Facial peeling with badyaga and peroxide: technique, before and after photos, reviews

Many women use badyaga peeling at home and are not aware that many salons offer masks with preparations from this sponge, which in its effect is also a peeling.

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Facial peeling with badyaga ↑

Among all types of procedures for cleansing young skin from inflammation and combating excessive pigmentation, experts especially highlight peeling using natural bodyaca. This preparation is made from dried and powdered colonies of freshwater sponges of the badyagov family, hence the name of the peeling.

In pharmacies you can purchase both powdered dry badyagu and various ready-made gels with the addition of this ingredient. Badyaga peeling allows you to rejuvenate your facial skin, effectively get rid of age spots and an abundance of comedones on your face. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the product contains microscopic needles that make up the skeleton of badiag sponges.

These spicules, when rubbed, injure the upper layer of the dermis and provoke its exfoliation. This cosmetic procedure also helps to increase the regenerative properties of the skin and improves its blood circulation.

Therefore, when using badyagi, it becomes possible not only to eliminate acne lesions and cleanse the face of blackheads, but also to get rid of unsightly spots and marks after inflammation.

It should be noted that badyaga peeling at home is available to absolutely everyone. The procedure itself is incredibly simple, and the cost of the gel or natural dry powder is extremely low. Bodyaga peeling is recommended in the following cases:

  • If you have signs of skin photoaging;
  • If there are comedones and acne on the skin;
  • If there is increased oiliness of the facial skin;
  • If you have a high level of skin pigmentation;
  • In the case when you have uneven skin color.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with another professional chemical peeling. The article “PQ AGE peeling for any facial skin” has a complete description of this type of skin exfoliation.

Anti-wrinkle mask

The benefits of badyagi for the face are extensive due to its unique properties. It not only fights rashes and scars, but also has a rejuvenating effect.

The following recipe will be effective:

  • cocoa powder (15 g);
  • badyaga (14 g);
  • fatty fermented baked milk (20 ml);
  • almond oil (two drops).

First, the dry ingredients are mixed, then butter and fermented baked milk are added to them. This composition is applied along the massage lines of the face. The mask lasts for eight minutes.

Expert opinion


If this procedure is repeated regularly, cellular regeneration will accelerate, wrinkles will disappear, and the facial contour will be tightened.

Contraindications for peeling with badyaga ↑

Despite the complete naturalness of this cosmetic product, it still has a number of serious contraindications:

Allergic reaction to badyagu ↑

Since peeling is carried out using a biological agent, this contraindication is one of the most common.

If you are not sure about an allergy, apply a small amount of peeling to a small area of ​​skin on the body (for example, the inside of your wrist). Severe redness and burning are an indicator of an allergic reaction.

Damaged or inflamed skin ↑

Getting the mixture into open wounds is unacceptable and leads to severe inflammation and aggravation of the situation. The surface of the epidermis should not be irritated; abrasions or scratches in the areas where peeling will be carried out are also unacceptable.

Skin diseases ↑

All types of infectious skin diseases (peeling in this case is always contraindicated until complete recovery).

Peeling will also be contraindicated in case of increased skin sensitivity, hyperemia and hypertrichosis.

If none of the listed warning points apply to you, then you can safely carry out body peeling. Reviews from cosmetologists about this procedure are only positive. This type of abrasive exfoliation is one of the strongest that can only be carried out at home without the participation of specialists.

It is worth noting that for young skin, bodyaga is a wonderful and effective remedy that will help you look good even in puberty, regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and get rid of oily shine and blackheads in the T-zone.

For girls with a dull or unattractive complexion, peeling with a badyaga is a cheap and convenient solution that will return the skin to a radiant and attractive appearance, as well as even out its texture and give an even shade.

In addition to peeling with badyaga, there are others that are no less effective. In the article “PRX T33 Peeling: composition, photos and reviews” you will find a description of this facial peeling.

Due to the fact that microscopic particles of the rubbed sponge effectively remove the top layer of cells, new skin begins to intensively form below the keratinized layer. It is smooth and velvety to the touch, has an even peach-pinkish tone. After peeling with badyaga, there will be no need to use foundation and powder for a long time.

