6 eye exercises that will relieve you of swelling and sagging skin

It is very pleasant to realize that when you look at yourself in the mirror, you receive aesthetic pleasure. Oh, what eyes you’ll rock: huge, bottomless, shiny, inviting, and surrounded by fluffy, thick eyelashes. What an amazing “mirror of the soul” I have! I watched it this morning and I love it! Great. And a positive mood for the whole day is guaranteed. This is me - a confident, beautiful, successful woman. In his prime. Bliss!

And suddenly there comes a moment when, out of habit, looking at your reflection, you begin to wonder: Who is this? What it is? Where are my eyes? What is this hanging over them? Where do these bags under the eyes come from? Why is there swelling around the eyes? What are these circles around the eyes? Why, instead of bottomlessness in my eyes, is there all the sadness of the world, melancholy and a tired, sleep-deprived look in the morning? But I'm only 35? Or 37?

Shiva's gaze

Active eye movement is a kind of lymphatic drainage massage that removes excess moisture. Start doing this exercise in the morning, and you will notice how the swelling and bags under your eyes go away.

Move your gaze as far as possible to the right and down, then to the right and up, now begin to lower your eyes along a zigzag path: left-right-left-... and so on until you reach the lowest point on the left side. Raise your gaze up, lower down and again begin to draw a zigzag from side to side, gradually raising your gaze up.

via GIPHY Perform the exercise 10 to 20 times. At first, the eyes may get tired quickly, but over time the muscles will become stronger and the feeling of discomfort will disappear.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes with surgery

Age-related changes in the eyelids (the area around the eyes) layer by layer:

Layer 1: The skin around the eyes is very thin, there is no layer of subcutaneous fat underneath. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is primarily a marker of age-related changes. The skin of the orbital area loses elasticity, turgor and elasticity decrease (due to a decrease in the body's production of elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid), a network of fine wrinkles appears, the number of which is constantly increasing. Externally, the skin thins even more, becomes dry, and begins to “lay down” on the upper eyelid like a parchment-like, flabby bag. The eyes visually begin to appear smaller.

Layer 2: Orbicularis oculi muscles and hernial packets. Today, there are two opposite theories about the aging of facial muscles and the mechanism of the appearance of bags under the eyes - bulging hernias.

The first (generally accepted) theory states that the ligaments, which are attached on one side to the facial bones of the skull, penetrate through all layers of the face, cover the facial muscles and on the other side are attached to the skin of the face. Thus, dense, inextensible, immovable ligaments form a kind of corset to maintain facial tissues in the “correct position”. The soft tissues between the ligaments form “spaces”, which, on the contrary, are very mobile and extensible. In the process of aging, the “spaces” located between the dense supporting but already stretched ligaments expand (increase) and begin to bulge. This happens because, on the one hand, we are constantly experiencing the action of gravity, and on the other hand, the orbicularis oculi muscles are overstretched, lose elasticity, fullness, and their tone decreases. Such muscles begin to sag along with the fatty hernias of the eyelids located underneath them. As a result, we see large bags above and below the eyes.

Fig 1. B.Mendelson's theory a) young face; b) a person with signs of age-related changes.

The second theory, proposed in 2006 by French plastic surgeons Claude LeLouarn and Jacqees Buis, tells the opposite point of view. In their opinion, gravity has a relatively small effect on facial muscles. According to the “Face Recurve” concept, facial muscles in young people have a curved shape and are located in the deep fat layer. Under the influence of constant contraction, muscles straighten and shorten over time. This tight, straight, short muscle pushes the underlying fat more superficially. As a result, bags appear under the eyes (so-called fatty hernias). This theory justifies the use of botulinum toxin to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and bags under the eyes. Botulinum toxin injections can reduce the tone of tense, shortened facial muscles.

Figure 2. “Face Recurve” theory by Claude LeLouarn and Jacqees Buis.

a) the orbicularis oculi muscle and the zygomatic muscles in a relaxed state; b) the same muscles contract (the fat underlying them is pushed outward); c) blue arrows - the direction of pushing out fat during contraction of muscle fibers: fatty “hernias” of the lower eyelids bulge, the nasolacrimal groove worsens, and the uneven contour of the cheekbones intensifies.

Be that as it may, bags appear under the eyes as a result of prolapse (protrusion, bulging) of hernial bags. Adipose tissue is prone to swelling, which occurs with any excess fluid in the body - the bags under the eyes increase. The thin skin around the eyes stretches accordingly. And if at first (up to 30 years old) the skin quickly returns to normal (shrinks) after the swelling disappears, then again, over time it does this less and less willingly. As a result, we begin to observe a network of small wrinkles.

