Beneficial properties of geranium oil and the range of applications of the essential miracle remedy

Geranium essential oil, the properties and use of which almost everyone who is not familiar with this unique product associates with unpleasant aromas that repel flies, will in fact turn out to be a very interesting remedy. The smell of geranium in the distant approximation is similar to a rose. This is all due to the presence of the same components in both phytoessences, but the products have a significant difference in how they work. Many people probably like the smell of a rose, so beauties are ready to buy essential oil from the petals even though the cost is not low, but does everyone know that essential oil from geranium leaves can be used even in its pure form? Do you know what else is remarkable about this scent? It's time to get acquainted with this unique ether, because the product can solve almost all problems at once.

Photo of geranium flowers

Geranium essential oil: composition and medicinal properties

Geranium essential oil is produced from fresh pelargonium leaves of several varieties using steam distillation. It contains more than a hundred different components. Most of them are represented by alcohols, to which the oil owes its unique aroma: linalool, nerol, citronellol, alpha-terpineol, geraniol.

This is interesting. To obtain one liter of essential oil, it is necessary to process 300–500 kilograms of fresh geranium leaves.

This remedy is rich in antioxidants (substances that protect cells from dangerous oxidative reactions) thanks to the flavonoids and vitamin E it contains. Geranium ester also contains the hemostatic and astringent substance tamine, which is used for intoxication of the body, and tannins, known for their anti-inflammatory properties. The latter remove waste and toxins from the body, suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, help get rid of harmful deposits, and also stop internal and external bleeding.

The beneficial properties of geranium oil make it a valuable product for use in cosmetology and medicine. It is used in skin and hair care, in the treatment of colds, otitis media, headaches and much more. Geranium essential oil is also often used in perfumery as a base for creating men's fragrances.

Geranium oil is obtained by steam distillation of the green part of the plant.

How to do it at home?

Making geranium essential oil at home is quite difficult, but given its high cost in the store, it’s worth a try.

First of all, you need to understand that the production of oil requires a lot of raw materials - green geranium leaves. The production itself occurs in several stages:

  1. The leaves are thoroughly washed and finely chopped.
  2. The resulting mass is placed in a glass container with a lid, filled with water so that the liquid covers it.
  3. A tube is inserted into the hole in the lid, the hole itself is hermetically sealed, for example, with plasticine, the tube should be lowered down at an angle.
  4. The free end of the tube lowers the collection container, which will be placed in a vessel with ice throughout the entire process.
  5. The dishes with the leaves are heated in a water bath, gradually the green mass will begin to release essential oil, which will settle on the walls of the collection container.
  6. The resulting product is collected with a pipette and placed in a tightly sealed dark glass vial.

Attention! Geranium oil is not extracted from the domestic plant commonly called geranium, but from the rose geranium plant.

How to make butter at home yourself, watch the video below:

Geranium is a flowering plant, unpretentious in nature. It is worth paying attention not only to the appearance of the plant, but also to its medicinal properties. After all, with the help of this plant you can get rid of ear pain. We recommend reading our articles about the benefits and harms of the flower, as well as about the amazing extract and how it is used in sports nutrition.

Oil for healthy hair

Geranium oil, when used correctly and in concentration, is suitable for all hair types. It copes well with dandruff, dullness and brittleness.

The easiest way to care for your hair is aromatherapy. It will take no more than a couple of minutes a day. You just need to apply a few drops of oil to a wooden comb and comb your hair as usual. There is another option: you can rub a few drops of oil in your hands and then massage your scalp.

Aroma combing with geranium oil will make your hair strong and shiny.

Another quick way to improve hair condition is to add geranium oil to your regular shampoo or conditioner before use. 2-3 drops will be enough for a single serving.

Masks with added product

Masks with the addition of geranium oil are also very effective. Depending on the type and structure of the hair, this product is combined with different ingredients. The finished mask is applied to dry and well-combed hair, and then covered with a shower cap. You can wrap your head with a warm scarf or scarf on top. The mask is usually washed off 20–30 minutes after application. There are many effective recipes for such compositions.

For shiny curls


  • geranium oil - 5 drops;
  • liquid honey - 25 g;
  • peach or almond oil - 10 ml;
  • half a banana.

To accelerate growth


  • geranium oil - 5 drops;
  • raw egg - 1 piece;
  • mustard powder - 1 tablespoon;
  • almond oil - 10 ml.

For lice

The antibacterial properties of geranium oil can even help get rid of lice. To prepare the mask, you need to mix 50 ml of shampoo with 10 drops of geranium oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair for 10–15 minutes, combed thoroughly and then rinsed off the remaining product with warm water. This mask can also be used to prevent head lice.

Beautiful skin with geranium ether

Geranium oil is a real find for skin care. It is suitable for all types:

  • problematic with acne and post-acne (the components of pelargonium oil have an antiseptic and healing effect that helps fight rashes);
  • oily (the product helps normalize sebum production);
  • dry (the oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin without clogging the pores);
  • edematous (geranium soothes and reduces swelling and inflammation);
  • prone to rosacea (geranium oil improves blood circulation and activates skin regeneration processes).

