Facial care: TOP 10 golden rules for daily and basic care

Why do you need skin care?

Skin is our protection from external threats: from bacteria, sunlight and mechanical influences. The skin of the face is most susceptible to negative environmental influences. You need to take care of her first.

Proper care is the foundation on which the youth and attractiveness of any woman depends. Each skin type requires an individual approach. Dry skin lacks moisture and is also highly sensitive. Constant companions of oily skin are inflammation, enlarged pores and shine. Combined skin combines the characteristics of dry and oily.

How to properly care for your facial skin every day?

It is important to follow the basic principles of skin care:

  • Regularity. Leaving from case to case will not bring magical results and transformations. Therefore, it is important to constantly monitor the condition of your skin.
  • Complexity. Your beauty ritual must include stages of cleansing, toning, nourishing and moisturizing the skin. You should also always have an emergency kit for unexpected breakouts.
  • Self-love. This is the most important principle in self-care. We apply masks to ourselves, moisturize ourselves with creams and enjoy. Do you remember that the most beautiful woman is looking at you from the mirror?

What is important at age 30+

The period when the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid in cells begins to decrease. Already at 30+ years old, it is worth considering that the time is right for age-related changes. With insufficient care, the likelihood of the first wrinkles appearing is quite high. The stratum corneum thickens, elasticity decreases and microcirculation in the tissues deteriorates.

How to take care of the face of a woman over 30 years old:

  • nutrition – care products must contain nutritional components, peptides;
  • moisturizing – moisture loss is becoming more and more noticeable, but special products will help to avoid dryness;
  • cleansing – even more important, the skin should not suffer from impurities and clogged pores;
  • toning – to normalize pH levels and narrow pores;
  • skin care in the eye area - this area is the most susceptible to aging, and therefore requires special attention and the use of cosmetics;
  • giving up bad habits - no cigarettes, and alcohol in rare cases and only for mood.

At the age of 30, folk remedies are still relevant - herbal infusions, lotions, baths, masks made from natural ingredients. But the time has come to seek professional help. Chemical peeling will help even out the structure of the face, reduce the appearance of the first wrinkles and preserve natural contours for a long time.

Stages of daily skin care

There are 3 main stages of facial care, remember and apply them:

  1. Cleansing.
    Of course, this is an important and very first stage. Before moisturizing and toning, you need to cleanse your face of sebum, remaining makeup and dust. This should be done both in the morning and in the evening. In the morning, cleanse your face of sebum. In the evening, we wash off the makeup and dust that has settled on our face during the day.

    Basic rules of cleansing:

    • We don't use regular soap! It causes dry skin.
    • If you use micellar water, be sure to wash it off.

  2. It is best to choose melted or mineral non-carbonated water, as well as hydrolates, for washing. Tap water can be very drying to your skin.
  3. We wash ourselves with water at room temperature. If you constantly use hot water, your skin will eventually dry out and peel.
  4. Toning.
    Many people consider tonic to be useless. But it helps relieve redness and inflammation, restores the acid-base balance, cleanses and tightens pores, and also performs a million other useful functions.

    We advise you to try natural lavender hydrolate for all skin types. It serves as a good remedy for two stages at once: cleansing and toning. You can use it instead of regular washing with chlorinated tap water, remove makeup with a mild herbal product without alcohol and other aggressive ingredients - your skin will definitely be grateful. Can be purchased at www.beauty365

  5. Hydration.
    After toning, moisturize the skin. Squalane from Beauty 365 is ideal for this. It consists of 100% natural plant squalane - sugar cane oil.

    Squalane is a more stable form of squalene, a natural component of sebum. It is literally embedded in the matrix of the lipid layer of the skin: strengthens it and prevents moisture evaporation. Makes the skin elastic, accelerates its regeneration, smoothes out wrinkles. Increases local cell immunity, helps cope with inflammation, and relieves redness.

TOP 5 men's face washes

Do you want to choose a proven “washing machine” that will delight you with excellent quality? Then follow the information from the table!

