Homemade masks for acne and blackheads: tips and recipes

Homemade masks are a budget-friendly and effective remedy for acne and blackheads. They not only eliminate rashes, but also cleanse, nourish, heal, tighten pores, and increase blood supply to cells. And some of them can even rejuvenate the skin and remove fine wrinkles.

Face masks can be done at least daily. A large selection of effective healing natural ingredients allows you to choose the perfect recipe for even the most problematic skin and adds variety to pleasant home skin care.

Causes of acne

Acne appears due to excessive production of sebaceous glands. Normally, they moisturize and protect it. But too active work of the glands leads to blockage and inflammation of the pores.

These inflamed areas are a fertile environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. The sebum that comes out of the gland duct to the surface oxidizes and darkens. As a result, open comedones appear, or, popularly, blackheads.

When sebaceous secretions accumulate on the skin, a round white pimple is formed - a closed comedon. And the notorious acne is nothing more than an inflamed comedon.

All types of acne appear for several reasons:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels during puberty. The teenager’s body is subjected to a real storm of hormonal attack: the level of androgens increases abruptly, to which the skin reacts with numerous rashes.
  2. Increase in the amount of steroid hormones. Typically a woman's problem. Shortly before menstruation, small pimples appear on the girls’ body and face, which disappear after the end of menstruation.
  3. Lack of vitamin A. Lack of microelements leads to an increase in the stratum corneum of the skin - hyperkeratosis.
  4. Diseases of the stomach or intestines.
  5. Poor nutrition.
  6. Poor quality cosmetics or incorrectly selected skin care products.
  7. Regular stress and lack of sleep.
  8. Negative influence of external factors: cold, wind, sun, high humidity.
  9. Spread of infection due to squeezing pimples or using scrubs for inflamed skin or acne.
  10. Poor hygiene: touching the face with dirty hands, using the same towels for a long time, irregularly cleansing the face.
  11. Smoking. The harmful substances contained in cigarettes interfere with normal blood flow and nutrition of the epidermis.

If acne regularly appears in a certain area of ​​the face, you can determine the potential cause of the rash:

  • A rash on the chin indicates a malfunction of the thyroid gland, intestines, reproductive system, or a recent cold.
  • Pimples on the forehead indicate diseases of the stomach, pancreas, bladder or intestines.
  • Near the lips, I indicate serious problems in the functioning of the entire digestive system.
  • Rashes on the nose are associated with overly enlarged pores or hormonal imbalance. Also, the appearance of acne in this area may indicate problems with the cardiovascular system. But rashes on the bridge of the nose are a signal of liver problems.

Why do pimples and blackheads appear?

Masks will help reduce the number of rashes or completely rid you of them for some time. But a complete cure for the problem will only come from getting rid of the cause of acne. It may lie in the following factors:

  • abuse of fatty foods;
  • improper facial hygiene or its complete absence;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • problems with the reproductive system;
  • allergic reaction to decorative or caring cosmetics;
  • reaction to the use of some medications (most often contraceptives).

Only an examination by a doctor will help you find out the cause of acne and forgotten pores. You should start with a dermatologist; if necessary, he will refer you to the right specialist.

Foods that cause acne

The first advice dermatologists give to people suffering from skin rashes is to reconsider their diet. Ignoring healthy foods and overindulging in junk food is a major factor in the development of acne.

To get rid of the rash, you need to give up only 6 types of foods:

  • Coffee. This drink increases levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that thins and ages the skin.
  • Sweets and baked goods. The ban includes not only confectionery products, but also sweet carbonated drinks and store-bought juices.
  • A range of dairy products. Cheeses, ice cream, artificial yoghurts and curds with added dyes and flavor enhancers have a negative impact on the condition of the skin.
  • Animal fats and fried heavy foods. Such food disrupts the normal functioning of the intestines, which causes problems with skin rashes.
  • Fast food. Food in fast food establishments, crackers, chips, salted nuts are the first enemies of healthy skin.
  • Alcohol. It increases skin oiliness and disrupts metabolic processes.

Why do blackheads appear?

A woman's face means a lot. They are constantly trying to improve it, to make it ideal. But the main thing remains clean and well-groomed skin. No matter how ideal your facial features are, acne, wrinkles and other defects will ruin your overall appearance. Blackheads occur in most women and need to be dealt with.

