Mechanical facial cleansing: detailed description of the procedure

At the “Health” center of medicine and cosmetology, high-profile specialists perform all types of facial cleansing, including mechanical. Mechanical facial cleansing is one of the most common and effective procedures for cleansing the skin of deep impurities. The technique involves manually pushing out blackheads, comedones, milia and sebaceous plugs that clog the gland ducts. Despite the emergence of innovative hardware devices for skin cleansing, manual facial cleansing continues to be very popular among clients. In addition, our clinic offers a relatively low price for mechanical facial cleansing in Moscow.

What is the essence of the procedure?

The skin of the face is quite delicate and vulnerable to negative external factors: sudden changes in temperature, wind, polluted environment, ultraviolet rays of the sun and solarium - all this contributes to the deterioration of the condition of the skin. As a result of the above phenomena, dirt gets into the pores and clogs them, as a result of which the breathing of the skin is disrupted, its natural turgor decreases and metabolic processes slow down. These types of defects often cause inflammation and swelling on the face. Naturally, women try to combat skin imperfections by using various tonics, gels and other products. Despite the assurances of manufacturers of facial skin care products, their application alone will not help cope with deep impurities - manual facial cleansing by a cosmetologist is required.

Manual facial cleansing is the simplest cosmetic procedure and has been known for many years. This manipulation is quite painful and in some cases can be somewhat traumatic, but its effectiveness has been proven for centuries. The technology for performing the manipulation is as follows: a specialist removes deep comedones and milia by applying pressure with his fingertips or using a special spoon. This cleaning method is easy to perform and is especially recommended for oily skin types. Due to the mechanical effect on the skin, the specialist ensures the sterility of the process in order to avoid infection of the skin, and therefore the likelihood of inflammation.

Skin care after cleansing

Having completed all the procedures, the cosmetologist must give recommendations on how to properly care for your face so that the stage of skin restoration goes through faster. Immediately after cleansing, there will be redness and areas of inflammation on the face. This is due to the highly traumatic nature of the procedure.

The result of mechanical cleaning. Photos before and after the procedure

To quickly get rid of negative consequences, you need to properly care for your skin:

  • the face must be protected from temperature changes, so you should avoid visiting the sauna, bathhouse and solarium;
  • Before going outside, be sure to lubricate your face with sunscreen with a factor of at least 20;
  • you should give up alcohol and smoking;
  • you need to moisturize your skin from the inside by drinking plenty of water;
  • Do not use soap, alcohol-containing preparations or exfoliating scrubs to cleanse your face;
  • it is necessary to moisturize the face with creams with natural composition;
  • You should use gentle products for sensitive skin and mineral water for washing;
  • All damage to the skin must be treated with an antiseptic to prevent the appearance of rashes.

In the first few days after mechanical cleaning, you should not use decorative cosmetics.

Advantages of mechanical cleaning

The main benefit of simple manipulation is deep cleansing of the skin, which no hardware technology can achieve. A conservative solution is aimed at cleansing the deep layers of the skin, as a result of which not only the main defects are eliminated, but also the general condition of the skin, its trophism and local blood circulation are noticeably improved. Mechanical facial cleansing helps even out skin color and allows you to get rid of acne, pimples, blackheads and other impurities for a long time.

A positive point is also the affordable cost of manual facial cleansing, which is due to the absence of the need to use expensive equipment to maintain.

Stages of mechanical facial cleansing

  1. Makeup remover The face is cleaned of makeup using special milk and gel. In this case, the cosmetologist must select a product suitable for the patient’s skin type so as not to cause irritation.
  2. Cleansing mask. This step is not necessary and is carried out only if the skin is excessively dirty.
  3. Steaming. Streams of warm steam are directed to the skin of the face at a safe distance. The procedure lasts several minutes. This action helps to loosen the “dead” cells of the upper layer of skin and make them easier to remove. Sometimes cosmetologists apply a thermal warming gel, the effect of which is also aimed at opening pores and protecting against dehydration and drying of the skin. It is noteworthy that in some cases (hypertension, bronchial asthma, increased dry skin) steaming is contraindicated. In such a situation, a cold hydrogenation method is provided: a special cold gel is applied to the face, which saturates the cells with moisture, after which they swell. For the best effect, cover the top of the gel base with a film and leave for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Treatment. The cosmetologist carefully wipes the skin until dry, using hydrogen peroxide (3%) or lotion without an alcohol base. Next, the specialist removes part of the film from the selected area of ​​exposure, and again treats this area with lotion to ensure a lasting disinfecting effect.
  5. Instrumental cleaning. During this stage, the specialist squeezes out keratinized particles, fat plugs and comedones using a special tool. As a rule, this is a “strainer” or “Uno spoon”. In this case, immature inflamed acne is not affected. Mechanical cleansing of the facial skin using tools allows you to get rid of even deep sebaceous plugs. The procedure is performed with sterile instruments, which are also disinfected many times during the session. The average duration of this stage is from 5 to 7 minutes.
  6. Manual technique. As a rule, manual mechanical cleansing of the face is performed when instrumental removal of deep defects is impossible. The cosmetologist squeezes the skin around the ducts of the sebaceous glands, having previously wrapped treated sterile gauze around the fingers. Manual facial cleansing in the salon completely eliminates even the deepest contamination of the layers of the epidermis.
  7. Drainage of pustules. The specialist carries out the process of draining the pustules, then applies an anti-inflammatory lotion to the treatment area. After this, a softening and pore-tightening mask is applied to the face. It is important to remember: after mechanical facial cleansing has been carried out by a cosmetologist, you should not hastily leave the office. It is recommended to wait for the pores to narrow, which will happen 15-20 minutes after exposure.

