How to lose weight in your face: seven simple ways to remove fat on your cheeks and chin

With age, the elasticity of the skin changes for the worse, which may well affect not only the body, but also the face - a double chin appears, due to facial wrinkles near the lips, the cheeks stand out more clearly. The overall appearance of the face becomes not very attractive, and women (and sometimes men) decide to consult a plastic surgeon to solve the problem. The second reason may be heredity - chubby girls, even with a fairly thin body, dream of making their face shape narrower. But is it worth going under the knife and risking your health if you can lose weight in your face without such large-scale sacrifices?!

Useful tips for losing weight in the face

First you need to familiarize yourself with exercise techniques and recommendations on how to quickly lose weight in your face without harm to the body. There are no methods that will help correct an oval in a short period of time. The principle of these techniques is based on fasting. They can cause deterioration in well-being and changes in complexion. After fasting, the weight returns quickly. Pigment spots may appear on the face.

Principles and methods on how to lose weight in the face and cheeks without harm to health:

1. You need to maintain your posture, align your shoulders and back. A curved spine leads to disruption of natural blood circulation in the body, in particular in the cervical region. As a result, swelling of the face occurs.

2. It is necessary to refuse to sleep on a soft pillow. It needs to be replaced with an orthopedic and thin product. You can purchase a cushion that fits under the neck, will not press on the veins, and will not interfere with blood circulation.

3. Regular exercise. The loads should be complex, intended for the body and face.

4. Compliance with a special diet. Fried and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. It is important to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

Every day you need to massage your facial skin using cosmetics. They will help restore the elasticity of the epidermis.

What problems do exercises solve?

Thanks to regular training, you can create a new face without injections or surgery. The fibers gradually contract, the contour tightens, giving clarity to the oval.

Results of the exercise for losing weight on the face and cheeks:

  • nasolabial folds are smoothed;
  • manages to get rid of jowls and sagging cheeks;
  • the jawline is restored;
  • cheekbones are formed;
  • a beautiful neck line appears;
  • wrinkles around the mouth are reduced;
  • visually the face looks narrower due to the appearance of a clear oval line.

Dietary recommendations

Proper nutrition accelerates weight loss and allows you to remove excess fluid from the body. A balanced diet means eating small portions. During the day there should be three main meals and snacks between them.

Food does not need to be salted or added sugar. These substances help retain excess fluid in the body, so the face remains swollen throughout the day. The following foods are removed from the diet:

· first courses on broths;

· grilled meat;

· sausages;

· candies, cookies;

· bread and homemade pastries.

You need to give up tea and coffee drinks. They increase your daily calorie intake. Harmful foods are replaced with vegetables and fruits. They can be eaten fresh, made into salads, or cut into cubes.

It is recommended to use vegetable oil for stewing. In order not to overuse salt and pepper, you need to add more fresh herbs to vegetable dishes. Fiber helps cleanse the intestines and reduce the calorie content of the dish. The food will not lose its satiety, so the weight and swelling will begin to gradually go away.

It is important to give up all alcoholic drinks. Wine increases swelling of the face. A person experiences symptoms of toxicosis, which worsens skin tone.


Contraindications to face-building for weight loss include pathology of the facial nerve, high blood pressure, recent professional lifting procedures, and plastic surgery within 2 years. You should also not exercise if you have chronic and acute diseases of the ENT organs, pathologies of the thyroid gland, or oncology.

Big cheeks and a double chin are no longer a problem. An effective set of exercises will allow you to create the perfect oval. As a result of training, the overall condition of the skin will noticeably improve. Affordable beauty secrets take minimal time.

Benefits of water

It is wrong to refuse water and liquid intake to remove swelling. It allows you to maintain skin tone and improves the body's hydration processes. An adult should drink about 2 liters of fluid every day. In the hot season, the daily norm increases by 1.5 times.

Drinking clean water does not replace tea, coffee, or broths. To improve your well-being, you need to pay attention to the quality of the liquid. It is recommended to drink spring, mineral water, herbal infusions or green tea.

Set of exercises

You can visually make your face smaller by performing a simple complex. The advantage of training is the ability to adjust the shape of the oval. Also, exercises have the properties of rejuvenation and preservation of freshness, restoring the elasticity of fibers.

Gymnastics for losing weight on the face:

  1. First you need to warm up your muscles. It is necessary to make 10 circular rotations clockwise and 10 counterclockwise. This exercise will allow you to create a beautiful neck line. After warming up, move on to the main complex for a thin face. Repeat each 5 times.
  2. The gaze is directed in front of you, lips stretched into the letter “O”. Feel the tension in the lower part of your face, hold for 10 seconds.
  3. Look ahead, facial muscles are relaxed. Open your mouth wide, feeling the tension in your cheeks, stick your tongue down, pull towards the dimple of your chin. Hold the pose for 10 seconds.
  4. Tilt your head back, looking at the ceiling. Tension is felt by all the muscles of the face and neck. Open your mouth, stick out your tongue, pull it up, slightly bending the tip. Hold for 10 seconds.