Layer 3: Bones of the facial skull. According to the famous surgeon and anatomist Bryan Mendelson, during the aging process, some areas of the facial skull undergo resorption (resorption), as a result of which the appearance greatly changes.

Figure 5. Orbital aging. The superomedial and inferolateral parts of the orbit have the greatest tendency to resorption. This leads to the appearance of signs of aging of the periorbital region, in particular, to the bulging of the medial fatty “hernia”, raising of the inner part (head) of the eyebrow and lengthening of the transition line of the upper border of the cheek.

B. Mendelson in his works proved that the upper inner and lower outer parts of the orbit are most susceptible to resorption during age-related changes. This causes the medial fatty hernia of the upper eyelid to bulge, raise the inner part (head) of the eyebrow, and deepen and lengthen the nasolacrimal groove. A decrease in bone support in the middle zone of the face (the upper jaw is most susceptible to resorption) contributes to the deepening of the nasolacrimal groove and the appearance of paint bags.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes reviews

“When I talked to Ilona Sergeevna, I immediately gained trust and respect for her; I no longer wanted to go looking for an alternative.
The first impression turned out to be undeceiving; further communication only confirmed the first impressions: I promptly received answers to my questions and test results via email. Ilona Sergeevna also performed the operation professionally, together with competent and courteous operating nurses. After blepharoplasty, I stayed in the clinic for a day and constantly felt the care that nurse Anya provided me. The next day, Svetlana magically performed procedures to promote the healing of stitches and swelling. “Many thanks to all the staff and the head of the Abrielle aesthetic surgery clinic for the friendly and homely atmosphere, for the impression that the patient is not in a medical institution, but among relatives, for the participation, concern and desire to always come to the rescue.” Ekaterina, 54 years old Other reviews about blepharoplasty on our website.

Thus, it becomes clear that:

  1. The use of various modern creams and masks to improve the properties of the skin has only preventive value, since these products are not able to penetrate the barrier layer of the skin. They act very superficially.
  2. Quitting smoking and alcohol is also a preventative measure, as these bad habits worsen the condition of the skin and accelerate its aging.
  3. Mesotherapy - the introduction of special preparations through injections to improve the properties of the skin around the eyes - is a good prevention of aging.
  4. Botulinum toxin injections are a necessary preventive procedure to reduce the number of wrinkles around the eyes.
  5. Plastic massage and microcurrent therapy help to increase tone, improve the properties of the skin and circular muscles of the eyes, and give a more lasting result.

However, all these procedures have only preventive value. They need to be performed in order to delay the appearance of bags under the eyes, and not to get rid of them. If bags, swelling and excess skin under and above the eyes have already appeared, it is useless to try to eliminate them with such measures. The effect will be immediate and fleeting.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes with blepharoplasty

A plastic surgeon will tell you how to get rid of bags under the eyes using blepharoplasty during an in-person consultation. With the help of this operation, normal anatomy is restored: excess skin, a strip of stretched muscle are eliminated, and hernial sacs are removed. Blepharoplasty is simple to perform, easily tolerated by patients and provides a guaranteed, lasting aesthetic result. It will no longer be possible to examine the “traces” of the operation after 2-3 months.

If we talk about rejuvenating the eye area, understanding all the mechanisms of age-related changes in this area, then blepharoplasty almost always needs to be supplemented with lipofilling. By injecting fat to fill the brow area, filling the tear trough, filling the cheekbones and temples, we perform true rejuvenation of the eye area in two ways. The first is the replenishment of lost volumes and the restoration of smooth contours inherent in young faces. The second is skin rejuvenation (thickening, increasing turgor, elasticity, reducing pores, vascular and pigment formations) due to the potential of stem cells, always present in adipose tissue.

Blepharoplasty in combination with eye lipofilling will not leave any traces behind and will completely preserve your individuality. Such simple surgical procedures will not only restore former attractiveness, but also bring youth, freshness and a unique radiance to a woman’s image. Why carry with you the burden of the past in the form of bags under your eyes? If you want to look young and evoke admiring glances from others, you will have to get rid of bags under your eyes, sooner or later. Better early. Then it’s time for you to seek advice from an experienced plastic surgeon. The plastic surgeon will determine the extent of the operation, the type of blepharoplasty, and most likely this small operation will help change your life for the better.

Goodbye drooping eyelid!

