Take note: how to quickly tidy up your face at home

Perhaps every girl dreams of perfect facial skin. Clean, smooth, radiant with health. And often it seems to us that achieving this is unrealistic. But, fortunately, this is not the case! Ideal skin requires effort: changing your diet, lifestyle, using the right cosmetics for care and many other conditions. However, the result is worth the time and effort! We have put together a few simple rules for facial care that will help you get noticeably closer to the skin of your dreams:

Use scrubs with caution.

Scrubs are a well-known tool for perfect skin. However, a scrub with large particles of irregular, pointed shape can significantly damage delicate skin. You should be especially careful when choosing a scrub not only for sensitive, but also for problematic facial skin, which also needs gentle cleansing. Give preference to delicate scrubs and peels, such as the 5-in-1 Perfect Skin Product. Small scrubbing particles, charcoal in its composition and the versatility of this product make it simply an indispensable assistant!

How to quickly get your face in order

Sooner or later, this situation happens to any woman: complete exhaustion after work or household chores, and in the evening some kind of party or celebration is expected. Standing near the stove all day - what kind of beauty can we talk about? And what to do in such a situation, when there is no more strength, no time, and appearance - it’s better not to say?

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  1. Eye masks: advice from a cosmetologist
  2. Masks based on parsley leaves
  3. Tea based masks
  4. Effective masks for the eye area

In this case, you can use express masks that you can prepare yourself at home. It doesn’t take much time, and in return you get a beautiful and charming appearance.

Normal facial skin will be helped to tone by an ordinary mask, which contains walnuts - 5 pieces, butter - 1 teaspoon and honey - the same amount. Honey should only be added to those who are not allergic to it. The nuts are crushed using a coffee grinder and then ground with butter. This is followed by the addition of honey and yolk. The mask is mixed and applied to the face. It helps nourish and soften the skin.

Oily facial skin will become toned after a mask of a teaspoon of yeast, a tablespoon of juice obtained from sauerkraut and half a teaspoon of camphor oil. Yeast is mixed with cabbage juice, after which camphor oil is added. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin for a third of an hour.

Dry skin will look better, softer and cleaner, after a mask of a teaspoon of beeswax, yolk, cognac and lemon juice. The wax is melted and mixed with the remaining ingredients. To apply the mask to your face, use a brush. It is washed off after a quarter of an hour.

If the skin on your face is problematic , then you can use the following express mask to cleanse and tone it: rice (a tablespoon) is poured with boiling water (three tablespoons), after which the dish is covered with a lid. After two hours of infusion, the water is drained. Fresh cabbage, previously minced through a meat grinder, is mixed with rice. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour, washed off with warm water, after which the face is rinsed with cool water.

To save dry, chapped skin, apply warm castor oil to cotton wool. Cotton wool is applied to the skin, and parchment paper is placed on top, in which slits are made for the eyes, lips and nose. In order to keep the heat longer, another layer of cotton wool is applied on top, only dry. If after removing the mask there are residual oils, you should use a cotton swab to remove them. After such a mask, damaged skin will be nourished and toned.

An express mask, which will not only whiten the skin, but also improve complexion, consists of yolk, lemon juice, cognac, three percent hydrogen peroxide - a teaspoon each. The yolk is beaten, and then all other components are added to it; after mixing, the mask is applied using a brush. After the mask has dried, a second layer is applied. You need to keep this mask for fifteen minutes.

And if dark circles or swelling appear under the eyes, cotton pads soaked in green tea will save the situation. They are applied to the eyelids for a quarter of an hour. See the publication: how to get rid of bags under the eyes

Using these methods, you can look great if there is very little time left before guests arrive.

And to lift your spirits, see how you can do makeup in 1 minute

This may be interesting to you

  1. Daily facial cleansing routine
  2. Stages of facial skin cleansing
  3. How to cleanse the skin on your face at home
  4. Methods for deep skin cleansing
  5. Cleaning procedures using special equipment
  6. Diet to keep your skin clear
  7. Cosmetics for cleansing facial skin
  8. Bonus Recipe for deep facial cleansing for 1 procedure

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Use creams with spf protection.