Cleanser for menWhat skin type is it intended for?Active componentsPeculiarities
Ichthyol soap Soapless Soap from HolylandFor oily skin prone to seborrhea.Peruvian balsam and ichthyol.Soap has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, lightens age spots and resolves swelling.
Gel Nettoyage Profond Payot cleansing gelFor any age and skin type.Vitamin F, malachite and hematite extracts (sources of copper and iron).A light gel with exfoliating microparticles effectively cleanses the skin, removes toxins and refreshes the face.
BIOTHERM Homme Cleansing GelFor normal to oily skin.Thermal water, glycerin.The gel does not contain foaming “soap” components, and therefore does not dry out the skin at all. The composition based on thermal water effectively moisturizes the skin and normalizes sebum production.
Kiehl's Facial Fuel Energizing Face Wash for MenFor any skin type.Chestnut extract, caffeine, menthol, vitamins C and E.The refreshing gel not only perfectly removes impurities, but also tones, fights swelling, and eliminates signs of fatigue and lack of sleep.
Invigorating gel Men Expert "HYDRA ENERGY" from L'OréalFor normal to dry skin.Guarana and peppermint extracts, menthol, glycerin, ascorbic acid.The composition effectively cleanses the skin, tones, accelerates regeneration processes and compensates for moisture deficiency in cells.

Skin care around the eyes

The skin on the eyelids is very thin and therefore extremely sensitive. Considering that cosmetics have been on the skin all day, the additional load on it will be completely inappropriate, so you need to choose eye care cosmetics more thoughtfully.

Rules for caring for the skin around the eyes:

  1. If you still do not pay special attention to this area, start right now, regardless of age.
  2. Don't use face creams! They are too heavy and greasy for this area.
  3. Moisturize! The skin around the eyes always needs moisture. “Drought” is a direct path to wrinkles.
  4. Sleep more and don't worry. Tension is bad for this area.

Cosmetic procedures to maintain facial skin

Modern realities dictate new principles of facial and body skin care. Outdated folk recipes and advice have been replaced by hardware procedures. Their implementation takes a minimum of time and guarantees a long-lasting effect. Therefore, many women and men of different ages prefer to use the professional services of a cosmetologist several times a month, so that they can then maintain the achieved result at home without much difficulty.

The most popular methods in specialized beauty salons and cosmetology clinics are the following:

  • for normal skin - ultrasonic cleansing, microcurrent therapy, non-invasive (non-injection) carboxytherapy, fractional mesotherapy, etc.;
  • for dry skin - gas-liquid peeling, oxygen mesotherapy, electroporation, etc.;
  • for oily skin – ultrasonic cleansing, cryotherapy, microdermabrasion, darsonvalization, non-invasive mesotherapy, etc.;
  • for combination skin - ultrasonic cleansing, gas-liquid peeling, non-invasive carboxytherapy, galvanotherapy, electroporation, etc.

In each specific case of treatment, the program of cosmetic care procedures is selected individually, taking into account the type of skin and its needs. In this case, supporting procedures are carried out on the face, neck and décolleté, which allows you to obtain the most harmonious aesthetic effect.

At the client’s request, along with supportive care procedures, professional cosmetologists help solve the problem of skin defects - eliminate benign tumors, scars, moles, etc.

And for clients aged 30+, there are intensive facial skin rejuvenation programs that involve the use of innovative hardware techniques - fractional photothermolysis, RF lifting, SMAS lifting, etc.
An integrated approach allows you to achieve a transformation in appearance without plastic surgery or special effort. The main thing is to choose the right clinic to provide assistance. Author: Khazova Alla Sergeevna

Lip care

Lips also deserve close attention of any woman during daily facial care.

  1. Don't leave home without lip balm and oil. Lips also need constant hydration, otherwise cracks and peeling will not bypass you.
  2. Don't forget the scrub. It will make your lips shiny and well-groomed in a matter of minutes. A good scrub does not scratch the skin of the lips and moisturizes perfectly.
  3. To keep your lips in good shape, don’t forget about gymnastics. We share an excellent exercise from Melannette, which helps to raise the corners of the lips again:

Rules for daily care of different skin types

Normal skin

Even if you have normal skin, this does not mean that you can evade care. We recommend trying self-massage. It will always help keep your skin toned. Proper self-massage improves blood microcirculation, and therefore skin nutrition. Metabolic processes in the dermis improve, skin turgor increases, and swelling under the eyes goes away.

