Hand care: rules for daily care at home

Water at a comfortable temperature in itself has a relaxing and tonic effect. And if you combine it with various active ingredients to influence the skin and blood vessels, we get a pronounced therapeutic effect.

A hand bath can be a separate SPA procedure, or accompany a manicure. It can be done both at home and in a salon by selecting the right ingredients for the composition. Let's consider indications and contraindications for baths, as well as popular recipes used for various conditions of the skin of the hands.

Prevention of dry hand skin

There are quite a few reasons and factors causing the problem of dry hand skin. Not only plays a role , but also the body’s vitamin balance, individual genetic characteristics and overall health. To keep your hands looking perfect, take care of them daily. To do this, follow the recommendations below:

  • Keep your hands clean : when washing, use mild soap or a special moisturizer;
  • dry thoroughly so that the drops do not cause excessive dryness when evaporating;
  • Use individually selected creams and lotions that moisturize dry skin of your hands and saturate them with vitamins;
  • In winter, use protective and nourishing cosmetics, wear gloves or mittens;
  • In summer , protect hands with dry and cracked skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Use rubber gloves to protect your hands during prolonged contact with water;
  • If you are making repairs or simply decide to update any surface with paint, do not remove any drops that get on your hands with solvents. Use vegetable oil;
  • Don’t forget to nourish your body with vitamins and minerals during the off-season.

You will achieve the maximum effect if you take a comprehensive approach to eliminating the discomfort caused by dryness, roughness and the appearance of small cracks on the skin of your hands. Therefore, pamper dry hands with warm, pleasant and, of course, healthy baths.

What components can help?

If the surface of the epidermis is very dry, the best solution to the problem is a mask. But you need to know which ingredients are suitable and what you need to do: fill with natural moisture or nourish?

When solving a problem, you must first nourish it, and then only fill it with moisture. Proven nutritional properties have:

  • Olive or any other vegetable oil.
  • Bee honey and bee products (propolis, royal jelly).
  • Chicken eggs, namely: yolk.
  • Fish fat.
  • Oatmeal or oatmeal.
  • Fermented milk products (sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese).
  • White bread.

Ingredients that have moisturizing properties include:

  • Green and black tea.
  • Fresh parsley.
  • Grapeseed, corn or flax oil.
  • Glycerol.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Cosmetic clay.
  • Most fresh vegetables, fruits and berries: zucchini, cucumber, strawberries, avocado, carrots, banana, grapes, potatoes.

Thus, moisturizing mixtures are prepared mainly from fresh or frozen vegetables, fruits or berries with the addition of pomace, flour, glycerin, and ether.

Herbal infusions for dry skin of hands

Herbs have long been used in folk medicine and cosmetology. They have a moisturizing, soothing and antiseptic effect on dry hand skin. Combining linden with eucalyptus relieves inflammation and itching from flaking skin and softens it. Prepare an infusion from these ingredients. It is enough to take 4 teaspoons of the crushed mixture, pour 300 ml of hot water and wait 30 minutes. According to the same recipe, an infusion is prepared from linden or eucalyptus separately.

What herbs can be used to make decoctions that save from dry hands and cracks?

Along with natural infusions, the following decoctions are excellent for solving the problem:

  • Oak bark Tincture from the bark perfectly relieves redness of any nature.
  • Refreshing mint An ideal remedy for eliminating dryness and cracks on the skin of the hands.
  • Bird cherry Bird cherry relieves swelling from the hands, heals bruises and fights dryness.
  • Chamomile.

Do not immediately plunge these gifts of nature into boiling water. First fill with cold water and then bring to a boil. Wait 10 minutes. When the broth has cooled and infused a little, pass it through a medical bandage or gauze. The beauty of decoctions is that the method of their use is not limited to baths. You can apply compresses or wipe with a soft cotton swab.

Paraffin therapy at home - what is needed for this

If you really like the paraffin therapy procedure, but you don’t have time to constantly visit beauty salons, then you can set up a salon at home. Paraffin therapy for hands at home requires only a few things:

  • A paraffin therapy bath for hands and feet can be bought on the Internet for relatively little money (from 2,500 rubles).
  • Cosmetic paraffin - you can also buy it on the Internet or in a pharmacy. For cosmetic paraffin, the price at the pharmacy starts from 220 rubles per 450 ml. To start using a paraffin bath, you will first have to fill it with 1.5 kg of paraffin, and then add it as you use it. As a rule, 450 grams of paraffin is enough for 4-6 procedures for hands or 2-4 procedures for feet.