Using your index and middle fingers, applying slight pressure, fix the corners of your eyes. Make sure that your palms do not hang in the air, but are attached to your face.

While inhaling, close your eyes tightly (!), after 2 seconds, exhale and open them. Repeat 10-20 times. On the last circle, keep your eyelids closed for 5 seconds. After this, relax your eyes, blink and rest.

Please note that you should only feel the upper eyelids working; eyebrows, lips and all other parts of the face should remain motionless.


Exercise No. 1: articular plastic technique “ba”

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Publication from the School of Rejuvenation "REVITONIKA" (@revitonica_official) July 25, 2022 at 9:30 PDT

What gives:

relaxes the chewing muscles, relieves tension and spasms from the lower jaw; forms a clear oval of the face, reduces jowls and lengthens the side surface of the face; prevents tooth wear, helps overcome bruxism, and in general is highly recommended for dental purposes to improve the parameters of the dental system.

How much to do:

2 minutes 1 time per day.
Before performing the exercise, you must conduct a test:

  • Open your mouth with your lower jaw down and note how wide it is.
  • After completing the exercise, open your mouth again and compare - your jaw should open much wider.

The syllable “ba” allows you to open your mouth carefully, without injuring the lower jaw. The treatment itself may not be very pleasant - when kneading tense tissues, you feel pain, but it should be pleasant.


If during or after performing you feel clicking or crunching when opening your mouth, this indicates the presence of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. In this case, start moving down from the middle or earlobe, working the middle and lower portions of the masticatory muscles. If the crunching does not stop, stop doing the technique completely. If necessary, consult a doctor.

Eyes Wide Open

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it gives: ​reducing eye drooping and improving vision.

Open your eyes wide, hold for 5 seconds, relax. Perform 5 sets of 5 seconds. ​

Look up, down, right, left 5 times in turn.​

Make 3 circular movements with your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise. ​Repeat the exercises with your eyes closed.

Next - “Kiss with the eyes”, which helps with sunken eyes.

Starting position: eyes closed. Retract your eyes, protrude your eyes - 10 times. ​After completing the exercises, you should notice that your vision has become clearer.


Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it gives: lifting the forehead and upper eyelids, relaxing the forehead, reducing wrinkles.

Starting position: fix the entire surface of the forehead, including the temples, with your palms, pressing them tightly to your forehead. Pull the frontalis muscle down and slightly to the sides with your fingers (1 mm), slowly raise your eyebrows up (as if you want to wrinkle your forehead), offering resistance with your hands. 20 times in dynamics, 20 sec. in statics. Do the exercise at a slow pace.

Set of exercises

Gymnastics for bags under the eyes or face fitness can strengthen the circular muscles of the eyes, improve the movement of lymph, and eliminate puffiness. With regular use, it is possible to reduce wrinkles and crow's feet, dark circles and swelling.

To perform a set of exercises you do not need special tools, creams or oils. There is no need to visit a cosmetologist.

Before starting a set of exercises, you should take a portrait photograph in profile and full face. It is advisable to repeat the photo a month after regular exercise. This will allow you to track the dynamics of the fight against bags under the eyes and the results obtained.


  • To warm up, turn your head to the right, left, forward, backward. All movements must be unsharp, smooth, and accurate.
  • Place the index fingers of both hands on the skin under the outer corners of the eyes and secure. Then slowly perform the sequence of actions: close your eyes - relax - close your eyes. When performing exercises, a pulsation is felt under the fingers. Number of repetitions – 10-15.
  • Place your index fingers on your eyebrows and fix them. This will force only the orbicularis oculi muscles to work. Then close your eyes as much as possible for 10 seconds, relax for 20 seconds, close your eyes again. Number of repetitions – 8-10.
  • Finally, blink actively for 10 seconds. Warm your palms by rubbing against each other, close your eyes and cover with warm palms. Think about the good moments, try to feel the warmth from your hands. Sit in this position for a couple of minutes.

For lifting the temples and corners of the eyes

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it does: lifts the outer corners of the upper eyelids.

Starting position: place your palms to your temples, as in the photo (slightly pull your temples towards the top of your head).​

Close your eyes slowly and tightly. 20 times in dynamics, 20 sec. in statics. Feel the movement of the muscles under your palms.

Next, do the following exercise.

Starting position: place your palms to your temples, as in the photo (slightly pull your temples towards the top of your head).

Open and close your mouth slowly and widely 20 times.