You can use special vacuum jars for self-massage, designed specifically for the face, which you can find in the store www.beauty365.

A safe cup massage technique from Melannette that even a beginner can perform:

Dry skin

This type of skin requires close care. We focus on hydration in care. You can use any cosmetic milk to moisturize dry skin in the evening. And of course, don’t forget about Squalane! This is a godsend for dry skin.

Dry massage with a brush, which can be purchased at the store www.beauty365, will help prevent peeling.

It perfectly helps exfoliate dead skin flakes and also improves blood and lymph circulation. How to do dry massage, watch the video:

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Publication from Annette (Anna Melnikova) (@melannett)

Oily skin
With this type of skin, the sebaceous glands work very actively. Therefore, even after frequent washing, the face begins to shine. Pores in oily skin are enlarged, and pimples and blackheads are constant companions. Despite this, it has an advantage over others, since it will age more slowly than others due to moisture, which does not evaporate and blocks the penetration of bacteria.

A salvation for oily skin is Beauty365 natural sage hydrolate, obtained by steam distillation. It tightens pores, removes shine, irritation and rashes. It is loved by those with mature skin for its anti-aging effect and antioxidants in its composition. Just imagine: no chemicals and yet effective cleansing and moisturizing!

Combination skin

This skin type is the most common. The forehead, nose and chin show signs of oily skin, but the skin around the eyes is thin and dry.

Therefore, care methods will need to be combined. Choose soft cleansers: gels, oils, foams. Get some creams and foundations for your face. Apply tightening and cleansing masks only to the T-zone; for areas of dry skin, choose nourishing and vitamin masks.

Facial skin types and their features

Skin type is its feature. It is formed under the influence of a number of internal and external factors: heredity, age, lifestyle, diet, bad habits, etc. The productivity of the sebaceous glands, which produce sebum (sebum), plays a major role in the formation of skin type. Its components demonstrate antimicrobial properties, lubricate, moisturize and protect the surface of the skin.

The productivity of the sebaceous glands depends on changes in ambient temperature, hormone levels, the composition of the skin microflora and other factors. Therefore, at different periods of life, a normal, increased or decreased amount of sebum can be observed on the face of the same person. Despite this, there is a certain trend in the production of its volume and distribution, which allows us to make a conclusion about the skin type - normal, dry, oily or combination.

  • Normal is the most physiological condition in which the skin of the face is devoid of dryness and oily shine. It does not have enlarged pores and is not prone to inflammation or redness. With proper care, normal facial skin ages gradually—appropriately for a person’s age.
  • Dry – skin suffering from sebum deficiency. It looks thin, reacts painfully to external influences, is subject to peeling, and has increased sensitivity. Its owners often complain of a feeling of tightness, redness and a visible network of blood vessels. Without proper care, dry facial skin rapidly loses its elasticity and ages prematurely.
  • Oily – skin that suffers from excess sebum, which results in a characteristic oily sheen. Enlarged pores are visible on its surface, comedones (blackheads) and milia (grass) may appear. It looks denser and, thanks to excess sebum, retains its elasticity longer than other skin types, which manifests itself in slower aging.
  • Combination – mixed skin type, in which there is a T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) with excess sebum, as well as dry and/or normal areas. Proper care of combination skin guarantees slow aging.

Quite often, to determine your skin type at home, it is recommended to use a regular napkin. 2 - 3 hours after cleansing, it is applied tightly to the face, and after 60 seconds, the location of the greasy spots that appear on its surface is examined.

However, due to natural fluctuations in the amount of sebum, this method may be unreliable. Therefore, it is better to entrust the determination of skin type to a cosmetologist, who has special tests and devices for visual and quantitative diagnosis of the condition of the skin. After analyzing their results, the specialist will be able to immediately create an individual program of home and (or) professional care.

How to choose the right daily care products

  • For dry skin
    , products containing amino acids, ceramides, sugars and unsaturated fats will be effective.
  • Oily skin
    also needs hydration. Products with natural silicone are suitable for her; it makes the skin smooth. Preparations can be in the form of light emulsions, fluids or gels. For example: delicate gel with jasmine.
  • For problem skin,
    you need to select products with a soft texture and effective ingredients. Good products are in the form of balms and creams based on fats or beeswax.