Paraffin bath for hands and feet – which one is better to choose?

Many may have completely reasonable questions - how to choose a paraffin bath, what you need to pay attention to when purchasing, what a comfortable bath for paraffin therapy should look like. So, a good and comfortable paraffin bath for hands and feet should -

  • Have sufficient volume and size so that you can freely put your arms, elbow or feet into it. So, a volume of 1500-2000 ml is usually sufficient if you are going to use the bath only for your hands. More volume is already needed for the legs, but again it all depends on your build.
  • Have a quick heating function - different baths have different heating times for paraffin (from 1.5 to 4 hours). Of course, the faster the paraffin heats up, the more convenient and better it is for you.
  • Have a paraffin heating indicator - as well as a thermostat to maintain the desired temperature.
  • Have a filter on the bottom to collect unwanted particles and make it easier to clean the bath itself, as well as a lid for the bath so you can store cooled cosmetic paraffin directly in it.
  • To be resistant to tipping over - it is best if it is attached to the surface of a table or floor using suction cups.
  • Have an affordable price - you can buy paraffin baths for hands and feet on the Internet ranging from 2500 to 4500 rubles.

What paraffin baths do we recommend ? On the Russian market, the choice of paraffin baths for home (and not for salon) use is small, and is represented by only a few manufacturers, most of which are of unknown origin. We have noted 2 models, the manufacturers of which provide more or less complete specifications, and which are quite convenient for use at home -

  • Bath "Gezatone WW3500" (Fig. 4) is a paraffin bath from a French manufacturer at a price of about 4,000 rubles).
  • Bath for paraffin therapy “Harizma” (Fig. 5) - from a Chinese manufacturer, priced from 2,500 rubles.

Both baths heat up paraffin in 1.5-2 hours, have a volume of about 2000 ml, with a minimum paraffin level of 1500 ml. Also, these paraffin baths are equipped with thermostats that allow you to heat and maintain the temperature of the paraffin within 52-70 degrees.

Which cosmetic paraffin to choose?

Cosmetic paraffin is made with the addition of oil essences, various fragrances, and dyes. Therefore, choosing which cosmetic paraffin to buy depends on your personal taste, aesthetic and olfactory preferences. Often additional aroma oils are added to cosmetic paraffin: lemon, jasmine, peach, aloe, rose, green tea, lavender and others.

Most often, cosmetic paraffin is sold in 450 ml packaging. This volume is enough for 4-6 procedures. However, keep in mind: to carry out the first procedure, the paraffin bath must be immediately filled with approximately 1500 ml of paraffin.

Important: if you are going to make paraffin hand baths at home only for yourself, then after the procedure the paraffin can be added back to the bath and reused. And if someone else (except you) uses a paraffin bath, then the paraffin removed from the skin must be thrown away. Sometimes the manufacturer of cosmetic paraffin writes whether this type of paraffin is suitable or not for reuse (24stoma.ru).

Sauerkraut – a remedy for excessive dry hands

Sauerkraut lovers are especially lucky. Its juice miraculously copes with the problem of rough and rough skin. However, you should not use cabbage juice too often, as the active substances in the juice can cause redness of the skin of your hands. Limit yourself to two treatments per week.

After use, lubricate your hands with an oily or rich nourishing cream. Additionally, you can wrap it in cotton cloth or hide your hands in gloves for a while.

Baking soda solution for dry skin

You probably have baking soda in your kitchen. If so, make a great bath : dissolve a dessert spoon of powder in a liter of heated water. Add sea salt if desired. Be careful : if there are wounds on the skin, then upon contact with salt and soda, an unpleasant tingling sensation may occur.

Sea salt to moisturize dry hands

Many representatives of the fair sex love to take a bath with the addition of sea salt. Pamper your hands with the same. Dilute 12 grams of the product in boiled water. This gram is usually taken for 1 liter of liquid. Immerse your hands in the solution for 7 minutes, then gently wipe dry without creating unnecessary friction. Do the procedure 4 times with a break of seven days and give your hands some rest. Repeat the course if dry hands have not been eliminated.

Oils - a source of nutrition for dry skin

long been common practice to use essential and vegetable oils to prepare a variety of masks and creams. You can choose the type of oil at your discretion. Sunflower, olive, vegetable oils are suitable. Soak your hands for a quarter of an hour in the oil, which is diluted with a small amount of water. Then blot with a soft cloth, apply the cream generously and let it absorb well. After the procedure, remove excess cream with a dry cotton pad.

