  • After a long stay in the sun;
  • As a result of inflammatory processes of an infectious and non-infectious nature;
  • Under the influence of high temperatures;
  • In the presence of microtraumas;
  • Due to prolonged exposure to chemicals.

Lip cancer often develops from smoking. Men get lip cancer much more often than women. Currently, the trend is changing, because many women suffer from tobacco addiction. Doctors believe that lip cancer develops due to smoking strong cigarettes for a long time.

The average smoker smokes at least ten cigarettes a day. In this case, the paper surface is constantly in contact with the lips. The skin here is especially delicate and sensitive. Microcracks appear on its surface. They are invisible to others and do not cause problems for the smoker. Damaged areas of the epithelium are affected by tobacco smoke. It contains a lot of harmful substances. Skin cells begin to degenerate.

The cause of mechanical trauma that causes lip cancer can be improperly made dentures, the habit of holding various objects with the lips (nails, the mouthpiece of a smoking pipe), or biting the lower lip. The mechanism of development of lip cancer is as follows: a long-term non-healing crack, wound, inflammation on the lip, papilloma develops into leukoplakia, Manganotti cheilitis, keratoacanthoma, warty form of dyskeratosis or other precancerous diseases. Against this background, lip cancer occurs.

Why is a rash on the lips dangerous?

The degree of danger of a rash on the lips and the likely consequences are determined by the causes of this manifestation. For example, the herpes virus is integrated into the genetic apparatus of cells, rashes appear not only on the face, but also in any places where there are nerve endings. This leads to disruption of the functioning of internal organs. If left untreated, a secondary bacterial infection develops and the wound begins to fester. With a serious decrease in immune defense, herpes can cause dangerous diseases, such as encephalitis.

Allergic reactions also pose certain health risks. With allergies, the body produces antibodies to specific proteins that the allergen contains. Due to the formation of biologically active substances, the heart rate may increase, smooth muscle spasms may occur, and edema may develop. The most dangerous manifestation of the pathology is anaphylactic shock - swelling of the larynx, which can even lead to death.

It is easier to treat any disease at the initial stage, while the pathology has not yet caused significant harm to the body. That is why, if a rash occurs on the lips, you should not try to disguise it or cure it yourself. The best solution would be to visit a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

Causes of acne around the mouth

Not all experts agree that this is a disease on its own. Some associate it with allergic and seborrheic dermatitis. Those who are inclined to believe that the disease is independent also call it perioral and steroid dermatitis. This disease affects women and girls aged 18 years and older. Cases of the disease in children and men are rare. The exact provocateurs have not yet been discovered, but there are a number of reasons contributing to the development of the disease. Basically, this is a weakening of the body’s protective functions, which occurs due to the influence of external factors and internal problems in the body.

Treatment of rash on lips

Whatever the reason for the appearance of a rash on the lips, not only the help of a doctor is necessary, but also the establishment of normal skin care, the elimination of external irritants (if it is an allergy), and correction of the nutritional diet. In general, you probably can’t do without contacting a medical specialist.

It is he who must determine the current condition of the skin, choose the right method of therapy and subsequent skin care. If you follow the doctor's instructions, you will probably soon get rid of problems associated with skin diseases and rashes.

After the initial diagnosis, additional tests are prescribed to confirm the diagnosis and the immediate therapeutic course. All this must be done on time, without ignoring the occurrence of a rash on the lips ,

like most people do. In this case, you will protect yourself from possible complications and the development of dangerous diseases. Chronic diseases can be expressed by severe peeling, cracking, extreme dryness and the fact that the skin may become thicker.

Therefore, it’s time to think about how important it is to follow the correct regime, a normal diet and monitor the condition of every part of your body, including your lips.

Updated: 2019-12-20

Methods for diagnosing skin diseases:

  • Diagnosis of skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of skin diseases at home
  • Diagnosis of allergic skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of bacterial skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of viral skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of hair diseases
  • Diagnosis of nail diseases
  • Diagnosis of skin tumors
  • Skin scraping
  • Blisters on the skin
  • Dermatoscopy
  • Demodex tests
  • Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections
  • Mushroom tests
  • Skin scraping

Are Fordyce granules dangerous and what harm can they cause to health?

White spots on the lips, caused by hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands or blockage of their ducts, are not dangerous to human health. They are not transmitted sexually or through everyday contact, but only create psychological discomfort in a person who is faced with this dermatological problem.

Wen formed in the epithelial tissues of the lips are not capable of degenerating into malignant tumors. The concentration of sebum in such cysts is insignificant, and the risk of developing an inflammatory process is minimal.

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