The main reasons for the appearance of blackheads are:

  • hormonal imbalances and changes;
  • insufficient exfoliation of the skin;
  • photoaging;
  • excessive use of cosmetics;
  • incorrectly selected skin care products;
  • excessive use of exfoliants;
  • active production of sebum.

Blackheads are not a pathological condition. They occur in almost everyone; many have inherited this feature of the dermis. But with the help of proper care you can improve the situation.

Essential oils for acne

The use of essential oils for acne
Essential oils have become widespread not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. They are added to basic skin, hair and nail care products. Each of them has its own effect on appearance, and some effectively affect acne:

  • Tea tree oil. It has healing, soothing, anti-edematous and antimicrobial properties.
  • Rosemary oil . Dissolves pus, kills bacteria, tightens pores and smoothes expression lines. It is applied directly to pimples.
  • Lavender oil. Slows down aging, neutralizes fungus, eliminates flaking and relieves itching. It dries out pimples, so you need to lubricate the problem area itself.
  • Citrus oil - lemon, orange or grapefruit. Heals wounds, whitens and smoothes the skin, normalizes metabolic processes. Effective in the fight against regular rashes, freckles, age spots.
  • Peppermint ether. A good anti-inflammatory agent. In addition to the rash, it removes capillary mesh, relieves redness and itching.
  • Bergamot oil. Evens out skin tone, regulates the production of sebaceous secretions, and tightens pores. Acne is lubricated with this oil 1 – 2 times a day.
  • Clove oil. Antibacterial and healing agent, effectively regulates the production of sebaceous secretions.
  • Eucalyptus oil. It whitens the skin well, relieves inflammation and neutralizes bacteria. It is recommended for severe acne.

Other recipes

Massage lines for applying the mask composition
Peeling mask with tea tree oil:

  1. Beat the egg, add a few drops of tea tree oil, and half a spoon of sugar.
  2. Stir until smooth.
  3. Keep on the skin for 20 minutes, be sure to apply with massage movements along the massage lines.

Soda drying mask:

  1. Make a soap solution, mix it in equal quantities with soda.
  2. Apply to clean skin that is not damaged by open wounds, scratches or fresh inflammation.
  3. After 15 minutes, rinse off.

Soothing herbal decoction mask:

  1. Prepare gauze with slits or take a store-bought template for homemade masks.
  2. Brew chamomile infusion, make an infusion of calendula.
  3. Mix the infusions, moisten the mask blank in the resulting liquid, and cover your face with it.
  4. Lie down with this compress for 30 minutes, then wash.

Paraffin mask:

  1. Heat cosmetic paraffin for depilation to a comfortable temperature.
  2. Apply to the entire face or only to problem areas, apply tracing paper on top.
  3. Wait until the paraffin hardens completely.
  4. Remove it from your face along with the tracing paper, wash your face and don’t forget to apply a thin layer of nourishing cream.

To tighten pores:

  1. Mix a third of a glass of oat flour (you can simply grind the oats yourself in a coffee grinder) with a small amount of fresh honey.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
  3. Apply to skin and leave for 10-15 minutes depending on how sensitive your skin is.

How to remove acne at home

Among all the home remedies for acne, face masks are considered the best. They not only gently cleanse the skin, but also treat inflammation, nourish cells, and normalize metabolic processes in tissues.

Egg white face mask for blackheads and pimples

Egg white mask

A simple and effective way to get rid of acne is an egg white mask. It not only treats rashes but also tightens and rejuvenates the skin. For a classic mask you will need raw protein. It should be separated from the yolk, whipped to a standing foam and applied to the face. When the mass hardens, wash your face with warm water. For greater efficiency, you can add honey, essential or vegetable oils to the whipped protein.

Yeast anti-acne face mask

This mask is ideal for oily skin. It removes excess oil, cleanses pores and effectively fights acne and blackheads. For this natural mask, take 50 g of dry yeast, dilute it in 40 ml of clean water and mix thoroughly. Apply to the face, leave for 20 minutes and wash off without soap.