For mature skin, this product will help delay the appearance of deep wrinkles. Badyaga peeling is especially suitable for women who often sunbathe, visit a solarium, or are often exposed to ultraviolet rays. So-called photoaging is the main cause of premature skin aging, dullness and sagging. Bodyaga peeling will quickly return a well-groomed appearance to the face and increase skin turgor.

Bodyaga peeling at home ↑

Bodyaga peeling at home for the face has several subtypes, which differ in the intensity of their effect on the skin. One of them will only slightly rejuvenate the skin and get rid of small facial wrinkles. This is a good choice for skin that does not require deep peeling and just needs regular gentle care.

The other two will help you limit yourself to one single procedure and get a visible effect within a few days, when new and healthy epidermal cells are formed. You can see the effect that bodyaga peeling gives before and after it in the photo below.

Want to know more about chemical peels and even try one? Then read the article “Deep and medium facial peeling in the salon and at home?” .

Skin care after the peeling procedure ↑

It is worth remembering that regardless of whether you choose a gentle gel for the procedure or perform peeling with bodyaga and hydrogen peroxide, skin care after the cleansing stage is always the same.

  • You should not go outside for several days after the procedure, especially in sunny weather. If you need to leave the house during the day, be sure to use a sunscreen with a protection level of 30 SPF.
  • Do not pick off flaky skin. This traumatizes the new epidermis, which can cause scar formation. The stratum corneum will come off on its own.
  • Do not use any creams or tonics after the procedure. It is also forbidden to wash your face with water for the first couple of days.
  • Wipe your facial skin with salicylic alcohol, this will eliminate any inflammation and also prevent the formation of acne during the healing period.
  • During the recovery period, the use of any decorative cosmetics and the application of any chemicals to the skin is prohibited.
  • The description of each subtype of peeling indicates its permissible frequency. At this time, no similar procedures should be carried out, since this action severely injures the skin. Subsequently, the epidermis thins and becomes less elastic. The risk of various skin diseases increases.

Peeling gel with bodyaga ↑

This subtype is the most gentle and universal. This soft body peeling is recommended for those who want to get rid of minor facial unevenness, even out skin color, and also give it freshness. The main and only component is the “Badyaga” peeling gel. You can read reviews of those who performed this procedure at home at the end of the article. Women and girls note the incredible softness of this peeling and ease of use.

Also a big plus is the unusually short recovery period - this procedure can be performed every week. This is extremely little for peeling, especially for such an effective one. This is why ready-made peelings based on bodyaga powder have become so widespread.

How to use peeling at home ↑

  1. Prepare your facial skin - degrease it, remove any remaining cosmetics. If your skin is not too oily, you can simply wash your face with water. Otherwise, you should use special products such as cleansing tonic.
  2. Apply the gel using light circular movements over the entire surface of the face, except for the eye and lip area.
  3. After about twenty minutes, the gel will dry completely, and a slight burning and tingling sensation will be felt. These are normal phenomena.
  4. Using a damp sponge or soft sponge, remove the product from your face. You can wash your face with cool water without using soap to remove any remaining mask from your skin.

Subcision is the most effective remedy for acne scars on the face

The method is based on the subcision technique, which was developed by American dermatologist David S. Orentreich.

Treatment of acne scars in women and men involves cutting the connecting cords that fix the bottom of the scar and immerse it into the skin. The surgeon cuts the tissues, they are released and rise up, the skin is leveled.

This is a very delicate and painstaking work that requires the doctor to have knowledge, precision, concentration, patience and pedantry. Subcision is the only technique that affects the cause of skin unevenness and eliminates it. Other methods deal only with the investigation.

Peeling from dry bodyaga and gel ↑

This type of peeling is the most severe of all presented. This recipe should be used with extreme caution and only if your skin is very oily and sensitive.