  • Almost all moisturizers are suitable for combination skin Drugs that contain dimethicone, cyclomethicone, and mineral oils have a beneficial effect.

Cleanliness is the key to health, or how to wash a man’s face?

It would seem, what’s so difficult about this? I soaped my hands with the first piece of soap I could find, rubbed it all over my face, and then rinsed it with water... In fact, this is how you destroy your skin, exacerbating existing problems and bringing old age closer.

Too alkaline soap, of course, removes dirt well, but at the same time it dries out the skin, making it more sensitive and thin. For daily washing, it is better to choose something more delicate, for example, high-quality milk, foam or gel with a neutral pH. Therefore, before buying a new product, be sure to read the label - the following substances should not appear in the composition:

  • SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate),
  • SLES (Sodium Laureth Sulfate),
  • SMS (Sodium Myreth Sulfate),
  • mineral oil.

What is the best way to wash a man’s face every day? The ideal option is organic. Cosmetics based on natural ingredients will bring maximum benefits and at the same time do an excellent job of cleansing.

Young people with oily, acne-prone skin should choose drying gel washes that will cleanse pores well and prevent acne. It’s good if they contain vitamins C and E, tea tree oil, zinc or modern regenerating components - they perfectly relieve redness and soothe inflamed skin.

Advice! After thoroughly washing, you can refresh your face with a sponge soaked in tonic. This will give you a feeling of freshness and give your skin a healthy glow and elasticity.

Rules for daily care at different times of the year

  • Autumn and winter.
    During this time, you need to take careful care to protect your skin. Cold, strong winds and temperature changes make it dry.

    Therefore, pay attention to your cream and replace it with a denser one. Coconut oil is an ideal protection in bad weather. Therefore, do not forget to use it before going outside so as not to chapped your face.

    Natural 100% cold-pressed coconut oil to moisturize your delicate skin can be purchased at www.beauty365

  • Spring.
    During this period, our skin lacks vitamins more than ever. After winter it becomes dry and rough. Don't forget to use natural hydrosols from Beauty365. They contain many vitamins and beneficial substances for the skin.
  • Summer.
    In summer, focus on protection from active sun and ultraviolet radiation.
    Therefore, fill your skincare bag with high SPF products. But don't forget about hydration! During your daily ritual, apply squalane
    , which is perfect for the summer.

What is important at 20+ years old?

The age when pubertal hormonal changes are already behind us, and it seems too early to think about aging. But this is a misconception, since care needs to be learned from an early age. Young people need to adhere to preventive measures to ensure that their skin remains radiant, fresh and smooth for a long time. How to properly care for facial skin at the age of 20+:

  1. Be sure to maintain fluid intake. Previously, it was believed that it was necessary to drink up to 1.5 - 2 liters per day. Now nutritionists and cosmetologists adhere to slightly different tactics - you need to drink when you want. But you should monitor your water balance very carefully. When the skin lacks moisture, it immediately signals this by dryness.
  2. During the day, particles of dust and dirt accumulate on the surface of the dermis. Before going to bed, cleansing with foams or gels is required. Be sure to remove makeup. Properly give the dermis the opportunity to receive nutrition even during sleep - a face cream marked 20+ will help deliver all the nutritional components to the cells. The same scheme applies to the area around the eyes.
  3. UV protection. In winter, use a product with SPF 30; in summer, apply cream with SPF 50 before going outside.

At this age, acne can also appear; there can be many reasons for this - from poor diet to stress. Visits to a cosmetologist will help avoid more serious problems.

Proper daily skin care for aged skin

20-30 years.

At this age, your goal is to try to protect yourself from possible problems in the future. Therefore, focus on hydration and sun protection.

30-40 years old.

From the age of 30, skin pigmentation increases, and the skin gradually begins to lose moisture. The first age-related changes begin to appear. Self-massage, which we have already discussed above, will come to your aid. Do exercises regularly, and this will help delay old age for a long time.

After 40.

Gravity takes its toll. Wrinkles and creases deepen, the skin becomes less elastic, the cheeks gradually sag, a double chin and expression lines appear.

