Tools for squeezing pimples and blackheads

Acne is a complex cosmetic problem. You can fight it at home, but you need to perform the procedure correctly. For this purpose, you can use instrumental devices that are used to carry out cosmetological cleansing of the skin of the face by a specialist. The main tool that can be found on the Russian market is a stick for squeezing out pimples. A pimple squeezer looks like a small stick containing various tools at the ends. Often, tool tips are presented in the form of: loops, spoons, spatulas, strainers, needles, brushes.

Tools designed to remove acne

The pimple removal tool may have different combinations of devices at its ends. Often, a device for removing pimples and acne has removable attachments and is made from special steel used in medicine.

Acne removal stick

The instrument has the form of a stick made of metal, on one side of which there is a special strainer shaped like a spatula, and on the other side there is a recessed metal ear. In order to eliminate small pimples, it would be rational to use a strainer; for large ones, a wide recess is suitable.

A device in the form of a strainer is best suited for squeezing out pimples in the area of ​​the nose and lips; another is used for cleaning the cheeks, forehead and temples.

Squeezing pimples with a stick is very convenient. During its use, the device gained fame as a device capable of quickly removing ulcers on the face, minimally damaging the skin. During the process, when budding pimples are squeezed out, the purulent substance comes out of the eye of the hole in the strainer and remains on it. This makes it possible to completely get rid of purulent and ichorous discharge without infecting the body through the blood.


In some cases, a stick for squeezing out blackheads can seriously harm the face. It is better not to use it when:

  • rosacea,
  • increased sensitivity,
  • any dermatological diseases during the period of exacerbation.

To avoid injury to the skin, act very carefully. It is better to repeat the procedure in a few days rather than injure your face.

In addition, do not forget about the rules of hygiene. Such devices are intended for individual use.

If you neglect these recommendations, the consequences can be very serious. Infections and sepsis from unsuccessful home cleaning will require long-term treatment. The recovery period can be painful.

Toolkit for removing blackheads

Black dots on the front part can be removed using special metal tools, such as a spoon, tweezers, a loop, a stick and others.

Removing blackheads using a loop

The loop is the best and most proven tool for removing blackheads, which looks like a steel knitting needle with a needle on one side and a loop bracket on the other. Using a loop, you can quickly and painlessly remove blackheads from skin pores. This device is particularly effective in areas dotted with acne, such as the nasal space, chin area and frontal lobes. The loop located on the stick fits tightly to the skin; when you press and slide along it, the eel comes out. The tool must be used carefully so as not to cause injury; another disadvantage is redness and swelling in the area of ​​pressure. It is in the use of a needle that all the pros and cons of the procedure lie.

How to use a cosmetic loop?

First, you need to make sure that the area being treated is not a birthmark or age spot. Hands and, of course, the instrument must be sterile. Before starting the procedure, you need to thoroughly steam the skin. You can take a steam bath or a warm compress, or use a warming mask.

For those who suffer from rosacea, warming masks are contraindicated, so it is better to do the procedure immediately after taking a shower, while the skin is steamed and the pores are open.

The staple must be placed on the surface of the pore, so that the black dot is inside the loop, and press lightly so that the contents of the pore come out. Do not make sudden movements or press too hard, otherwise you may cause bruises and damage your facial skin.

If you decide to use a cosmetic loop to squeeze out pimples, keep in mind that only mature pimples with a white head can be removed in this way

First, the pimple needs to be disinfected, then carefully pierced with a sterile needle (you can take a needle from a syringe) and only then use a cosmetic loop

After removing the pimple, you must immediately wipe the inflamed area with alcohol and lubricate it with tea tree essential oil (this essential oil can be applied undiluted directly to the skin in a small amount). Thanks to tea tree oil, the inflamed area will dry out and heal faster.

Once you've finished cleansing, you can make a clay mask to help soothe your skin and tighten your pores. The cleansing procedure using a cosmetic loop should be carried out in the evening; mild irritation will go away overnight, and in the morning the skin will be clean and fresh.

Clean, healthy and glowing skin is the best decoration of any woman. Regular cleansing of your facial skin and using high-quality cosmetic products will help you look fresh and well-groomed even without makeup.

Preparing your face for deep cleansing

A whole bunch of all sorts of nasty stuff sits deep in the epidermis. But it is impossible to completely extract it through closed pores, so at this stage your task is to open these microscopic holes as much as possible.

You must first cleanse the skin so as not to introduce contaminants inside.

  • Remove makeup using special products. Wash thoroughly using antibacterial gel, foam, or simple but proven tar soap.
  • Apply the scrub to a damp, clean face and stroke along the massage lines. Peeling is necessary to remove dead epidermal cells that clog pores.
  • Steam your face by leaning over a bowl of hot water or herbal infusion. Cover your head with a towel and steam your skin for 10 minutes. An alternative to a steam bath for the face can be a hot, steamy bath or a special device - a vaporizer.