Potato-based masks

Honey is a common ingredient in cosmetics due to its healing and nourishing properties. Therefore, honey-based masks are considered very effective and are often used to treat skin problems and prevent diseases.

Mask nameIngredientsQuantityPreparation and use
With glycerinhoney glycerin oat flour water1 tsp 1 tsp 1 tsp 2 tsp 1.
  1. Bring the existing products until smooth.
  2. Apply the prepared product to the skin and leave for half an hour for complete absorption.

It is advisable to carry out the procedures in weather with low temperatures, because under such conditions the hands are susceptible to cracking.

Softeninghoney potatoes grapefruit juice1 tsp 1 PC. 4 drops
  1. Add honey and juice to grated raw potatoes.
  2. Apply the prepared mask to the skin and leave for half an hour.
Honeyhoney egg yolk oatmeal flour

1 tsp 1 pc. 1 tsp
  1. Mix all products.
  2. Rub the product into the skin for 5 minutes.
  3. Wear gloves and let the mask soak into the skin overnight.

Already at the first appearance of wrinkles on the hands, it is necessary to begin applying the application regularly.

Proteins contained in potatoes have a healing effect.

Mask nameIngredientsQuantityPreparation and use
With milkpotatoes milk2 pcs. 1/3 cup
  1. Crush the boiled potatoes and add milk to it.
  2. Apply the puree to the skin, put on cellophane, and wrap a towel on top.
  3. Keep the product on your hands for three hours.
With lemonpotatoes lemon juice2 pcs. 2 tsp
  1. Crush the boiled potatoes and add pre-squeezed citrus juice to the resulting puree.
  2. Spread a thick layer of the prepared mixture on your hands and put on cellophane.
  3. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes.
  4. Moisturize the skin by applying a special cream.
Honey with yolkpotatoes egg yolk honey

2 pcs. 1 PC. 1 tbsp.
  1. Boil and mash the potatoes.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients to the puree and mix.
  3. Lubricate your hands with the prepared product and let the mask absorb into the skin overnight.

Honey is widely used in cosmetics: it is an indispensable component in many masks and creams. Even at home, from ordinary products, you can prepare healing compositions based on honey that clean and moisturize your hands well and effectively combat skin aging.

Along with honey, the mask may also contain other components - egg yolk, glycerin, lemon juice, vegetable oil.

Depending on the condition of your skin now, the following masks are recommended.

Honey mask

Suitable for any skin. It softens your hands and your skin becomes softer. You need to mix 15 g of honey, 1 yolk, add 25 g of oil (olive or almond) and add lemon juice. It is better to keep the mask on all night.

Used to soften rough or cracked skin. You need to mix 1 teaspoon of honey and glycerin with 2 tablespoons of water. Add oatmeal - 1 spoon. The mask lasts 25 minutes.

Egg mask

Effectively fights wrinkles on the hands. Prepare a mixture of one yolk and a tablespoon of honey. Simply rub into the skin of your hands overnight.

These masks have amazing properties. They nourish and moisturize rough skin, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and carry out lifting - wrinkles and folds are smoothed out. In no case should you make a potato mask from greened tubers - they are poisonous.

While applying the mask, it is advisable to relax, or even better, lie down or take a bath. Under the influence of temperature and steam, the pores open and your skin will receive more nutrients. It is better to wash off the mask with warm water, but do not rub the skin too hard - light circular movements are preferable.

Fermented milk ambulance

Fermented milk products are an indispensable assistant in restoring and maintaining female beauty. It can help not only hair, but also dry skin on hands. You can learn more about masks made from kefir and milk from this article.

Serum baths are ideal for hands. Whey can be replaced with yogurt. The only nuance that is important to know is do not use a cold product. The remedy will be effective if you preheat the serum. Rinse off the composition with warm water twenty minutes after application. Finally, apply cream to your hands.

Treatment: basic methods

Getting rid of dryness in a complex is the best way to treat it. Often elasticity and moisture are lost due to several factors at the same time, so it is necessary to act from all sides.

Homemade scrubs

Scrubs have an exfoliating effect. And if you add emollient ingredients to your home remedy, the composition will acquire a moisturizing effect. However, scrubs with hard abrasive particles are not recommended for use if the epithelial layer is already covered with cracks and abrasions. This can lead to inflammation.


