Tools for squeezing pimples and blackheads

Acne is a complex cosmetic problem. You can fight it at home, but you need to perform the procedure correctly. For this purpose, you can use instrumental devices that are used to carry out cosmetological cleansing of the skin of the face by a specialist. The main tool that can be found on the Russian market is a stick for squeezing out pimples. A pimple squeezer looks like a small stick containing various tools at the ends. Often, tool tips are presented in the form of: loops, spoons, spatulas, strainers, needles, brushes.

Tools designed to remove acne

The pimple removal tool may have different combinations of devices at its ends. Often, a device for removing pimples and acne has removable attachments and is made from special steel used in medicine.

Acne removal stick

The instrument has the form of a stick made of metal, on one side of which there is a special strainer shaped like a spatula, and on the other side there is a recessed metal ear. In order to eliminate small pimples, it would be rational to use a strainer; for large ones, a wide recess is suitable.

A device in the form of a strainer is best suited for squeezing out pimples in the area of ​​the nose and lips; another is used for cleaning the cheeks, forehead and temples.

Squeezing pimples with a stick is very convenient. During its use, the device gained fame as a device capable of quickly removing ulcers on the face, minimally damaging the skin. During the process, when budding pimples are squeezed out, the purulent substance comes out of the eye of the hole in the strainer and remains on it. This makes it possible to completely get rid of purulent and ichorous discharge without infecting the body through the blood.

Mechanical facial cleansing procedure

Mechanical facial cleansing is a procedure for caring for problematic skin, but it is not capable of curing and completely eliminating problems. Thus, the process itself ensures deep cleansing of the epidermis from cosmetics, impurities, removal of blackheads, comedones, sebaceous plugs, exfoliation of the keratinized layer of cells.

Mechanical facial cleansing: indications and contraindications

Like every cosmetic procedure, skin cleansing has a number of features that are important to consider. First of all, this applies to recommendations on collecting anamnesis.

Indications for mechanical facial cleansing:

  • oily or combination skin type;
  • single acne;
  • milia;
  • comedones.


  • multiple inflamed and suppurating acne;
  • pustular skin diseases (sycosis, furunculosis);
  • herpetic rashes;
  • clinical manifestations of dermatosis on the face, namely atopic dermatitis, eczema;
  • epilepsy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • severe form of hypertension;
  • critical days.

Today, both instrumental and manual techniques are used. However, it is the first option that is recognized as the most effective, less traumatic, and also fast, which makes it more attractive for the patient and the doctor.

How to do mechanical facial cleansing correctly

The stages of skin cleansing necessarily include the following steps:

  • cleaning the surface with foam or gel with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components;
  • skin toning;
  • vaporization (at least 10 minutes). It is possible to apply a hot compress or cold hydrogenation;
  • the skin is dried;
  • observing all sterility requirements, cleanse the face, regularly wiping the skin with a disinfectant composition.

Procedures after mechanical facial cleansing include darsonvalization (3-5 minutes) and application of a mask with disinfectant, drying, anti-inflammatory and pigment-constricting properties.

Toolkit for removing blackheads

Black dots on the front part can be removed using special metal tools, such as a spoon, tweezers, a loop, a stick and others.

Removing blackheads using a loop

The loop is the best and most proven tool for removing blackheads, which looks like a steel knitting needle with a needle on one side and a loop bracket on the other. Using a loop, you can quickly and painlessly remove blackheads from skin pores. This device is particularly effective in areas dotted with acne, such as the nasal space, chin area and frontal lobes. The loop located on the stick fits tightly to the skin; when you press and slide along it, the eel comes out. The tool must be used carefully so as not to cause injury; another disadvantage is redness and swelling in the area of ​​pressure. It is in the use of a needle that all the pros and cons of the procedure lie.

Precautions and contraindications

Blackhead removal sticks cause complications and worsen the condition of the skin if used incorrectly. Therefore, cosmetic facial cleansing is resorted to after consultation with a dermatologist or cosmetologist. It is strictly not recommended to resort to squeezing out black comedones when:

  • skin hypersensitivity;
  • scaly lichen;
  • rosacea;
  • skin atrophy;
  • rosacea;
  • dermatophytosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • contact dermatitis.

To prevent injury, it is necessary to use only the correct methods for removing points. To prevent inflammation of comedones, bruising and other complications, the following precautions must be taken:

  • before cleaning, wash your face and hands with antibacterial soap;
  • instruments are pre-treated with disinfecting solutions;
  • when using a Vidal loop and a strainer, apply light pressure to the fabric;
  • after removing fat plugs, the skin must be treated with alcohol;
  • the procedure is started only after the pores on the face have expanded;
  • When finished, wash with cool water.