You can use essential oil by adding a few drops to prepared creams. The recommended proportion is 2-3 drops per 30 ml of base.

For skin with acne and pimples, it is recommended to precisely apply undiluted oil with a cotton swab.

A steam bath using this product has a good effect. To do this, you need to mix 3 drops of geranium ether with 3 drops of rosemary oil, add the mixture to a container with hot water and, covered with a towel, hold your face over it for 10-15 minutes.

Face masks with geranium oil are also very popular. To achieve the best result, it is recommended to steam the skin before the procedure and then apply a nourishing cream.

For the mask to work, you must cleanse your skin before applying it.

Against rosacea


  • wheat germ oil - 1 ml;
  • evening primrose oil - 8 ml;
  • rosewood essential oil - 2 drops;
  • cypress essential oil - 2 drops;
  • geranium essential oil - 2 drops.

Directions for use: mix all the ingredients and soak a cotton pad or piece of gauze with them, apply the compress to the skin for 10-15 minutes. Repeat every day for 1 week.

For acne


  • geranium ether - 15 drops;
  • green clay - 20 g;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula - 20 drops.

Directions for use: add geranium oil and calendula tincture to the clay, soak a compress in the mixture and apply to problem skin for 15–20 minutes. It is not recommended to use this product more than once a week.

For dry skin


  • geranium ether - 12 drops;
  • baked pumpkin puree - 15 g;
  • white yogurt - 10 g.

Directions for use: mix all components and apply to the skin in a continuous layer, rinse after 20 minutes.

Geranium oil is an excellent component for masks

For aging skin that has lost tone


  • olive or flaxseed oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • rose oil - 3 drops;
  • geranium oil - 3 drops.

Directions for use: apply the mixture to the face using a compress, leave for 10–20 minutes. It is advisable to use at least two to three times a week.

For oily skin


  • geranium oil - 20 drops;
  • rye flour - 15 g;
  • chamomile or nettle decoction - 2 tablespoons;
  • ampoule of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12).

Directions for use: dilute rye flour with a decoction of chamomile or nettle to a mushy state, add cyanocobalamin and geranium ether and apply the resulting mixture to the skin for 10–20 minutes.

For sensitive skin


  • geranium ether - 2 drops;
  • sandalwood ether - 2 drops;
  • coconut oil - 1 tablespoon.

Directions for use: mix all ingredients and apply to skin for 15–20 minutes. Use 1-2 times a week.

Lip care

Geranium essential oil will add brightness and volume to your lips, heal minor damage, make them soft and healthy. It is not recommended to apply ether in its pure form. You can mix it with any base oil, for example, sesame or olive, in a 1:2 ratio. Beeswax is an excellent base: a small amount of it is combined with 2-3 drops of geranium ether and applied to the lips. In order for them to always be beautiful and smooth, it is recommended to leave this mask on overnight (you can do it daily).

Reviews about the application

I would like to share my joy: I smeared [geranium with lavender and tea tree] on a nascent pimple on my face, which was located with a long-term growth of blood vessels. I kept wanting to go to the clinic to have it removed. And then I wake up in the morning and discover that not only is there no sign of a pimple, but the 3-mm vascular formation is gone!


I took the risk of using geranium oil to solve the problems of acne and mild hirsutism (coarse hair on the chin). I have been using this wonderful oil for a week +4 days. Before use, I pulled out all the coarse hairs. During this time, the new ones have grown much thinner!.. The number of inflammations on the cheeks has decreased!.. Of course, I do not advise following my example and self-medicating, but the oil really helps solve women's problems!


I tried a composition for breast enlargement. For 50 ml of base oil, take 10 drops of geranium and ylang-ylang. Rub into the bust 1-2 times a day.. The result: the breasts became more elastic, stretch marks became less noticeable, as a “side effect” the periods came on time and were painless (which in itself is unusual).


Although pelargonium oil is not as popular, today it has found a place for itself among the delicate floral oils. Geranium affects blood clotting and heals wounds, suppresses the activity of the herpes virus, which will quickly improve the appearance of the lips. Inhaling the aroma calms the nerves, lowers blood pressure, facilitates digestion, relieves allergy symptoms and muscle spasms. In addition, geranium oil diversifies home menus and enriches sweet sauces and glazes with its aroma.

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Pelargonium oil for women's health

Geranium oil stimulates the production of estrogen, normalizes the menstrual cycle, reduces pain during menstruation, and minimizes the effects of menopause. Geranium essential oil is also used in the treatment of infertility when it is caused by hormonal imbalance and irregular or scanty periods.

The most well-known uses of the product for women's health are as follows:

  • Orally, 1–3 drops per day after meals, mixed with kefir or yogurt. After three weeks of use, you need to take a break for one week.
  • For massage, add to massage oil. You can mix geranium essential oil with others, such as lavender or orange. The massage mixture is made up in the following proportion: 4–7 drops of essential oil per 100 ml of base oil.
  • For baths, mixing with other esters and any emulsifier: honey, olive oil, milk. For 200 liters take 5-15 drops of oil.