We need sun protection creams not only in the summer, but also at any other time of the year when going outside. Ultraviolet rays have an adverse effect on the skin, causing the appearance of premature wrinkles and age spots. Creams with a light thickening effect, such as BB-cream Ideal Skin with 10 spf protection, will help protect your skin from troubles.

The main thing to remember:

Ideal skin is, first of all, your good mood and properly selected facial care products. Clean Line has developed lines of cosmetics with natural ingredients that meet the individual needs of different skin types.

Little makeup secrets

  • Revive your daytime makeup. If you have very little time before the holiday, do not wash off your makeup to reapply your makeup. Spray your face with thermal water and pat dry with a soft cloth. Powder your face and apply shiny lipstick to your lips. Makeup is ready!
  • Create the perfect tone. Apply moisturizer to your face and once it is absorbed, use loose powder. Use a large soft brush - the complexion will be even, and oily shine and enlarged pores will disappear.
  • Just like in Hollywood. If you're in a hurry, skip the eyeshadow. Quickly coat your lashes with long-lasting mascara and apply a drop of clear gloss to the middle of your eyelid.
  • The flickering glow of candles. Mix a little blush with golden powder and apply to your cheeks with a wide brush. Your skin will glow as if illuminated by candlelight.
  • Exactly 10 years younger. The first thing that shows age and fatigue is the sad folds around the lips. Tap a concealer with reflective particles into the corners of your lips - it will hide wrinkles and make your smile radiant.
  • Eyes wide open. To visually enlarge your eyes, apply a little glitter eyeshadow to the center of the upper eyelid and to the inner and outer corners of the eyes. Or you can highlight the entire upper eyelid with shiny shadows, giving up eyeliner.
  • Place accents. Dip a thin brush into the powder eyeshadow and draw one line along the upper eyelid. It's much easier than using eyeliner: you don't have to strive for a perfectly straight line.
  • A remedy for fatigue. Reddened eyes ruin all our efforts to be beautiful! To camouflage redness, apply light-reflecting concealer to the upper eyelid, the outer corners of the eyes, and under the highest points of the eyebrows.
  • Is red lipstick too much? Do you think that bright scarlet color is too bright and provocative? Try a rich brownish tint; these colors are no less sophisticated, but softer and more delicate.

Fast installation

  • Accessories. Festive hair clips and headbands with rhinestones will instantly transform your hairstyle. But remember: if you choose a flashy hair accessory, the earrings should be small.
  • Don't have time to curl? Twist only a few strands with curling irons - at the back and front. Then apply volumizing mousse and scrunch your hair with your fingers.
  • No clue. If there is absolutely no time left to create a festive hairstyle, gather your hair in a ponytail, carefully smoothing it from the sides using gel. Spray your hair with glitter hairspray.
  • Enchanting volume. Curl your hair in large rollers and spray with strong hold hairspray. Then dry for a minute with the hairdryer on high. Gently remove the curlers and comb your hair with your fingers. To ensure volume lasts all night, spray hairspray at the roots of your hair.
  • Magic scarf. You can visually lengthen your hair and create a festive look with the help of a bright silk scarf. Pull your hair into a ponytail and tie the ends with a scarf. If your hair is medium length, tie a scarf around your head, leaving the ends loose at the side (20s style).
  • Disheveled strands. When you don’t have time to use a hairdryer, spray the stray strands with water from the spray and pin them with bobby pins. While you are doing household chores and getting ready, the styling will take the desired shape.
  • Make a chignon. Twist the tail with a “rope”, wrap it around the base and pin it with hairpins. A slight mess is welcome - stray strands will give your hair a careless chic.
  • Don't have time to wash your hair? It's okay, yesterday's hairstyle will hold its shape even better today. Simply rub a small amount of talcum powder into your roots, lower your head down and comb your hair thoroughly.
  • Short hair. Styling will not take you more than 3 minutes if you use styling wax. Just warm a pea of ​​wax in your palms, lower your head down and tousle your hair. Then comb your hair and spray with hairspray.

The role of proper nutrition in skin care

Proper nutrition is the basis for the whole body as a whole. After all, vitamins and minerals, healthy acids and fats enter the blood through the intestines.

