How to make cheekbones on your face: exercises, makeup, massage, lipofilling

Beautiful, expressive cheekbones, as well as a clear and toned oval of the face make its owner more attractive in the eyes of others and allow him to look younger. Of course, not everyone naturally has such ideal facial features, and this worries many, especially women. Of course, correction of facial features is available in the offices of plastic surgeons, but not everyone decides to take such radical measures. There are also more gentle methods . So, you can pump up your cheekbones and tighten the contours of your face using special exercises that are also available at home.

How to do exercises for cheekbones

Today, every girl wants to have a fashionable, high-cheekbone face. A whole set of exercises has been developed that will help define the cheekbones, removing the plumpness of the cheeks.

Get ready to do exercises that will help you get a fashionable face.

  1. Puffing out the cheeks. First puff out one cheek, then the other. It is necessary to draw in as much air as possible, and when releasing it, forcefully push it out. Perform 5 times on each side.
  2. Rolling air. Blow air first under the upper, then under the lower lip. Do this 5-6 times.
  3. Roll the air in a circle, first through your cheeks, then through your lips - 5 times.
  4. Rinse your mouth as if it were water for 1 minute.
  5. Run your tongue around your gums 5 times.
  6. Show your upper teeth and gums. Repeat 10 times.
  7. Fix the nasolabial fold, start winking desperately. “Wink” 10 times.
  8. To tighten the oval of the face and remove the double chin, you need to perform this exercise 10 times: place your fingers under the corners of your lips, say the letter “Y”.
  9. Pull your cheeks in and press your lips tightly together. Try smiling, holding the smile for 6 seconds, repeat 4 times.
  10. Open your eyes wide, smile widely with your mouth open, hold for 10 seconds, repeat 10 times.
  11. Say the letter “O”, then the letter “X”, engaging all the facial muscles. Repeat -10 times.

To see the result, do this complex for 14 days. If your face is not too plump, you can achieve results in a week.


This technique involves transplanting adipose tissue itself from places where there is a lot of it to areas where there is not enough of it. This type of contouring is an invasive intervention with a low negative factor. That is, side effects after it are extremely rare.

Lipofilling of cheekbones

Lipofilling is prescribed either for serious defects in appearance (for example, after traumatic tissue damage), or if a woman is over 45 and wants to “return” her former oval.

How is lipofilling performed:

  • Fat from the lower abdomen is used for the operation - it is rich in stem cells and is considered the safest for transplantation. It is mixed with a solution of venous blood and plasma.
  • The complex is injected under the skin with a special needle. It pierces the cheekbone area and several times under the skin, thinning out the tissue. This avoids a large number of punctures.
  • Correctly work out not only the cheeks and cheekbones, but also the lower part of the face – the chin and the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. Otherwise, the oval will sag too quickly and the effect after the session will last for less than 3 months.
  • After the procedure, a rehabilitation period of 1 week is required. The effect will be noticeable within a day. Areas that were thin will noticeably tighten and gain relief.

Lymphatic drainage massage

A simple facial massage will help:

  • highlight cheekbones;
  • improve skin color;
  • remove excess fluid from soft tissues;
  • increase the tone of the muscles on the face;
  • tighten the contour.

If you can’t find time every day, then 2-3 times a week also gives good results.

Massage stages:

  • Lubricate your hands with cream.
  • Place your palms on your face to increase blood flow, starting from the center, moving towards the temple.
  • Using your fingertips, stroke your face from the back of your nose to your temples, then down to your neck, 5 times.
  • Under the eyes, gently sweep from the outer corner to the inner corner.
  • From the wings of the nose, sweep under the cheekbones to the top of the ear, then down to the neck, 5 times.
  • Swipe from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the ear, then from the center of the chin to the earlobe, 5 times.

The following movements will help remove cheeks:

  1. Walk along the same lines with quick taps with your fingertips, along each line 5-6 times.
  2. Next, use point pressure to follow the same lines, avoiding the area under the eyes.
  3. Place the edges of your palms on your cheek, starting from the back of your nose, like a saw, move your palms along your cheekbones to your temple.
  4. Make 10 circles on each cheek clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  5. When completing the massage, stroke your entire face along the indicated lines.

From personal experience. Try this type of massage regularly to stop or reverse the aging of your skin.