During this period, you not only need to buy more powerful anti-aging artillery, but regularly do facial exercises! For example, an excellent set of exercises with a lifting effect from Melannette:

Microcurrents for the face - a modern phenomenon of cosmetology

Microcurrent facial therapy

– an innovative cosmetological method of skin rejuvenation. This type of physiotherapeutic procedures confidently reduces the popularity and demand for Botox. The key advantages of microcurrents are a gentle effect and an almost immediately noticeable result.

Microcurrents: a general description of a cosmetological phenomenon

Microcurrent facial treatment refers to the delicate effect of low-voltage electric current on the skin. The procedure allows in a matter of minutes to achieve alignment of facial wrinkles, normalization of the functioning of all components of the dermis and improvement of the general appearance of the epidermis. This is achieved through gentle contraction of muscle tissue.

Microcurrents act on the epidermis as delicately as possible,

activating cell metabolic processes and normalizing ion channels. They trigger biochemical processes that, for some reason, no longer function independently (due to age, improper care, side effects from another procedure/medicines).

Result of exposure to minimum currents:

— Increased muscle tone; — Improving the synthesis of adentosine tiphosphate; — Increasing the speed of movement of amino acids; — Acceleration of blood microcirculation; — Increased synthesis of elastin, hyaluron, collagen by two times. — The changes made in the structure of the skin contribute to a faster movement of beneficial macroelements in the dermis and the removal of harmful toxins from cells.

The effectiveness of the innovative method

Moving from theory to practice, I would like to immediately note the effect that is achieved through the procedure. All actions described in the previous block are aimed at achieving one goal - improving the condition of facial skin.

Microcurrents help:
Reduce facial and age wrinkles, swelling; — Refresh skin color; — Normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reduce the formation of acne; — Prevent (or cure) inflammatory processes; — Fill every cell with vital activity; — Eliminate acne marks/pimples; — Tighten sagging skin; — Reduce bags under the eyes and more.

In addition, microcurrents for the face can reduce or completely get rid of pain resulting from traumatic skin treatment (plasty, resurfacing, peeling, etc.). Microcurrent therapy is especially recommended for the dermis, which has already begun to show signs of aging. Due to the insignificant electrical indicators, this procedure is not addictive.

Features of the procedure

Microcurrents are applied to the face using a special electricity-generating device equipped with a mechanical control panel. The latter allows the specialist to independently control the strength and frequency of the current depending on the characteristics of the patient’s skin.

The procedure is quite simple to carry out and takes place in 3 stages.


Skin preparation

This step is necessary to completely cleanse your face. After removing the impurities, the cosmetologist applies the gel necessary for the unhindered transmission of electric current from the device to the deep layers of the dermis. Treatment
Microcurrent therapy can be performed using stationary, moving or glove electrodes. The cosmetologist selects the most suitable treatment method on an individual basis. Hydration.
The treated skin is moisturized with a cream designed for the specific type. The average session time is 30-50 minutes. In this case, no preliminary testing or analysis is required. Before microcurrent treatment, the cosmetologist conducts a full consultation and survey, on the basis of which the possibility of performing the procedure is determined.

Skin preparation and further care

The advantage of microcurrent therapy is that there is no need for special preparation.
The procedure can be carried out immediately on the day of treatment. to adhere to several rules
for 3-7 days before skin treatment : - Refusal of alcohol, cigarettes and coffee; — Consumption of at least 1 liter of water per day; — Normalization of sleep (sleep at least 7 hours); — Exclusion from the diet of foods high in protein; — Limiting physical activity. — Such restrictions should be adhered to throughout the entire course of treatment.

As for facial care after the procedure, everything is somewhat simpler. To achieve the best effect and preserve it for a longer period of time, it is recommended not to apply makeup for 24 hours after the procedure, not to overload the liver with alcoholic beverages and fatty foods, and also do not forget about the rule of consuming at least 1 liter of water. More detailed recommendations will be announced by the cosmetologist after the microcurrent facial procedure and determination of the current skin condition.

