Face creams with hyaluronic acid: pharmacy and home preparation

Hyaluronic acid is a polymer molecule that consists of small compounds with a carbohydrate structure. The physical properties of the acid are unique - it can retain water molecules by forming a gel-like structure, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. At the pharmacy you can buy expensive and cheap creams/gels for beauty and youth. Many of them contain hyaluronic acid. Practice shows that it is this component that allows you to see the effect immediately after the first use. Pharmacy face creams with hyaluronic acid: Curiosin, Pectilift, Radevit, Heparin ointment. So, let's look at what is included in facial products, what are the features of use, and how to prepare the cream at home yourself?

What is hyaluronic acid

Even the best hyaluronic acid is not able to give maximum effect if you do not understand its features and rules of use. This substance is one of the types of polysaccharides in the human body. It is found in bones, epithelium, nervous and connective tissues. Hyaluronate is also the main component of saliva, intercellular fluid, spinal and joint substance, and is present in significant quantities in the skin. It fills the space between elastin and collagen protein, which affects the degree of smoothness of the skin, its elasticity and appearance.

The human body contains approximately 15 grams of hyaluronate in dry format at a time. It is destroyed as a result of inflammatory processes, the influence of UV radiation, etc. The body produces approximately 5 grams of the substance every day to replenish it. This process occurs up to 50-60 years. Young people do not need to add this polysaccharide from outside. However, there may be a local or temporary deficiency. As a rule, deficiency occurs due to aging, bad habits, autoimmune diseases, as well as frequent exposure to the sun and consumption of small amounts of water. With a deficiency of the substance, the skin becomes dry, wrinkles appear due to decreased firmness and elasticity, and joint mobility decreases.

Preparing hyaluronic acid: what is the difference between preparations with hyaluronic acid

The half-life of hyaluronic acid in the skin is short and ranges from 12 to 24 hours, therefore, to prolong the effect of the drug in the tissues, it is necessary to properly process hyaluronic acid, which makes it stable and resistant to degradation factors. This process is called cross-linking of macromolecules and includes a corresponding transformation - cross-linking of hyaluronic acid chains, which gives it special physicochemical properties.

Hyaluronic acid preparations vary in the degree of cross-linking, giving the product different degrees of density and viscosity, as well as different binding abilities for water molecules. This variety allows you to choose the right drug for the type of treatment.

For example, drugs of different density are required to increase lip volume, correct facial contours, fill wrinkles and enlarge the labia. Thanks to the range of hyaluronic acid, we obtain a substance that, after implantation into the tissue, undergoes very slow degradation. Filling effects are visible depending on the drug and individual conditions for up to 18 months.

There are many drugs on the market, and new ones are registered every year. They differ from each other, among other things, in the concentration of hyaluronic acid, the degree of cross-linking and the morphology of the drug. These properties depend on the production technology and determine the viscosity, flexibility, ability to lift tissue, ability to bind water, and decomposition time in the tissues of the drug. The filler may be macroscopically homogeneous or molecular, resulting from a cross-linking technique.

Hyaluronic acid injection

How does it affect the skin?

The main property of hyaluronate is water binding. Its molecules attract and hold water molecules. Thanks to water retention in the skin, it becomes smooth, elastic and healthy. Hyaluronic acid takes part in the transport of oxygen, lymphocytes and other blood cells to damaged areas, areas of irritation and inflammation. It is thanks to this that, with a sufficient level of the substance, healing occurs faster. Also, upon admission, it accelerates the process of synthesis of hyaluron itself, influencing fibroblast receptors and stimulating them to produce their own hyaluron.

Benefits and harms

Proper use of the additive in cosmetic gels and creams helps to prolong the youth of the skin and its beauty. You can use it after 20 years, but there is no particular point in it. Even the best remedies in this case are addictive.

The benefits of the drug lie in the following aspects:

  • Creates an invisible protective film on the surface of the skin that prevents the influence of destructive external factors.
  • Retains water molecules, thereby smoothing out fine wrinkles.
  • Relieves dryness, eliminates itching and roughness. Makes the skin soft, smooth and silky.
  • Gives skin radiance.
  • Promotes accelerated healing of wounds, scratches, cracks, calluses. Also helps in the fight against acne, pimples and blackheads.

Even knowing which acid is best suited for a particular case and purpose, one must not forget that hyaluronic acid has its side effects. The harm of a substance is manifested in the following aspects:

  1. Allergic reactions, including urticaria and anaphylactic shock.
  2. Quincke's edema.
  3. Redness of the skin.
  4. Get used to it with regular use.

