What do vertical and horizontal folds on the forehead mean?

Experience, suffering, joyful laughter, skepticism, surprise are reflected on our faces. Facial muscles move certain areas of the skin, thereby showing an emotional response to any irritation. In both teenagers and children, for example, you can notice some kind of wrinkles in the forehead area, but they disappear without a trace as soon as the emotion is replaced by another.

Over time, repeated repetition of such motor stereotypes leads to the formation of stable marks and wrinkles are formed. Age-related changes in subcutaneous fat and skin enhance this process. This is how life experiences leave a mark on our faces.

In Ancient Rome, for example, it was customary to be proud of wrinkles - traces of a turbulent life.

And in the last century, the world-famous actor Belmondo won the hearts of women, hiding a unique charm in his very wrinkled face. But everyone gets wrinkles, and charm is a piece goods.

Now the trend has changed significantly; wrinkles have long gone out of fashion. Prolonged youth is in trend.

What can you do to maintain your youthful appearance for as long as possible? Stop feeling emotions? But without them, life will lose color. Change facial stereotypes? But this is very difficult, because most people do not even notice that they are wincing or frowning. To get rid of this habit, there are botulinum therapy drugs that reduce the activity of facial expressions, help smooth out wrinkles and make it possible to learn to control facial expressions. If we frown and frown less, fewer wrinkles will form.

The Vocation Beauty Institute is made up of doctors with extensive practice (Elena Anatolyevna Maslyukova has been using botulinum therapy for 17 years and passes on vast experience and her know-how to the Vocation doctors). All doctors constantly improve their qualifications, attend seminars by leading Russian and foreign specialists, and participate in scientific conferences. We use only certified botulinum therapy drugs.

The drug Dysport is French, Xeomin is German and Relatox-Russia. All these drugs are similar and contain botulinum toxin type A, but it cannot be said that all drugs are the same. Each has its own characteristics, which the doctor must know well. The extensive experience of doctors at the Vocation Beauty Institute makes it possible to choose the optimal drug for each individual person. Many of our patients, who have been observed in our clinic for many years and undergo botulinum therapy procedures, report excellent results in the form of wrinkle reduction.

When can you start doing procedures?

You can safely start procedures from 25 to 30 years old. The habit of frowning and raising eyebrows in surprise forms DYNAMIC wrinkles (wrinkles appear only with facial expressions). But, further, they turn into STATIC wrinkles, which are visible not only when frowning, but also in a calm state. Habits are not easy to change. But it is easier to form the habit of not wincing at a young age than at an older age. By analogy, teaching a child to brush their teeth is much easier than teaching an adult. With the help of botulinum therapy, you can “learn” to convey your emotions without strong tension in the facial muscles. For patients aged 25-30 years, it is enough to do the procedure 1-2 times a year, and if facial expressions “yield” well, then it is better even less often. Our long-term work experience shows that this is indeed possible, but it requires time and effort, not only on the part of the doctor, but also on the part of the patient.

Smoothing wrinkles is the result of reducing the activity of facial expressions. If a person subsequently makes an effort himself, tries to control his facial expressions, then wrinkles will not form. And your forehead will be smooth.

Wrinkles between the eyebrows (above the bridge of the nose)

Do you see a person with a long wrinkle between his eyebrows? Here is an intelligent and slightly shy person.

If there is not one wrinkle between the eyebrows, but two (parallel to each other), consider that you have met an attentive and scrupulous person. He has an analytical mind, always notices small details and prefers to concentrate on one thing. Most likely, his work involves mental work.

Curved wrinkles between the eyebrows (even zigzag ones) reveal a jealous, hot-tempered and touchy character.

How to get rid of it?

Wrinkles between the eyebrows are no better than wrinkles on the forehead. And you can’t even hide them with cute bangs. What to do with them?

At home:

  • use an anti-wrinkle patch;
  • do exercises (for example, raise your eyebrows as much as possible, fix them in this position, and then relax; repeat 10 times);
  • prepare homemade masks with gelatin (take a tablespoon of edible gelatin, add a small amount of water, heat and apply to the skin of the face, leave for an hour, then rinse with water);
  • control your facial expressions when you are angry or swearing: try to relax your face even in moments of anger.

In the cabin:

  • give Botox injections;
  • regularly take laser resurfacing courses;
  • try the bioreinforcement procedure (introduction of biogel under the skin along special lines);
  • when wrinkles on the forehead and eyebrows become too deep, it makes sense to resort to surgical methods (for example, endoscopic skin tightening).

How long can botulinum injections be administered?