At the age of 40, you need to change your usual diet and pay attention to the following foods:

  1. Vegetable oils such as flaxseed, hemp, olive - they are rich in vitamins and do not accumulate excess fat.
  2. It is beneficial to eat fatty fish - it is a source of large amounts of vitamin D and group B, Omega-3 fatty acids and selenium.
  3. From the age of 35, the female body produces less of the phytoestrogen hormone, which is responsible for beauty and youth. Flax seeds or oil, legumes, and tomatoes will help compensate for its deficiency.
  4. Be sure to increase the amount of vegetables and fruits.
  5. An important product for women's youth is soy.
  6. It is beneficial for women to consume fermented milk products, 1% fat cottage cheese, and yogurt.
  7. It is better to reduce your coffee intake, as well as very strong tea.
  8. You should completely avoid fast foods and sweet carbonated water.

You shouldn’t start sudden active diets after 40 years, this will affect the condition of the skin. The skin begins to sag and if you do not introduce physical exercise into your daily routine, there will be no positive effect.

It is important not to abuse alcohol and tobacco products, get good sleep and maintain hormonal balance. Therefore, proper nutrition when caring for your skin will help not only maintain beauty, but also overall health.

Removing marks under the eyes using potatoes and a spoon

If, in addition to the dull color of the dermis, there are also swelling and bruises under the eyes, and you are asking the question: “How to tidy up your face?”, use potatoes.

Boil it in its jacket, cool until warm, peel and crush it, then add a spoonful of sour cream to the potato mixture.

This product should be applied to the lower eyelids and the skin around the eyes.

You need to hold it for 15-20 minutes, after which rinse with warm water.

This potato mixture relieves puffiness of the eyelids, smoothes out fine wrinkles, and also removes dark circles under the eyes.

You can also use the following proven method to tidy up your face:

• take 2 tablespoons;

• chill them in the freezer;

• then apply these devices to your eyelids;

• and after 2 minutes remove.

After this procedure, the bags under the eyes will disappear, and the skin will noticeably smooth out. In parallel with using these products, you can also apply a face mask.

Also, you can perform facial gymnastics as in the picture below to consolidate the effect.

Before the holiday begins

5 things to do in advance

Hair. Don’t rely on chance: make an appointment at the salon in advance - about 2-3 weeks before the holidays. Do not make an appointment on the last day of the outgoing year; usually at this time hairdressers are in a hurry and will not be able to pay enough attention to you. Besides, if you don’t like the hairstyle, there will be no time to correct the result.

Nails. If you don't have enough time, skip the holiday manicure: there is a high chance that your nails will lose their appearance before the holiday. But it’s worth signing up for a pedicure: the effect of this procedure lasts for at least 2 weeks, and all you have to do is apply a fresh coat of varnish to your nails. And well-groomed feet in open shoes will create an instant feeling of celebration.

Epilation. If you use an epilator or remove hair with wax strips, do not put it off until the last day. The skin may become irritated. In addition, the pain will be much less when you are relaxed and not in a hurry.

Eyelashes. Try professional eyelash extensions. During the procedure, artificial eyelashes are attached using a special gel either to your own eyelashes or between them (to add volume).

A tan. Start using self-tanning cream a few weeks before the holiday - the golden shade will be more even and intense.

Be the prom queen from head to toe

  • Cold and hot shower. Take a shower at normal temperature, ending with a cool stream. Cold water perfectly tones the skin and fills hair with shine. Rub your body with a gentle scrub and immediately after shower apply moisturizer.
  • Has the skin on your feet become dry? This may be a consequence of hair removal or simply winter vitamin deficiency. Immediately after a shower, apply a little baby oil to still damp skin; it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes without causing irritation even on the most sensitive skin.
  • Attention, elbows! Very often we forget to take care of our elbows. Scrub your elbows with a scrub or loofah, then apply a rich cream for very dry skin. Chapped elbows may also indicate a lack of nutrients - add more vitamins A, B and E to your diet.

Ideal facial skin without acne and blackheads. Life without acne. 7 steps to healthy skin

Many people think that. Indeed, according to statistics, 85–90% of young people aged 15 to 25 years have chronic acne. However, in 10–12% the disease continues beyond this age.

Acne has 4 stages.

Often, increased acne is provoked by endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, psychological overload, decreased immune defense of the body, infectious diseases, and foci of inflammation. Therefore, dermatologists often refer their patients with acne to a gastroenterologist, immunologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist or dentist.