They resort to cleaning no more than once every 30-35 days. To prevent the reappearance of spots, masks, lotions, patches and light peels are used. If there is no positive effect, contact a dermatologist, since the appearance of black comedones may indicate disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and hormonal imbalance.

Using a stick to remove pimples

The first thing you need to start the procedure with is disinfection of the skin and instruments. A good effect can be obtained after steaming the skin with warm water or steam baths. Next, you need to take a stick and press one of the ends onto the pimple, so that it is in the center of the notch and lightly rub it across the skin. At the same time, pus and sanguineous secretions are released into the hole, remaining on the device. After each such extrusion, the instrument must be wiped with peroxide.

All procedures using these special devices are very effective, however, pimples and blackheads should be removed no more than once a month so as not to injure the skin and not cause swelling and inflammation.

Cosmetology instruments for mechanical facial cleansing

Cosmetic procedures are of great importance not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a medical point of view. This is why it is important to choose the right tools. A complete professional set of tools for carrying out a complex procedure and treating skin even in hard-to-reach or most delicate places includes many different tips, differing in the type of sharpening, size, and angle of inclination.

Cosmetic loop

Loop tips provide the safest and most atraumatic cleaning of pores from contaminants. The rod-shaped cosmetic loop has a noticeable effect on soft tissue, allowing you to quickly and effectively cleanse the skin. Mechanical facial cleansing with a flat-shaped loop has a more gentle effect due to the increased contact area.

Spoon Uno

The Uno spoon is used to clean the face using tangential, scraping movements. A subspecies with many small holes in the working area is also called “skimmer” or “strainer.” Passing over the skin, it removes the stratum corneum and removes excess secretions of the sebaceous glands. The working area is made in the shape of a circle or oval to ensure painlessness and eliminate the risk of injury to the patient.

The acne squeezer is made with 1 hole and is intended for targeted impact on problem areas, namely for the removal of deep and closed comedones. It is placed perpendicular to the surface of the skin and pressed

Cosmetology needle (Vidal needle)

This tool has several variations, differing in the shape of the tip, but they are united by ultra-sharp sharpening. A classic cosmetology needle is used as a pore expander to enlarge and puncture the mouth of the sebaceous duct, which makes cleaning easier and effectively fights comedones. The tip itself can be straight or curved to ensure maximum precision even on hard-to-reach areas of the skin.

Spear-shaped cosmetic needles with two- or three-edged sharpening are necessary for atraumatic opening and precise trimming of the inflamed skin area. The precision instrument was also called a “spear” or “needle-knife”. At the same time, it is the dihedral tip that is recognized as the least traumatic.

Reviews about the effectiveness of the Vidal loop

Everyone who has ever used a cosmetic loop to cleanse their face unanimously leaves only positive and even enthusiastic reviews. Unlike manual cleansing, it does not cause bruises or indentations on the skin. Its use greatly reduces the likelihood of infection, saves time and money costs that are inevitable when cleaning in the salon.

However, experts are more careful in assessing the merits of the tool when it is used at home. They warn about the difficulty without the appropriate professional skills to accurately calculate the force of pressing an instrument on the skin without the risk of damaging it. Not everyone is able to steam their face to the desired condition and disinfect it properly.

The Vidal loop is a real assistant for anyone who wants to get rid of enlarged pores, blackheads and pimples. But when purchasing an instrument for home use, you must definitely determine your potential in terms of the ability to meticulously and accurately follow all the rules that the facial cleansing procedure imposes on the performer. If these qualities are all right, you can safely buy a loop for cleaning leather and get down to business.

How to choose a good tool

Before purchasing, be sure to check what material the loop is made of. High-quality instruments, including their handles, are always made from medical steel, which is 100% safe for the body.

Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the loop does not wobble, but is securely attached to the rod. Otherwise, unpleasant moments cannot be avoided during the procedure. The Widal loop must be perfectly smooth - even the smallest hangnail can cause injury to the skin.


The configuration of the instrument, produced under the Mertz brand, includes a sharp needle at one end and a loop at the opposite. This design is most convenient for removing purulent pimples: after a puncture with a needle, a loop comes in, which quickly and carefully removes the purulent contents before it has time to spread under the skin and cause new foci of inflammation.

Loops of this brand are made exclusively from medical steel, but they are distinguished by their low cost. Tools under the brand are especially popular among professional cosmetologists involved in skin cleansing.


Manufacturers of cosmetic instruments of this brand pay special attention to the variety of shapes and sizes, and design methods. Everyone, whether a specialist in the field of cosmetology or simply wanting to maintain good skin condition at home, can choose the most suitable loop for themselves from a diverse assortment:

  • one-sided;
  • double-sided with a needle and loop;
  • double-sided, equipped with loops of different sizes;
  • with a miniature funnel, etc.