Number of sessions and result of the procedure

Microcurrent treatment gives effective results after the first procedure. The skin noticeably improves, tightens and becomes more hydrated. However, to achieve the most positive result, it is still recommended to carry out microcurrent courses. The number of sessions and their frequency depend on age:

Up to 30 years - no more than 2-3 sessions per course (in this case, microcurrents are recommended as a preventive procedure or additional cosmetic facial treatment during the main therapy); Up to 40 years – 5-6 sessions with a weekly frequency; Up to 50 years – 8-12 sessions every three days; From 50 years – more than 10 sessions with a frequency of 1-2 days. These conditions are general. The exact number of sessions and their frequency within one course is determined by the cosmetologist. To set the correct schedule, the specialist assesses the current condition of the skin and checks its reaction to the first procedure.

In addition to complex (course) treatment, a one-time procedure is also possible. One session of electrical skin treatment helps to achieve a short-term effect that lasts up to 2-3 days. This option of microcurrent therapy is suitable if you need to prepare for an upcoming important event or if you are not yet ready to take a full course.

Indications and contraindications

Like any physiotherapeutic procedure, microcurrents for the face have their own number of indications and contraindications. Signs of the need for such skin treatment are: - Traces of acne, acne; — Incorrectly formed contours of the oval face; — Presence of pigment spots; — Recent plastic surgery; — Increased sagging skin; — Excessive dryness and sensitivity of the dermis. The skin treated with electric current is instantly smoothed and almost immediately begins to accelerate the production of missing microelements. Due to this, all problems, which are indications, are eliminated as quickly as possible.

Despite its high efficiency and gentle effect on the dermis, not everyone is allowed to undergo microcurrent therapy. Main contraindications

to its implementation: - Pregnancy, breastfeeding; — Presence of metal pins (other designs), gold threads, pacemaker; — Impaired heart function; — Individual intolerance to electricity; — Malignant neoplasms; — Epilepsy; — Somatic diseases in severe form. Before directly applying microcurrents to the face, the cosmetologist will conduct a full consultation and indicate the possibility of carrying out the procedure.

Pros and cons of microcurrents

Microcurrent therapy today is one of the innovative methods of skin treatment and does not have a full-fledged analogue. Its popularity and demand is explained by a large number of advantages. The main advantage of this type of physiotherapy is its effectiveness. The result of derma treatment is noticeable immediately after completion of the session. The effect obtained during a full course lasts for six months.

Equally important advantages

procedures include: - Painlessness - due to the influence of the current, only a barely noticeable tingling sensation may be felt; — Good tolerance - the body tolerates the effects of electric current well; - Possibility of inclusion in complex treatment - microcurrents for the face can be carried out during the same period with other cosmetic operations; - Safety - a small current does not have a negative effect on the body, the only exception is skin treatment if there are contraindications; - Complex impact - electric waves are aimed at eliminating all shortcomings, and not individual problems.

With a large number of advantages and disadvantages

the procedure has very little. They concern possible discomfort associated with exposure to electric current. During this procedure, a metallic taste may appear in the mouth. After completion of the procedure, a short-term increase in blood pressure is possible.

Microcurrents for the face: myths and truth Due to the large amount of information about microcurrents, which is not always true, the number of myths about the procedure regularly increases. Let's look at the most common assumptions and determine their veracity:

“Exposure to electric current is painful and unpleasant!” - myth. Only low-frequency electrical layers are sent to the deep layers of the epidermis. The only possible discomfort is a slight tingling sensation, similar to the effects of frost. “Microcurrents help get rid of dark circles” is partly true. Getting rid of dark circles using electrical impulses is only possible if their appearance is not associated with diseases of the internal organs. “Exposure to electricity leads to muscle atrophy” is a myth. Short pulses, on the contrary, correct and improve facial contours. But no other way! Most of the untrue myths are left by girls who are simply afraid to visit a cosmetologist’s office or who have chosen an insufficiently qualified specialist to perform microcurrent therapy. To avoid making this mistake, we recommend that you contact only professionals in their field. You can find these in our Galatea salon.

Microcurrent facial treatment in Maryino metro station Bratislavskaya

– an effective procedure that allows you to achieve noticeable results in the shortest possible time. Its implementation has a positive effect on all layers of the dermis and improves the overall appearance of the skin. The main condition is to choose the right cosmetologist and not neglect his recommendations.

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