Recovery after manipulation

The patient can return home immediately after being injected with hyaluronic acid. But in order to maximize the effect of the procedure, it is recommended to reduce physical activity at least in the first few days after leaving the clinic. Otherwise, there is a risk that the injected hyaluronic acid will not be absorbed as needed.

There are practically no side effects, provided there is no individual intolerance. Preparations containing hyaluronic acid are usually safe and well absorbed. Short-term side effects are usually related to the piercing itself. Patients complain of slight pain at the injection site and a slight accumulation of joint fluid.

Hyaluronic acid can be called a universal substance. Preparations containing polysaccharides are used for both beauty and health.

From what age is it used?

It is not advisable to use hyaluron injections at a young age, since it is already synthesized by the body in sufficient quantities. It makes sense to replenish it locally only when absolutely necessary.

Up to 30-40 years of age, it is optimal to use external cosmetics with hyaluronate for preventive purposes. At the same time, you need to remember about protection from UV radiation, the balance of water in the body and the absence of bad habits.

At 40-50, cosmetologists include periodic injections of the substance, subject to the availability of home care with hyaluron.

For people over 50 years of age, injections with this polysaccharide are indicated to replenish it. At the same time, cosmetics with hyaluronate are not the main therapeutic agent, but an auxiliary one, aimed at consolidating the result and maintaining it.

Principles for choosing a product

Various pharmaceutical brands develop and produce a significant number of drugs with hyaluron in tablet form. It is impossible to say which company is better in this case. The choice depends on the availability of additives in products from different manufacturers: some will suit some, and others – others. Moreover, supplements should not cause side effects, in particular allergies. The tablets help in the fight against small wrinkles and in the recovery process after certain cosmetic procedures.

It is also important to understand that a dietary supplement is not a drug, so it is not subject to careful long-term monitoring. This means that you need to buy products from trusted companies with a good reputation - this is a guarantee of higher quality.

How long does the effect last after the injection of hyaluronic acid?

As a result of processing hyaluronic acid, specialists obtain preparations with different densities. How long the acid will work depends on the crosslinking. The denser the drug, the slower it will dissolve.

The durability of HA is usually 6-12 months for denser acids and 3-6 for less dense ones. Pure hyaluronic acid lasts 1-2 days. Therefore, companies always indicate the density and retention period in the instructions.

It is necessary to explain what "retention period" means and differentiate between the retention of acid in the skin and the time at which the effects become visible. Hyaluronic acid, unlike other drugs, is immediately visible. Over time, it dissolves, so the effect seems to “melt away”. The process of HA degradation also depends on the personal predisposition of patients, age and lifestyle.

Production of products based on hyaluronic acid

The artificial production of drugs with hyaluronic acid is aimed at treating diseases such as psoriasis, trophic ulcers, arthritis, burns and eye diseases. Cosmetics based on it are used to care for facial skin.

Initially, hyaluronate was used, obtained from animal organs. However, due to the high protein content, such drugs provoked allergic reactions. Today, the substance is produced by biological synthesis from bacterial cultures. To do this, streptococci are placed in a plant environment and grown. They produce hyaluron. This substance does not contain any protein inclusions, peptides or other additives, so it is perfectly accepted by the human body. Once synthesis is complete, the molecules are joined together. This process is called stabilization. It is necessary for longer storage of the drug. This process produces molecules of different sizes.

Tips for choosing the right product from the pharmacy

Before purchasing an ointment with hyaluronic acid that can delay aging, you must carefully read the composition of the cosmetic product. Perhaps you are allergic to some component.

When choosing a cream, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Study reviews of women who have already used the cream. This allows you to get an overall picture of the effectiveness/uselessness of the product;
  • Study contraindications, possible side effects, recommendations for use;
  • Check the composition for the presence of hyaluronic acid. The composition should contain exactly this component, and not its derivatives. The packaging should say hyaluronic acid. If sodium hyaluronate is indicated, then it is better to refuse such a remedy;
  • Cream with hyaluronic acid should not have a strong odor. Any flavors and fragrances negatively affect the therapeutic properties;
  • The day cream must contain protection against ultraviolet exposure, and the night cream must contain retinol;
  • For the best effect, choose products that contain tocopherol, ascorbic acid, and green tea extract;
  • Check the expiration date.

Advice: before purchasing, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the place of the cream in the rating, where pharmacy offers are distributed by place. The place in the ranking says a lot and helps you get your bearings.


Depending on the length and mass of the molecules, hyaluronic acid is divided into three types: low-, medium- and high-molecular. Each type has its own area of ​​application. The cosmetologist decides which one to choose in each individual case.

