Facial photorejuvenation - indications and contraindications, before and after photos

Photorejuvenation is an innovative technology in cosmetology that has a rejuvenating effect, removes rosacea, acne and other skin imperfections. It differs from other methods in its high efficiency, maximum safety and the absence of serious side effects. This procedure is recommended for women over 35 years of age in the absence of active sun (spring, winter or autumn).

  • Kinds
  • Preparation
  • How does the procedure work?
  • Facial care after photorejuvenation
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Contraindications
  • Complications
  • Home photorejuvenation
  • results
  • Price of the procedure
  • What is photorejuvenation?

    This procedure involves using a special device to apply intense pulsed light to the skin. The flash power is selected individually by a specialist depending on the condition of the skin and the existing problem. The pulses penetrate to a depth of 2-3 mm. The epidermis heats up to a certain temperature, as a result of which the following processes occur:

    • Melanin is destroyed, thereby lightening age spots.
    • Old elastin and collagen fibers die. Instead, new cells begin to actively synthesize, which increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
    • Small capillaries that no longer function stick together and gradually dissolve.
    • In the deep layers, the production of hyaluronic acid increases, which is necessary to moisturize the skin.
    • Pathogenic microorganisms that cause various inflammations on the skin die.
    • Under the influence of a light beam, the epidermis is cleansed of toxins.

    Check list

    The checklist does not have to be followed 100%. Each project is individual and each has a different budget. Adapt it to your business. For some photographs, a professional photographer is desirable, and in some cases you can get by with improvised means. For active promotion you will need the following photos:

    1. A photo of the interior
      suggests that you are in a decent place, and not in the basement.
    2. Atmospheric photographs of interior details
      indicate that your place is cozy and comfortable (=safe).
    3. Photos of cosmetology equipment
      indicate that you are using serious equipment, and not Chinese fakes.
    4. Photos of specialists
      indicate that your specialists are warm and friendly people. They also look good themselves.
    5. Photos of your work before/after *
      indicate that your hands don’t grow out of your ass.
    6. A photo of the premises together with the model
      shows how you warmly welcome guests and take care of clients.
    7. A photo “from life”
      shows that you and your team of masters are also people and your center lives its own interesting life. You are not just some corporation without a soul.

    * - I have a separate article about ways to get before/after photos.

    Where will these photos be used:

    • On the website: in the “about us” section, on pages dedicated to specific services, on the main page, on the “contacts” page, on banners with promotions.
    • On social networks (VK, Facebook, Instagram): for posts describing services and promotions, when describing the advantages of the center, when creating posts for paid advertising.
    • Other sites: when creating your page in online medical directories. centers, cosmetology and beauty salons (like Yell.ru, ZOON.ru, etc.), for printing, when printing leaflets, for advertising banners on other sites, for coupon sites, for publications in magazines, when ordering articles from bloggers.


    The main indications for the procedure are described below.

    Removal of freckles and age spots

    Phototherapy does not lighten excess pigmentation, like other methods, but removes it. Light rays heat age spots and freckles without destroying surrounding tissue. After the procedure, they darken, and after a while this area begins to peel off. The new layer has a normal shade, which is no different from healthy epidermis. To completely disappear pigmentation, it is necessary to carry out from 3 to 10 procedures with a break of 2-3 weeks. The number of sessions is determined by the cosmetologist depending on the skin type, type and size of pigmentation.

    The effect of the first procedure will be noticeable after 10 days.

    Acne treatment

    Acne occurs due to an inflammatory process in the sebaceous gland. During phototherapy, the damaged area is heated. Thanks to this, bacteria are destroyed, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is stimulated, and the skin is quickly restored. On average, the course of treatment is 5-10 sessions. Immediately after the procedure, the area of ​​skin may become inflamed and swollen, which is a normal reaction. This condition will pass in a few hours.

    Photorejuvenation to get rid of acne can be performed at the age of under 35 years.

    After completing the course of treatment, the complexion becomes healthy, acne and spots from them disappear.

    Removal of vascular formations

    Under the influence of the beam, pathologically dilated capillaries close, while healthy ones remain intact. Elastin and collagen begin to be actively produced, which accelerates healing and tightens the skin. Depending on the size and type of damaged vessels, the number of procedures is determined (on average 5-8). After completion of treatment, it is recommended to perform 1-2 procedures per year to prevent the formation of new vascular disorders.