There are especially many adherents of the brand among novice dermatologists.

Comedones (blackheads) - symptoms and treatment

The formation of comedones is based on disruption of the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. They are located in the deep layers of the skin, at the root of the hair.

The sebaceous glands produce their own secretion - sebum, or sebum. Moving up the pilosebaceous duct, it creates a protective barrier on the skin, gives it elasticity, maintains a normal pH level, and helps retain moisture.

The cells that produce sebum are constantly renewed: they shift towards the mouth of the sebaceous gland, gradually accumulate secretion and are destroyed. The keratinocytes that line the exit duct of the follicle are also constantly renewed and exfoliated.

When the function of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, the following happens:

  • The sebaceous glands begin to produce too much sebum. It turns into a thick sticky mass that completely fills the duct.
  • The formation of keratinocytes intensifies, and there are more cells. They get stuck in thick sebum and clog the outlet duct of the sebaceous gland.

When the lumen of the canal is completely filled, the contents of the pilosebaceous duct begin to press on the walls of the canal. The mouth of the duct expands, eventually forming a comedon. In such an environment, opportunistic flora is activated over time. She begins to absorb excess sebum, which is a nutrient medium for her. As a result, the pilosebaceous follicle becomes inflamed and acne develops [3].

Heredity, hormonal disorders and nutrition

A genetic predisposition to comedones may be associated with one of four characteristics:

  • large sebaceous gland;
  • hypersensitivity of sebaceous gland receptors to sex hormones - androgens;
  • hyperandrogenism - high levels of androgens;
  • increased activity of the enzyme 5-alphareductase with normal levels of sex hormones.

The last feature is associated with the transition of androgen to dihydrotestosterone - DHT. This transition occurs under the influence of the enzyme 5-alphareductase.

DHT controls the activity of the sebaceous glands and the process of keratinization. This hormone binds to androgen receptors in a “lock and key” manner, where the “key” is the hormone and the “lock” is the androgen receptor. But “opening the lock” can only be done with the help of another hormone—insulin or insulin-like growth factor—IGF-1 [3].

Insulin and glucose themselves are necessary for the body. Their level increases after eating any food. But with excessive amounts of sweets, refined and other foods, the concentration of insulin and glucose becomes greater. Moreover, the level of glucose in the blood increases first, and then insulin. And then everything develops according to the same scenario, leading to the active production of sebum and the formation of comedones.

Insulin levels also increase when eating whole milk products. Insulin binds to androgen receptors and increases DHT levels. This hormone, in turn, binds to the receptors of the sebaceous glands and stimulates the production of sebum.

Therefore, people who are genetically prone to increased sebum secretion should be especially careful and control the consumption of sweets, dairy and refined products.

Improper skin care

Skin prone to the development of comedonal acne needs proper care.

Soap, harsh scrubs and alcohol products with surfactants only injure the skin, leading to the appearance of new comedones. These products disrupt the skin's pH, its protective barrier, causing it to become overdried. The body will try to restore the skin barrier by increasing sebum production and the formation of keratinocytes. But this will only worsen the skin condition.

People prone to the formation of comedones are also not recommended to use oils, thick creams or massage the skin. Thick creams and oils can further clog the pilosebaceous duct, and increased kneading, rubbing and pressure on the skin can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.


Stressful situations are a trigger factor for comedonal acne [4][5]. This is due to the production of neurotransmitters, in particular substance P. This substance transmits a signal, triggers the process of inflammation, dilates blood vessels and increases capillary permeability.

The sebaceous glands are hypersensitive to substance P. Therefore, neurotransmitters bind to the cells of the sebaceous glands and stimulate their activity. As a result, sebum formation increases [7].

How the tool works

The Vidal loop is a stick made of medical steel, one of the ends of which usually ends in a loop, less often in a circle. Sometimes the tool is equipped with two loops - larger and smaller. It is less convenient to treat the cheeks and those areas of the face where there are no overly enlarged pores. The wide ear is convenient to use when cleansing the skin of the forehead, nose, and chin.

There is also a combined instrument, equipped with a needle at one end and a loop at the other. This is the most convenient and optimal option.

The name of the instrument is given in honor of its inventor Fernand Vidal, a French bacteriologist.

Differences between a Vidal loop and a Uno spoon

After deciding to cleanse their face themselves, many people have a question: what is better to choose for this - a Uno spoon or a Vidal loop, because both tools are designed for the same purpose? Indeed, both of them squeeze out pustules, pimples, and get rid of sebum that has clogged the pores. But there are differences.

The Vidalia loop is better suited for removing large defects caused by clogged pores. The Uno spoon is more versatile; with its help, the instrumental release of pores is more gentle. It is used for small pimples and in cases where frequent facial cleansing is necessary.

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