See also on the blog: How to do facial massage: 10 best techniques

Contraindications for performing facial gymnastics

Despite the fact that facial exercises are designed to improve appearance and strengthen muscles, these manipulations in some cases can only cause harm. Contraindications to gymnastics are:

  • mechanical damage to the face, inflammatory processes;
  • oncological processes in the body;
  • dilated vessels;
  • history of severe traumatic brain injury;
  • exacerbation of any existing chronic disease;
  • severe hypertension, hypertensive crisis;
  • the first time (about two years) after undergoing plastic surgery on the face;
  • 6-12 months after botulinum toxin injections;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system.

It is best if you consult a cosmetologist before you decide to do exercises at home. Firstly, the specialist will be able to give you recommendations on the correct technique for performing the procedures, and secondly, he will determine whether you can do them.

How to quickly highlight cheekbones

The fastest way to make your cheekbones stand out is to apply makeup. The main role will be played by blush, with which you can create the desired relief on your face.

To make beautiful makeup, it is important to choose the right blush. Pale pink blush will suit fair-skinned ladies, while dark-skinned girls should choose a crimson or beige-pink shade. Peach tones will look good on warm skin tones.

Cosmetics can beautify any face, but they can also ruin it. How to find where to apply blush? Go to the mirror, smile broadly. If the cheekbones stand out strongly, then a few strokes with a brush are enough. Lightly apply a product with a pearlescent shade to the convex part, and use a darker tone to mark the line under the cheekbones.

Beautiful reliefs on a round face can be created if blush is applied from below the cheekbones, gradually reaching the temporal area. This technique will help draw out the roundness.

Products applied to the middle of the cheek will help reduce a long face.

For oval face types, the color is applied under the cheekbones, shaded from the temples down. On a square-shaped face, blush is applied on the sides of the cheekbones.

Look at the photo to better understand the application method.

Surgical intervention

Modern plastic surgery offers several ways to change cheekbones. They are effective, but quite expensive, temporary and fraught with complications, such as implant rejection. In addition, most people have an extremely negative attitude towards any operation; only a very compelling argument forces them to lie down on the surgical table. The most popular correction methods are:

  • Lipofilling is a procedure that allows a man to pump up his cheekbones like a balloon with air. Only instead of air, subcutaneous fat taken from the patient from other parts of the body is used. Fat is injected under the skin in the cheekbone area, which visually enlarges. Over time, this fat begins to dissolve, the face takes on the same shape as before the operation, it must be repeated.
  • Contour injections are the most gentle method that enlarges and changes the shape of the cheekbones by injecting substances containing hyaluronic acid under the skin. The effect of the injections lasts up to two years.
  • Mentoplasty is a rather complex and expensive operation for the implantation of special implants near the cheekbones. It is performed under general anesthesia and in rare cases causes rejection of a foreign body. Guaranteed and permanently changes the contour of the cheekbones, without leaving scars on the face.

How can a man pump up his cheekbones without resorting to unpleasant and expensive procedures? How to avoid becoming a regular and dependent client of cosmetic surgeons for years to come. The solution is simple and lies on the surface. You need to pump up your facial muscles in the same way as you pump up your biceps, back muscles or abs, using special facial gymnastics.

Useful massage

Cheekbone massage is another method to give your face the desired definition. First comes gymnastics, which ends with a special type of massage.

  1. First, the skin is warmed in a circular motion.
  2. Gently rub with fingers from the chin, moving towards the forehead.
  3. Cosmetic oil is applied.
  4. Then they take plastic vacuum jars, pull in the cheeks, and place the jar on the cavity, which they hold for about 1 minute.
  5. After this, move the jar higher on the cheek.

After this procedure, your face will glow with youth and health.

Photos before and after

You can compare the effectiveness of each described method only if you look at the before and after photos. We have collected a collection of pictures of girls after facial gymnastics, makeup and cosmetic procedures.

Cheek lifting cosmetics

Exercises and massage are very effective in combating irregular facial contours and sagging cheeks. However, if the approach to the problem is complex, you cannot do without cosmetic products.

These can be creams with a lifting effect, salon or store masks and home recipes. Creams with tightening properties can be purchased in salons, stores or pharmacies: Q10 (coenzyme) from NiveaVisage, Lift-active cream from Vichy, SoinNoir (lifting night cream) from Givenchy, etc.

However, you should not expect a miracle from just using this or that cream - you need to combine it with other methods. Masks will do a better job of tightening the skin on the cheeks and face in general.