    Other indications

    Also, the photorejuvenation procedure will be effective for:

    • the first wrinkles and other age-related changes that occur after 30 years;
    • unhealthy (gray or yellow) complexion;
    • dryness, tightness, peeling of the skin;
    • excessive oily skin;
    • enlarged pores.

    Types of cleanings and who they are suitable for

    Gone are the days when care consisted of steaming the dermis, squeezing out pimples and applying primitive compositions for masks. Cosmetology does not stand still, and therefore today this area amazes with the variety of procedures performed. Among the main types are:

    • mechanical;
    • chemical;
    • ultrasonic;
    • vacuum;
    • laser;
    • disincrustation.

    Each of the listed techniques should be carried out in a salon setting, and before the session, be sure to consult a doctor. It is he who, based on the condition of the patient’s epithelium, age, characteristics, existing problems, will tell you what type of procedure will be required. Although all methods have a common goal - cleansing, they differ from each other in the method of implementation, the devices or compositions used, and indications.

    So, they are recommended for people with the following problems:

    • black dots;
    • acne;
    • acne;
    • impaired secretion of the sebaceous glands;
    • loss of turgor;
    • deterioration of dermis tone;
    • lethargy, aging.

    After cleaning by a cosmetologist, as the photos show, the face is noticeably transformed: the color becomes healthy, the epidermis becomes elastic, clean, pores narrow, comedones are eliminated, and there is no trace of fine wrinkles.


    Depending on the light source used and the type of device, several types of photorejuvenation are distinguished:

    • Laser . The most popular method. The light source is a neodymium laser.
    • P.L. Frequent pulses of light at a specific intensity.
    • Elos. In this case, a device is used that emits electric light.
    • Collagen. Special lamps emit light of a certain length, which are aimed at the synthesis of collagen fibers.

    Before the procedure, it is recommended to consult with a cosmetologist which type to choose to get rid of defects.

    Photos for promotion of promotions

    I am not a supporter of stock photos and always advise using your original photos to advertise cosmetologist promotions. But here are a few options where you can choose pictures as a last resort:

    1. Google Images - where without them, but I advise you to search for images using words in English.
    2. Yandex Pictures - make sure that the selected photos are not used by another center in your city.
    3. Paid stock photos - a large selection of high-quality photos in good quality.
    4. Free stock photos - not a large selection, but good quality and free.
    5. Pinterest - there are interesting images.
    6. Desktop screensavers - there are interesting images.
    7. Designspiration - original design works.

    How does the procedure work?

    The photorejuvenation procedure consists of several stages:

    1. A special gel is applied to the entire face or only to a certain area, which protects the skin from overheating.
    2. The cosmetologist puts on glasses for himself and the client in order to prevent corneal burns.
    3. The tip of the device is directed to the treated area of ​​the face.
    4. The average session lasts 15-20 minutes, maximum 40 minutes.
    5. During the procedure, burning or tingling sensations are possible, which disappear within an hour.
    6. Immediately after the procedure, there will be slight redness, so after the end of the session, a soothing cream, most often Panthenol, is applied to the treated area.

    The first results will be visible after the first session. But in order to consolidate and strengthen them, it is recommended to undergo 5-6 sessions with a break of 2 weeks.

    Facial care after photorejuvenation

    Photorejuvenation does not involve trauma to the epidermis, but it is important to take care of the skin after the procedure:

    1. For the first 3-5 days, treat your face with creams with a calming effect (Bepanten, Panthenol).
    2. Avoid direct sunlight on the skin and use creams with SPF protection of 35-40 units for two weeks.
    3. Do not overheat your face - avoid steaming the skin, visiting baths and saunas.
    4. Do not use cosmetics containing alcohol (lotion, toner) for 2-3 days.
    5. Do not drink alcoholic beverages for 5-6 days, as they dry out the skin greatly.
    6. It is advisable not to smoke.
    7. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

    In order for your face to recover faster after the procedure, it is necessary to include foods high in vitamins A, E and C in your diet.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Before deciding on this procedure, you need to evaluate all the pros and cons. The advantages include:

    • Painless procedure. The patient feels only a slight burning and tingling sensation. If there is severe sensitivity (especially near the upper lip and wings of the nose), an anesthetic may be administered.
    • No tissue trauma. There are no scars, scars or blemishes left after the procedure.
    • Lack of rehabilitation period. After photorejuvenation, there is no need to be under the supervision of a doctor or at home for several days. The very next day you can use decorative cosmetics and go out on business.
    • A short course of treatment. The first changes will be visible after 1-3 procedures.
    • Long lasting effect. It lasts on average 2-4 years. During this period, active production of collagen and elastin occurs in the skin.
    • A complex approach. Photorejuvenation not only eliminates wrinkles or acne, but also improves complexion, tightens the contour and brightens the skin.