Low molecular acid

It is the least effective. The advantage is the ability to penetrate deep into the epidermis and influence the lower layers of the skin. However, such molecules do not hold enough water. The purpose of such products is not to moisturize and heal wounds, but to stimulate the body’s production of “native” hyaluronic acid. Thanks to this, there is a preventive effect against dehydration of the epidermis and aging.

Small molecule hyaluronate is used externally. It is included in tonics, emulsions, serums and creams.

Medium molecular acid

A substance of this type penetrates well into the skin layers, but does not reach the deeper layers. Has a good moisturizing effect and removes fine wrinkles. Products based on it are used externally and internally. More often, masks, tonics, gels and emulsions are made with it for frequent use.

High molecular weight acid

Hyaluron in this form cannot penetrate into the layers of the skin, but it can retain a lot of water, significantly moisturizing and smoothing the epidermis. It also has regenerating and antioxidant properties. Used for surface moisturizing. High molecular weight hyaluronic acid is included in face masks and gels. However, it is mainly used for injections, as it perfectly fills and smoothes out wrinkles.

A selection of the best products with hyaluronic acid

Experts in the field of cosmetology have identified the TOP hyaluronic acid from various manufacturers. The best rating included creams that demonstrated high performance in the following parameters:

  • Safety,
  • Compliance with cost and quality,
  • Benefit,
  • Reviews from users and specialists.


Librederm is a manufacturer of cosmetics based on hyaluronic acid, which is in demand in the CIS. The product has medium thickness, so it is easy to apply and evenly distributed. It also doesn't make you feel greasy. Sold in a bottle with a dispenser. Thanks to it, it is convenient to take the product, and the ingress of dust and foreign substances into the bottle itself is excluded.

The manufacturer positions it as the best filler product that can rejuvenate the skin without injections in a short time. At the same time, the cream contains quite a bit of hyaluronate. In fact, there is a relief from newly formed wrinkles and intense hydration of the skin. The product can be used as a base for make-up. The product masks the signs of fatigue and makes the face look fresh.


Swiss brand Tete produces a product that includes three-dimensional hyaluronate and liposomes. It is aimed at actively combating the signs of aging and preventing the appearance of wrinkles for a long time. Users note that the cream solves all problems, as the manufacturer promises.

The tool has the following parameters:

  1. The active components penetrate as deeply as possible,
  2. The elasticity of the skin is restored,
  3. Pores become smaller
  4. Noticeable rejuvenation
  5. The effects of stress, lack of sleep and fatigue go away.

The cream has a cumulative effect, so it is necessary to take breaks between courses with it. This makes the cost of quite expensive cosmetics completely justified.


This cosmetic product is intended for combination skin; it is ideal when used in winter, when the skin dries out greatly. The cream does not cause a feeling of tightness and does not clog pores. The beneficial properties include evening out facial tone and smoothing out fine wrinkles. You need to apply the cream twice a day. It also has accumulative properties.


The product is used to solve three problems:

  1. Moisturize,
  2. Restore,
  3. Remove wrinkles.

It has the lightest texture, so it does not clog pores, is well absorbed and can be used as a base for makeup. It has a distinct scent, but it disappears soon after application. Some users say it creates an almost invisible film without being greasy.

The cream accelerates cell renewal and stimulates the production of its own hyaluronic acid. When used regularly by women over 30 years of age, it can replace injections. A clear manifestation of rejuvenation is noticeable with prolonged use.


The American brand produces this product for all skin types. It strengthens the skin, fills it with moisture and restores cells. The cream also nourishes the skin and makes it softer, slows down the aging process, hides signs of fatigue, and restores elasticity. It has a fairly high price, but the quality and strong effect of the cosmetic product justify it.


Intended for women over 45 years of age. The cream must be applied every morning to obtain a lifting effect. The product has a light and delicate texture and a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma. Users note the enveloping effect of the cream. He is also capable of:

  • protect from negative external influences,
  • improve skin tone,
  • smooth out wrinkles,
  • correct the contour of the face.

The product slows down aging, retains moisture throughout the day, and heals small wounds.

List of effective creams

There are many ointments with hyaluronic acid sold in pharmacies. Some recommend using the Fillerina line of products - a complex made in Switzerland, containing 6 types of hyaluronic acid. Others advise purchasing L'Oreal Paris RevitaLift or Radevit cream. But the names of the drugs alone don’t say anything, so let’s look at the most popular ones in more detail.

Composition and instructions for use of Sebozol shampoo

Gel Curiosin

The cosmetic product is sold in the form of a gel. The product is used to treat acne and inflammatory diseases of the skin. The active component is hyaluronic acid.