There are many recipes for masks, of which the following can be distinguished:

  1. Egg mask. Beat the white of one egg until foam forms. Depending on the type of skin, add honey (dry) or oatmeal (oily). Apply to face and wait 10-15 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature, then rinse with cool water.
  2. Yeast mask. Dilute fresh yeast (50 g) with warm water to the consistency of sour cream. Cover with a napkin and leave for a day in a warm place. Afterwards, apply thickly to the face and wait 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
  3. Oatmeal mask. Pour hot water over Hercules flakes or ground and let steep for 1-2 minutes. If desired, you can add honey or yogurt. Apply to face and massage along massage lines. Rinse off.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Facial massage according to the system of the Japanese doctor Asahi Zogan.


And although in theory any woman knows how to use bronzer, blush and highlighter, in practice this does not always work out correctly.

  1. Always start contouring with bronzer, which darkens the area just below the cheekbones. Don't apply it too low because you'll get a "raccoon effect."
  2. The second in order is blush. Apply them to the central part of the cheekbones. It is important to shade them well.
  3. Use the highlighter lightly only on the top of your cheekbones, right next to your temples.


But the main advantage of the exercises is their effectiveness. Positive results become the best answer to the skeptics’ question: is it possible to pump up the cheekbones on your face? In just a few weeks, gymnastics helps to significantly increase the cheekbone muscles and improve the overall facial contour.

But victory over age-related changes is possible only with regular and correct exercise. They should become a desirable and healthy habit, like brushing your teeth or going for a morning jog. To make facial gymnastics more effective and safe, you need to follow a number of recommendations:

  • Wash your face and hands before exercise.
  • Performing gymnastics in front of a mirror makes it easier to learn the correct exercise technique and identify mistakes.
  • Facial muscles, like body muscles, need a preliminary warm-up.
  • Exercises should be performed smoothly, but with maximum tension, causing a slight burning sensation, so the muscles are worked deeper.
  • But don’t be too zealous, otherwise new wrinkles and creases will appear on your face.
  • Gymnastics should be done daily, it takes about 15 - 30 minutes, so it’s funny to refer to being busy, justifying laziness.




Fluid retention will make your cheeks appear puffier, and in the long term, this weight difference can make your skin appear saggy.

  1. All this can be avoided by following a cleansing diet based on natural juices of grapefruit, orange and even strawberries.
  2. Eat salads, fiber, nuts.
  3. Avoid sudden weight gain and weight loss. Weight changes can cause the skin to stretch and sag. So you should maintain a constant weight, and if you need to lose weight, then do it gradually.
  4. Minimize salt and sugar in your diet, and if possible, give up strong black tea, coffee, alcohol, and in general anything that interferes with the removal of fluid.
  5. A diet rich in vitamins A, E and C will also help maintain a toned face. Vitamin A helps maintain skin health, and C and E help protect cells from oxidative stress.
  6. Biotin and zinc help keep skin healthy.
  7. Minerals such as copper will also be important as they help maintain proper pigmentation and protect against oxidative stress.

Beautiful lips

The lips contain a lot of muscles, so physical activity will not hurt them either.

  • The whistle strengthens the contour well. Whistle a new melody every day, you will be pleased with the results. Superstitious people can do this exercise outside. You need to whistle for at least 5 minutes.
  • Stick your tongue out at the reflection in the mirror. Don't be shy, stick out as much as possible. Stay in the final position for a few seconds. Repeat 12 grooves.
  • Blow on the dandelions. If it’s not the season, take a small feather and blow it away for 3 minutes.
  • Make a fairy fish smile. Purse your lips tightly, then smile widely. Smile 12 times, remembering to relax after each repetition.
  • Howl like a wolf, only slowly, in different voices. Exercise is good not only for muscles, it copes well with depression. Do the training for 7 minutes.
  • Draw with a pencil, which must be held tightly in your mouth. Circles and letters are suitable for artistic creativity. Create for 4 minutes.


Avocado and honey

This mask is very popular and easy to prepare. Avocado strengthens and moisturizes, thanks to it you will get a more toned and hydrated face.

  1. Pulp half an avocado and add two tablespoons of honey.
  2. Mix everything well and apply the mask on your cheeks for 15 minutes.

Is it possible to tighten the contour of the face at home?

Due to some circumstances, it is not always possible to visit beauty salons and pamper yourself with massages, masks and other skin care treatments.

Don't get upset and give up. You can also take care of your face at home.

Various methods, including food, are used in the fight against sagging cheeks. If you look in the refrigerator, you can probably find lifting assistants there, on the basis of which face masks are made.

Masks nourish the skin, help improve color and tighten the facial contour.

In addition to cosmetic methods, there are a variety of exercises and massages that also help with the “bulldog cheeks” effect. The main thing is not to let yourself go and not bring the situation to a critical point, when nothing will help except surgical intervention.

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