    The main disadvantages are:

    • High price. Photorejuvenation costs 20-40% more than other cosmetic procedures. However, for long-term results, several sessions are necessary.
    • A small number of competent cosmetologists. This technique appeared in our country only in the 2000s. For this reason, it is difficult to find a specialist with extensive experience who has the necessary knowledge.
    • No immediate results. Significant changes on the face can only be assessed 1.5-2 months after the start of therapy. This time is necessary to activate the process of elastin and collagen production.
    • Depends on the season. Photorejuvenation is not recommended during periods of active sun (approximately May to September). This is due to the fact that you should not sunbathe for 2 weeks before and after the procedure.
    • A large number of contraindications.


    Cleaning is preceded by preparation of the skin, consisting of simple hygiene rules and some restrictive measures.

    Mechanical cleaning

    Mechanical facial cleansing begins with thorough cleansing of the skin from dirt and makeup residues; such cleansing is often not complete without a special cleansing face mask, which every cosmetologist should have.

    Attention! All manipulations of a cosmetologist for any type of cleansing must be performed on a perfectly clean, treated dermis!

    Then vaporization is carried out - steaming the epithelium using a warming gel.

    Dry cleaning

    The preparation procedure is standard - removal of sebum and impurities. A few days before the procedure, you should refrain from using strong mechanical peels, visiting a solarium or the beach.

    Ultrasonic cleaning

    After removing makeup using cosmetic milk or tonic, cold steaming is carried out using a special solution. This gel not only simplifies the penetration of the ultrasonic flow into the epidermal layer, but also enriches the cells with moisture.

    Vacuum cleaning

    In order to “pull out” the maximum amount of impurities from the pores, full opening is required. To do this, you need to steam or treat with gel.

    Laser cleaning

    Before exposure to the laser device, the dermis should be steamed in advance - no earlier than 2-4 days before the procedure. It is also prohibited to apply any strong chemical active agents for the purpose of greater cleansing.


    Remains of makeup and atmospheric dust are removed. You can skip the steaming step, since under the influence of microcurrents, sebaceous plugs tend to change in structure and composition, and subcutaneous fat simply melts. After this, a special solution based on medicinal herbs, soda, and beneficial microelements is applied.


    Photorejuvenation has a number of contraindications:

    • tumors;
    • high blood pressure;
    • pregnancy;
    • skin allergic manifestations;
    • acute inflammatory process;
    • blood and thyroid diseases;
    • fever;
    • age up to 16 years;
    • epilepsy and mental disorders;
    • diabetes;
    • presence of a pacemaker;
    • herpes in the active phase;
    • cataract, glaucoma;
    • use of tranquilizers or strong antibiotics.


    It is not possible in all cases to avoid side effects and complications after photorejuvenation. The main reason is illiterate cosmetologists or ignoring contraindications. The complications that most often occur are described in the table.

    SwellingSwelling may last another 2-3 days after the session. If it is small, then no action needs to be taken; it will go away on its own. If after 3 days the swelling does not subside or even increases, then you need to contact the beauty salon where the procedure was performed. A specialist should tell you how to quickly get rid of swelling. This could be a contrast compress on the face, cosmetic ice lotions
    HyperemiaThe redness should go away on its own within 2-3 days. But if you experience pain or a large area of ​​damage, you should urgently consult a cosmetologist.
    BruisesThis situation occurs quite rarely. The occurrence of bruises is associated with incorrectly chosen pulse power or taking illegal medications

    These consequences occur only in 2% of cases.

    Stop, just a moment! Photos of a cosmetologist at work

    “Every cosmetologist should have his own photo archive,” one hears from one side. “I don’t need photographs,” one hears from another. Let's figure out why a cosmetologist needs to photograph a client and how to do it correctly.