Vitamin deficiency is a common cause of itching and loss of elasticity of the epidermis. Deficiency of vitamins A, B, C, E negatively affects not only the epithelial layers, but also overall well-being. First, you should adjust your diet, and only then start taking vitamin complexes.

Important! You should not take vitamins and dietary supplements without consulting your doctor. Only after passing the tests can a specialist select the correct dosage of supplements that the body lacks.

Moisturizing masks

Masks are the first answer to the question of how to moisturize the skin of your hands, nourish it with useful substances and give it a well-groomed appearance without going to a cosmetologist. Plus - a large selection of cosmetics in stores and the opportunity to make a mask at home. The downside is the duration of the procedure. The longer (40 minutes or more) you make the mask, the longer the effect lasts. The most popular options are a hand mask with glycerin, cream or whey.

Softening starch

Baths of starch diluted in water will give softness to women’s hands, which are characterized by dryness and cracking. Observe the proportions when preparing the mixture. You will need half a liter of warm water and ½ tablespoon of starch. Choose the frequency of use yourself depending on the degree of dry skin.

There are many other recipes for making your hands soft. You can find them here.

Raspberry-chamomile tandem

This summer product does a great job of treating chapped skin after visiting beaches and pools. You will need half a faceted glass of crushed chamomile flowers, water and raspberries. Chamomile can be taken dried or fresh. First, prepare chamomile and raspberry infusion. The recipe is identical in both cases. Pour hot water, not slightly brought to a boil, over the product. Leave for 30 minutes, insulating the containers with a towel or fabric teapot cap. After this, pass the liquid through gauze or a bandage: after you mix the tinctures, the bath will be ready.

Try to do the bath for no longer than 10 minutes, as it will then lose its beneficial properties.


A whitening bath with lemon will help get rid of tan, freckles and dark spots. In addition, the procedure will even out skin tone and reduce sweating. Heat the water and add the juice of half a lemon. Dip your hands into the liquid. After 10 minutes, rinse your brushes with cool water and dry with a towel. Apply a thick layer of rich cream or cosmetic oil. Massage the skin. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the evening before bedtime. To achieve maximum effect, lightening baths should be done in courses - in spring and autumn.

The skin of your hands is constantly exposed to the harmful effects of the external environment and aggressive detergents. Regular use of cream and protective gloves is not always able to protect it from damage. A variety of baths will help your hands remain tender, soft, and beautiful.

Healing cracks with nettle

Crush a small handful of dried nettle leaves into a bowl and add some calendula flowers. Put them in half as much as nettles. Fill with hot water and let the mixture cool slightly. Then immerse your hands in the bowl with the contents for a quarter of an hour. Complete the procedure by lightly massaging your hands with nourishing cream.


Paraffin not only effectively softens rough skin, but also delicately cleanses, removing dead cells from the upper layers of the dermis. First the product must be melted. To do this, you need to put it in a bowl and melt it in a water bath. Cool slightly. Paraffin should remain liquid, but not hot. During this time, wash your hands with warm water and soap and gently wipe dry. Carefully lower into melted paraffin. Remove your hands and wait a few minutes for the warm mass to harden. You should get some kind of paraffin “gloves”. Wrap the brushes in cling film and put on warm gloves on top. Keep it for half an hour. Remove paraffin and lubricate skin with moisturizer.

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Flaxseed gruel

Crush a small handful of flax seeds . Add a few drops of mineral oil. Fill the mixture with water until you get a paste.

The peculiarity of the flax bath is that after immersing your hands in the prepared mass, you need to rub them. The bath serves as a kind of peeling.

After completing the cleansing process, rinse your hands in water and lubricate the treated area with a light cream.

When using hand baths with dry and cracked skin at home, it is important to remember the possibility of allergic reactions to individual components or mixtures thereof. Therefore, we urge you to use these remedies for dryness and cracks with caution.

Indications and contraindications

Any procedure has its own indications and contraindications. Let's take a closer look at them.

Indications for hand baths:

  • Dryness, redness of the skin, mild inflammation;
  • Excessive sweating;
  • Brittle and peeling nails;
  • Blueness of the skin with poor blood circulation in the extremities;
  • Dark spots;
  • Yellowness of nails;
  • Flabby, dull, tired skin;
  • Swelling;
  • Fungal diseases, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, allergies - therapeutic procedures are indicated;
  • Arthritis, arthrosis of joints;
  • Fungal diseases.


  • Skin diseases;
  • Disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • Kidney problems;
  • Tendency to allergic reactions - you need to carefully select ingredients.
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