For those who categorically cannot tolerate high air humidity, a hot, damp compress will help open the pores. Soak a small towel in hot water, wring it out and place it on your face. Re-dip it in water as it cools.

Cosmetic brands offer warming masks to open pores, but they may not be suitable for sensitive skin.

How to remove using the tool?

The diagram for using the Vidal needle is in many ways similar to the operating instructions for other facial cleansing tools.

To remove acne you need:

  • Disinfect the instrument.
  • Cleanse the skin and steam it thoroughly.
  • Dry the skin by blotting it with a towel or disposable napkin.
  • Disinfect your hands and facial skin in the right place.
  • Pierce the pimple exactly in the central part.
  • Use a Vidal loop to completely clean the pore.
  • Disinfect the treated area.

Healing period

It is recommended to perform the procedure in the evening. After cleaning, you should not go outside or actively sweat. It is recommended to avoid contact of fabrics with water. It is advisable to relax and provide your body with a healthy night's sleep.

By morning, any possible redness will subside and the damage will heal. You can perform regular washing, which is recommended to be supplemented with the use of an antiseptic, lotion or decoction of medicinal herbs. The skin can be lubricated with your usual cream. It is recommended to avoid full makeup (foundation, powder, blush) for 1–2 days.

After the procedure, it is not recommended to engage in sports, visit the bathhouse or swimming pool for 1–2 days. After washing, use an antiseptic, lotion or herbal decoction. It is recommended to switch to medicinal cosmetics, which will be selected correctly by a cosmetologist.

Using a stick to remove pimples

The first thing you need to start the procedure with is disinfection of the skin and instruments. A good effect can be obtained after steaming the skin with warm water or steam baths. Next, you need to take a stick and press one of the ends onto the pimple, so that it is in the center of the notch and lightly rub it across the skin. At the same time, pus and sanguineous secretions are released into the hole, remaining on the device. After each such extrusion, the instrument must be wiped with peroxide.

All procedures using these special devices are very effective, however, pimples and blackheads should be removed no more than once a month so as not to injure the skin and not cause swelling and inflammation.


If used correctly, the tool will have many benefits. First among them are hygiene and safety .

Another plus is high efficiency . You can achieve salon results at home, avoiding many of the problems associated with squeezing pimples on your own.

A pore cleaning stick will allow you to forget about acne and scars. In addition, only with the help of it can you remove dirt from such a hard-to-reach area as the wings of the nose.

Compliance with the rules

Before you start cleansing your skin, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for this procedure:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use devices for squeezing pimples to remove carbuncles and boils. They are also not used to combat rashes that accompany demodicosis.

Thus, the use of these devices is not recommended for any infectious skin lesions. Otherwise, there is a risk of inflammation spreading.

  1. Mechanical cleansing of the dermis is allowed only under conditions of absolute sterility. Before performing manipulations, the stick should be treated with an antiseptic solution. It is also necessary to disinfect your skin and hands.

When using instruments, fingers should be wrapped in disposable wipes. These measures will help avoid the spread of infection and inflammation.

  1. After completing the cleansing procedure, the dermis must be treated again with a solution containing alcohol.

Mechanical facial cleansing is a fairly serious procedure. Therefore, before starting it, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of doctors. This will help cleanse the pores of impurities and prevent complications from developing.

Preparation for mechanical facial cleansing

Proper preparation for the procedure prevents tissue damage when using cosmetic instruments. To cleanse the skin of natural sebum and dirt, problem areas are wiped with salicylic alcohol, Miramistin or other antiseptic solutions.

Steaming the face expands the skin pores, making it easier to squeeze out sebaceous plugs. The procedure is performed in two ways:

  • total – steaming the face over a pan of boiling water;
  • local - applying a damp towel to the problem areas.

Such methods are used to independently get rid of blackheads on the face.

Features of choosing a tool

When choosing a brush for cleaning your face, you should not save money and buy the cheapest tool. It is best to consult with cosmetologists. Experts will help you choose the right brush. It is also worth looking at reviews about the manufacturer before making a purchase. More expensive models of the instrument have delicate fibers that do not injure sensitive and thin facial skin.

How to use such a tool

A spoon is a tool for squeezing out pimples that can be used at home without much difficulty. Facial cleansing is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • The skin needs to be steamed well. This is required for more effective facial cleansing.
  • The tool must be positioned so that there is a black dot in the center of the hole.
  • Gently press down on the tool and then move it slightly. Thanks to this, the contamination always remains on the spoon.
  • When the device becomes dirty, it must be cleaned.

Cleaning Rules

To make facial cleansing more effective, you need to know how to use tools for squeezing pimples.

First of all, such devices should not be used to remove carbuncles, boils, herpetic elements, other types of pyoderma, infectious and inflammatory skin lesions.

Before use, each instrument should be treated with an antiseptic. Similar manipulations should be carried out with the hands and skin. It is also recommended to wrap your fingers in clean tissues. This will prevent the skin from becoming inflamed again.

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