Honey mask

Honey masks are an excellent cleansing method. The viscous natural sweetness is like a sponge absorbing all impurities. In addition, honey soothes and disinfects the skin. And a large number of useful microelements nourish the epidermis with essential vitamins and amino acids. The easiest way is to simply apply honey to the skin, leave for 15 minutes and rinse. By the way, if you alternately apply it to your face and tear off your fingers before removing the treatment mask, you can do a good peeling at the same time.

To make the mask more effective for a specific skin type, various ingredients are added to honey:

  1. Lemon juice removes excess oil and eliminates shine.
  2. Olive oil and egg yolk moisturize dry skin.
  3. For problematic skin, a soft cleansing mask with the addition of cucumber juice is suitable.

Cleansing mask for acne and blackheads with gelatin

An anti-acne mask with gelatin can compete with professional salon products. It cleanses, tightens the skin, removes wrinkles and gets rid of acne.

To prepare it you will need gelatin without dyes and water. The last ingredient can be replaced with natural juice. The components should be mixed in a ratio of 1:5 and heated in a water bath. This natural mask is applied evenly to the face and neck, wait until it hardens, and then pick it up with your finger and carefully remove it.

After the first use, blackheads will disappear, the skin will become more elastic, and after a while the rash will disappear.

Oatmeal face mask for acne and blackheads

Oatmeal is an excellent product for nourishing and cleansing the skin. It has rejuvenating, peeling and matting properties.

To prepare a therapeutic mask for acne, take oatmeal flakes (the same “Hercules”), grind them to particles and mix them with other ingredients. Components are selected based on skin type. For fatty ones use honey, protein or kefir, for dry ones - yolk, sour cream, vegetable oil.

Face mask for acne and blackheads with soda

Face masks with baking soda are the most effective cleanser. They are used against open comedones on the nose, forehead, and chin. This mask relieves inflammation and has an antibacterial effect.

For the mask, 1 spoon of soda is diluted with 50 - 60 ml of warm water. Apply to the skin and gently massage problem areas. Afterwards, wash off without using soap. Those with sensitive skin add cream, sour cream or yolk to this cleansing mask.

Carrot mask

The main benefit of carrot-based face masks is not cleansing, but nourishing the skin. Such products are truly healing: they supply cells with essential nutrients, in particular vitamin A, the main micronutrient for healthy skin.

For this natural mask you will need 2 tablespoons of grated carrots, 20 ml of honey and one egg. The mixture is kept for 15 minutes, then the skin is cleansed.

Review of professional masks

Even at home, we rarely have enough free time to prepare masks for blackheads with our own hands. Fortunately, many cosmetic companies have taken care of solving this problem.

Any homemade mask is somewhat inferior in effectiveness to professional products with natural ingredients. This happens because the components in purchased drugs are selected in such a way as to enhance each other’s actions.

We offer a small list of effective masks :

  1. Japanese film Shiseido Revital Refening Mask. This preparation makes the skin ideal, it contains natural herbal extracts, suitable for daily use;
  2. Herbal Clean Remover Nose Pore Mask with natural Chinese herbs. This very unusual product costs $1 for 6 packets, it is black and very painful to remove, but believe me, there is nothing more affordable and effective yet;
  3. Another representative of the East is “Secrets of Lan” cosmetics. This is a Chinese company, it is most convenient to buy drugs of this brand in Russia in bulk, cheap and cheerful. We recommend taking the entire complex for blackheads at once;
  4. Clean&Clear gel mask. There’s no need to say much here, the most famous company for people with problem skin, easy to use and affordable;
  5. the highly advertised Mat Respose, it is recommended by doctors on TV, but unfortunately, it does not always live up to expectations;
  6. MIZON Let Me Out Byebye Blackhead 3-Step Kit is a complex against acne and blackheads, Korean cosmetics, relatively cheap, can be found in the Republic of Belarus and Russia;
  7. instant cosmetics Lumene. So we are approaching elite products, hypoallergenic, helps with inflammation, really cleanses the skin, costs above average;
  8. Fleur De Sante is good French cosmetics, a worthy alternative to luxury products, you can buy it in the online store, delivery within Russia is free;
  9. Avon. At one time, Avon Clearskin products became a godsend for those suffering from pimples and acne, but, unfortunately, for many, the skin gets used to this cosmetics, and then it is very difficult to move away from it, and you can only order through an agent (or become an agent yourself);
  10. Patches against blackheads from Tiande, Vichi and others src=»https://ladywow.club/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/plastyrj-s-ugryami.jpg» class=»aligncenter» width=»550″ height =»393″[/img] Acne patch
  11. An exfoliant mask with fruit acids removes the top problematic layer of skin rather than cleanses it. Works on the principle of fruit peeling;
  12. Choco Latte Black Fresh against blackheads is a natural, affordable and quite effective mask, it is a quick-acting remedy;
  13. for mature skin, “Botanical Effects” from Mary Kay helps adult women solve the problem of acne and blackheads;
  14. Garnier gel for blackheads and pimples. It is advisable to use together with other products in the series, but is also suitable for independent use;
  15. “Markell “No Problems” is a mask-scrub for problem skin, contains rather large abrasive particles, will not help with acne;
  16. Holika vegan mask and cleansing balm for blackheads. These products provide deep cleansing of the skin, the effect is noticeable immediately. Tip: a matte napkin is useful for removing it;
  17. anti-blackhead foam “Propeller”. Very gentle product, helps sensitive skin.