Article on the topic

How to make beautiful lips? 8 useful exercises

Popular recipes

With banana and butter

It is worth noting! This combination of components enriches the skin with moisture and oxygen, ideal for moisturizing the area around the eyes and fighting wrinkles.


  • ripe banana – ¼ fruit;
  • butter – 30 g.

How to cook:

  1. Melt the butter until soft.
  2. Peel the banana and grind in a blender.
  3. Mix the ingredients.

How to use:

  1. Gently massage the skin around the eyes with your fingertips.
  2. Apply the mixture. You can put a bandage or gauze on top.
  3. Leave the mask on for 40 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with cool water.

With peach and sour cream

You should know! This composition perfectly moisturizes and reduces the appearance of pigmentation.


  • ripe peach – ½ fruit;
  • fat sour cream - ½ tablespoon;
  • liquid vitamin E - a few drops.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the peach, remove the pit, mash the pulp to a paste-like consistency.
  2. Enter the remaining components.

How to use:

  1. Apply the composition evenly to the upper eyelids and area under the eyes.
  2. Keep for 30 minutes.
  3. Wash with cool water.

With oat flakes

The mass, which contains oatmeal and sour cream, saturates the epidermis with moisture.

Upper eyelid treatment

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it gives: raising the upper eyelids.

Starting position: back and neck straight. Place your thumbs, as in the photo, under the orbital bone. Press on the points along the bone, moving your fingers from the center to the temples (about 4-5 points). Each point is worked out (massaged) for 2 seconds. 1–2 approaches. Do not move the skin.

The best ways to remove bags and shadows under the eyes

Dermal radio wave optical thermolysis (DROT) is an innovative technique based on the action of a fractional laser and radio frequency radiation. Thus, DROT is an optimal combination of Fraxel and Thermage procedures.

Removal of baggy sagging skin under the eyes is achieved thanks to a powerful tightening. With the help of a laser, dead cells are evaporated, their place is taken by new fibroblasts, which, under the influence of RF radiation, begin to actively produce collagen. At the same time, collagen fibers are compacted. The skin is tightened and its structure improves.

Isogei is myostimulation using the exclusive VIPLineIsogei device, which increases the tone of the eye muscles and eliminates their sagging. This effect is achieved through the action of alternating current, which causes muscle contractions as in gymnastics. As a result, the muscles are tightened and the bag-like sagging disappears.

Biorevitalization is an injection method. Injections of preparations based on hyaluronic acid improve skin hydration, increase its firmness, elasticity and turgor, have a rejuvenating effect, and improve metabolic processes.

Botox injections help eliminate fine expression lines (“crow’s feet”) that usually accompany bags and circles under the eyes.
These procedures allow you to make your face more youthful and restore its healthy, rested appearance. The effect of their use comes quickly, and the results, if you follow the recommendations of our specialists, will last for a long time!

What does the color of circles under the eyes mean?

The shade that the skin of the eyelids acquires can also indicate the cause of darkening.

Blue, black and purple circles under the eyes

With age or against the background of chronic fatigue, blood vessels become more fragile, hemoglobin breakdown products seep through the walls of the vessels and give the tissues a dark tint.

  • Products based on vitamin C and caffeine will help remove dark circles under the eyes (blue or black). For example, anti-aging care with pure vitamin C REDERMIC C YEUX.

Yellow or brown circles around the eyes

The cause of yellowish circles can be hormonal changes (increased melanin synthesis in pregnant women), excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin.

  • Products based on vitamin C, retinoids, eperulin and procysteine ​​will help lighten them.

Red circles

Most often, they indicate allergic reactions that cause the release of histamine into the blood or increased eye pressure due to prolonged work at the computer or while driving.

  • To prevent red circles, choose products based on vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) and emollient, soothing ingredients: eperulin, allantoin and panthenol.

Exercise No. 2: technique for the wings of the nose

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Publication from the School of Rejuvenation "REVITONIKA" (@revitonica_official) March 6, 2022 at 4:52 PST

What gives:

very deeply works the muscles lying along the lateral surface of the nose; reduces puffiness under the eyes; smoothes the nasolacrimal groove; improves blood flow in the sinuses; visually enlarges the eyes; removes the “side” at the wing of the nose; corrects the shape of the nose by reducing swelling.

How much to do:

2-3 minutes in the morning and evening.

Drinking indications: skin diseases, especially in the acute stage, since there is a risk of infection entering the general lymphatic system.


Find a position in which the tension on the back of your neck is minimal: you may have to perform this technique with your elbows on your knees and your head tilted parallel to the floor. Find the optimal position experimentally.

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