    What are the advantages of having your own photo file?

    1. Photographs are a great tool for tracking changes in your patient and the quality of your work. Having a photo, you can analyze the results of your own recommendations, understand whether you have chosen the right peeling concentration, for example, or home care: perhaps it should be more gentle or, conversely, aggressive. This is necessary, firstly, to correctly adjust the treatment of your patient, and, secondly, to avoid mistakes in the future.
    2. During treatment, patients very often forget what state they were in initially, and complaints begin; they may also complain about negative consequences during treatment. In both cases, photographs will be the ideal argument.
    3. It happens that a cosmetologist forgets the appearance or clinical picture of new and rare patients; photographs will help remind them of them.
    4. Photos can be used as demonstration material. They can be shown to new patients as proof of your professionalism, as well as to describe the process of any procedure, for example, what and at what stage will happen to his skin and body after chemical peeling, laser hair removal or thread lifting.
    5. There are many cosmetic procedures on the market, and each one promises 100% results. Sometimes it can be difficult to prove that the procedure with your product or equipment is the most effective. A photo of satisfied clients will be an excellent argument.
    6. If you do scientific work, publish in journals, and speak at scientific events, photographs are a great example.

    So, you are convinced that photographs for a cosmetologist are necessary. The next step is to convince your client to make them.

    How to convince a client to agree to take photographs?

    Most importantly, don’t take photos secretly; be sure to ask the client’s permission. Note that most women will agree to do them without any questions. What to do with doubters? Convincingly prove their necessity. An excellent argument - the photo will help monitor the condition of the client’s skin throughout the treatment. Note that photographs help you monitor your work and track all changes. Please note that the photo will not be published anywhere without the client’s consent and keep your word.

    Legal side of the issue. In order to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts with the client in the future, at the very first meeting with the client, write down in the consent for the procedure a clause in which the client agrees to the publication and further use of photographs without the patient receiving payment.

    How to take photos?

    Having received written permission from the client, you can proceed to photographs. You need to take pictures in the same lighting, without makeup, in the same place. The camera and its mode must be the same. Hair needs to be removed; if the patient has a specific problem, photograph it separately. Also during rehabilitation, you can ask your clients to send photos of themselves in the process to track the entire rehabilitation period.

    Home photorejuvenation

    To carry out photorejuvenation at home, you can buy a portable device for producing light flashes. Benefits of performing procedures at home:

    • there is no need to waste time visiting a beauty salon;
    • devices for home use have less power than professional ones, therefore the likelihood of side effects is minimal;
    • A home device costs about the same as a photorejuvenation course in a salon. But after purchasing the device you can use it many times.

    When choosing a device, it is recommended to pay attention to:

    • presence/absence of replaceable emitters or filters, their cost;
    • availability of ready-made photorejuvenation programs, the ability to adjust parameters independently;
    • main technical characteristics (flux density not less than 20 J/cm2, light spot size not less than 3.2 cm2, emission spectrum 400-1200 nm).

    To get the maximum effect from photorejuvenation, it is recommended to adhere to the following scheme:

    1. Read the instructions for the device.
    2. Conduct a sensitivity test - fire 1 flash at the lowest power on your wrist. If after 24 hours there is no redness, peeling or burning in the treated area, then the device can be used on the face.
    3. The procedure is performed on clean and dry skin.
    4. You need to wear special glasses and use gel, which can be purchased at a beauty salon or online store.
    5. Perform one flash per area. This will help prevent burning.
    6. After the procedure, apply nourishing cream to your face.
    7. The session is allowed to be repeated after a week.

    To obtain a lasting effect, it is recommended to carry out 10-12 procedures, which will take 2-3 months. A repeated course is allowed to begin only 3 months after the end of the previous one.

    Post-procedure care

    To avoid complications, as well as to consolidate the effect obtained, it is necessary to follow the care recommendations.

    Mechanical cleaning

    The irritated epithelium needs to be calmed - for this, the cosmetologist performs a darsonvalization procedure or cryomassage that narrows the pores. At home, clay masks will help during the rehabilitation period.

    Dry cleaning

    Any exfoliants are excluded during the first two days. You need to moisturize your cells as often as possible. Drugs such as Bepanten and Panthenol are recommended.