Exercises to reduce cheeks:

  1. To remove bulldog cheeks and nasolabial lips, you need to open your mouth and grab the inner surface of the cheeks with your index fingers. Feeling the tension in your fingers, open and close your mouth. Repeat 8 times.
  2. Place your index fingers above the upper fangs, they fix the inner surface of the cheeks. Slowly raise and lower the corners of your mouth, lifting the apples, feeling the resistance of your fingers. Repeat the standard 8 times.
  3. An effective exercise for the cheeks - the upper lip covers the line of the upper teeth, the lower jaw is pulled down as much as possible. The lips are formed into the letter "O". From this position, try to raise and lower your ears up. The forehead should be relaxed; at first you can fix it with your palm.
  4. Open your mouth as much as possible, hide your teeth behind your lips. From this position, pull up and lower the corners of the lips, repeat 8 times, very effective for lifting the cheeks.
  5. Take air into your cheeks and roll like a ball from left to right and right to left for 2 minutes.

Gymnastics for the face from the double chin:

  1. Keep your shoulders and body straight. Move your face forward like a dove. Repeat 20 times.
  2. To remove the cheeks and double chin, you need to move the lower jaw forward, hold for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Do 20 reps.
  3. Hold a pencil between your teeth and move your lower jaw forward. In this position, draw numbers in the air from 1 to 10.
  4. Lift your chin up, pull your lips like a duck. Hold for 5 seconds, repeat at least 5 times.
  5. From this position, extend your lips with a tube in the sound “U” for 5–8 seconds. Repeat at least 5 approaches.

Exercises to highlight cheekbones:

  1. You can make your cheeks smaller by correcting your cheekbones and lifting the apples of your cheeks up. Close your mouth, inflate as much as possible and deflate the air in jerks. Do 10 repetitions.
  2. Pull your lips into a tube and pronounce all the letters of the alphabet one by one.
  3. Open your eyes wide, smile, opening your teeth. At the same time, the corners of the mouth raise the apples of the cheeks, hold the position for 10 seconds. Repeat the standard 10 times.
  4. To narrow your face, pull in your cheeks and form your lips like a fish. From this position, smile, hold for 10 seconds, then do 10 repetitions.

Performing facial massages

A person needs complex treatment. Massage allows you to quickly remove excess fluid from soft tissues. You need to take a towel soaked in a decoction of chamomile herbs and work your face with patting movements. This massage technique improves blood circulation and improves the tone of soft tissues. The procedure is done after waking up.

Nourishing masks will help maintain the tone of the dermis. Their benefits:

· improving the elasticity of the dermis;

· additional skin nutrition;

· saturation with vitamins and nutrients.

You can use professional cosmetics or make your own at home. Skin nourishing masks are made from crushed oatmeal, fresh cucumber juice, strawberry pulp, and raspberries. Before use, it is important to check the body's reaction. Some foods may cause a severe allergic reaction or irritation.

To choose a professional cosmetic product, you need to consult a cosmetologist. He will select a mask and tell you how to use it and how to lose weight in your face. When choosing, the characteristics of the body, skin type, and condition are taken into account.

Safety regulations

To achieve the desired results, it is important to follow the basic recommendations. Incorrect technique can aggravate problems, lead to sagging cheeks, and loss of skin elasticity.

How to make your face thinner with gymnastics:

  • perform the exercise in front of a mirror, making sure that 1 muscle group is working;
  • when moving other areas of the face, you can fix them with your palms;
  • the duration of the lesson should not exceed 10 minutes;
  • exercises for slimming the cheeks and correcting the chin are performed comprehensively;
  • before the complex, the face should be cleaned of decorative cosmetics, hands should be washed with soap, during training the pores open, the renewal processes improve;
  • Upon completion, be sure to cleanse to remove toxins.

Causes of a double chin

  1. The structure of the angle between the neck and chin.
  2. Posture. When your head is forward and your shoulders are back, the appearance of a chin is inevitable.
  3. Frequently positioning your head down when looking at your phone or reading books.
  4. Excess weight.
  5. Dramatic weight loss.

Currently, facial gymnastics is being promoted very actively. Thanks to special exercises, you can tighten not only your jowls, nasolabial lips, but also your double chin. But, if you suddenly stop doing such gymnastics, then with a high degree of probability everything will return to normal. Therefore, if you doubt that you will constantly do such gymnastics, then it is better to choose a different method.

Advantages of the method

The choice of method for correcting problem areas is always made by a cosmetologist. However, since cosmetic procedures are not mandatory, the final decision remains with the patient. Therefore, it is important to know the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen product.

Advantages of using lipolytic injections:

  • Efficiency and safety. The product allows you to remove excess fat deposits in a low-traumatic way and get the effect almost immediately. The finest needles used leave almost no marks. Anesthetics are not used.
  • Easy and fast rehabilitation. Often after the procedure, a girl goes to a romantic meeting with powder on her face. Of course, it is advisable to allow the body to rest and fully recover, and not immediately return to an active lifestyle, but there is no extreme need to completely avoid communication.
  • Versatility. The method suits almost everyone. The number of contraindications for the use of lipolytics is minimal.