If we do everything correctly (no more than 3 times a year, the dose is correctly selected by the doctor), then even after 17 years there will be no addiction to the drug, and the dosage, if it increases, will not be “manifold”. There are patients with high sensitivity who, after several injections of botulinum drugs (2-3 years), stop wrinkling their forehead and we, in the future, do not perform this procedure. But there are clients who develop tolerance (addiction) to the drug, even when used correctly. These are people with genetically low sensitivity to botulinum therapy; men in this group are more common than women. This group also includes lovers of strong alcohol and saunas, since botulinum therapy “does not like” high temperatures and alcohol. When we detect a decrease in sensitivity to a drug in a client (according to our data, 5%), we slightly increase the dosage, then switch to another drug from this group. There will definitely be an effect. The main thing is to choose the right strategy.

Wrinkles on the forehead

It is believed that if a person has horizontal wrinkles on his forehead, he is honest, friendly and loyal. Such lines also speak of great intelligence and forethought. Meanwhile, horizontal wrinkles are quite common among those people who are in constant anxiety, who are overly worried about everything that happens around them.

But if the horizontal folds are not even, but interrupted (as if they consist of several small wrinkles), this means that the person does not strive to complete the work he has begun, and also likes to gossip and spread rumors.

Small vertical folds on the forehead characterize a person who is hot-tempered and irritable, but if the forehead is covered with chaotic wrinkles, you have a complex, eccentric and sarcastic personality.

The line in the center of the forehead from the bridge of the nose indicates a balanced character, strong will and courage. Such people know how to restrain their emotions and remain calm in any life situation.

Small horizontal wrinkles above the outer edge of the eyebrows characterize an open, responsive and slightly naive person.

How to get rid of forehead wrinkles to hide your little secrets?

Of course, you don’t really want others to recognize your character traits by the wrinkles on your forehead. How to reduce them?

At home:

  • make homemade masks with aloe, honey, egg yolk (here is a simple recipe: mix 1 yolk with a teaspoon of honey and aloe juice, bring to a smooth consistency and apply to the skin of the face, relax, after 15 minutes, rinse off the film with warm water);
  • drink more water;
  • use the scrub twice a week;
  • watch your facial expressions (try not to wrinkle your forehead);
  • do facial massage;
  • buy serums with hyaluronic acid and vitamins E, C;
  • learn exercises for the face (fix the base of the forehead with four fingers of each hand, that is, hold the base of the hairline with your hands, while looking down for 3-4 seconds, straining the muscles of the forehead; repeat 10 times).

In the cabin:

  • sign up for a course of mesotherapy (injection under the skin of a special preparation containing vitamins and other nutrients, for example, hyaluronic acid);
  • alternate chemical peels and diamond skin resurfacing;
  • try plasmolifting (injection of the patient’s blood plasma enriched with platelets under the skin);
  • give Botox injections (blocks the nerve impulse supplied to the facial muscles, the facial muscles do not contract, and the facial skin does not fold).

How wrinkles form

Under the influence of a number of reasons (more about them below), the nutrition and blood circulation of the dermis and subcutaneous fat, as well as facial muscles, deteriorate.

Cell division slows down. Normally, the cell cycle is 28 days; after 30 years, +1 day is added annually. Wrinkles on the skin are “fixed” and turn from mimic wrinkles into creases, because Dead, but not exfoliated, keartinocytes accumulate on the surface.

The work of fibroblasts slows down, the production of new collagen fibers decreases. The skin loses firmness and elasticity.

The functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, plus a lack of synthesis of young collagen leads to dryness and the formation of voids in the skin and the formation of wrinkles.

Forehead skin lift

Lifting the skin of the forehead and eyebrows (upper lift) is a low-traumatic surgical operation performed using an endoscope (miniature video camera) or in a more radical, classical way (open coronary lift). The operation is indicated for ptosis of the eyebrows, sagging skin over the eyes, pronounced forehead wrinkles, drooping eyelids caused by sagging forehead skin. In addition, a temporal brow lift is performed - lifting the outer corners of the eyebrows through incisions in the scalp.

At the Grandmed clinic, endoscopic lifting of the forehead skin is carried out - surgical correction of glabellar and horizontal wrinkles is performed through small incisions (2-3 cm) in the scalp using an endoscope, which ensures maximum accuracy of the operation: nerve endings, hair follicles and blood vessels are not are injured, as happens during classical operations. The soft tissue is separated from the bone and stretched, followed by resection or redistribution of excess tissue.

In the first days after surgery, swelling and hematomas may appear, disappearing after 2 weeks. The duration of the rehabilitation period is up to 3 weeks.