The principle of action of Curiosin against wrinkles:

  1. Hyaluronic acid binds to liquid, filling the wrinkle from the inside.
  2. The product helps normalize metabolism, improves blood circulation in the skin, and stimulates the production of its own collagen.
  3. Additional substances in the composition have anti-inflammatory and healing effects, ensuring rapid restoration of the epidermis.

Expected effect from use: leveling out fine wrinkles, deeply moisturizing the skin, stopping the inflammatory process, narrowing pores. The method of application is quite simple: apply the product to dry and cleansed skin. Frequency – 1-2 times a day.

Possible side effects:

  • Redness at the application sites (a side effect due to a rush of blood);
  • Excessive dry skin;
  • Allergic reaction (itching, burning, angioedema).

No overdose has been reported. Use during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended, since clinical studies on the safety of the drug have not been conducted. The price is 8-9$.

Heparin ointment

The composition contains: heparin, benzocaine, soft paracin, glycerin, sterile water, stearic acid, sunflower oil. The active ingredient is heparin. This substance helps thin the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. It also relieves swelling as it improves the permeability of blood vessels. Heparin ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect.

How does ointment affect the condition of the skin? Many women, waking up in the morning, observe swelling of the eyelids, dark circles under the eyes, and puffiness of the face. In most paintings, this is a consequence of an incorrect lifestyle - bad eating habits, non-compliance with the drinking regime. The swelling goes away by lunchtime, and wrinkles appear in their place.

Heparin fights precisely such wrinkles, relieves puffiness, eliminates bags under the eyes, and improves skin condition. The ointment is quickly absorbed, does not cause a sticky feeling, and works at the level of blood vessels. Can be applied to sensitive skin around the eyes. Cosmetologists note that heparin ointment helps well against spider veins, but only with prolonged use.

Worth knowing: Heparin ointment is recommended to be used only on days when swelling and dark circles appear under the eyes. Apply to clean skin, including the area around the eyes. Leave for 20 minutes, after which you can use a regular cosmetic cream. The ointment is used up to 3 times a week.

Heparin ointment against facial and deep wrinkles is an ineffective remedy; it does not help to cope with the problem; it is better to pay attention to other creams.

Ointment Radevit

A combined drug with regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties. The product enhances the protective functions of the skin, helps normalize the processes of keratinization of the skin, moisturizes and softens the skin. The drug is used to treat many skin diseases; it does not contain hormonal substances, which allows use regardless of medical history.

Instructions for the use of Taktivin injections and analogues

The product helps get rid of wrinkles. To do this, you need to apply the cream 1-2 times a day. To achieve the desired effect, Radevit must be used for a long period of time - at least one month.


  1. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. Excess retinol in the body.

There are no side effects. When using the cream against the background of an acute form of the inflammatory process, the following negative phenomena are possible: hyperemia of the skin, increased swelling, and development of pain. Reviews of Radevit ointment are positive and negative - some women praise the drug, others did not notice any results.

Gel Pectilift

This product is recommended for the care of mature skin. To get rid of wrinkles, the cream is applied to the skin of the face in a thin layer. Frequency of application – once a day. After 15 minutes, the product is washed off with running water, and a moisturizing gel is applied. Duration of use is two weeks, after which they take a break.

Effects of using Pectilift gel:

  • Evens out shallow wrinkles, improves the condition of the skin;
  • Tightens the facial contour, tones;
  • Strengthens the synthesis of its own collagen and hyaluronic acid;
  • Reduces the pathological activity of the sebaceous glands, narrows pores;
  • Accelerates the process of renewal of the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • Accelerates the process of exfoliation of “dead” skin particles;
  • Stops the inflammatory process;
  • Protects skin from adverse environmental influences.

Please note: Pectilift gel is easy to apply and quickly absorbed; it contains no preservatives, flavors, fragrances, or hormonal substances. The drug does not lead to the development of negative effects, there are no contraindications.

Mostly there are favorable reviews. It is noted that the gel smooths out wrinkles, improves complexion, and makes the skin younger. The positive effect is observed after several applications and lasts for a fairly long period of time.


Cosmetology has been using hyaluronic acid for a long time. For this, two methods are used: external and injection. In the first case, these are home care products, and in the second, serums for injections, which are made only by a cosmetologist. Injections are already the prerogative of medicine in the fight against aging.

At home

At home you can use the following products:

  1. Powder for dilution – pure hyaluron,
  2. Hyaluronate serum,
  3. Ready-made solutions, monogels,
  4. Creams, gels, tonics, lotions and other cosmetics based on hyaluronic acid.

A noticeable effect can only be obtained with regular use of such products.

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