How to get rid of expression wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead, near the mouth?

Wrinkles on your face are evidence of how you lived: you laughed, you were sad, you loved, you hated. In the body-positive world, it is customary to treat them tolerantly; movie and show business stars, one after another, confess their love for their creases, folds and grooves. But let's not lie: these reminders of age are not for everyone. And if your mood spoils from looking in the mirror, and the reasons for this are wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, on the forehead, chin and cheeks, deep creases at the bridge of the nose and nasolabial wrinkles - you are reading the right article. We will understand the causes of wrinkles, their types, formation mechanisms and tell you how to get rid of them at home. Believe me, this is a feasible task. The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing methods for correcting wrinkles.

What are wrinkles

Wrinkles are one of the most obvious markers of skin aging. They are visible creases, folds of skin and grooves that appear due to spasticity of facial muscles, disruption of lymph flow, and also due to damage and rupture of the connecting elastic fibers of collagen and elastin (key elements of human skin responsible for youth). The first signs of aging appear at 25 years of age. At first, wrinkles are thin and invisible, then they become deeper, transforming into creases and folds. Wrinkles are most noticeable on the face, neck and arms.

Wrinkles are divided into dynamic (these are expression wrinkles that appear in places with active facial expressions) and static, associated with age-related changes in the skin.

Therefore, they are not always a sign of age and the result of a natural process of metabolic disorder. They can also be observed in those who have overly active facial expressions.

Everywhere, the problem of wrinkles is aggravated by bad habits and poor lifestyle. It is curious that almost a quarter of women have skin that looks older than their age. To avoid being one of them, memorize the causes of wrinkles and adjust your habits.

Is it possible to do without injections?

You can see cosmetics “with the Botox effect” on sale. It is assumed that they can replace injections, but, unfortunately, miracles do not happen: creams and serums act only on the superficial layers of the epidermis, without penetrating deeper.

The effect of smoothing the skin can be achieved through hydration, but in most cases this is not enough to get rid of pronounced expression lines.

The effect of botulinum toxin injections can be prolonged if you follow the recommendations of a cosmetologist and use special pharmacy cosmetics.

It is also unlikely that you will be able to hide the defect with the help of makeup. On the contrary, a thick layer of makeup will only emphasize the folds. For this reason, it is better to eliminate wrinkles rather than try to disguise them.

Causes of wrinkles

Wrinkles have internal causes

associated with the characteristics of the organism. It is either difficult or impossible to influence them. These include:

  • Genetic predisposition of the skin to early aging.
  • Hormonal disorders: with a lack of female sex hormones estrogen, the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid is reduced.
  • Skin tends to be dry or oily.
  • Excessively active facial expressions.

External reasons

The appearance of wrinkles is numerous, and everything can be influenced.


Massage is another preventive measure against wrinkles. Massaging your face daily with your fingertips for 5-7 minutes will help improve blood circulation in the skin, strengthening and making it more elastic.

However, the most important preventive measure that can slow down skin aging will be the right lifestyle: taking care of your health in general, proper sleep and wakefulness, a proper balanced diet, physical activity, and performing gymnastics for the body and face.

TOP-10 external causes of wrinkles

  1. Smoking
    Oxygen deficiency and excess nicotine impair blood microcirculation, reduce the body's antioxidant capabilities and make the skin dull and rough.
  2. Alcohol
    causes the body to lose water, which makes the skin dehydrated, dull and wrinkled. The level of vitamin A, an antioxidant necessary for collagen production, decreases.
  3. Lack of
    sleep The skin does not have time to recover overnight; hormonal reactions are provoked that worsen the condition of the skin.
  4. Fanatical tanning
    Passion for sunbathing, and even without UV protection, leads to photoaging - changes in the skin due to its constant damage from the sun's rays.
  5. Bad air
    Dry and cold air, wind, and dust damage your skin. It suffers especially greatly from dry indoor air during the heating season.
  6. Lack of movement
    Without physical activity, metabolism and blood supply to the skin and muscles deteriorate.
  7. Poor nutrition
    Obesity, exhausting diets, sudden weight loss lead to early skin aging. Smoked, fatty, salty, sweet foods are harmful. And caffeine is a substance that insidiously steals natural moisture from the skin. And also the love of sweets, which causes glycoaging (so-called “sugar wrinkles”) - sugar glues collagen fibers together, and this process is irreversible.
  8. Improper sleep
    When a person sleeps on his stomach, with his face buried in a pillow, he deprives certain areas of the face of normal blood circulation.
  9. Water deficiency
    Lack of simple drinking water, which quickly enters the skin cells, provokes aging and wrinkles.
  10. Incorrect cosmetic care
    Some cosmetics dry out the skin, which slows down the renewal process. This is especially true for cleansing and bleaching products. At the same time, the stratum corneum of the skin needs cleansing for subsequent renewal, so a balance between cleansing and moisturizing is necessary. Abuse of washes, scrubs, masks, peelings is harmful.