Fighting deep wrinkles

Deep wrinkles are a clear sign of old age. They occur when the synthesis of collagen and elastin is reduced and the activity of connective tissue cells decreases. Dermatologists will tell you how to care for your skin after 40 years and smooth out wrinkles.

The fact is that for deep wrinkles it is no longer enough to simply use cream, but I would like to preserve the youth of my face. In this case, injection and hardware therapy methods are used:

  1. Botulinum therapy (Botox) is a neurotoxin; it blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscle, and it stops contracting, and the wrinkle is smoothed out.
  2. Contour plastic surgery involves the use of gel preparations and hyaluronic acid. They are injected into the deep layers of the skin, thereby adding volume and smoothing out wrinkles.
  3. Plasma therapy is a shallow injection of the patient’s own blood plasma under the patient’s skin, this eliminates signs of skin aging and provides a lifting effect.

Hardware methods are an ideal solution for those who are afraid of the consequences of injections or have contraindications; they are no less effective and safe. Often used by cosmetologists are thermal lifting and laser resurfacing.

The main thing is calm and good mood

  • Peace of mind in the palms of your hands. Surely you are familiar with the feeling of overwhelming fatigue that you can no longer resist. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and lightly press your palms onto your eyelids. Sit in this position for a few minutes and allow your eyes to rest in darkness and peace. Then slowly open your eyes.
  • With double effect. The night before the holiday, try to get enough sleep - in the evening, drink a cup of not too hot herbal tea (infusion of chamomile, motherwort or valerian). Before going to bed, massage your feet with moisturizer and put on warm socks. This will help you relax and you will sleep better than usual. This means you will look just great the next morning.
  • Under cool water. If you are irritated, try a simple meditation: imagine that you are lying on the bottom, and clear, cool, blue water is swaying above you, through which the rays of the sun shine through. Close your eyes, immerse yourself in the water for a few minutes and feel calm.
  • Magic of color. Purple color, experts say, calms and has a beneficial effect on the psyche and encourages communication. And besides, it is very relevant this winter. White color is also known for its ability to bring harmony.
  • Imagine a golden thread. When we are tired, tension tends to accumulate in the shoulders and neck. Imagine that there is a golden thread running through your neck and spine that is pulling you up like a puppet. With a good imagination, your shoulders will immediately relax.
  • Wash down alcohol with water. Make it a rule: after each glass of alcohol you need to drink two glasses of still water. This will save the body from dehydration and prevent you from drinking too much alcohol.
  • Refresh yourself before the holiday. Before going to a party, eat natural yogurt with bifidobacteria. This will help the stomach cope with fatty and difficult to digest foods.
  • A cup of green tea. Devote five minutes to drinking tea - turn off the TV, take a break from household chores and just enjoy the taste of tea. This will not only help you escape from the New Year's bustle, but will also tone your body. And the antioxidants this drink is rich in will help you cope with stress and the consequences of a sleepless night. Do not rush to pour out the remaining tea leaves - wash your face with it before applying moisturizer. Your face will look fresher.
  • Recharge your batteries. In winter, our body lacks the microelements and vitamins that we get from regular food in the summer. Therefore, now it is necessary to take Dietary Supplements and additional vitamins, especially if you feel weak. Vitamin B will help your brain work actively and give you strength. Vitamin C neutralizes free radicals and helps the body resist infections. Be sure to take a vitamin complex after meals to avoid the consequences of a violent feast.
  • Eastern techniques. Yoga and breathing exercises are a great way to relax. They won’t take up a lot of energy, but will help the body quickly restore strength and prepare for a sleepless night. Sit in a comfortable position and concentrate entirely on your breathing - breathe deeply, feeling the air inside. Throw away obsessive thoughts and imagine how, together with the air, your body is filled with the energy of life, health, youth and beauty. Then stand up and stretch well. Do several side bends, rotate your neck and arms, and stretch your feet. Then lie on the floor for a few minutes, allowing your body to completely relax.
  • Surround yourself with scent. Light aromatic candles with the scent of cinnamon, vanilla or lavender, use your favorite perfume - and an atmosphere of calm is guaranteed. Soak a handkerchief with a few drops of aromatic oil and keep it handy in case of stress.
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