If you are afraid of the consequences in the form of inflammation and scars, then replace the gel in this recipe with any cream that is suitable for your skin. This will allow for a more gentle effect. This bodyaga peeling has reviews of a different nature, since often its side effects look very deplorable. In addition, this type of peeling is not suitable for every skin.

For example, if your skin is thin, dry and prone to irritation, then it is better not to even try to use this recipe.

If you are not one hundred percent sure that your skin will withstand such a procedure, then do not carry out it, and best of all, consult a dermatologist or an experienced cosmetologist. This will save you from a lot of problems in the future.

Some women use this type of peeling for specific areas where emergency skin renewal is needed. For example, you can perform such peeling only in the area where unsightly acne spots remain.

Also, when preparing to mix dry mass and gel or cream, remember that the powder has a fine structure and is therefore very volatile. This makes it extremely dangerous when sprayed. Contact with the eyes or respiratory tract causes severe inflammation of the mucous membranes!

Therefore, pour out the powdered badyagi with special care. The same precautions apply to those cases when peeling with bodyaga and peroxide is carried out. It is best to wear a protective face mask while preparing the mixture, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

How to use peeling from dry badyagi at home ↑

  1. Prepare your facial skin - degrease it with an alcohol-containing product or toner and remove any remaining makeup.
  2. Mix the gel or cream with badyagi powder in equal proportions.
  3. Apply this mixture to your face and leave it like that for fifteen or twenty minutes.
  4. With light massaging movements, remove the mask from the skin using damp sponges or a soft sponge. In this case, a burning and tingling sensation should be felt.
  5. Wash your face with cool water without using soap to remove all remaining mixture from the surface of the epidermis. The skin will have a characteristic red tint.

The procedure is allowed no more than once a month and only in the cold season. Its high traumatic nature does not allow this peeling to be performed more often. Badyaga and hydrogen peroxide in the mixture mean that the requirements for the frequency of the procedure are similar.


  1. Badyaga is a natural remedy with a pronounced antiseptic and rejuvenating effect.
  2. This is a strong allergen that can only be used after preliminary testing.
  3. Masks with this component have a peeling and lifting effect, fight inflammation and pigmentation.
  4. The products work well when additional natural ingredients are added to the composition: honey, pollen, dairy products, essential oils.
  5. There are many contraindications that should be considered before using the mask.

Bodyaga peeling and hydrogen peroxide ↑

An equally dangerous and equally effective procedure is peeling with bodyaga and peroxide. Reviews, as in the case of the previous recipe, are of a different nature, from sharply negative to the most enthusiastic. Here, a lot will depend on the correctness of the procedure, post-peeling care and your individual characteristics.

There are only two main components: three percent hydrogen peroxide and badyaga powder. Peeling with peroxide has a strong effect on the skin, eliminating even significant unevenness and wrinkles of medium depth. A characteristic feature of this subtype is very severe redness of the face the next day, but this should not be alarmed.

How to use badyaga with peroxide at home ↑

  1. Clean the skin of any remaining cosmetics, and also carry out a degreasing procedure with alcohol.
  2. Carefully pour some powdered badyagi into a small container. Carefully pour in 3% hydrogen peroxide. This should be done until the mass acquires a thick, creamy structure, while stirring it.
  3. Apply this mixture evenly to your face, excluding the lips, eyes and eyebrows. If it comes into contact with the eyebrows, they may be discolored by peroxide.
  4. Massage the skin with light movements. In this case, a burning and tingling sensation should be felt.
  5. Leave this mask on for fifteen or twenty minutes.
  6. Remove the mixture using damp sponges or a soft sponge. Then wash your face with cool water without using soap.

Precautionary measures

Badyaga is a natural substance. Both homemade masks and products from the Badyaga Forte series are quite safe and can be used regularly. However, despite this, there are some restrictions on the use of such funds.

For example, you should not use any preparations with this substance on the skin around the eyes, as it is very thin and sensitive.

Since the healing ingredients of such cosmetic creams and masks are very active, you should start using these products with minimal dosages. At the slightest sign of an allergic reaction, you should stop using masks and creams with bodyaga.

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