This TOP 10 causes of wrinkles is a tip for those who want to prevent the problem or fight it. Adjust your lifestyle according to each of these points. Give up bad habits, train yourself to sleep on your back and get enough sleep, move more, drink plain water, be careful with the sun, and finally buy a humidifier. And don't forget to watch your facial expressions. Don't frown, don't squint, don't wrinkle your forehead!

How to maintain the effect for a long time

As we have already found out, the effect of Botox and its analogues lasts only for a few months. If you carefully follow your doctor’s recommendations, you can forget about wrinkles for a longer period.

To do this, in the first 5-7 days after injections you should avoid:

  • Thermal procedures (this includes visiting a bathhouse, sauna, solarium, warming masks, drying hair with a hairdryer, staying in hot rooms or in the sun);
  • Intense sports;
  • Massage;
  • Any cosmetic procedures;
  • Drinking alcohol;
  • Eating hot, spicy food.

It is advisable even after the expiration of two weeks to avoid physical activity and heating the treated areas - this reduces the effect of the procedure. For those who play sports professionally, botulinum toxin injections are not recommended for this very reason.

It is especially important to follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations on the first day after administration of the drug. For at least several hours, you should not take a horizontal position, touch the treated areas with your hands, or drink alcohol. It is not recommended to actively frown your eyebrows, wrinkle your forehead, or squint your eyes - unless the attending physician asks for it. Taking a number of medications is prohibited.

If you follow all the rules, you can get rid of facial wrinkles for at least several months. Subsequently, injections are repeated if necessary.

Mechanisms of wrinkle formation

The four main components of youthful skin, contained in the outer layer of the skin (epidermis), are collagen, elastin, certain fats and water. The strength and elasticity of the skin depends on them. Let's explain in more detail.

Collagen and elastin are protein fibers that are the main components of the epidermis. In young skin they are constantly renewed, which ensures its elasticity. And then they become damaged or ruptured and accumulate in the skin, causing lines to appear. It all starts with small and imperceptible grooves, which then turn into deep and hanging folds. Also, with age, the ability of molecules to retain moisture decreases, causing the skin to lose its smoothness.

A deeper reason for the appearance of wrinkles is spasms (hypertonicity) of the muscles of the face, head, and neck. A spasmed muscle is a muscle that has become shorter, and because of this the skin has folded into an accordion.

Let's look at the problem piece by piece.

Wrinkles on the forehead

Horizontal folds on the forehead are the result of hypertonicity in the following areas.

  1. Spasms of the occipital and frontal muscles,
    which work in pairs. The frontalis muscle moves with the help of the occipital muscle and pulls the scalp back, raising the eyebrows.
  2. Stiff, edematous aponeurosis of the head.
    The capitis aponeurosis is a tendinous structure that covers the top of the skull; the frontal, occipital and supracranial muscles of the head are woven into it. And this tendon helmet, which moves the scalp over the skull bone, must be mobile and elastic!
  3. Spasm of the masticatory muscles.
    It pulls the temporomandibular joint and causes tissue to move to the middle of the forehead and the appearance of vertical creases.


Vertical folds and horizontal creases between the eyebrows are the result of hypertonicity in the following areas.