    Ultrasonic cleaning

    After the procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic or any emollient in the form of a mask or lotion. Radical mandatory nursing techniques are not prescribed.

    Vacuum cleaning

    When peeling occurs, use thermal water, emulsions, softening masks, and delicate moisturizing creams more often. Cryomassage or darsonvalization is appropriate.

    Laser cleaning

    After this type of peeling, the epidermis is as defenseless as possible and is susceptible to the influence of negative external factors. First of all, the cosmetologist applies a protective composition for going outside. In the future, you need to independently treat the area with creams that protect against UV rays.


    No special care is required, the main thing is to clean the removed contaminants. General contraindications for all types of cleansing are:

    • violation of the integrity of the skin;
    • allergies or individual intolerance to individual components;
    • skin and infectious diseases;
    • oncology;
    • respiratory tract diseases;
    • hypertension;
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    The price of different types of cleanings varies (depending on the region, the status of the salon) and ranges from 500 rubles. up to 10,000 rub.

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    After 2-3 sessions you can see the following positive changes on your face:

    • the skin becomes smoother and tighter;
    • wrinkles are smoothed out;
    • various pigmentation disappears;
    • inflammation decreases;
    • pores narrow;
    • the skin stops peeling and drying;
    • complexion becomes healthy.

    After completing the course, the achieved effect will last 2-4 years.

    The before and after results can be seen in the picture.

    Finding and working with a photographer

    Don't expect to find the perfect photographer on your first shoot and get the best photos in the world. Perhaps the first time everything will not go so smoothly and you will not like everything. You can’t predict everything, the main thing is that you will understand your mistakes and know better what to do next time. You can avoid something by listening to my recommendations.

    You can download the brief from the link, fill it out and send it to the photographer. There are many points that I list below.

    • I don’t recommend hiring a friend who seems to be well versed in technology and is willing to take photos for free as a photographer. For free you can get photos that look bad. For free, you cannot demand from a person the entire amount of work that you need. But there are always exceptions.
    • Keep in mind that my checklist shows a maximum program. Find out how much from my list the photographer can complete for your budget. Maybe for your budget the photographer will only be able to do interior photography and photos of employees. More photos means higher cost of shooting, but also more advertising materials for the future. You may decide to divide the shooting into several stages.
    • Be sure to take a look at the photographer's portfolio.
    • Show the photographer examples of photographs you like.
    • Tell the photographer the area of ​​the room and the number of “rooms” that need to be photographed.
    • Let us know whether there will be people in the frame and whether you need “shooting with models” or whether you plan to do only “interior photography”.
    • Tell us why the photographs are being taken: website, advertising banners, social media. networks, printing.
    • Inform about your target audience: women 30-40 years old.
    • Explain the purpose of the photographs: to show the interior of the room, to inspire confidence in the target audience, to show comfort, to show details of procedures.
    • Specify the date and time of the photo shoot.
    • Discuss the approximate duration of the shoot.
    • Determine the price in advance.
    • Discuss in advance how the issue will be resolved (already on the spot) if suddenly the scope of the photographer’s work exceeds the amount initially discussed.
    • Discuss the time frame by which all photographs will be ready.
    • Discuss whether photo processing is included in the price.
    • Specify in what format you will receive the photos.
    • Discuss/consult with the photographer whether he should take additional light. It may cost more, but here you should trust the photographer.
    • Discuss how payment will take place and when.

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    Some obvious but useful tips that will come in handy when preparing for shooting:

    • Order general cleaning before filming
    • Before shooting, remove everything unnecessary - everything that does not directly relate to your center or simply does not look aesthetically pleasing. Sticking wires, ugly jars of cosmetics, trash cans, everything unnecessary on the windowsills, remote controls, pieces of paper, icons, plush toys, holiday decorations, incl. New Year's, etc.
    • Organize shooting during daylight hours. Keep in mind that filming must be completed before it starts to get dark.
    • The TV is turned off or on, if only a video about cosmetology is shown on it.
    • All jars and products are arranged neatly, and not scattered chaotically.

    Price of the procedure

    The cost of one flash, depending on the chosen salon, is approximately 60-100 rubles. 10-80 impulses are performed in 1 session. The table shows approximate prices depending on the area being treated.

    Area to be treatedRequired number of pulsesCost of 1 visit, rubles
    Nasolabial triangle20-301200-3000
    ( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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