You need to add oil to not very hot water - 35–37 °C

Breast lift with geranium ether

Pelargonium oil will help make your breast skin healthy, smooth and elastic, and also reduce PMS pain. Some, using geranium ether, even manage to slightly enlarge their breasts, since this oil perfectly improves blood circulation, slightly irritates the skin and increases the production of female hormones. The most effective way is massage with essential oil.

Breast massage technique with geranium essential oil

For massage, you can use, for example, the following mixture of oils:

  • grape seed oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • geranium ether - 3 drops;
  • rosemary ether - 2 drops.

There are many options for breast massage; below is one of the simplest techniques:

  1. The procedure begins with stroking: they are performed with the palms in the direction from the nipple to the base of the mammary gland. At first, the movements should be gliding and light, and when the skin warms up, you can gradually increase the pressure and begin massaging the chest with your knuckles (this takes about one minute).
  2. The next technique is rubbing. Using your fingertips, make circular movements in the same direction. Next, you should continue the same actions with your knuckles, supporting your chest with your other hand (this takes about 4-5 minutes). You can also use the technique of light pinching.
  3. This massage is completed with stroking, following the method already described.


Harmonious and balancing, the aroma of Geranium can be used for spiritual practice and meditation. Geranium helps with intuition and wisdom of the heart.

Evens out hormonal and emotional states. Helps lift spirits and bring joy and happiness in daily activities.

Calms nervous tension and stress and balances emotions, uplifting mood and promoting a sense of peace and well-being.

These properties make it an ideal remedy for headaches, stomach pain and menstrual cramps.

Geranium is an adrenal cortex stimulant. Harmonizing effect on emotions. Reduces mood swings. Helpful in cases of PMS and menopausal discomfort.

Has dynamic flowing energy that helps balance water in the body. As a kidney tonic, useful for cellulite therapy.

In addition, geranium helps in the production of estrogen and relieves fluid retention. When using massage in the breast tissue, it reduces swelling and engorgement, and helps against mastitis.

Essential oil Geranium, 5 ml. — Crimean Rose, Russia Crimea

Geranium concentrate for weight loss

Essential oils are an indispensable remedy for those who want to lose a couple of kilograms. The mechanism of their action is to accelerate metabolic processes, eliminate excess fluid and normalize the water-salt balance. In addition, the oil tightens and tones the skin, which will prevent it from sagging when losing weight.

To achieve this goal, the baths and massages already mentioned above are suitable, and the product can also be used internally. Another way to lose weight using geranium oil is body wraps.

Pelargonium oil wraps will speed up metabolism and help you lose weight

How to do the wraps:

  1. Before the procedure, you should take a warm shower and cleanse your skin with a scrub.
  2. Using massage movements, rub an oil mixture of 50 ml of olive oil, 5 drops of geranium oil, 5 drops of orange oil, a teaspoon of cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of liquid honey into the problem area.
  3. Wrap the film on top and put a warm belt or scarf over it.
  4. After 20 minutes, remove the mixture with a dry cloth, then wipe off any remaining oil with a makeup remover.
  5. Take a warm shower.

Short story

Ancient people did not know about the existence of the subtle world of ethers due to the fact that they did not know how to isolate exactly that part of the plant where the volatile substances that provide the aroma are concentrated. That is why the smell of geranium has repelled insects for centuries.

Only at the dawn of the formation of French perfumery, when ways of isolating esters from raw materials became available to humanity, geranium began to be used as a talisman for happy love. It was believed that the aroma would protect against misfortunes on the personal front and allow one to maintain family warmth.

Later, magical properties were assigned to the product, so to this day there is an opinion that the smell of geranium reliably protects against damage and the evil eye.


Geranium oil is a natural antidepressant. It relieves fatigue, headaches, restores strength, and helps overcome feelings of anxiety and fear. It is also often used for decreased sense of smell, difficulty breathing, otitis media and sinusitis.

This is interesting. Indian scientists confirmed the calming and antidepressant properties of geranium oil with their study on mice. According to the results of the experiment, animals that inhaled pelargonium oil using an inhaler behaved more passively, moved less and had less contact with each other.

For aromatherapy, you need to add 3-5 drops of geranium ether per 10 square meters to an aroma lamp with water and heat the liquid for 15 minutes (this oil can be mixed with others). It goes well with the ether of bergamot, orange, neroli, and cedar.

Aromatherapy with geranium oil will help get rid of stress and fatigue


Geranium oil should not be used during pregnancy, lactation, or while taking birth control pills, as it greatly affects hormonal levels. Pelargonium ether is also not recommended for use by children under 6 years of age in any form.

Geranium oil should not be used for longer than 3-4 weeks, as it significantly lowers blood sugar levels and can cause allergic reactions if overdosed.

Before using the product, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test to its components: one drop of ether is applied and rubbed on the wrist. If after 30 minutes you experience redness, severe itching and other unpleasant symptoms, you should not use this oil.

Also, before using the product internally, you should consult your doctor.

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