  1. The muscle of the proud.
    Shifts the eyebrows towards the bridge of the nose and forms vertical folds.
  2. Pyramidal muscle.
    Lowers the central part of the forehead and forms horizontal creases.
  3. Stiffened edematous aponeurosis of the head
    (tendon helmet). Leads to sliding of all the tissues of the upper part of the face down.
  4. Spasm of the masticatory muscles.
    Leads to tissue migration to the center of the forehead.
  5. Spasms of the neck muscles:
    trapezius (located in the front) and occipital. They make the forehead “accordion-like”.


Hypertonicity of a whole group of muscles is to blame for the formation of nasolabial folds: the zygomatic major and minor muscles, the cheek muscles, the chin muscles, the orbicularis oris muscle, the masticatory muscles, and the lateral muscles of the nose. A deep nasolabial fold always originates at the wings of the nose. A spasm of the lateral muscles of the nose (located vertically on the sides of the nose) seems to lift the lip and form creases from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth, “drawing” a disgusted expression on the face. But you need to start solving the problem by correcting your posture: that’s where what begins to lead to all musculoskeletal deformities of the face. Then you should work on the facial muscles, especially the chewing muscles. And consolidate the result by working with the thoracic region and platysma (collar muscle lining the upper chest, neck and lower face).

Crow's feet

Wrinkles in the eye area are associated with the work of the orbicularis oculi muscle and a number of other muscles of the face, head, neck, and shoulder region. Hypertonicity of the masticatory and temporal muscles, and the occipital muscle is especially harmful. A spasm of the temporal muscle pulls the outer edge of the eyebrow and the corner of the eye down, which creates the effect of a “Pierrot mask.”

Cosmetic masks

The most effective preventative measure in the fight against wrinkles is masks. They are the ones who can prevent the formation of wrinkles by having a positive effect on the surface and deep layers of the skin.

Masks improve the condition of the skin, delaying the formation of wrinkles. Masks have an even greater effect if you alternate them. It must be remembered that before using the mask, the face must be cleaned by washing or wiping with a special lotion or milk. You should not leave the mask on your face; applying it for 15 minutes will be enough. Masks containing oil should be removed from the face with a damp swab; all others can be easily washed off with water.

Main types of skin aging

Faces age differently and wrinkles attack them differently. Some people have small wrinkles, others have deep ones. For some, all over the face, for others in certain areas. Moreover, there are people (mostly men, less often women) with well-developed facial muscles. Their skin remains smooth for a long, long time, and then within a couple of years it wrinkles like an apricot.

Understanding the types of facial skin aging

and find ourselves:

  1. finely wrinkled
    (baked apple)

    A thin woman with dry, thin skin. The corners of the eyes and lips, the forehead begin to become covered with wrinkles early (at 20-25 years old), but they are mostly small. Pros: clear oval face, no sagging skin on the cheekbones and eye area.

  2. Deformation
    (bulldog cheeks)

    An overweight woman with oily or combination skin. The skin swells and becomes flabby, the oval of the face is blurred, bags under the eyes and nasolabial folds, a double chin and folds on the neck appear. Pros: There are few wrinkles on the face.

  3. Combined
    (combo of fine wrinkle and deformation types)

    A woman of normal or full build with combination skin. The skin of the face loses its elasticity and becomes covered with wrinkles. This is the most common type of aging.

  4. Tired face
    A woman of thin or average build with normal or combination skin. Age-related changes are not noticeable and are best amenable to correction. Few wrinkles: tear groove (under the lower eyelid), nasolabial folds. Decreased muscle tone: dull skin, drooping corners of the eyes and lips. Slight swelling.
  5. Muscular
    Woman with dry and normal skin. Facial muscles are well developed. The skin lately ceases to be smooth and elastic. Wrinkles appear around the eyes, nasolabial folds, parallel furrows on the forehead, and the corners of the lips droop. The oval of the face does not lose its clarity.