What does a wrinkle look like under a microscope?

This is surprising, but there is nothing specific about wrinkles; from a histological point of view, a wrinkle is an emptiness . There is an acute lack of skin collagen, degradation of elastin and GAGs.

When selecting wrinkle correction products and procedures, it is important to remember the main goal - restoration of the normal structure of the dermal layer of the skin .

Blockade of facial activity and filling with hyaluronic acid are working techniques, however, they are secondary.

Botox, Dysport, Xeomin

For more than two decades, botulinum toxin therapy, a protein neurotoxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, has been used to smooth out wrinkles. In cosmetology, drugs based on it are used - Botox, Dysport, Xeomin: as a result of their use, the nerve endings of the facial muscles are blocked, and for a certain period of time the muscles stop contracting. The drugs are administered subcutaneously, intradermally or intramuscularly depending on the injection site; the number of units of the drug depends on the specifics of the problem being solved and the individual characteristics of the patient. The injections themselves take no more than 20 minutes, the entire procedure (makeup removal, markings, etc.) lasts no more than an hour

The maximum effect from Botox, Dysport or Xeomin injections is observed 2 weeks after the procedure. In the first days, small hematomas may appear - the rehabilitation procedure lasts 7 days. The duration of the effect is up to six months or more, and for preventive purposes it is recommended to repeat the procedure after 5 months.

Reasons for the formation of wrinkles

Natural skin aging, unfortunately, is very rare nowadays. The skin is exposed to a number of negative influences and few people use the necessary preventive measures to prevent early aging.

The most common causes of wrinkles are:

  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays, i.e. tanning abuse. UV rays dry out the skin, leading to dehydration and contribute to the destruction of collagen fibers. A special term is used - photoaging. Characteristic signs are early wrinkles, deep wrinkles, dry and rough skin. Dark spots.
  • Working at a computer or spending a long time in front of the screens of a smartphone, laptop, etc. The skin is exposed to blue light, which is no less harmful than ultraviolet rays. They activate the production of free radicals, the mechanism is similar to the action of ultraviolet radiation, only the penetrating ability of the rays is much higher. The term is digital aging.
  • Bad habits. Smoking provokes spasm of small blood vessels, skin nutrition is disrupted, and there is a lack of oxygen and active microelements. In addition, nicotine destroys Vitamin C. According to research, smokers have 60% less Vitamin C than non-smokers.
  • Abuse of sweets leads to the process of glycation of dermal proteins. This is the gluing of collagen threads by sugar, which causes it to become stiff and the skin loses its firmness and elasticity. But worse than that, these glued fibers do not undergo natural disintegration and replacement with new fibers, which occurs normally in the skin. The term is glycoaging.
  • Lack of sleep. Our body in general and skin in particular live according to circadian rhythms. Adequate sleep is necessary for renewal; it is at night that the synthetic processes of collagen production and cell renewal occur. During the day, the main function of the skin is protective. With disturbed and short sleep, the body wears out, which also affects the condition of the skin.
  • Excessive facial expressions. In particular, the habit of squinting and expressing emotions with facial expressions. But, most importantly, this is not the root cause of the formation of wrinkles and you should not immediately resort to botulinum toxin injections. This factor is superimposed on the others, the proof is that children do not form facial wrinkles, but they express their emotions and make faces with pleasure.

Prevention as one of the methods

There are also very accessible ways to eliminate age-related changes:

  • Cosmetic care. By properly caring for your forehead skin, you will visually prolong your youth for many years. Moisturizing and nourishing creams, serums, masks will protect the skin from age-related changes. Formed wrinkles are suppressed by products based on hyaluronic acid, peptides, and retinol. They saturate the skin with moisture, give it elasticity, and smooth out fine wrinkles. Anti-aging products must also include SPF filters to protect against ultraviolet radiation and free radicals.
  • Patches. Get rid of the habit of frowning your forehead and eyebrows. They look like a plaster and are applied to dynamic frontal wrinkles at the moment of their relaxation. Contracting the muscles after this becomes problematic. As a result, the formation of new wrinkles can be prevented, and existing ones can be made less noticeable.
  • Aesthetic taping. The method is borrowed from sports medicine. To prevent sprains and injuries in athletes, kinesio tapes are used: elastic self-adhesive tapes. Today, similar tapes have found application in cosmetology for fixing facial tissues. As a result of applications, facial muscles relax, motor activity is reduced, and wrinkles become less noticeable.
  • Facebook building. Gymnastics for the face. Simple exercises give excellent results in a few months.
  • Massage. Usually, at least 15-20 sessions are required for visible results.
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