Any of the above masks may act differently on different facial skins. The remedy is suitable for some, not for others. We invite you to discuss issues of compatibility between different skin types and cosmetic products.

How to make an anti-acne mask correctly

Anti-acne masks will become more effective if you follow several rules for use:

  • Before application, the skin is cleansed and steamed in a warm bath with the addition of aromatic oils.
  • Each new component is pre-tested for a possible allergic reaction: the mixture is applied to the crook of the elbow and, if after 2-3 hours no itching, rash or redness appears, it is used as directed.
  • Masks by themselves are not able to cope with all problems: first of all, you need to review your diet and make sure that the rash is not caused by a disease.
  • Before and after the procedure, you should not squeeze pimples - this contributes to the spread of infection.


Despite the enormous benefits of anti-acne masks, they are not recommended for use in some cases:

  1. For open wounds and cuts.
  2. Skin dehydration and excessive dryness.
  3. Purulent nature of the rashes.
  4. If acne covers more than a third of the face.
  5. Possible allergic reactions.

Acne masks are not a panacea. Complete relief from the rash is only possible with comprehensive drug treatment and elimination of internal diseases.

Rules for using the cleanser

To quickly achieve a positive effect from home therapy, it is strongly recommended to use a folk cleanser correctly, adhering to the following principles of its use:

  1. Before applying the mask, your face needs to be steamed. For this purpose, it is recommended to take a shower or bath before the procedure. You can simply wash your face with warm water several times. This will allow the product to better cleanse the skin. Before the procedure, steamed skin should be treated with a cleansing tonic or lotion.
  2. Apply the mask evenly, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. For more convenient application, use a soft brush.
  3. It takes 20 to 30 minutes to keep the composition with activated carbon on the face, depending on the other components of the composition.
  4. You need to remove the film carefully, starting from the bottom, gradually moving up.
  5. After removing the black mask, you need to wash your face with warm water to remove any remaining cleanser. Then the skin must be moisturized with a nourishing cream for the appropriate skin type.
  6. After completing the procedure, you should not go out into the fresh air for 1 hour.
  7. When carrying out black mask therapy, it is necessary to refrain from using cleansing and exfoliating agents. The use of additional compounds when exposed to activated carbon on the face can cause damage to delicate skin.
  8. Black masks should be used to cleanse acne and pimples twice a week with a break of 3 days. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to use a cleanser once a month.

Before applying the mask to your face, you must make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the composition. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the area of ​​skin behind the earlobe. If after half an hour there is no redness, inflammation and swelling of the skin, accompanied by itching, and other manifestations of an allergic reaction, then the composition can be used for its intended purpose.

People with excessive dry skin should avoid using formulations with black clay and activated carbon. Also, the product is not recommended in the presence of “vascular network” (rosacea).

With regular use of a black mask prepared at home and strict adherence to the rules for its use, you can not only get rid of acne and pimples, but also significantly improve the overall condition of your facial skin and prevent the occurrence of skin problems.

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