Makeup that hides round cheeks in a few minutes

Let's say you have your dream date scheduled for tomorrow. Or an interview at your dream company. Or just an important event. You want to look good, but your cheeks, cheeks...

How to get rid of full cheeks, as they say, on the run? There are techniques that can visually change the shape of the face


To begin, stand in front of the mirror, move your hair away from your face and look at it carefully. Most likely, with full cheeks, your face is round. This means that our task is to visually narrow it a little so that the thick cheeks do not catch the eye.

Determine the ideal shape of your face that we will strive for. There is a universal rule in makeup: dark appears smaller, and light appears larger. Therefore, we will hide the fullness of the cheeks using powder or foundation in dark shades.

Expert advice:

“Before you start creating, assess the condition of your skin. If it is dry, prefer foundation. If oily, stop with powder.

Apply the foundation to your face following the pattern.

The tone you use to make your cheeks smaller should be slightly darker than the natural tone of your face, and it must be carefully shaded, otherwise, instead of hiding the problem area, ineptly applied cosmetics, on the contrary, will attract unnecessary attention to it.”

Olga Romanova, makeup artist.

After evening out your skin tone with powder or foundation, take blush. You should apply a lighter shade of blush on the upper part of your cheekbones, and a darker shade below. The shade of blush depends on your color type: choose shades of dark clay or chocolate. However, any will do, depending on what color on your face seems most natural. One “but” is categorical for everyone - blush should be matte

. You don’t want your already round cheeks to sparkle like balls on a Christmas tree, do you?

It is very important to use a soft brush to make a smooth transition from the top of the cheekbones to the bottom. Blend from the cheeks to the cheekbones - this way the colors will fall more naturally. Apply a thin layer of powder on top. Voila! Your cheeks appear much smaller than they originally were.

You can enhance the effect with your hairstyle. In order to visually reduce the lower third of the face, you just need to enlarge the upper third, that is, choose a haircut whose silhouette expands upward. Sharp strands combed forward will perfectly hide everything that needs to be hidden. If you have long hair, then a cascading haircut or a lush, high styling would be a good solution. But you shouldn’t comb your hair smoothly back away from your face - this will only emphasize the fullness of your cheeks.

How to remove fat from cheeks without effort

The result of using home remedies depends only on your persistence. Unfortunately, it is unstable and disappears as soon as you relax.

If you want a guaranteed result, pay attention to cosmetic and medical ways to remove thick cheeks. They help even in the most difficult cases, for example, when one cheek is thicker than the other .

It turns out that round cheeks have three different causes. That is why losing weight does not always help - only in one case out of three. However, first things first.

  1. Excess subcutaneous fat

In order to get rid of large cheeks in this case, you need to lose weight or use lipolytics. They are injected under the skin using mesotherapy and visibly remove subcutaneous fat, revealing clear, sculpted cheekbones.

Expert comment:

“To get rid of fat on the cheeks, I recommend paying attention to two excellent products: Michelangelo and the INNO-TDS Draining ppc cocktail.

Both drugs are very effective, extremely safe and are produced in European Union plants. In the Eurozone, they share the title of “lipolytic No. 1.”

Anna Smirnova, dermatocosmetologist.

  1. Lumps of Bisha

Bisha's lumps are the same fatty bodies that are “responsible” for the infantile roundness of the cheeks in infants. In most cases, they become invisible with age, but sometimes this does not happen, and an unpleasant effect of voluminous cheeks is created. In this case, it is recommended to remove Bisha's lumps.

“Before” and 10 days “after” rhinoplasty (surgeon Mkhitar Meloyan) and removal of Bisha lumps (surgeon Andrey Iskornev). The lower third of the face stretched out, the heaviness of the cheeks went away. The face looks lighter and more harmonious.

“Before” and 6 months “after” the procedure - a photograph from the patient’s private archive. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

This operation is a very effective way to harmonize the face.

Expert comment:

“Removing Bisha's lumps takes 30 to 40 minutes under local or general anesthesia. However, in order for a doctor to prescribe this procedure for you, you need to be over 25 years old and not overweight.

Sometimes the doctor does not remove fat from Bisha’s lumps, but moves it upward - this allows him to “sculpt” clearer and more voluminous cheekbones.

To enhance the effect, for patients over 45 years of age, we recommend removing Bisha’s lumps as part of SMAS lifting, followed by Melsmon mesotherapy to lighten and tighten the skin.”

Salim Ragimov, plastic surgeon.

What positive effect will regular training of the facial muscles have?

  • The skin of the face will become fresh and healthy again, its natural color will be restored.
  • Eyebrows and eyelids will rise
  • Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes will be reduced
  • The cheek muscles will become stronger, the jawline will become more defined and youthful
  • The double chin will be significantly reduced or completely eliminated
  • Your nose will look neater

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