According to reviews from cosmetologists, it is better to plan mechanical cleansing during the first half of the menstrual cycle. At this time, the pain threshold increases, as a result of which the procedure is much more tolerable and the pain is practically not felt.

Indications for mechanical facial cleansing

Mechanical facial cleansing in a salon is recommended in the presence of deep dirt and when deep cleansing is necessary, which is difficult to achieve using hardware techniques.

Among the indications for the procedure it is worth highlighting:

  • presence of comedones (blackheads);
  • presence of milia (white spots);
  • intense contamination of the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • excessive sebum;
  • presence of acne (without inflammation);
  • decreased skin tone.

Progress of the procedure

Manual mechanical cleansing of the face is carried out using metal instruments:

  • loops;
  • curettes;
  • spoons;
  • Vidal needles.

By pressing the loop onto the skin, the doctor captures and removes contaminants. A curette is needed to scrape out dirt and fat from problem areas. Use a spoon to remove small impurities and dead cells. A Vidal needle is required to puncture the pustules before subsequently removing their contents.

In some cases, you cannot limit yourself to tools. To completely remove the sebaceous plug, the doctor uses his fingers. Wrapping them in sterile napkins, the doctor squeezes out the dirt. It can be unpleasant, but the result is excellent. The most uncomfortable area for cleaning pores with your hands is in the area of ​​the nose and temples. But to return health and beauty to the skin, patients are willing to endure.

The more professional the cosmetologist, the less painful the procedure. So, the instruments should touch the skin, being in a parallel position relative to it. Otherwise it will be very sensitive.

At the end of the manipulations, the doctor treats the skin with an antibacterial agent and applies a restorative composition.

Contraindications for mechanical facial cleansing

For some diseases and disorders, this type of cleaning is not provided. A number of contraindications include:

  • inflammation of the skin;
  • the presence of an infectious focus;
  • the presence of vascular networks (rosacea);
  • demodicosis;
  • boils;
  • dry skin type;
  • allergic reactions;
  • hypertension;
  • some somatic diseases;
  • dermatological diseases of the skin;
  • severe acne;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • low pain threshold (relative contraindication);
  • It is not carried out during menstruation and immediately after its end.

Possible complications

If the skin is highly sensitive or if the cleaning technique is violated, persistent redness may occur that does not go away for 3 or more days. To soothe the skin in this case, it is useful to make cold compresses from decoctions of medicinal herbs or soothing masks.

When allergies occur, persistent swelling or inflammation may form. To eliminate them, you need to contact a dermatologist. Bruises are the result of too much pressure on the skin. To speed up their resorption, you need to use heparin ointment.

If antiseptic rules have been violated, signs of infection may appear on the face. In this case, to eliminate them, it is better to seek help from a dermatologist, who will prescribe treatment with antibacterial agents.

Results of mechanical cleaning

This type of facial cleansing is the most effective method of combating deep impurities for oily and problematic skin types. Thanks to the procedure, the condition of the skin acquires significant changes for the better, and one cannot but rejoice at the low cost of mechanical facial cleansing.

  • During the manipulation, dead cells are removed, the relief is leveled, and the facial skin acquires a smooth and delicate structure.
  • Pores are cleansed and their volume is reduced.
  • Skin defects in the form of blackheads, milia and comedones are completely eliminated.
  • The result is comparable to medium peeling.
  • After the manipulation, characteristic redness and swelling will appear, but the side effects will disappear without any intervention. The complete recovery process will occur within 1-2 days.
  • A few days after the mechanical cleansing session, the skin begins to peel off, which indicates the active exfoliation of “dead” cells. After exfoliation, a regeneration process occurs, the skin acquires a healthy structure and appearance.

It should be noted that manual cleaning helps improve the appearance of the skin, but does not eliminate the essence of the problem, which causes intense acne, pimples and inflammation. The face is a mirror of health, so disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, poor nutrition and exposure to external factors are often reflected on the skin of the face in the form of rashes. With the development of a pathological process as the main cause of acne, appropriate conservative therapy is recommended in parallel with mechanical cleansing.

What causes dry skin?

There are 3 main causes of dry skin;

  1. Genetics - inheritance of lipid dry skin from one or both parents.
  2. Intrinsic aging - The activity of the sebaceous glands naturally decreases with age, producing less oil.
  3. Low fat diets are low in essential fatty acids. In your diet to produce lipids.

Some medications can also cause dry skin. Therefore, in this case, it is better to consult with your therapist at a cosmetology clinic for modern procedures.

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