How to remove Venus rings on the neck? Cosmetologists answer.

  • Why do such violations occur?
  • How to get rid of Venus rings on your neck without surgery?
  • Surgical removal of the rings of Venus
  • What will happen in the recovery period?

The rings of Venus are the horizontal circular folds that encircle the neck and are most pronounced on its front side. Such a cosmetic defect can add several years to the age of the owner. In addition, over time, the accumulation of fat deposits in the neck leads to sagging of these folds and the transformation of the rings of Venus into the so-called fat depots (or fat reserve).

Why do the rings of Venus appear?

It is generally accepted that gadgets are to blame for the formation of transverse wrinkles on the neck, or rather, the habit of constantly looking at a smartphone with your head bowed.

However, women encountered the rings of Venus a hundred years ago. A whole range of reasons lead to their appearance:

  • a thin layer of subcutaneous fat on the neck;
  • insufficient care for this area;
  • thin skin;
  • weak muscle frame;
  • stoop, poor posture;
  • the habit of lowering the neck down;
  • incorrect position during sleep;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • insufficient moisture of the skin;
  • hormonal disorders causing dry skin;
  • genetic feature of the neck structure.

Hardware treatment methods

How to get rid of the rings of Venus? This can be done using the following hardware techniques:

1. Fractional laser treatment . This procedure promotes renewal and rejuvenation of skin cells. Laser radiation dehydrates the skin and forms microscopic channels inside it. This provokes a protective reaction of the body, which begins to actively renew the cellular composition in the damaged areas. Old cells are replaced by young ones, the skin becomes firmer and smoother. As a result of the procedure, wrinkles on the neck are eliminated.

2. Radiofrequency lifting . The essence of this technique is that special microneedles are introduced under the patient’s skin, which transmit an electric current. As a result of this effect, the skin warms up and regeneration processes are launched in it.

3. Phototherapy . Another hardware method of rejuvenation. The skin is exposed to laser beams, which accelerates collagen synthesis. During the procedure, different types of lasers can be used in a cosmetology clinic.

4. SMAS -lifting . Using ultrasound, they influence the deep layers of the skin, which helps to launch regeneration processes, produce collagen and ensure high-quality tissue tightening.

5. Endermolifting . The skin is exposed to a pulsating vacuum, which causes strong mechanical vibrations and helps initiate regeneration processes.


The appearance of horizontal wrinkles on the neck can be prevented by watching your posture, purchasing an orthopedic pillow, and tilting your head less often.

Of course, careful skin care is required. You can use the same products as for the face. Typically, the skin on the neck is dry or prone to dryness, so the main emphasis should be on moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis. Home care, as a rule, is not enough - professional procedures are also required to prolong youth. A good place to start is by moisturizing your skin. Injections of hyaluronic acid will replenish the lack of moisture, slow down the aging process, and make the skin elastic and firm.

At a young age, mesotherapy will be effective, at a more mature age - biorevitalization, bioregeneration, redermalization, plasma lifting. Alginate masks and gentle peelings will help increase skin elasticity.

The optimal effect is achieved by combining professional hardware and injection procedures with regular home care.

Contour plastic

To get rid of the rings of Venus, the following methods are used:

1. Bioreinforcement . Special boosters based on hyaluronic acid are injected under the skin, which form a supporting frame inside. Boosters have a high density, so the results last a long time. What the result of the procedure looks like: the skin on the neck is tightened, small wrinkles completely disappear, deep ones are reduced and become less noticeable.

2. Thread lifting . Inserting threads under the skin is an extremely popular and sought-after cosmetic procedure. The threads are inserted under the skin by a cosmetologist under local anesthesia. The result lasts for several years.

Review of methods for non-surgical removal of rings of Venus

Let's consider the techniques that are used to correct transverse wrinkles on the neck. Which of them will be most effective in a particular case will be determined by the doctor after examination.

  • Mesotherapy.

    Injection technique to moisturize the skin and increase its elasticity. Mesotherapy is used primarily to prevent the appearance of rings of Venus or in combination with other methods.

  • Plasmolifting (plasma injections).

    This method will improve the quality of the skin, make it firmer and more elastic, and help even out the relief.

  • Biorevitalization.

    Hyaluronic acid injections for intense skin hydration. The method is good both for preventing the appearance of creases and for treating them in the early stages.

  • Botulinum therapy.

    Injections of drugs based on botulinum toxin relax the neck muscles, acting directly on the cause of the formation of folds. This method is usually used as an auxiliary method.

  • Bioreinforcement.

    Using gel preparations based on hyaluronic, polylactic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite (radiess, collagen therapy). Thanks to collagen stimulation, a framework is formed that supports the skin and prevents it from folding.

  • Introduction of threads.

    Thread lifting is another method of creating a framework to support tissue. Thanks to thin but strong threads, the skin is tightened, the double chin is removed, and sagging is eliminated. The effect lasts for up to three years.

  • Contour plastic.

    Fillers are injected directly into the wrinkle area to fill the voids. As a result, skin folds straighten and the neck becomes smooth. The method is often combined with procedures aimed at increasing the elasticity of the skin.

  • Laser tightening.

    As a result of fractional laser thermolysis, the skin becomes significantly more elastic and tightened. It is recommended to combine this technique with procedures to improve skin quality, for example, biorevitalization and plasma lifting. This complex effect provides an excellent effect.

There are many effective methods for eliminating the rings of Venus. It is best to consult a specialist - a cosmetologist. The doctor will select the optimal course for you, taking into account your individual characteristics to obtain the best result.

Neck. Correction options.

How to achieve the ideal of beauty - Cleopatra's Neck? There are many methods, but the solution to the question lies in the essence of the problem.

Problem 1 - "Rings of Venus"

“I really like to read while lying down,” was once said in response to a standard question: “What are your complaints?”

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