Cosmetologists classify different types of wrinkles depending on:

  • Locations, or localizations - in the forehead, between the eyebrows, around the eyes and mouth, on the cheekbones, on the neck and in the décolleté area.
  • Stages of development, or depth of occurrence. They can be superficial, middle or deep.
  • Directions. There are horizontal and vertical grooves.
  • Manifestations. Dynamic wrinkles are visually noticeable only when the facial muscles are tense, while static wrinkles do not disappear even when the dermis is relaxed.
  • Mechanism of education. Mimic wrinkles are formed in areas responsible for the expression of emotions, gravitational wrinkles arise as a result of sagging tissues from the effects of gravity, age-related wrinkles cover a significant part of the epidermis as a consequence of chronoaging.

How to get rid of wrinkles at home

Think a hundred times before injecting fillers into your forehead or nasolabial area. By creating a temporary decorative effect, you will not solve the problem: you will not relieve muscle spasms, you will not straighten your spine, you will not improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Agree, it’s ridiculous to make gold stucco on a crumbling shack. The comparison is crude, but convincing.

Believe me, wrinkles can be reduced NATURALLY! Verified. This is especially true for girls with a steely character. With REGULAR care you can achieve amazing results.


They appear over the entire surface of the skin in deep maturity. Such wrinkles are caused by age-related depletion and inevitable damage to the collagen-elastin framework.

What to do? Regularly moisturize and nourish the skin. And also do peelings, including medium and deep (in a salon setting). If there are no contraindications, you can include retinol in your care.

These recommendations will delay the appearance of deep age wrinkles to the maximum: How not to turn into an old woman ahead of time.

Natural cosmetic

We hope it is already obvious to everyone that no creams or masks can smooth out wrinkles if you do not fight the root of the problem and remove muscle tension. But in combination with facial gymnastics, properly selected skin care will help remove fine wrinkles and reduce deep ones.

We advise you to pay attention to natural remedies that fight wrinkles. We check that there are eggs, milk, cream, and kefir in the refrigerator. We buy carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, lemons, bananas, and grapefruits from the vegetable gardener. Honey, oils, cereals, yeast, and various herbs (chamomile, mint, yarrow, etc.) will also be useful. And we mix (of course, we focus on recipes). The simplest options for anti-wrinkle masks are cucumber slices or a gauze napkin soaked in strongly brewed green tea. Keep on face for 20-30 minutes. Don’t forget to cleanse your skin before the mask, and after the procedure, apply a nourishing and moisturizing cream.

For oils, we recommend trying Beauty 365's Squalane (light sugarcane oil), which is rich in vitamins and nutrients. It smoothes out small wrinkles on the face, just apply it with massage movements, or even better, do a massage with it using Beauty 365 vacuum MIRACLE cans. They erase wrinkles like an eraser: they increase blood flow and launch the process of elastin and collagen production!

Do you want something unusual? Try the Beauty 365 Relaxing Eye Pad. This pad contains flax seeds, which when heated gently release an oil that helps fight wrinkles. Bonus: the scent of lavender that fills the pillow.

The role of proper nutrition in skin care

Proper nutrition is the basis for the healthy functioning of the body. After all, vitamins and minerals, essential acids and fats penetrate into the bloodstream through the intestines.

At 35 years old, you need to change your usual diet and consume more of the following foods:

  1. Vegetable oils from flax, hemp, olive - they are enriched with vitamins and do not allow the accumulation of fat deposits.
  2. Fatty fish. Enriches the body with vitamin D and B vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids and Se.
  3. Beans, tomatoes, flax seeds. From the age of 35, a woman’s body produces less phytoestrogen (female hormone), which is responsible for beauty and youth. These products replenish the hormone deficiency.
  4. Fruit and vegetable products. Source of vitamins and nutrients.
  5. Soy. Indispensable for preventing aging of the body.
  6. Fermented milk products, cottage cheese 1%, natural yogurt.

But it is correct to avoid strong alcoholic and carbonated drinks, limit the consumption of coffee and very strong tea. Soda and fast food are not recommended at all.

You should not go on mono-diets after 35 years, as this negatively affects the condition of the dermis. The skin will be flabby, sagging, and if you don’t exercise, the result will not be pleasing.

It is important not to abuse alcohol, stop smoking, get enough sleep and maintain hormone balance. Therefore, proper nutrition is the path to beauty and health for a woman.

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